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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1943, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 30, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Leg. Jamicson and little son Ralph, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Miss Ethel Irwin, Toronto, was a week end visitor with her mother ih-. M. Invin and Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett. Miss Catherine Stewart, R. N. of Owen Sound is spending three weeks holidays with her mother Mrs. A. Stewart and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett and Miss Helen Duckett, Mrs. Edgar Doupc and children and Gordon McCackney. visited on Sunday with Mr. and MK Robt. Hane--, Eugenia. Rev. G. K. McMillan gave a splend- id message to the Ceylon congregat- ion last Sunday morn 1 rig, this being his farewell scornon. Rev. Cox Price- ville will conduct service at 10 a. m. next Sunday. We ho;e a goodly number are present. Mrs. Jus. McMulleu returned thi end of the week after visiting th previous week with friends at Moore, field. Mr. Arthur Whittaker, Toronto, is .-pendinp a weeks holidaying at his ohme here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McWhinney returned to Windsor on Friday aftei holidaying with relatives here. Miss I Weber spent the week end at her home at Vandeleur. Mr. H. Archibald, Violet Hill, was a week end visitor at his home. Vrs. J. J. Thompson of Flesherton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lawsoi; Whiu-head. Miss Frances Collinson, Markdale, is holidaying at her home. Miss Catherine Cairns of Toronto was a week end visitor at her homo Dr. C. F. Ottewell and Mr?. One- well of Montreal were week end vis- itors with the latter's mother, Mr>. C. Wilcock, also with C the I.ailii--' Vd held their Jum- m.-.-tinir at the home of Mrs. C,. K McMillan. Mrs. W. Gibson, president. had charge of the meeting and travr a nice acldre.-s of -welcome to the Fleaherton W. A., who took part in the program. Mr.. W. Henry yavi a humorous reading, Mrs. C. P. Wil- son gave a monologue ami recitation while solo* \\iTf jfiven by Rev. M. atfX >U "'!1I!A\' 1 K 'f '-'-'1V~ I'tn; I:T![IU\; apron sale was a decided sucei-- The next meeting will be hold .-. picnic at the horn? of Mrs. Plester ; Thursday. July 29th, at 2 p.m. MUS. G. K. M, MH.I.AN HMNOREli On Sat. evening Ceylon friend- and the community honored Mrs. G K. McMillan at her hom-. in Flesh- < erton. an address was road by Mr- Will Gibson and the gifts were pre- sented by Mrs. Roy Piper. Mr-. McMillan in u few well chosen words- expre=--.'d her anpreciation of i the hindnoss shown to her -ince their residence in Fleaherton. Rev. G.K. McMillan and Mrs. McMillan moved to Toronto the first of this week where Mr. McMillan will continue iri hi work. We wish them every success in their new field of labor. AID TO THE RUSSIAN RELIEF Thfi following articles were sent recently to the Russian Relief and were donated by Flesherton, Price- ville, and Ceylon communities. 12 women's coats; 2 pair woollen gloves; 1 cot quilt; 2 helmets 1 man's leather coat; 1 child's coat and dress 1 boy's coat; 1 man's suit; 1 pail- sheep skin moccasins; 1 man's pair pants; 1 pr. boy's rubbers; 1 fur neck niece; 3 ladies hats; 2 suit coats 1 doll; 6 ladies dresses; 1 boy's cap; I knitted pullover; 4 girl's dresses; I child's snow suit; 2 shirts; 1 cap and i scarf set; 4 woollen scarves; 4 baby's suits; 4 baby's sweaters 1 baby's blankhet; 1 silk scarf; 1 pr. of child's mitts; 2 pr. lone stockings 2 pr. socks; 4 baby's shirts; 2 pair woollen booties; 2 harrow coats; 1 pr. baby's rompers; 4 baby's drosses; 1 baby's slip; 3 baby's' caps; 1 pair baby's mitts; 9 pr. baby's stockings; baby's laundry bag; 1 baby's quilt; 1 baby's crib sheet; I lady's silk slip. No one appreciates the horrors of war more than a gentleman's gentle- man who becomes merely a batman. More than two hundred million f American peanut butter have been purchased for lease-lend shipment abroad. CREDIT AUCTION SAI1 STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. tlOii TuN. K. OSPREY SATTKIUY, JULY 3. 1943 The following, namely: HORSES Bay Horse, 9 yrs. old; Rlack Marc, 12 year.: old. CATTLE Black Cow, 8 yrs. old. ipposcd in calf; Red Cow, g yrs. old supposed in calf: Jersey Cow, 7 yrs. "id. supposed in calf; Guernsey Cow >; yrs. old, supposed in calf; Blue Cow. 4 yrs. old, supposed in calf; Heifer, 1 year old; -1 Spring Calves; "' !li<> Pup. <i months old. IMPLEMENTS M.-H. Disc, Inn '.'-Inili; Fleurv Plow; F. A- Wagon; \\'. Mower, 5 foot cut; Card of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Robt. Ferris wish to thunk all those who assisted in any wav and sent flowers an<l especially those at Fewersham who assisted her rt the time of the accident. In Mtmoi ia:ii MOPFAT In ever loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Margaret Park MolFat, who passed away June 301 h, 1U41. Lovingly remembered by her Hus- band and Family. CREDIT AUCTION SAIL HOUSEHOLD FURNITL'KE, Etc. MRS. R. S. McUIRR will sell 'by public auction at .FEVERSHAM TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1943 The following, namely: "Empire" Range, good as new; Good Box Stove; Grand "Jewel" Cooking Stove with reservoir; good Extension Tablbe with six boards; Falling Loaf Table; 2 Small Stands; "Dominion" 6 octave Organ; 2 Rock- ing Chairs; Steel Sliding Couch with mE..ress; Copper Boiler; Ray- mond Sewing Machine; Large Kitch- c-i. Cupboard; Kitchen Couch; 2 T>in- ingrooin Chairs; 2 Verandah Chairs- 2 Parlor Chairs; 10 Kitchen Chairs: Large Commode; Bureau with .' large and 2 small drawers; Wooden Bedroom Suite, cbmplete, with mai- tress and spring; Dresser and Com- mode; Wooden Bed; .1 Toilet Sets: Living: Room Rug 9x1!;; 2 pairs Pill- ows; Wool Rug lOVjxi); number of Heavy Quilts; Kitchen Linoleum 12x !{'.:: 4 Woollen Sheets; Quantity r.f frown Quart Sealers; Water Bench : Making Board and Rolliriir Pin; 90- |iiere Dinner Set and set of blue pattern; 2 doz. White Plates, i,vhiti' Fruit Cups Hiid 9a users; Dishes; class: Inlematiorvnl Cream Separator. i:<-;n !-. new; Set of Team Harness; goo,' 1 'i-'.na" Range .'love; Cutter. TKRMS - All sums of * 10.00 and under, cash; over that amount f> 1 do?. Cups ; Knives nnd Forks; Cream Pitchers: Tea Pots; 2 Pitchers: Cako Pans- ':<i:i-t pans: Double B iier: 2 Iroi Pots; Bread Tins; Mixing Pan; 2 Deer Head*: Clothe-- Basket; Clothe- Horse. ... 5 Sap Buckets; Pails; Kiri f'atrc; Wooden Wash Tubs; Pair of Crutches; C.lass Washboard- 100 Ib Heam Scale: Cobbler's Se;; in mink naps; Tool Box with carpenter*- tools; 4 Coal Oil Lamps; Ifi cords ol plit Hardwood in shod: Cnrd of C.o- <\->r Srhoon Shovel; Whoel^nrnu (;riiidstone with frame; Scythe am' ?n;ith: 28-foot Extension' Ladder : Hav Forks; Wrecking Par; T.a\v> M<.w<>r: 2-'>urhncr Rot Plato wit" Veitle to fit: Lon<r Handle Shovol months' eredit will bo given < n joint j Xunmrous other nrticlos. no'p-s approved by tho Rank of To- I TERMS OF SALE; f':i-li. Feversham. bearing interest Positively no roervo. a= the own or at r, per cent. -JACK MCALLISTER. Auctioneer ii;i< sold her iimm-riv rind is leavin- Feversham. SALE AT 2 p.m -WM. KAITTIvn. Auction ? f t J <* t t t t T t T T t T ? ! ? I T T T T T T f T T T T > Local and Persooal Aircraftanan Bob Banks of Trenton spent the week end at his home. Mr. Albert LeGard of Toronto a pleasant visitor in town Monday. Mclllnvurray and Lois &peni the past wetk in Toronto. The teachers are all home for the Summer holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paton of Oshawa are visiting this week with the for- mer's mother. Miss Helen Durrani of Stratford is visiting this week with her grand- mother, Mrs. \V. H. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and little son of Toronto are holidaying at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander and son, Paul, of Colling'wood were visit- >rs in town Sunday. Pte. Ted Fawcett of St. John'8,N.B is home on furlough with his wife and family in twn. Misses Jean McTa-vish and Jean Uuncan were home over the week en from Dixie, where they are workinu on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Ottewell of Montreal spent the week end with heir mothers, Mrs. J. P. Ottewell and Mrs. Wilcock. A n and *" A.iax Ont., spent Sunday with r.s. \\ right s parents, Mr. and Mr.s I' rank Teeter. ., _ at the home of TU .m ylor ori Wednesday, JuU >th, at 2..-50 p.m. Roll call: "My Fav- orite Hymn." Visitors welcome. Irene Martin has been engag- 1 as principal of Flesherton public tchool for the next year. For the past veral years she has been teachin-> slmjrton and prior to that at the KIMBERLEY Rev. Harmer is able to be lack on his field of work, after having com- pleted his Mi-Master course at Ham- ilton and training at the Niagara Camp. We are glad to hav him back. A number from Kimberley attend- ed the three special meetings in the Thornibury Baptist Church during the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Idle and children of Priceville are visiting Kimberley friends and relatives. Gnr. Harold Graham has been moved from Edmonton to Dafoe, Sask. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. E. Morwood Thursday afternoon. It was decided to have their July and August meetings in the C. M. hall, and also to only have sandwiches and tea as lunch for this year. A very interesting report of the convention at Heathcote was given by Mrs. T. Soul. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips and son, John, of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. D. Nej and babe of Singhamp- ton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and boys are at the farm at present and at- tending all meetings from there. Mr. and JJrs. E. Alexander and Paul of Collingwood visited Sunday with relatives here. Miss Orlic Kirkpatrick of Mt. For- est is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. S. S. Burritt has a Canter- bury Bell plant which has 15 blooms and more than 25 buds comin" into bloom. No so bad for one plant. Judpe : Why did you steal the lady's Carpet, Tramp: I did not. She said take the cM-pot and beat it. Toronto Reunion The reunion of the Flesherton-Tor- onto Old Boys and Girls met at High Park, Toronto, according to prear- rangements, when about ^176 old friends gathered to renew friendships of former years. We were pleased to greet Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright, who were leav- ing the next day for their home in Colombia, South America. All sat down to tables and ate their individual lunches, boiling water and cream were provided. After lunch community singing, led by Dr. F. W. Murray was enjoyed, assisted by a young man on the guitar. Everybody seemed to have enjoy- ed the outing and it was voted to have a repitition next year. Goodbyes were said and without any formal closing, the gathering 1 dispersed with the hope that they would all see each other next year. in Memoriam McKINNON In loving memory of our dear mother, Isabella Mc- kinnon, who passed away June 27th, 1937. We cannot clasp your hand, mother dear; Your face we cannot see, But let this little token Tell that we still remember thec. Tena, Gordon and Phyllis. Doesn't take much to upset things sometimes. Big housing project in Philadelphia has been thrown out ol' gear. Somebody stole the contractor's steam shovel. One result of the prolonged rainy season is that the lake levels are con* siderably higher than usual which may be 'a good thing for power de- velopment, '.. Orange Valley school. Mr and Mrs. J. A . Kicharda at- fiidtd a wings presentation at Lon- doij mi Friday, when their nephew, <>< as graduated M a navigator Kh honors. He received hi* commission as Pilot Officer and wiP eavshortly for bhe West as an Presentations were made Monduv yii.nir .to Rev. G. K. McMillan, on hit leayinx the pastorate of Flesh- t-i-loi. uniti-d Church, when the Tra 1 Kunffi-rs. ,,j- which he was leader and the Official Boa.xl of the churc'.' i recognition of the faithful service ^ "" fOUr '* PORTLA W Get Prepared for the Summer Days at Hill's SELECT YOUR WARM WEATHER NEEDS FROM OUR LARGE STOCK CF LADIES' & MEN'S WEAR LADIES' DRESSES In<-ludiM spuns, urepes, .sheers, in a n st of pretty patterns, of summer materials that are comfortable and cool to wear. Your choice .......................................................... $1.69 MILLINERY One. table of l,adios' Hats in straws, felts, some very smart styles nnd a wonderful frin which to choose ........ 98c lo $1.95 MEN'S SUITS See our rauire of Men's Suits and be con- vinced >f the values we are offering in fine worsteds and tweed.s. BOYS' SUITS We have a big range of IJoys' Suits in all sizes and styles in fancy tweeds. Seu tho wonderful values we arc offering. WORK PANTS For iin n or young men Here is the Work Pant values you have been looking for. made of good quality blue cotton den- im. Damiy for all sorts of outdoor wear, made with a stretchable laced back, pr. $1.65 BOYS' KNEE PANTS Sturdy Knee Pants for the little chap and marked at a very low price. Made from a well woven khaki cotton drill, fitted with fftrctchable waist band, sizes from 24 to 30, each ................................................................ 75c WOMEN'S COVERALLS Made to stand strong wonr, in one pece cover-up, from ankle to throat with lonR sleeves, button or zipper fronts. Made of a strong cotton drill in hlue or sand hades, sizes 34 to 48, each .. ................... $2.95 CGTVGN VOILES In a vib range of pretty patterns, in light or dark colons, ;i(i in. wide, yard 25c GIRLS' SUN SUITS 1 a good assortment of colors and styles from which to choose. Many pretty pat- terns in sixes -1 to 12, from 45c to 79c BATHING SUITS For the whole family in a big assortment of solors mill .styles from which lo choose. In li>fht and medium shades, all sizes. Priced ivt 23c 35c MEN'S SUMMER CAPS Select your Footwear for the warm weath- er from our larye stock of New Summer shoes for the whole family. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! WOMKN'S WIIITK SHOF.S, some very smart -styles for .summer wear i ties or pumps with low or cuhan heels. Prices from $1.95 to $3.95 MF.N'S WOKK SIIOKS. Made for strong wear for the warmer weather, with strong wearing- soles, sizes 6 to !>. Pair $1.95 FLOOR COVERINGS Sec our display of Felt Base Kolorflor. The smartest patterns we have ever shown, in 2, 3 or 4 yards -wide. liny now, as these lines nro hard to get. Rugs in Linoleum, Feltol or Kolorflor, sizes up to 12x15. THIS STORK WILL CLOSE Wednesday Niht at 10.30. Saturday Night ftt 11.30. T TA f T f i f t T f T T X T T f T T f T T f f f t T f t f T T T f T T T Mr and Mis. Frank MMrthur and toUKUu spent the we ' e, ,| with Mr. and Mrs. Hopps. Joyce Sliier is spending this week friends m Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plant and sons Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fisher and D *.' the Menzies-Fisher reunion on Saturday at Sunset Point Laurie Pedlar was at Camp on I liur.-il.-n-. Consrratulationg t<, Miss The Children^of * Britain Need Milk Please help them Saturday Julv 3rd KINSMEN'S MILK FOR BRITAIN FUND KXKRY 1)1 Ml- SI-XDS ONE QUART OF MILK TO \\0.\iF.X AND Cf^LDREN OK I5R1TAIN- S1NCE SEPTKMl'.ER. lull. 7,000,000 QUARTS OF WHOLE MILK HAVE BEEN SHIPPED Every cent you contribute Saturday or any time you see the Kinsmen Club milk bottle goes to purchose milk. U'. A. uiid fan " !;.'-;, n..-U,l ,! [. ,,f Mr. ,! , ourth , ' c rj? '-"- unit of the '" 'V and other friends here. M A X W (ft L Miss Shirley Buckingham is sne - i > l I | ' t s - lh Mil ^> | Ni<-holls of Toronto F. T. HILL & CO., LIMITED MARKDALE, ONTARIO X H~H~^^^ Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Toronto visited with the l' !! ;' over the week end. [lister of former's K ^ .^ liith l.rft for Brit- Tuesday evening the many f,-,ei d r'"v hi " , r r iKi> Ha " to ' ~ few hours and honor one of our non nlar .vm,n K men, Pte. Elmer Vfe r ,. gth, trainm-g in B.C. Mrs H.'rl. I oole n-ud the address ami 'a ,!,- ;"ul sum of money wore present""' mm, for which he expressed hi-' to the friends for the (riffs. I-'()R SALE Horse, aged, good work- er. Harold Richardson, Flesherton WANTED Animals suitable for mink and fox feed. Bert Mclntosh Eugenia, phone Fevershp i 6r25 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 4 year? old, due about July 1st. Mervyn McFaddtn, Flesherton. 4p2 FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer calf, 6 years old. Mannie Do-bson. R R. 1 Flesherton, phone 75rl2. WANTED Horse? and cows fv for mink feed. John J. Mead; Prieeville, phone 21 r 4. WANTED Hirsts and cowa fi for mink feed. F. Eaclcs, Protot Station, R.H. 3, phone 4lr3. WANTED Bull of serviceable ago, Durham or Dual Purpose Short- horn, must be fair breeding. Win. Sayers, Priceville. 5p: FOR SALE or ON SHARES Good mixed hay, mostly alfalfa, in the field. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell, phone Feversham 4r2. 5p'J FOR SALE 1931 Nash coach, light six, good tires, good condition. f. Ross, Maxwell, phone Feversham No. 4r2. K D 2 , aml Mrs - Angus Morrison the pnst \vee-k in Toronto. Mis- retlirilcd Sunday e - niivp Dr. Mercer rowel] sermon on this Cllvull . i him success in his now field . Mr. and Mrs. N. Hodson of C.-11. 25T ) S{L Tl " t d wif " Mr. nnd Mrs Mol. Sled ovor tho week end Mr. nnd Mrs D. A. Wintors nnd Mr., and Mrs. Vorn Pallistor ,nv Phlhstfr of Toronto visit- Mr, and Mrs. A. It i Pn9v to underhand firf" Most. infan-tP nrp at first a sxiccesn. HIDES Agaii in 'he market fot hides beef, hor?e, sheep and calt skins. -Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro ton Station, phone 'IrS Flesherton FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Good 100 acre farm, Lots ..6 and 17, 3 N.D.R., Artemesia, convenient to Highway 4, 1U miles west of C rton, either sell or hent, very reasonabl- priced, good buv. Apply to Mrs. B. Stewart, Tlesherton. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE M.-I*. hay rake, roof scuffler, McCormick-Peering bind- er 6 foot cut, steel lire buggy, Wil- kinson No. 4 walking plow. Chas. Newell, R. R. 1, Flesherton. IMMEDIATE delivery on some Bray chicks. Whether for now or later delivery, let's have your summer order, with second choice. Bray operating until end July to make sure all orders filled. Agent, John McWilliam, Flesherton. AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AU.CTIONBB* for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our spec. '- ty. Terms; reasonable Satirfaetioa guaranteed. Dutes arranged at Thi Advance office or phone 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office hours; afternoon* t to Wednesday and .Saturday 7..10 to 10 PJB. No office boon on Sunday. - Sin ai 1 A d. Column FOR SALK Quantity of cabbage plants. Mrs. Fred Fields. R. R. 1, Flesherton. 5cl FOR SALE Clyde gelding, rising 4, good condition, well broken. Walter Wilson, Eugenia, phone Feversham 20r5. 62p2 FOR SALE Cockshutt disc tractor plow 3-furrow with two extension rims for the furrow, good as new. John J. Meads, Priceville, phone 21 ri Flesherton. lp2 FOR "SALE Young Yorkshire pigs ready to go. Newton Greer, % mile north f Dundalk cornr, tel- ephone Dundalk 53r41. 2p2 ] 4 1 i i ' I)

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