\Vednesady, July 14, 1943 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Announcement As a war measure and in order to conserve goods This Store will be closed all week the first week in August. SALE OF SOCKEES host of Wonderful assortment in stripe and plain colors, i Sockees in a plain colors with stretch able^ to, size_ 5^ to^ 10. Full -range of sizes. Spec- $ Your choice, pair 15c ial, pair lOc, 12'/'c $ F. T. HILL & CO., Limited MARKDALE, Ontario Elect COLGAN In South Grey i On August 4th ELECTORS OF SOUTH GREY. Ladies and Gentlemen, J/ast week I announced that 1 would be a candi- date for election on August 4th as your representative in the next Ontario Legislature, I pointed out that the lack of time -would make it difficult for me to see and speak to all of you person- ally hut I do want you to know just where I stand on the more niinnrtant matters which should he the concern of evey int*l>ijv cnl e ] cctor , _^ This, \vcek I am submitting for your' cbhsMera- tion some of the things which will receive my act'vc support in the event 1 am returned as member ror South Grey. In my opinion at least, they are all worth while. 1. The Maintenance of British Connection ahd The Strengthening of Empire Partnership. While we are whole-heartedly in favour of the Rood neighbour policy, you are assured t n at no Speaker in a Legislature in which Geo. A. Drew is Government Leader will be preaching political union with the United States of America. 2. Effective Co-operation With All Other Governing Bodies in Canada for the Prosecution of the War, This does not mean that we will refrain from criticism of the Dominion Government if and when that Government fails to measure up to it- responsibilities. 3. Legislation to encourage Enterprise and Employ- ment For a Satisfactory Return, in All Legitimate Branches of Endeavor Farms. Factories, Mines and Forests, as well as Personal Service, will be ii-^i'-ti-il by removing bureaucratic restrictions and rcduc- taxt-H. Individual initiative will not be stifled. 4. Establishment of Committees of Ou&tanding Farm- Production and Distribution of Essential Agricul- ers in Each County to Plan, Direct and Regulate tural Commodities. It is planned to establish Government ownership and operation of stock yards to discourage speculation and manipulation, and to assure fair prices. 5. Labor Legislation Assuring Fair Treatment to Both Employers and Employees. And the avoidance of disturbance an-l lost* to them, to their f. i nn IP- and to the general public, which is now too often the net result of .strikes and lockouts. Enforceable legislation re- garding collective bargaining an ( | the advanced labor laws of other countries will be the basis of study by an appointed com- mittee representing all Interests, with a view^if reaching a satis- factory solution of the labor problem. 6j. The Development of Ontario's Mining Industry Will Be Assisted. Encouragement will be given to geologists and prospectors to discover new mineral areas. This great industry, which helped so much to save the Province during the depression years, can again be made prosperous and give employment to_ many thous- ands of men after the war, by considerate legislation under the active direction of a practical Minister of Mines. 7. Our Provincial Forests Arc Wasting for Lack of Proper Management. It will be Ihi- aim of the Progressive-Conservative Government, if relnnifd to nowi-r. to I>!;I.T I'lis UTI-:I( hut rapidly dwindling' resource on n long term Ivi^K to cnncol all vicious timber con- tracts ubich now exist, and to administer our forest areas so us to nive rmplo vim-lit to more of ur own people, to dispose of the marketable timlii-r fi'iilv. inn) to make snilflhle provision for permanency by adequate reforestation. These arc onlv seven >f the features contained in the plritl'nnn ns reccntlv nresented bv-Col. Gen. A. Drew. With ;ill of them I :itn in agreement, and will support if elected in South Grev. [ would ask vou to read them carefullv: weiirh'theni well. If thev appeal to you ns practical and in t4ie best interest of the propl of Ontario, vou will have several good reasons fn voting for me on Wedncsdav. August 4th. Ic or Yours truly Mark-dale, Ont., July 12, 1043. A. E. COT.G AX. Local a i Fersooai Mrs. C, J. Bellamy spent the past week in Toronto. Miss P. Mitchell of Toronto is the guest of Miss Aleda Mitchell.' Mrs. Fred Gorrell and daug-hter have returned ib town, after having resided in Barrie for some time. Miss Evelyn McTavish visited her aunt, Mrs. J. B. O'Brien, at Oak- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Hert> Betts attended the funeral of the late Mrs. George Newell at Durham last week. Pte. Angus McMillan of Orillia spent the week end with his wife at their home here. Master John Milligan left lasv week to spend the summer at Cookstown. Mr. Fred Betts of Toronto spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts, 4th line. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Croft and son of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Goraon Kellar of Gait and Master Herb LeGard of Pickering are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Sprinph: Mr. and Mrs. Foster Drake of To- ronto and Miss Joy Hunt of St. Catharines are guests at the Baptist Parsonage, "Cedarside." Pte. Harold Johnson of Bran tf or spent week end leave with his par c-nts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Springhill. Mrs. K. Jordist,n and daughter. Esther, ^f \Vey1mrn, Sask., are visit- ing Miss V. Nicholson and Mrs. Jos. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and two daughters of ~ Oathar j neb spent H fnv (lays with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis. Mrs,. T. Bowers, Mrs. Callander, Mrs. L. Conner and two daughters of Alliston visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Betts and the formers sister, Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mr. E. D. Bentham and son of To- ronto spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham, and assisted with haying operations. L.A.C. E. I. Holley, Mrs. Holley md liKli- son of Moncton, N.B., were callers in town last^ week while on furlough at the former's home at Holland Centre. Flight Sergt. m . VV. funter and Mrs. Kunti-r (Betty Murray) of St. Thomas and Mrs. E. C. Murray of Toronto called ion friends in town OP Friday, while at their cottage at Wasagii Beach. Mr. James R. Caushcr of Hagers- town, Marylad, Miss Vera Lang ol Toronto. Mr. Clarence Alexander of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Al- txander an,j son Paul and Mrs. Ida Alexander of Collingwood visited on Sunday at the Alexander and fctod- '.nrl homes. The W.M.S. of St. John's Unikd Church will celebrate the fiftieU/ anniversary on Friday of thv* week m tne church at 3 p.m. The only charter member now living will speak on some phases of the early .vi'iirs of the Society. Visitors are invited and will be welcome. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bveretto Blackburn over the w'fk end were: Pte. Allan Cameron of Orillrn, Mrs. Elsie Cameron of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Black- burn and George of Port Credit, Mr. ai,il Mrs. J. A. McArthur of Owen Sound, Miss Lois Blackburn of Van- ildciu, Miss Tena Henderson, Mrs. Grace Blackburn nnd Ruth of Flesh- . Thin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ken Stewart of Ceylon ami Harold Clark, Rock Mills. in Memoriam TRF.TKR In loving memory of our dear son, Lome, who was accl- dditiilly killed July I Wi, 1938. T'.ic face we loved is now laid low, His loving voice is still, Tin- hand so often clasped in ours Lii-.now in death's cold chill. ,We often set and thi'il; of him, VVIien we nro all alone, For memory is the only thing That griof can call its own. Mother, Dad, Brothers, Sister. VICTORIA CORNERS Misses Florence Batchelor and Ina Achesoa have arrived home from Toronto to spend the summer monthb with their parents. Mrs. Emerson Gallagher, Wareham, and Mrs. John Batchelor, Hillsfcurg, visited a few days the past week in the Jas. Batchelor home. Jack Linton, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, has returned to his duties after spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholls and little .daughter, Janet, of Detroit, Mich., have been holidaying with their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merntt Nicholls and Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow. Miss Ruth Richardson, Toronto. spent a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richardson and Viotta. Miss Laurene Talbot motored to Toronto on Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot and other friends. We extend a hearty welcome to our new minister and his wife, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Westcott. Reri Acheson, R.C.A.S.C., Camp Borden, and Mrs. Acheson of Chelt- enham visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher, with the aid of the neighbors and friends are busy these days hnprov- ini? their home. Inistioge W. A. Notes Seventeen ladies and our minister Rev. Mr. Westcott, gathered at the "hurch on Thursday, July 8, for their regular monthly meeting. The meeting opened with the use of the hymn 519, "Lord for all Mankind we pray," followed by the repeating <>f the Lords Prayer. Distribution of birthday gifts was. the eiver interesting feature of ^he meeting, after w^ n ^imu was fllnrUBxed. A finished quilt was of- fered for sale. Plans were made for the securing of another parcel of remnants. Suggestions wert made for the 'buying of a treat for Mr, W. G. Acheson, who is ill at hi; homo. Collection taken amounted tc $1.60. The business hour ever, thoughts tunie<l to the programme parts of the meeting. Mrs. John Duncan. Mrs. Walter Nichols and Christena Duncan each gave an interesting reading. A word of welcome wa.( extended iby the President, Mrs. Elmo Stevens, on behalf of the member;- of the Soci" f v, to PPV. Mr. and Mrs. We. Volt, who attended tht meeting. "n turn Rev. Mr. and Mr. Westcotv, 'ach responded. Mrs. Oscar Patterson reai the topic and Mrs. Russell Acheson t ose as her solo, "Living for Jesus." The i^cet- in;r closed with hymn 498, "Mor- Love to thce ,O, Christ," followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Westcott. l.unch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Robt. Gordon and Mrs. Russell Acheson. ARRIVED OVERSEAS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock, Price- ville received word for the second time in one week of another son, Gnr. G. A. SturrofK, of an Anti Air- craft Battery, had landed safely at an unknown destination. He reported his five-day noat trip very much en- joyed and saw many icebergs on his way. The othert son, Tpr. Marvin Sturrock ent word last week o* his arrival overseas, but w ill in hospital. Mr. Mc-DonnM, reeve of Bentinck township has boen appointed dcmity returning officer for the riding of Smith Grry, for the coming provin- cial election Home and Farm Owners Share these 70 Millions Between April 1, 1935, and March 31, 1943, direct financial benefits to municipal tax- payers from the Ontario Liberal Government totalled $70,543,033.05. Here are the Savings for Taxpayers of GREY COUNTY King's Highways - - - . Municipal Subsidy - - - 'Township and County Roads Mothers' Allowances - - Old Age Pensions and Pensions for Blind - - Indigents in Sanatoria - - - Total 417,268.60 $236,744.60 72,864.00 . 210,034.00 . 147,649.00 92.416:50 $1,190,521.70 Every Elector In this riding has a direct and vital interest in maintaining the Nixon Administration's policy of ever-increasing relief for municipalities from tax burdens. - Keep Nixon at the Wheel for Progress and Unity VOTE LIBERAL AUG. 4th ISSUID BY THE ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ELECT OLIVER FOR SOUTH 6REY Gossip isn't just the same in on* town as it is in another town. Tht. names are different. The greatest good is prudenc*; a < more precious thing even than philos- ophy; from it -priii y> all the other virtues. Epicurus. * Agent for INSURANCE FIRE. LIGHTNING * WIND Car Insurance Mut i. I Fire I -suranec GARNET MAGEE EuKeaia, Ont Small Ad Column FOR SALE 30 Young pigs |6 each. Jos. Rndley, Flesherton. 6p3 E N G A T, E 'TENT The e new erne nt is announced ot Mnrpraret .uidrey, younger dnuj?hU'i (it Mrs. nnd the late J. J. Brown, to Jumps Harold Hates, Dundas, only sun of Mr. and Mrs. Trio's. Bates, New Lowell, the marriage to take placo quietly the 'itter part of July. FARM FOR SALE South half of Lots 26 and 27, Con- session 14, Artcmesin, known as Mountain View Farm, on County Highway thri-i> miles north of Eugen- ip and two and one hnlf miles from Kimlu'rly in Beaver Valley. Contains IK! acres, 75 acres cleared for Mach- inery, balance in wood and pasture. Good frame house with hard water in kitchen also cood cistern in base- ment. Ram 44 Uy fi-l with basement. Driving shed, hen house, pip pen and root cellar attached, garage and sheep P"n separate. Well in stnMfi also and never failing well in yard. Running stream in pasture. Will sell cheap tn settle c*tate. Write tn Mrs. Alex Cm-rut hers, 42 Hawthorne Ave. S'init st. Mnvie, Ontario, or apply to Mr. Albert' Blarkbur.n R. R. 1. Maxwell, " Ontnrio. Plione 42 r. S. Fleshertoa. FOR SALE Two Yorkshire sows, due July 17 and 19 Harold Best, phone 7>w Flesherton. 6p2 FOR SALE Hereforj bull, 10 Ms months old. Norman Reddick. I/roton Station, Ont. 65," WANTED A iiunn.3 suitable fo. mink and fox feed. Bert Mclntoca Eugnia, phon I'Y'-erslu' i 6r25 WANTED Homes and cows fi' for mink feed. John J. Mead? Pricevilte, phone 21 r 4. WANTED - Hirsc: and cows fi Station, R.?.. 3, phone 41r3. for mink feed. F. Eagles, Pnto- FOR SALE 2 Garden wire g-.tes M Al condition, also two gw>d storm doors. Apply at The Advance office. 7p2 FOR SALE Deering hinder G fo<n cut, in good working order. A. A. McLean, Priceville, phone 4S>r:' Flesherton. 6c'J HIDES Agai in 'he market for hides beef, hor-e, sheep and eaV skins. Frank Eairlo', R. R. 3, Pro ton Stntion, phone 1r3 F'esherton FOR HALE M.-H. hay rake, root scutfler, McOormick-Deeiincr bind- er fl foot cut, steel tiro rkifrjiy, Wil- kinson No. 4 walking plow, Clio- Newell. R. R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE Deer'ng mower, 13 hoe drill, 4-section Harrows, set discs,. funning mill, all in good repair. Stan Mngee, phone 74r3, Flesherton CAME ASTRAY 8 Head cattle came to farm of Percy Magee, 8th. line, Artemesia. Owner prove pro- perty and pay expenses. FOR SALE 25 acres of mixed al- falfa and timothy hay, about 75% alfalfa, on the Rotb. '"urvis lots ib Eugenia. Apply to Alex. Cameron Eugenia, phone Feversham 5r2l. FOR SALE New Renfrew cream separators in stock; 2 recondition- ed separators in good repair; Dee> ing binder; 2 good young cdws due now. W. E. Betts, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Good 100 acre farm. Lots ^6 and 17, ,') N.D.R., Artemesia, convenient to Highway 4, 1 1 4 miles west of C /Ion, cither sell or bent, very reasonably priced, good buv. Apply to Mrs. R. Si. 1 wart, Tlesherton. BUSINESS CAf.->S WANT chicks for delivery this month or August, or later in the full? Bifiy can tk care of your needs, A fe-w started Immediate delivery. Agent John McWilliam, AUCTIONEER WM- KAITTING LICENSED JI'CUION for the County of Grey Farm nnd stock ?<'< t r spec ty. Terms; reasonable. S&tisfactioB guaranteed. P.'. -s .-ifrnnsred at" The Advance office or phono 4w. DR J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office hour- afternoon* t to Wednesday and 'Saturday 7.30 to 1ft p m. No office hours on