THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 7, 1943 i . -- i EUGENIA On Friday evening <rf last week a number from here attended the in- duction service for the Rev. West- cott who is the minister on the Flesherton circuit, Eugenia Is now one of the appointments cm that cir- cuit. Service will be held at 8 o'- clock on Sunday evening in the church here. Previously service was held at 11 O'clock a. m. Sunday School will be held in the church basement at 11 O'clock a, m. owing tc the change in the church service time. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Westscott and family to our midsA and wish him every success in his work here. Rev. Dr. Mercer preached his fare- well service here on Sunday morn- ing June 27th. to a good attendance who were sorry to hear of his de- parture. He expressed his deep ap- preciation to the congregation for their sincere co-operation during his sojum here with us. He is now stationed at Wedford Ont. and out best wishes go with him and his wife and family to their new hohme. The Sunday School and Public school held a joint picnic in the Park on Tuesday afternoon of last week. There was a good program of races, etc. conducted by the school teacher, Mrs. Davidson and the Supt. and teachers of the Sun- day School. Supper was partaken of in the church basement owing to the cool showery weather. A good time was enjoyed by all. On Wednesday fternoon, Mrs. Martin and pupils held a very en- joyable pien-ic at the U.S.S. no. 1 Euphrasia and Artemesia School. The families of the .Action were present. Ball games, -aces etc. were enjoyed by all. Supper was served in the schood house. Mrs. Ernie Thompson and Mrs. Gordon McMul- len provided plenty of ice cream for ali present. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ed Baker on the sick list. Mr. Chas. Park is still feeling quite poorly. We wish them a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Blanche Walker who passed her Entrance on her years work from Grade 8. We are iorry to report that the other cand- idates' from here who wrote at the Flesherton centre failed. We also congratulate Murray Rawlins who wrote at Kimberly centre from U.S.S. No. 1 Euphrasia and Artemesia where Mrs. Martin was teacher. Murray had only spent one year in Grade 7 and 8 work, and was the only pupil in the grade. Mr and Mrs. W. Bonham and Miss Dorothy A.bbeson of Gait holidayed a few days with the Pinkerton family returning home on Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. C. Bonham spent a few holidays in the Mr. Will Magee tourist cabin near the lake. Mrs. Bert Magee and daughter Mrs. Joe Porteous and Mrs. Ranald Par- son, and sons, Jim and Cecil Magee anj wife, accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Johnson of Flesherton, attended the funeral on Saturday of her niece, Mrs. Sparrow, at Pickering. The late Mrs. Sparrow was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard of Pickering. We extend our deep sympathy to the sorrowing relatives and the grief-stricken husband. The young couple were married last fall. Mrs. Pinkerton, Mrs. Blais and Mrs. Haas are spending a few days at Brantford. Born At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Thursday, July 1st, to Tpr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell. a daughter. Congratulations. Miss Jean Phillips of Malton is spending several days at her home. Mr. an^ Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Niag- ara are holidaying with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Mr. Jack Beatty of Malton is vis- iting at the Phillips home. Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. McMullen, and sister, Mrs. Hammond. Mis Lucy McDonald, who has been teaching at Arthur, has accept- a school in York. She has been visiting with her brother, Neil, an wife the past few days. She left on Monday for Toronto, where she will take a week's course in music. Mrs. J. Cairns, Shirley and Miss Irva Magee attended the Hammill reunion. Miss Dorothy Jamie-son is home from her school near Toronto. Sandra and John Cameron of Can- nington visited with their grand- parents, Mr. ary Mrs. Alex. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham of Thornbury and daughter, W.A.C. Dorothy Graham, visited with the Cameron "amily and other relatives on Sunday. Miss Gladys Cutting of Markdale visited friends here on Sunday. Congratulations to Kenneth Magee. who attends Rook Mills school, on passing his Entrance examinations into High School. Mrs. Allen MacGregor and two children have returned to Gait, after spending several weeks at her par- ental home here. We are sorry to report Mr. Roy McMillan in the Belleville hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. iilrs. J. Cairns received a cable from her son, Douglas, stating his safe arrival somewhere in Britain He is with the 26th Tank Battalion (Grey & Simeoe Forsters). We wish him good luck and good health. Inez Badgerow of the 4th Line i? holidaying with her cousin. Jear Boyce. TORONTO LIN^ NORTH (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smart from near Markdale spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson. Miss Gertrude Lever spent the past week with friends in Richmond Hill and attended the "Salute to Russia" program at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Tuesday evening last. Sympathy is extended to the fam- ilies and relatives of the late Mrs. Roy Lever who passed away suddenly in Toronto and whose funeral was held at Markdale. Also to the fam- ily of the lats Mrs. R. Ferris whose ?-j'!de*. deat'i ,vas a sho.-K to this com- munity. The late Mrs. Ferris had been mail carrier on R.R. No. 2 for a number of years. Mr. Mervyn McFadden is at present erecting a wall under part oi his barn. MAXWELL On Tuesday enrendng, June 29th, the members of the United Church and friends of Dr. and Mrs. Mercer and family, met in the church hall to spend a social time with them, before their departure for their new home at Dutton. A short program was given, following which the puests of honor. Dr. and Mrs. Mer- cer and daughter, Elizaibeth, and Annie Locke, were called to the front of the hall and Mrs. Buckingham read an address and Mabel Ross pre- sented each with a g>ift of money. each briefly thanking the friends. We welcome Rev. Holmes and family to Maxwell and hope their stay with us will be very pleasant. Miss Ethel Fenwtck, Re^.N., of Collingwood is spending some holi- days at her home. Marjory and Arlene Bensou of To- ronto are spending their vacation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison. Evelyn, Emily and Marina Acheson and Beth Townsend of Cheltenham and Elmer Nicholls of Toronto arc visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ross. CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS No businr** cnn afford to fire rUks which should l>. covered br insurance. I i I us analyse TOUT needs, explain how insurance can protect your business from lo;> in many ways and arrange planned Pilot policies to cover all eventualities. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected rinks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, ('.argo, Elevator, Teams, Plate Cla**, General and Public Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. CEYLON Sgt. Major Gordon Micks, R.C.A. Pettawawa, spent the week end with Mrs. Micks and two sons Bobby and Jackie. The many friends of Tpr. Robt. Meads and Tpr. Lloyd Archibald ol the G. and S. Foresters are glad &c know of their safe arrival in Britain Cables were received by their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Meads and Mrs. C. Archibald last Saturday. Miss Ruth Hemiphill and brother, Leonard, visited several . days last week whh Mrs. Wright, Feversham. Miss Lois Blackburn, Markdale, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Bradleer an^ daught er Barbara, Toronto, called on Mrs. G Snell Saturday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Flesh- erton, visited on Sunday with Mrs A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe visited the first of the week with Durham and Hanover friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Knox and two sons Wilfred and Robt. of Bowman- ville and their British War Guest, Gordon Lee, visited last week end with the former's mother, Mrs. J. Knox. Pte. Murray Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall, who has been overseas for some time, has been transferred to the Air Force and is training as a pilot at one oi the Air Force training schools in the home land. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall received a cable the first of the week stating his return from Overseas. Miss I. Weber, Vandeleur, visited on Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt, leaving Saturday morning to spend six weeks at Kingston. Congratulations to Miss Barbara Marshall who passed her ntrance exams, with honors. Rev. Chas. D. Cox, United Church, Priceville, will hold a meeting of Prieeviile, Salem and Ceylon church boards this Friday at 8.30 p. m. in the church at Ceylon. Will the church boards kindly be present. Mrs. Harold ilcDermid and son Cecil, of the Glen, visited on Thurs- day last with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mc- Dermid. Mrs. F. Marshall anj daughter, and Master Dale Marshall left Sat- urday to visit friends at Roderich. Mr. R. Sutherland, Toronto, was a caller wiCh Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir. last week end. Miss Maria Muir, Warkworth, , and Miss Marian McLeod, Oshawa, are visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muirs The pupils of Ceylon Public School had a very pleasant afternoon on Tuesday last, as a closing of this school term. Harold Nichol was a splendid auctioneer for the selling of the articles made by the ->upils and a tidy sum was realized for the Red Cross. Muriel Shaw read an address i. Miss Weber and Barbara' Marshall made the presentation of the gifts. Miss Weber, taken by surprise, gave a very appropriate reply of thank?. "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" was then sung. Lunch was served by the pupils to their visitors. We ex- stend bes-t wishes for pleasant hol- idays to teacher and pupils. Rev. Chas. D. Cox, United OLrch Priceville, will conduct s<>r . .^r at 10 a. m. in the United Church Cey- lon on Sunday. We regret the number pres- ent the past Sunday. Will those interested in the church kindly be present this Sunday and every Sun- day. Mr. Stanley MoMullen. Mr. anil Mrs. Austin McMullen, all of Toron- to, spent the week ery with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen. Mrs. Thos. Kew of Win-sham ami Mr. Arthur vv'nittaker of Toronto visiux) recoirtly with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Mrs. Archie McMullen of Toronto visited friends here for a couple CK days last week. Mrs. McCannell and Mr. Sandy McCannell of Proton visited Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. John Meads. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison Beth and Wallace of Dromore visit- ed tTie first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. John Meads visited friends in Toronto recently. Mrs. Earl Maycoek an<l Marion of Varney and Mr. Willard McW'hinjwy of Irish Lake visited at the home of Mrs. Jas. McWhinney Tuesdav. NUTRITION MADE EASY AS A.B.C1 Get this new book of balanced menus ... so easy a child could follow. At last . . . here's a completely praetica/ plan for good nutrition. A book of 63 "nutrition- wise" menus, literally as easy to us as AB.C. ! All you need, to make sure your family is wisely fed. \Ve give you 2 1 days of menus . , . grouped as meals, keyed as "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E". You simply choose a breakfast of any letter, and team it up with any luncheon and dinner of the same letter. And there you have a day's meals, as nourish ing as they are appealing. Make sure that your family is wisely fed! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today ! Learn die easy way to meals both healthful and delicious! THB BRFWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) lati tmeretoof nutrido3 tad health u ma tid to Victory. To e rw nifl copy of "Eot-to- Worlt-to-Win",* |u >t Mnd and MldrtM, darty printed. M -Nutrition for Victory", Box tOO, To* onto, Canada t m*rim* ittHmtmi m * tr.- n fttfptfbl* t* Satnnmi Str-rua, Dtftrmumt a nutiu j*J TUMM V.iuiB 0*M, /:>' t ' FEVERSHAM H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lome ilcQuay (ne* Edith Heinnan; who were married at her home or. , Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenberg and daughter, Grace, of St. Cathar- ines visited over the holiday and week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson and family. Miss Phyllis Hudson returned las* week to Toronto after spending two weeks' vacation with her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Mr. Wm. Heitanan returned to Commando last Thursday. Miss Ruth Francis is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Baynon. at their cottage at Wasagrn Peach. Sergt. Bert Davidson of the R.C. A.F. at Fingal, is on furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dav- idson. Another ton, Aircraftman Gordon Davidson, of Manning Depot ii Toronto, spent the week end a' his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Colquette of Owen Sound visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsythe and family of Owen Sound were visitor? for a few days with Mr. ami Mrs. C Eby and Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wag^r. Doris and Harold, and Mrs. Walter Wagtr of Uxbridjre visited on Sunday with Mrs. McGirr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cauchard, Joan Billie and Douglas, of Toronto and Mrs. Jas. McClermin of Dundalk were visitors Sunday with Mr. anc! Mrs. Wilfred Teeter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and i dsughteer, Ina, of Toronto visited on | Moruiay^ with Mr. and Mrs. H. : Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawton ar- rived from Vancouver to visit at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawron. Stephen Ely of Barhe Ls spending a few Holidays with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby. Mr. Schriver of Tiernova and son. Pte. George Schriver, of Alaska, are visitors at the home of Mr. Wiifnv. Tteter. 1 ':a.vford. was very successful in her itcent examinations in the Grade IX xi-mtnations in Preston High School S.'.f \vai successful in taking first \se honors m 12 subjects. Besides .er school work, Joan studied th . and wrote Grade 9 piano and Jradt 2 in theory and received first t-!ass honors in both. Thia talented young- lady is the recipient of con- .'ratolations for her splendid efforts. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. Mervin Somers of Brampton spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blaschke and Ronald of Preston spent the week end at the Morifat bone. Hr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Dolly and Hiss Velma Smith of Fev- ersham attendee the Parker reunion at the home of Mr. George McVicai on July 1st. Miss Joan Crawford of Preston w spending- the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. Crawford, and Billy. Congratulations are extended to Jfr. Loyd Hudson and Miss Bemicv Poole, recent jrroom and bride. Ber- nice is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler erf this line. Mr. John Flynn of Vandeleur spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. A Foster, who is ill Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Ottewell and Dolly and Miss Velma Smith of Feversham spent Sunday with Mr. Ottewell's sister, Mrs. Armstrong, of Collmgwood. Miss Joan Crawford. 14 year old d:\uehter of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and family sper.t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham, Barrie. Ronald a:;d Clifford Graham returned with their uncle and aunt for a term holidays, while Ruth Graham re- mained at Barrie for a few holidays with Marjory Graham and Ruth Shrigley. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Poole spent Sunday with their daughter, Mis. E. Dobsor. near Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sernplc and Royden spent Sunday with Mr. and M.-i. Burel McConnell. Kimberley, and called to spend an hour with Mrs. Sample's sister, Mrs. Harold Faivcett. wh.-> has been seriously ilL We arc plen*<?d to learn that Mrs. Fawcett is improving. Mis- Vera McConnell. Kimberley ii at present the guest of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seraple. Mi-s Shirley Holt spent a fw ho'.iii.iys with her cousin. Gwennle Dob?on. Eugenia. Easy money becomes uneasy mon- ey w<hen. after a sof\ touch, a con- fidence man has the police on his trail. of the total number of loans outstanding in Canada's Chartered Banks average less than $500 per loan. Black Perckeron Stallion DON 2ND (Imported) Will stand at his own stable for the season of 1943. Fee: $8.00 at aMe. Arrangements can be made by phone to meet you. ROSS STEVENS R. R 3 Proton Station '1 Flesherton. r Through bank loans, Canada's Chartered Banks **^ help Canadians to benefit themselves, their fellows and their country. Many of these loans are small but all contribute their share to the day-by-day activities of Canadian enterprise. Some further facts about Canada's Banks: Chartered Banks' loans related to agriculture as shown on the last official return to Parliament, totalled $3 40, 118,473. This sum included loans to farmers, ranchers, fruit raisers and to grain dealers and grain ex- porters. Canadians in every walk of /rre one/ in every part of Canada or* by more than fhree thousand branches and svb-agencies maintained ky th Charterer' Bonks to facr/rfote th natron's bvsir>*< THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA Every general manager today heading a Chartered Bank en- tered the bank as a junior in some small branch. Up to and including February, 1943, no fewer than 6803 men and 154 women bank employees had enlisted in the armed forces.