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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1943, p. 3

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LCT COUGHS UP A GENERAL SHERMAN SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Out of an armored LCT (Landing Craft: Tank) comes an American-made General Sheridan l-nlc Operated by British crew as Allied forces train for invasion with manoeuvres on the North African coast. RADIO REPORTER By REX FROST For several years, research en- gineers have been busy working to discover ways and means of reducir.;.- or eliminating the harsh, Discordant noises * which come from j. radio receiver when the weatitr man goes on the ratn- page. They have been seeking also to find methods whereby "man-made" noises, caused by . transformers, electric motors, violet fay machines and the like eould reduced to a minimum. About four years ago radio en- gineers were successful in de- veloping a form of transmission r.i: rt<-tption known as FM, fre- quency modulation, and this in- ' novaticr. was making- consider- . able j rofrreM when the war came along and prevented its being put to practical purpose. As a matter of interest CFRB, Toronto, had installed a special FM transmitter ' at ita Floor Street studios in To- ronto, and was broadcasting its usual I'rograma over this equip- ment until about two years ago, when the engineer who was re- aponshlne for its operation was called t'v the Government to as- me special duties associated with wwtime radio location work. Reports on reception from thia FM transmitter by the few radio fans who had acquired the FM receiving sets indicated that sta- tic wa* entirely conspicuous by ita absence. The station signal came in clear, without any interference . on the part of natural or man- made static. Just recently a large organization announced that they had evolved a method of elim- inating static, through the nieatis of ar: appliance which can be in- corporated with your present * radio >et. While these develop- , menus of wartime research will not be released to the general t public until Victory is won . . . it is certain that radio reception ' of the future will be of the noise- less variety. You will be able to T- tune .71 distant stations without nay of that sharp, unpleasant crnfklmj; which u not only hard on the ear^, but which frequently distorts the signar itself. As the rumi'iir.trs of war die down, the discordant noises in your radio reci-ivtr will also disappear, pro- viding you acquire the nece.->ary equipment. * * Ontario radio audiences are assuror, of enjoyable music on SaturJ.v; afternoons during the winu-r season for the next three years. News has just come to hand that the Columbia Broaii- castirj}; System has signed the Philadelphia Orchestra on an ex- clusive three-year contract to pro- vide musical entertainment from October 2 to April 30 fur the next three winter seasons. CFKB be- ing t.he Columbia outlet for On- tario, we suggest you keep that October date in mind and tune in for music you will really en- joy every Saturday afternoon tlu-ri-after between 1 and 2 p.m. * * * Listening to "Just Mary" has become a Sunday afternoon habit with iiiany children throughout Canada, but like many- other peopie at this time of year, Mary is going to take a vacation. How- ever, there's a treat in store for the youngsters just the same. At 1.1 r> p.m. on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer, a delight- ful little variety program entitled "Calling All Children" will brinj; to the airwaves music from Walt Disney film cartoons, children's poems and recorded children's .itories. * * * Another popular feminine por- tomility who Ls leaving the air- waves for a brief vacation i Monica Mugan, whose 10.45 a.m. Monday through Friday broad- easts keep Ontario listeners up to date on current events of a social and general nature. After a trip to her home town of Winnipeg, Miss Mugan will renew her radio column of the air on Monday, August !. * A program with an active serv- ice atmosphere originates at No. 1 Manning Depot, Toronto, every Thursday evening at 8.05 p.m. over the CBC network". Gail Mere- dith, well-known songstress, will act as hostess for the airmen in thu series of "Swing for the Services" programs . . . the lad themselves will lend their voices to the music. Archbishop Of York Commends Bombing Approval of the Allied stra- tegy of bombing Germany's indus- trial cities was voiced by th Archbishop of York recently in a diocesan leaflet in which he replied to his countrymen who have protested against the devas- tating attacks. "However much we deplore the sufferings of the civilian popula- tion and the destruction of their homes, we must continue to use our superiority in the air as a means of ending the war M speedily as possible," th Arch- bishop declared. "It is a lesser evil to bomb war - loving Germany than to sacrifice the lives of thousands of our own fellow countrymen who long for peace and to delay the hour of liberation for millions now held in slavery." ' Time Wasted An old shepherd, a member of the Home Guard in \jnltshire, was up all one night at the time of the expected invasion attempt. When the news came through that he could knock off, he said: "Hain't 'em coming, sir?" "Not this time," was the reply. "Ah," the old fellow said, "just what I thought. There hain't no depend- ence to ba put on those Germans. Here I've been up all night hang- ing about for nuthin'."_ July 25 BIBLE TEACHINGS ON THE COST OF DRINKING Deuterono-ny 21 : 18-21; Proverbs 23 : 20, 21; 1 Corinthians 6 : 9-11." GOLDEN TEXT Know ye pot that the unrighteous shall not In- herit the kingdom of God? 1 Cor- inthians 6 : 9. Memory Verse: For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive. Psalm 8: THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time The final instructions of Mosea were so in 1405 B.C.; the Book of . verbs was written probably about 1000 B.C.; the First Epistle to the Corinthians was penned by Paul A.D. 53 or 59. Place We do not know exactly where the Book of Deuteronomy was written, but It may have been not far from Mount N'ebo. east of the Jordan; the Book of Proverbs was probably written in Jerus- alem; Paul wrote this Epistle from Ephesus. Israel's Law "And all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones: so shall thou put away the evil from the midst of thee; an.d all Israel shall hear, and fear." It should be clearly recognized that the* power of parents over their children (Exod. 21 : 7; Gen. 31 : 15), even to putting them to death, which prevailed in early Israel also to this degree- (Gen. 38 : 24), Is here enforced and controlled by public authority. In looking at this severe law, one should be reminded of God's purpose for Israel among the na- tions, which demanded severe leg- islation. Laws may greatly vary, for the same crime or misdemean- or, from day to day, and under varying circumstances. Thus, e.g.. It ia not a crime for a man to fall asleep over his work, though it it very bad form, and he may get dismissed for it; but he cannot THIS CURIOUS WORLD By WiHiam Ferguson U.S. NATIONAL FIGURE Menus Made Up For Allied Nations Dr. Louise Stanley ia making sure that the food we ship abroad is not only nourishing, but tempt- ing to foreign tastes, says Th American Magazine. For 10 yeans chief of the Agriculture Depart- ment's Bureau of Home Econom- ics, Dr. Stanley's new job is to advise the United State* Govern- ment what menus to serve to our millions of allies. She has had to learn the favorite dishes of th whole world. For the Russians she recommended a dehydrated borsch from the U. S., and a buckwheat mixture tliat's made into kasha. She okays oats for Russia, but vetoes them for Africa, where natives look on out* as animal fodder. While making up global market lists, Dr. Stan- ley also does her own shopping and cooking. HORIZONTAL 1,1 Pictured U.. S. national figure, 14 Mountain nymphs. 16 Lowing. 17 Short cape worn by Pope. 18 Amid. 20 Tile kiln. 21 Learning. 22 Elevates. 24 Ripped. 25 Symbol for erbium. 26 Treasurer (abbr.). 28 Article. 30 Size of shot 31 Pronoun. Answer to Previous Puzzle 50 Tendency. 54 Solar disk (Egypt.). 56 Sultan's decree. 58 Circle part 32 Boat paddles. 59 Ammonia 34 Above. 85 Railroad (abbr.). 6 About. 38 Entire. 40 Hodgepodge. 43Acetyl (abbr.) substance. 6QHe figured in a : investigation of the movies. 10 Lag behind. 62 Appliance U Thousand for opening. (prefix). 19 Doctor (abbe.) 23 Raged. GjSl 27 Kingdom. 29 Rabbits. 31 Mineral spring 33 Call for help at sea. 37 Malayan animal (pi.). 39 He is a popular in politics. 41 Plant part 42 Diggers of coal. 44 Proofreader'* mark. 47 Dunes. 49 South American rodent. 51 Radium (symbol). 52 Unit of energy 3 At. 4 Letter of Hebrew alphabet 6 City in Holland. 6 Lone Scout (abbr.). 8 1 am (contr.). 53 N th Caro-' 9 Parcel of land. Una (abbr.). 55 Tooth of a fork. 57 Entomology (abbr.). VI Inactive. 13 Herons. 59 Fit. 45Typ measure 63 Began. 46 East (Fr.). 64 Fitness. 47 Symbol for VERTICAL 15 Narrow inlet. 61 Symbol for didymium. 1 Made of wool. 18 Symbol for tellurium. 48 Male parent. 2 Mistake. methyl. 62 Opera (abbr.). SOSTOM REO SOX INI A <5A/V\E WITH JUNE (<=> r WOULDN'T A A\AN A\ARS SPEAK. sx THe /VAOOM ANSWER: Because Mars has two moons. NEXT: Skinntnz the rabbit. ba seat 10 prison. However, it ia a crime, punishable by death, for a man to fall asleep while- on sen- try duty in war. The circumstanc- es determine the severity of the penalty. Israe-l was to be kept a clean, pure, [Triestly uation. to bear witness to the holiness of God among the nations of the earth, and this holy calling great!/ enhanced the seriousness of trans- gressions and iniquities. The Same God It is marvelous to tlii::k that It ia the- same God who speaks and acts in Deuteronomy 21 and in Luke 15; but how different the action! How different the- styl(>! Under the Law. the father is call- ed upon to lay hold of his son and bring him forth to be stonH. t'n- der grace, the father runs to meet the returning son. falls ou bis neck and kisses him; has the fat- ted calf killed for him. and makes the house ring with the joy that fills his own heart at getting back the poor wandering spendthrift. In Deuteronomy we see the land or God. in righteous government, ex- ecuting judgment upon the rebel- lious; in Luk we see the heart of God pouring Itself oat In ten- derness upon the poor repentant one, giving him the assurance that It Is His own deep Joy to get back His lost ones. Habitual Orunkeness "Be not among wine-bibbers, among gluttonous eaters of flesh: for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty; and drows- iness will clothe a man with rags." Gluttonous eating is here put In the same category with drunke>n- 1*93. There are people who de- nounce any kind of intoxicating drinking who at the same time are really gluttonous in their eating. One Is as bad as the other. Two reasons are given why we should avoid the company of those Indulging in this manner. In th first place, such men are swiftly running toward a state of poverty, and secondly, because they must, by the laws of human nature be frequently overcome with a spirit of drowsiness which prevents the-m from enthusiastically entering Into their daily work. In some strange way God has established certain economic laws on earth which allow the people of the earth to make a decent liv- ing, whereby the necessities of life can be provided. But millions of people who have had an adequate Income, and could have been com- fortable, have found themselves finally in abject poverty because of the drain that a thirst for li- quor makes upon their income. Right In God's Sight "Or know ye not that the 'un- righteous shall not Inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor eff*minat% nor abusers of themselves witk men, nor thieves, nor covetou*. nor drunkards, nor re-vilers. nor ex;ortioners. shall Inherit the- king- dom of God." Righteousness is that which is right in the sight of (.".<>. 1; unrighteousness ia that A r.<::i is wrong in the sight of (."I. An unrighteous mail U P.KI'J who ia not living right, and :ha: includes all those whom Paul no A litrgins specifically to destf- nate. In th midst of this dreadful ('.,:. ii.i^ue, is the one word whlcli .us our l&sson drunkards, ieems to be today a sort of feeling that there is something just a little smart about getting itrinsk. and that we mus: .'.>: :je too u:ir-;!i on those who indulga 1m ai'-o.iolic liquors. Our text aayt t!ia such men will not en'.er into '.'.'. kingdom of God. and it iay f ought not to be deceived hi thinking they will. Is not thia our danger today, la this very point, that we are being deceived Into thinking that after all drunken- lu-ss is just a weakness which w must not too severely critlclM? The Apostle Paul, by the inspir- ation of the Holy Spirit. ?ayg tt will shut men out of the kingdom ;if heaven. Cowered With Righteousness "And such we-re some of you: but ye were washed, but ye wer sanctified, but ye were justified ia the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." With regard to the tare* terms washed, sanctified, justi- fiedthey may be taken to ** press the same idea under differ- ent aspects. That idea Is that they had been converted, or completely changed. They had put off the oM man and put on the >-v man. Their sins had been washed away; considered as pollution, they had been purged or purified: consider- ed as guilt, they had been cover- ed with the riguteousuosa of God (Rom. 1 : 17). No matter what the past lit been, there is a way open for for- giveness and cleausing. for deliv- erance and redemption, through the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever we have boon, we need no longer be; whatever be the chains of th past, Christ can break tflem to- day: whatever 'he slinnio and stain of the years gone by. purity and holiness may mark our ilfa beginning with this very hour, and there is no man so suni !n sin. no man so long in sin. but that he cannot be waslieO. anj sancti- fied, and justiiied this v*ry lay. Brazil produced 501. 000,00* pounds of starch from its uatlT* mandioca root In the last year. POP Maybe Pop's Allergic By J. MILLAR WATT WMV ARE YOU POLLING , BARROW ALOMG - WHEN EVERVOJE ELSE IS PUSWIMG HIS 'COS I'AA FED UP WITH THE SIGHT OF IT I

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