VOL. 63; NO. 9 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1943 W. H. Thurston A SOB, PWihen BORN MCMILLAN At MM. Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Mon., July 19th, 1948, to Tpr. and Mrs. Angus, McMillan, Pleaherton, the gift of a daughter. WHITNEY At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whitney, Markdale, on Sunday, July 25, 1948, daughter. A school teacher says all schools should teach the art of talking pleas- antly. She believes that a cheery "hello" is a good buy. MONTHLY FIRESIDE Mrs. F. B Keys will be in charge of the Fireside Service in the Baptist Church this Sunday at 8 p.m. Songs, stories and instrumental items will comprise a program of interest to all By popular request, one Fireside Service each month will be held in the future. The National Labor Board ia busy studying workers' incomes. Yes, and there is a similar committee in about 4,000.000 homes in Canada. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Richard Jones of Eugenia, to Pte. Victor McKay of Meaford, now sta- tioned at Dundurn, Sask. Local and Personal HARVESTING WHEAT Many of the fanners in this dis- trict cut their fall wheat last wek, due to the appearance of rust on the stalks. The gr^de of wheat will not be as good as in former years. The Active Service Election Act [ONTARIO] *- -J Notice of Additional Sittings of the Revising Officers of the North and South Ridings of the , County of Grey i TAKE NOTICE that- the sittings af the Revising Officers for the Electoral District of North and South Grey, for the purpose of certifying the proxies of Extra Provincial Active Service Voters (etitled to vote in any of the Elec- oral Districts of the County of Grey) will be held as follows: PLACE OF SITTINGS DATE AND HOUR OF SITTINGS REVISING OFFICER TOWNSHIP HALL, KILSYTH ....- TOWNSHIP HALL, DESBORO TOWN HALL, HANOVER ,.:...: -TOWN HALL, DURHAM TOWN HALL, DUNDALK LIBRARY HALL, KEMBLE NOBLE'S HALL. SHALLOW LAKE VILLAGE HALL, CHATSWORTH .. VILLAGE HALL. FLESHERTON .... LIBRARY HALL, MARKDALE TOWNSHIP HALL HOLLAND CENTRE *..-.... TOWNSHIP HALL BOTHWELL'S CORNERS TOWN HALL, MEAFORD .. COMMUNITY HALL, CLARKSBURG i MONDAY, AUG. 2nd. 1943 10 to 11:30 a.m. ..TUESDAY, AUG. 3rd. 1943 10 (,o il:30 p.m. MONDAY, AUG. 2nd, 1943 10 to ll:30 p.m. 12 : SO p.m. to ? p.m 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m 10 to 11.30 a.m. 1 p.m. to 2:30 o.m 3 p.m to 4:30 pan TUESDAY, AUG. 3rd, 1943 10 to ' 1 :30 a.m. 1 -'"HI p.m. to 2 p.m. .. 2:30 to 4 p. . 10 to 11:30 a.m. 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. . 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. JUDGE G. W. MORLEY JUDGE G. W. MORLEY J. F. P. BRNIE J. F. P. B1RNIE J. F. P. BIRME E. C. SPEREMAN. K.C. E. C. SPEREMAN. K.C. E. C. SPEREMAN, K.C. J. F. P. BIRNIE J. F. P. BIRNIE J. F. P. BIRNIE E^. SPEREMAN. K.C. E. C. SPEREMAN. K.C. E. C. SPEREMAN. K.C. AND PUiRTBEIR TAKE NOTICE that on the appointments being certified by the Revising Officer they can bo presented by th holder to the Deputy Returning Officer for the proper polling sub-division on Election Day (without their names bein? added to the list) and application made for a ballot. JUDGE G. W: MORLEY, Dated at Owen Sound this 21st da- of July, 1943. Chairman of the Eelction Board of the County of Grey. Sergt. Laurie Smith of Debert, N S, ia home on furlough at present. Miss Velma Sewell is visiting in Toronto this week. Misses Jean McCracken and Marg- aret Turney spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crof* and little daughter of Toronto spent thi week end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Milne spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G McBrideat Palgrave. Mrs. John Stewart is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alex. McDanald, in Toronto at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of To- ronto spent the week end with Sergt. and Mrs. Laurie Smith. Miss Irene Martin left last week to spend a few weeks with her bro- ther, Lorenzo, at Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Stan Menzies of Chatham was a visitor with his wife at the home of Wm. Kaitting over the week end. Mr. Herbert Akins of Lansing spent a week's holiday at his home here. Mr. Claude Akins. his father, returned with him for a short holiday. Opl. Dick Stewart of St. Hubert, ne., and Mrs. Stewart of Toronto are holidaying at the home of the for- mer's father, John Stewart, in tpwn. Miss Genevieve is holidaying at a Provincial C.GI.T. camp at Beat Rivage, an island in the St. Lawrence River. Aircraftman Jim Thurston anil friend, Jerry Hamilton, No. 6 I.T.S. Toronto, spent the week end at the former's home. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on Wednes- day. Aug. 4th, &< 0.30 p.m. Roll call: A Proverb. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Orville Noble and little son. Keith, oif Toronto returned home on Saturday after holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Recent visitors at the homi- of Ab. Stewart were: Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe and granddaughter. Dale, of Toront'b l Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perijroc and John of London and Mr. and Mrs John Roberts of Hamilton. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rus- sell of Toronto and Mr John Hamil- ton of Harris, Sask.. J^ent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ham- ilton. The latter remained for a week. Among those who attended the 5Oth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and fam- ily of Lqndori. Sergt. Laurie Smith of Debert, N., Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker of SheKburne. Mr. and Mrs. Steer of "Markdale. Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mr and Mrs. Dan Cameron of Collinjr- wood. Mrs. J. Atkinson, Schonrberir: Mr and Mrs. Jos. McDermid. Rector- Mr and Mrs. Albert Long. Mr. an< Mrs. Harry Alcossor. Sam Smith ami Ted Phillips, all of Toronto. Fuller particulars will be given next wtek. Let Oliver Carry On! A Farmer t for a Farming Constituency Your Member for Seventeen Years . A Successful Pioneer For Cheaper Rural Hydro and Hydro Extension . . . Subsidies to Primary Producers ... Assistance to Farmers' Organizations . . .Collective Bargaining for Labour . . . Pay-as-you-go Financial Policy . . Remov- al of Provincial Taxation from Municipal Taxpayers' Load . . .Free Medical Care for Old Age Pensioners and Mothers' Allowance Beneficiaries IN SOUTH GREY'S INTERESTS VOTE OLIVER AUGUST 4th English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware Dinner Ware has been very difficult to pro- cure for some time, but we've been fortunate in having some arrive recently. The patterns are good and the designs are new. 95 Piece Sets ............. ............... $22.50, $27.50 66 Piece Sets .... $16.50, $21.00, $22.50 $23.50 32 Piece Sets .................................. $5.75, $7.75 DONT DELAY IN MAKING A SELECTION F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON NURSING SISTER JEAN McCUKMICK IN SIC1U (By Ceylon Reporter) Nursing Sister Jean McCormick. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Me Cormick of Swinton Park, who has ben overseas for threu years, has ' been overseas for three years, has | Zone, and is reported as being- ir. Sicily with a hospital unit. Tie I best wishes of a host of friends gi \ with her on her errand of mercy, ami hope ere long that conditions will permit her return to the homeland. Nursing Sister McCormdck is a jrranddaugter of Mrs. J. Knox of Ceylon. TIMOTHY HEAD FORMS V Oddities of nature in regard to signs of victory continue tw be seen. This time Mr. Laurie Thompson of East Mountain brought to The Ad- vance office a stem of timothy hay the head of which was formed like the letter V. It is indeed an oddity. We have heard of V* sign on oats, marks on animals, etc., but this is the first time that we have heard of a blade of timothy lending its support to the promise of victory. OUR APOLOGIES Three C rn. Section A three-cornered eontorta in Sootb (Jrey at the election being held on Wednesday of next week, was assur- ed on Thursday Lwt at Durham, when .Miss Helen M. Camfoot, 22 year old dauqpbter of Dr. E. L. Carefoot of .\lurkdaie waii chosen at a nominat- ing convention to run on the C.C-F. ticket. Besides Miss Caresfoot, the other candidates are; Hon. Farqunar K. Oliver, Liberal, the memlber for South Grev for the past 17 years, and Ed. Colgan, Progressive Conser- vative, editor of the Markdale Stand- ard. This three-cornered election has all kinds of possibilities for an inter- esting election. In the last election in TS34 F. R. Oliver's majority was 1.645. BELLAMY CRERAR This week our columns have been almost entirely taken over by elec- tion and other advertising and we are again forced to hold over consid- erable of our correspondence. Thii- state of affairs will not containue and we will be able to get back to nor- mal shortly. Extra election printing and being shorthanded with a man in camp at Niagara, has made it im- possible to print extra pages to in- clude many news items. We hope our readers will overlook the albsence of the usual reading matter and will read all the " advertisements which are important at this ime. In Metnoriam SIMMONS In lovin^ memory of :i dear husband and father. Walter Robert Simmons, who nassed away July 2!th. 1SJ26. He has ijone across the river To the shores of ever ereen. And we long to see his dear face. But the river flows between. Some day. some time, our eyes shall see The face we loved so well. Some day we'll clasp his loving hand And never say farewell. - Lovingly remembered bv his ifn and Daughters. Bride Wears Blus4i Pink For Wed- d'nar 'Headline in U.S. paper. The 'j: shortage must be severe there. Roses and su/mmer flowers decor- ated Forests Hill Gardens at Kitch- ener, for the marriage on July 21st. of Jean Patricia Crerur. daughter of Mrs Crerar of Chesley and the late Mr. Jas. Crerar. to Robert Wilson Bellamy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bellamy cf Flesherton. Rev Edgar Seymour officiated. Mrs. Seymour, who is the daughter of Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, former minister of St. John's United Church. Flesherton. was also nresent. Given in marriage by her brother. Mr. Wilfred Crerar of Shelburnc, the bride wore a floor- length gown ol' white sheer, with finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet of Delight roses and bouvardia. Mrs. Wilfred Crerar attended, wearing a floor-length (Town of powder blue, with shoulder veil. She carried a Colonial bouqu'' of summer flowers. L.A.C. Be" Bellamy was beet man. Durine the reception, the bride- v mother wore a navy printed sheer dress with- navy and white accessor- ies, and corsage af Sweetheart roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, in navy blue crene two-piece ires?, white accessories, and simila corsage, For the wedding breakfast, the jontr table was beautifully decoratei. in pink and white. Mr. Ted Dixon of Toronto was toast-master. \-fter a short honeymoon trip in the Georgian Bay district, the young coup IP 'vitt reside in Stratford. Many a friendship has been split by a wisecrack. L.A.C. Ben Bellamy of Cenralia is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancox. Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Wim. Currie of Tol- edo, Ohio, are visiting this week with Mrs. Jos. Blakeley. Mr. and .Mrs. Loeran and daughter of .Southampton were visitors Sunday at the Blakeloy borne. Proclamation Civic Holiday Through the authority vested in me by the Council of the Village of Flesherton, 1 hereby declare Mond.v, Aug. 2, 1943, as Civic Holiday in the municipality. A. Down, Reeve