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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1943, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 28, < . - . 8TH LINE OSPREY Miss Didge Madden of Toronto spent a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. N. Moisin of Colling- wood visited with friends here on Satorday. Messrs. Joe and Gordon Moisin uf Buffalo, N.Y., were recent callers on our line. Miss D. Madden spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. O'Brien at Mildmay. Misses Kay and Helen Somers spent the past two -weeks with their brothers at Banks. Mrs. Armstrong of Collingwooc spent a few days with her broth*;'. Mr. J. Ottewell, arxT family. Mr. Mervin Somers of Brantforc spent the past week at his home. We watch with interest the news flashes from Italy these davs. The downfall of Mussolini mav mean very momentous changes in the course of the war. A bull on the farm of J. Ottewel! became infuriated one dav last week, and for some exciting moments be- came "monarch of all he aerveyed. Mr. Ottewell and Mr. Kendall Hawk- ins were both somewhat injured In the attempt to subdue the animal. Mr. Otteiwell wisely disposed of him on Monday. (Intended for L*si Week) Mr. John Flynn of Vandeleur spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Alex. Poster, who, wie are pleased to re- port, is recovering from her severe illness. Mr. Jas. MoPherson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oaborne of Mark- dale -were week en j visitors with Mr. arfd Mrs. J. Ottewell and Dolly. MUs Jean Ottewell is at present in Markdale hospital, where she will have an operation for appendicitis. Born At " Fern Glen, Ont., on July 14. to Mr and Bfrs. W. Soraers, j. ^laughter. Mr. Jim Wright of Collimrwood was "a caller on this line Monday. Mrs. P. J. Somers and NBomi apen 1 Thursday and Friday of last week with the former's aunt, Mrs. W. F. Orr. in Orangeyille. Again the political pot is boiling and our politicians are holdine meet- ing* and broadcasting, as usual. This is interesting, as well as in- structive, until it comes to personal slander. There it becomes degrad- inc- and not at all interesting to those who are really concerned about the welfare of the country,, regardless of what party holds tfi reins. Let us vote according to our consciences ! STANDARD BRED STALLION King Abdell Reg. No. LEK 499146 Will stand at his own stable at Flesherton for the season of 1943. .Fee $10 at stable. Arrangements can be made to take him out. Fee 4 mile.' from Flesherton $12; over that dis- tance $15. HAROLD BEST phone 79w Fleshertcn, Ont. FARM FOR SALE South hakf of Lota 36 and 27, Con- session 14, Artemesia, known ac Mountain View Farm, on County Highway three miles north of Boeren- ia and two and one half miles from Kimberly in Bearer Valley. Contains 103 acres, 75 acres cleared for Mach- inery, balance in wood and pasture. Good frame house with hard water in kitchen also food cistern ia base- ment. B*rn 44 .by 4 with basement, Driving shed, aen house, pig- pen aa4 root cellar attached, garage and cheap pen separate. Well in stable ateo and nerer failing- well hi yard. Rurmin trean in pastor*. Will Mil th*p to settle vtate. Write te Hn. Alex CarrutiMrs, 42 Hwthcra A*. BaoK st. Marie, Ontario, r apply to Mr. Albert Blackbur.n R. R. 1, Maxwell. Owtari*. Ph 4s) r. 3 Ftesfcerton. THIS WEEK GEORGE DREW will speak over all Radio Station* THURSDAY, JULY 29, 8.30 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 31, 9.00 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 31, 11.30 P.M. Vote f oi a Strong Ontario Wed., Aug. 4 Mark Your Ballot for th* PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE MRS. EMERSON MILLS (By Stephen's Corners Reporter) A gad gloom was cast over this community on Thurs., July &th, when news came of the sudden death oi Mrs. Emerson Mills in llarkdale hos- pital, in her 22nd year. A newly- born son passed away at the same time. Mrs. Mills, who was formerly Velda Eileen Broderick, was the onl> daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brod- erick, 4th line, Ogprey. She was born at Maple Valley and had spent the greater part of her life in Max- well district. She was of a Quiet but cneeriul disnosition and made many friends. She will be widely mourned. Much sympathy soea out to the ber- eaved husband, parents and brothers, Morris and Orval, both at home. The funeral was held Sat., July 10, from the home of her parents, and was very largely attended by sym- pathizing friends. Rev. L. Jaeklin, Dundaik, brought a very comforting message to the bereaved. Interment was made in Maxwell Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Jas. and Harold Brorwnridere, Bobt. Fen- wick, Jack GrummeU, Mervyn Seeley and Pte. Clifford Rowbottom. The flower bearers were: Misses Nellie and lya Dale, Laura Allison, Hazel Feivwick, Gertie Little and Hazel McMillan. Some smart people may be clever but clever people are too smart to be only smart. About the only thing a man can't lie out of eating is onions. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persona having claims again** the estate of WILLIAM ALFRED ALEXANDER, tote of the Vil Age at Feversham, in the County of Gray, deceased, who died on or abort the 2nd day of December, 1942, azc hereby notified * Kn ^ in to Local 4k Glass, Solicitors for the Administra- tor of the estate of the (aid on or before the 31st day of July, 1&43. ful. particulars of their cUfans. Immediately after the said date the Administrator of this estate wffl distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, to th exclusion of all others, and he will cot be liable to any person whose claim he shall act then have notice of for the inanti to distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 8th day oi July, A.D. 1943. LUCAS & GLASS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Administrator. Hear GEORGE McCULLAGH President and Publisher, Toronto Globe and Mail Thursday, July 2910.30 p.m. Friday, July 3010.30 p.m. CFRB and Network His Subject: "This Election Decides Canada's Future" According to Labor Minister Mit- chell, Canadian fuel prospects for next winter are not so hot. When you get around to selling- the old cradle, you know that com- mercialism has gained over sentiment The man with money may n_ot be able to buy happiness but at leaast & can pursue it with greater eases. VOTE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4 FOR LOWER TAXES - BETTER INCOMES A SECURE FUTURE ~ The people of Ontario have much to gain from the Progressive Conservative programme, outlined by the Leader, George Drew, on July 8th after months of consultation with farmers, merchants, drovers and all classes of citizens all over the Province. . The Progressive Conservative Government will: | Establish county committees of leading farmers to plan production and distribution of farm products to meet domestic and foreign demands on a profitable basis to assure for the farmers a fairer share of the national income. O Eliminate speculation in livestock by converting stock yards into a province-wide publicly owned service. o Relieve farmers and all home owners of one-half the school taxes. A Revise the whole provincial tax system to stimulate home improvements and house building. R To provide for every child ail the education that can be usefully absorbed. A Introduce such vocational training in schools as will imbue farmers' children with pride in and love for agriculture as a basic and honourable calling; and fit them to make it in their own life time a more gainful occupation than it has been in the past. 7 Educate the rising generation to earn their own living and make their own way. Q Improve the health of children by furnishing them with adequate medical and dental care. O Increase mothers' allowances and old age pensions. 10 Reduce the cost of electric power to farms and homes. - ,' The rural population, which in more senses than one have their feet on the ground, will approve the note of authority and confidence which animates the Progressive Conservative platform. The farmers will welcome the advent of a strong aggressive administration to Queen's Park an administration which will employ the most advanced economic and scientific methods to develop and utilize the agricultural, mining, forest, and other natural resources of the Province, to build up a strong provincial economy, furnish steady employment to men and women and establish social security for all classes. The Progressive Conservative Programme affirms tht the moral, spiritual and material welfare of Ontario will be best assured under British democratic institutions and within the British Commonwealth ot Nations and Empire. THE ISSUE IS NOW IN YOUR HANDS ... VOTE FOR (1) The Progressive Conservative Candidate (No Party in the history of this Province ever attracted a more representative group of candidates). The Party is pledged to carry out every commitment given in the Drew 22-Point Programme. Drew has faith in Ontario, faith in its people, faith in the future. Only Drew can win. (2) We want and need a change vote for a change but weigh the facts. Don't vote for a party whose aims you have never studied or who would destroy individual property rights and everything else you hold dear. Drew's programme is clear and sound. Don't cast a vote that will set Ontario back 100 years. Vote to assure George Drew a strong working majority in the Legislature. Take fhe. necessary time off on Wednesday, 4fh of August, and mark your ballot for the Progressive Conservative Candidate. MAKE ONTARIO STRONG VOTE FOR - AND AVOID ANOTHER COSTLY ELECTION by Vote for ED. COLGAN in South Grey

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