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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1943, p. 2

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HIS MAJESTY VISITS NORTH AFRICA Arriving in North Africa to visit the 1st and 8th Armies, tha Royal Navy and Air Force, His Majesty the King Ls shown here leav- ing the airfield in which his plane landed, in company with General Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of Allied Forces. His Majesty also visited the United State* Armies and Air Force and the French Army in Africa. He invested General Eisenhower with the insignia of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What art the duties of the said of honor while tht ci-remony to taking place? 2. Should the water glasses b filled before the guests are sum- toned to the table for luncheon T >. When addreslng an envelope *1 DOES THE WORK OF $ 4 When You Delouse with "CAP BRUSH" ROOSI APPUCA10R To kill lie* *r '. KitMr alto lib *Dr "Cp*Bnb" Roo*( the u' - iark L*tf lib *>vr "C*p-Bnjih" Roo*H Aff<ttctor you M* thr fu't trrcrth liiark Ivtf r HtHMifsl I. bin.., hupftcty ot n- ' f ^^ T * r ' gtt ' * ft< *. l . tl * "*-P-Hruti * employe U jLtoorb vrirt vtt liquid, h*nr tnakri yoor botttcof /^t n ff* :U fdj li Ml' i Indiridual bird tmtmrnt In tlw ft*tl*n two n.rhn b^- U Ttr.t I. 'c ii.-lliu%h" li A drop on t .-k of ' - . , . llec. Sold by Dealer* Everywhere VJIU STOPPE CM txaJifSff % f Mem/ rfttJiem distress from MONTHLY^ FEMALE WEAKNESS I 1 , ..:. r. Pinkham's vegetable I Compound not only h*lp relieve I monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ou* r>f l;nn --"lie to monthly funo- I tlonal dliturbanc*. It help* build up I rMlft-Mire unalnut dltUew of "dlffl- cult dn :,. Made In Canada. ^L. ^ to a girl or a woman is It all right to address It "Mary Jones"T 4. li It all right to address Hie envelope of a letter to a man without using the. title "Mr."? 6. Should giftg, that are brought to a birthday party, be opened Immediately, or left until after the party? 0. Is It all right to stack th dishes when clearing the table? ANSWERS 1. She stands nearest the bride, takes her bouquet or prayer-book while the ring Is put on, returning thm at the proper time, and aranges the bride's train when sh* turns from the altar. i. Yes, the glasses are filled and tbe butter IB placed on the plates. 8. No. Use "Miss" before her name, no matter how young she Is. 4. No; "Mr." must be used. B. Each gift should be- opened at once. (. No; the per&on who Is clear- Ing tbs table should take no inure than on* plate In each hand, at a tlmtj. 'l .'). young man was rather ah;, and after she had thrown bar arms around him aud kissed him for bringing bar a bouquet of flowars h*, Jumped up and grabbed bis hat. "Oh, don't go," ah* said, as h* mad* tor the door, "I didn't mean to otfsnd you." "Oh, I'm not offended," ho r> pile*. "I'm going (or mor* How- MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For Painful and U.Uy.d Period*, Extra Strength, S4.00 PHONE I.I.. 3600 For Ciiy Delivery DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Are.) TORONTO SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith //-/O "Now you can't complain and be patriotic they said anything not used for six months was scrap, so I turned in all your hammers, screwdrivers and other tools!" Have You Heard! Mr. McPherson gave *ome ad- Tie* to his wife when they were expecting friends to tea. "Just mind, Jeannle," he said, "to put the sugar-tongs in the basin, an' not a spoon." "But we have no lump sugar ID the house," she expostulated. "We've only granulated." "I was mindin' that!" said Mc- Pherson. o Youthful Father Our baby li beginning to recite "Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?" Neighbor And he's only 8 months old? Father Well, he doesn't say all It yet, but he's got as far at the "Baa, baa." o . The teacher had recited "The Landing of the Pilgrims." Then she requested each pupil to draw from his or her Imagination a pic- ture of Plymouth Rock. Most of them went to work at oncp, but one little fellow hesitat- ed, and at length raised his band. "Well, Willie what is It?" ask- ed the teacher. "Please ma'am, do you want us to draw a hen or a rooster?" "We shell be glad," wrote the firm to the Ministry of La- bour, "If you can assist us In retaining this man for a little longer. He Is the only man left In the firm, and he Is carrying on with fifteen girls." AT MARTINIQUE Vice Admiral John H. Hoovter EGGS WANTED SHIP DIRECT TO DOMINION M '.III - I IMI II II MIIII,I,M at* Toronto ><'<! i.riMluiK >l,ul,.i, \ ... nun Illc. Ill -i rill \ All. IM. MARKET I II 1 1 I. > 1>AID OASES Id I I nil n FREE * III. I I I. GRADING AND I'HOMIT HKMITTANCF WE PAY A rill Mil M FOR POULTRY FAItM SHICTI.V l HI -II i. tu.. i. Admiral Georges Robert U. S. Vice Admiral John H. Hoover is meeting Vichy's Ad- miral Georges Robert afl Mar- tinique to bring the French island and nearby Guadeloupe under United Nations authority. Poulilc.i of Mecca relieve pete, brbis out com. h..l, quickly, no K.T. 55c. 35e. SOc. SI .00. MECCA OINTMENT How Can 111 By Anna Ashley Q. How can I keep moths out of a fur coat? - A. Moths will not bother fur If It 1 plentifully sprinkled with pep- per, or tobacco, which leaves no unpleasant odor and can easily be haken out before wearing. A few whole cloves added will also help. Q. How can I prevent soreness when using a suuburii salve? A'. Before spreading the salve on sunburn stand the Jar or tube In warm water and Uie salve will often. It will be easy to apply aud will not Irritate the sunburn. Q. How can I remove mildew? A. Mildew can be removed with our milk, then placing the article In the sun. Q. How can I remove rust from Iron articles? A. To remove rust from a- large urface such as a stove or kettle, rub first with kerosene and then with steel wool moistened with linseed oil. Or, dip the oiled steel wool in powdered pumice and rub. Q. How can I have smooth legs without shaving them? A. If you Insist upon removing the hair from the legs, instead of nslng a safety razor try using tin- finest grade of sandpaper. Queen Mary Plans To Operate Factory Queen Mary will operate her own victory factory on the estate where she has lived since early in the war. She will personally supervise assembling of electrical parts in buildings converted from carpen- ters' and wheelwrights' chops. The Queen Mother decided upon Roll your owners I Go for Ogden's Old time "democrats" often gave their drivers a rough) ride . . . But they found consola- tion in Ogden's the aristocrat of cigarette tobaccos a dJstyno live blend of choicer, riper tobaccos, smooth as a kitten's wrist. Not just anothertobacco, but Ogden's. Try it today. Ogden'f quality foi pipe smokers, loo, in Ogden's Cut Plug this as a further personal contri- bution to war work after visiting dozens of factories. When she disclosed the plan to women of a nearby viUage, sev- eral volunteered to help. Mem- bers of her household also plan to participate. Classic Sturgeon Gold Mines LIMITED AN OUTSTANDING MINE DEVELOPMENT Tremendous tonnages have already been proven by diamond drilling. Further diamond drilling planned. Full Particular* On Request BLACKBURN & COMPANY 330 BAY STREET - - TORONTO, ONT. Telephone WAverley 0252 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A I 'I < " MCI II I I.I. s 1 SI II USED CARS WITH UOOD TIKE Set UP first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Uied Car Lot at 1040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 612 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL, make* of cars and truck*. Com- plt* automobile machine ihop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener Ontario BAI1V CHICKS KY.BR1DH FOR 4JXTKA VIOOUR Ujo popular purebred*. Complete lilt, all axe*. Falrvltw F*ruin. 8L Majya, Ontario. _ DBMAND FOR CHICKENS AND KIT* "con* active" for the dura- tion. If you work It right you'll find railing chicken* for meat and eggs this year the bMt "cash TOP" move you vr mad*. To "work It right" you should itart Ki ohlck* right away and keep rtlng additional batches as t a* your f*d supjily, spao* aod help will permit. For a fifth At a c*ntury Tweddle) Chlok Hat- Ahtrles hay* b*n helping. Cana- dian poultrymen to make money. mostly in much lem favorable market condition* than now. Qt Tweddle Chicks and you'll ret tk* right start. Prompt delivery on many pur* breds and hybrid oro*eii. Free catalogue and prlo* list Tweddle Chick Hatcherl**, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 6RUER IIRAY SUMMER CHICKS now. Hatchery operating till end July, si mi I'd Leghorn pullet*, delivery July 16th; day old* from then to end month. See your poultry house, work* to maxi- mum capacity this fall and wanted for S.8. No. 9 Holland. Out. _ _ in M.M'---. orrcnii! MTII:> BUSINESS OPPOHTUN- Ity. General itor* with building, stock and lot. Fifteen thousand. Kim:, term*. Apply Box 584, Wel- land. Ont. Hill 1,8 I oil >AI.I , FOR 8AIJO SKVERAV. 3HORT- hciin bull* of serviceable age from heavy production damn, it I' Hunter, Exeter, Oni. Ill Ml LAND WA.VII.Il. WANTKIJ HUSH I..AND. TEN acres up, within 100 miles of To- ronto, or will consider cheap farm with bush on It. Oordon ?artholomew, 363 Scarboro Road, oronto. CATTI.K. RKUISTWHIiD DUAL. PUUPO8B Shorthorn bulls, serviceable age ami younger for sale. Also ycur- UIIK and two-year-old heifers, oniu due thin fall. Several from recorded dams. Uood type. Ac- oredlted, negative. Alan Alder- eon, Route 4, Hamilton. IIIH.I A i I:HIII;TS GREYHOUNDS, TKAINKD. UACINQ or Hunting. UeaRle.i. Ferrets. Write Al . I., hi. 473G Hlverslde UrlVf, Riverside, Onlitrlo. _ HVKINU A Cl.lOAMMi HANI YOU ANYTH1.NC! NEEDS dyeing or cleunlnn? Write to us for information. Wo are ulucJ to an.iwer your questions. Depart- ment H, 'irkur'H Dye Work* limited, 791 YmiKe Street. To- ronto. ISSUE No. 2943 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS \\ \NII n Wl J'AY THE FOLIXJWINU prices for Goose and Duck featli- er: Oooie feathers, 68c II,.; Duck fcathera, 48c Ib. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundaa M. East, Toronto. Onl. FARM;! i mi BALE: *WO FAHMS FOH BALE, GOOD land, xood building:*, well water- ed, lome wood on both. Close to town. Each 200 acre*. \V. H. M!.. Ing", Nupnnee, Ontario, 6. I 001 ||.4I M BAUMKEKA FOOT BALM destroy* offennlv* odor Initantly, 46o bottle. Otlawa agenl, IJenmau Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIR GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladt**' and c*ntlemen'i hair gauds xcluilvtlr. writ* us for particu- lars. WHITE'S HAIR GOODS M YB*T*> St., Toronto, (lol.ri,, _ HAIR GOODS _ W I O . TOUPE8. TH A N s l-'t ) II M - ation*, Awltche*. Curls and all yps* of flncet quality Hair Oooda. Writ* for Illustrated cat- aloKU*. Toronto Human Hair upply Co., 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. _ HAIUDHKSSIHd gCHOUL, Ll) A HN HAIRDREH81NO THB RoberUon method. Information on request regarding olasie*. Robertson's Ualrdreaslng Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL. WANTKD KVEHY SCFKEHEH OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'B Remedy. Hold only Muni-o'a i >, >.i Htore, 336 El- gin, Oltawa. M nvi v WAMTKI>. GRADUATE OU I'N DKIUJKADU- ate nuraes for gcnernl duty. 8- hour duty and half dny n week. Apply, KlvhiK full particulars Superintendent, Mcmorlnl Hoapl- tal, l.islowel. oil > AND C.IH TRACTOR OWNERS SEND FOR our new 1943 price lint on oil* and . i eime. Co-Operative Oil Company, 3570 Hundas St. W., Toronto. __ ^___^__^__ I-I.IIMIN \i. "Do You Know" THAT \>: in, Persons, e'ei-tlflcates. Family Records ure found by the aid of Uacon-Vuiitfhaii, M.N.U.S. Standard lienealoglst of long ex- perlencv, Thousiuids of records on file al .Studio, 1189 Marlon Ave., WlndHor, Ont. Frinu-alse, UiiKliah, H, . -, , American. Satisfied clients Insti- tutes my reference. UU'EH.S. SORKS, Kr/.KMA, AND other skin ailments suucrKsfully treated by my olntiiu-nls. lu-allnt; white you work. Special hot wea- ther treatment no <Mra cost. SI. HO trial \\ill i-iciiviiici: you. Write Numo H. Tucker, lllrka 1'Hii-in Kii I8!iu; u liooUiel ot HAUUH r i.'UMI'AND n -Horn * lOsiiitiiii-nen IIIB VVeni, Tin otto Intui in.iii.iii un re- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Tne Heal, Rain, or Mi.n HAVE YOUR SNAPS OelUered by Mall Any I or t sxno*ur film uerfectly developed and printed for only i!6c. Supreme quality and fast **rvlce guurauU*d. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. u. -n to I'MOTOGKAI'IIY "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE . . ." That'* wnat a customer at Outre- moat, Que., write*. He add*: "Some of my friends asked me where 1 lent my pictures to be developed and printed. I told them, 'send your roll to Htar 8map*kot Service,' and they did. They, too, are now reg- ular customer* of Btar .snnp*h<i( errlee." Any Six* Roll 6 or S Exposures. DBVBL.OPBD AM) PRINTED Me Boy* and |lrl* on active service n]oy letters so much mor* when "snaps" are enclosed. Hall your next roll to sr Snap- boi service (or a trial order. You will get quality prints, with finer dstall at loweit cost. And you will cot the most prompt mall service obtainable In keeping with quality work. Star Snapshot Service oper- ats* Canada's biggest and best equipped photo finishing studio. a MOI MI:I> ENLAHtiKMENTN 2Se Slxe 4 x 6" In Beautiful Easel Mount*. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a imall additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE n< l-. I'u.tni Terminal A. Torunlo Print your name and address plainly on all orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 2Sc COIN Two print* from each negative. Re- prints 2c each. Montreal I'll o to. P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal. RAUD1TS RA1U11TS, N K W ZEALAND Whites, Imported, thoroughbred lock. All correspondence ans- wered. Hobliison's, 312 Itlverdule. Hlverslde, Ontario. HAIIItlTS A c.l IM 4 I'll.- HA1UI1TS AND GU1NKA 1'HJS bought uiul sold. U. Fan-Is, 30 Walnut Street. St. Th.mui.s. Onl. H II 10 I'M ATI C I'AISS. FIU11T Jl'ICKS THK riU.NVirAL InKredients in Dixon'a Ht>inc>cly for llheumntlc I'ains, Neuritis. Sold only Mtinro's l>ruu Store, 335 Kliiln, Ottawa. M Mill U Ill-Mini OHAN INN NIACiAltA-ON-THE Luke, Untnrlo: Koud rooms, ex- cellent food, ideal location. Swim, Kolf, ridu or just -loaf. Telephone 205. HDllltVISTH, CllCTlJKS. SWAP- pi'i-M, Anc i, p and. nil ihoae who wish tci imelve tiur Kin Mall Free. Mull V one t'ostcnivl with your muni' mid addri'ss to: John'n Mnll Service, Box O-38. Arcndo ItiiildlMK. Comcuu Hay. Qnolu'-. Canada. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SCKAT A.\TKU WE BUY ALO. UIl-\DES CT HCltAP metals, rugs, magaz:n>: and waste paper. ConsolldnteJ Iron A Metal Company, 68-64 .Niagara Street. Toronto, AD. 3?3'.. STAMPS FOH i c.l 1,1,1 s . Jl'U MIXED UUULD WIDE lOc TO approval applicants. D. Odtroff. 4H2-' City Hall Avt-nue. Montreal. THAC'TUU PARTS THACTUH PA UTS N B SV ANO used, for all makes ot tractors. General Auto and Tractor Buaplr. 1 Frederick 8U Kitchener. Ont TIKK.S KOK SALE TIRES TIRES TIRES WE HAVE A I^ARUE SELliCTlON of good used passenger car and truck tirei). Available to eligible buyers. Moat size*. Mount Pleaa. ant Motors. 632 Mu Pleawnt Kd.. Toronto. TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WDItMS often are the cause of llljiea'.th In humans all ages. No one 1m- mune! Why not find out It this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticularsFree! Writ* M'llveriey'i Kemedies, Specialist*. Toronto t. TEACHERS WANTED WANTED. QUALIFIED PBrtTJCS- tant teacher for SandfieM tichooL duties to commence S;iVerab*r first, 1943. salary $95J, Apply sttttln: qualifications ana .ixperl- ence to \V. J. Moody, Se-rtury- Treasurer, Siindfield TownahlD School area. Big; 1.. I,, , O&tarTO. 1'ltOTESTANT T B A C H h! B wanted for S.S. No. 9 HoJIand State. Salary and qualir:rii ou ,,. Duties to commence on '.he 1st of September. Write giving tele- phone number to Thoma* I >c unison, Secretary Tr-:iHUier. H.U. No. 1 Berkeley, Ont. EXPERIENCED 1' 1{ O T E S T A N T teacher for Public S.S. No. 7. I MI ties commencing Sept. 1. Sal ary $1.200. !:.. raottlTM frum present or former l:\t|ioctur. Willis llluuey. Secretary, Hour gtt. Ont. WANTED ASSISTANT rEACil- er for Sparta Con:!nuHtlon School. Write stating qualifica- tions and salary to Orat.t IMch- ard. Sparta, Out. L'.S.S. NO. 17, WEST WAWANOSH, rciiulres teacher uommeiicinti Sep- l.'tnbor first. State quulifii-iitlons and salary to Howard Sproul, S vretary, Auburn 3. - WANTKD c'hi.-'S tftirhcr for No. li{ Llath- urst. Duties cummcnce Sciilcm- ln-^ Apply MtatliiK salary ,ui(l cx- peflenoe. Brneit A. Krwii:, Kali. Brooke, Out. H UVlll.EY WANTED I-'UK It Borford, Protestant teadu'r. Sai- ary $l,liiu. l>uties to cunnnciu-e Seiiti'iiiber. .state qualifications to K. T. Williams, Hatchlcy, Out. Fll.lA QfAMFlEl) PROTESTANl ti'iu-hi-i- fur S.S. No. 12, U.HKtcculr. I'uii. - commence Septembei. Ap- ply stating experience, siilnry ox- Pfctecl to Hubert L'nrkntir, Sic-ie- tiiry-Treiiiiiirti', Orinond, Out. VAItXM AM) IMII i.i \ i: yc.s XlAi 111NE AND HAND KNITTIJIO Yat'iij $1.3i Hi., pci.-lpalcl. We ifo ' <U>t wiiiillcii inns. Fle.shc'i tun WOollcu Mills, Fleshnton, Un\, 1

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