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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1943, p. 6

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* f .> - _ HOW TO BUY TIRES Und*r Wartime Regulations FARMERS.-- Tiret on firm tructon, combines, ind trucks are eligible for replacement provided they cinnot be repaired or retreaded. Furthermore, lay farmer not owning truck may replace the tirei on his patienger car and trailrr. For further information ee the nearest Firestone Dealer. pIRST go to your nearest Firestone Dealer who has the official information and can advise you if you are eligible and in which class you are included. He has the application forms and will help you fill them in, will furnish the Inspec- tion Report and do every- thing he can to help you obtain a Tire Ration Per- mit necessary to buy a new tire . . . See him today. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING FLYING MINESWEEPER Early In World War II tho Nazis fclmoRt lite-rully filled the waters of the I .1. i: d channel with a now type of mine, writes \V. I'. Ki>as- b*y In the ciirlstian Scii m < Minn- tor. This mine. (U'signivl for use tn shallow waters, was m.ide of Bon-magm-Hi: tnaterialH and em- ployeil a iletonatitiK dovlre so f-on- trlved that the miin was exiiloilei! when the sliel hull of a ship pass d over t!i mini 1 . deflectJtiK a dnllcatu maRiictlr: needle VarioiiH siiKf?eti<>!is \\,.r ( . in.ule for roniliatlng this magnetic typo ef mine. The British consi>li n <! towiiiK large sheets of MI. :.] through the mined waters hy means <>r uon-magnotlc wooden- bulleil ghlp.s. The wooden Rliipx would not affect the minos hut the metal plate would urtlvnto the maKnetlc detnniititiR nipr h.'iiiism the mine Xnother RiiggeHtlon Involved tow- IDK a cable equipped with IDHK- maOc devlreR and Round mnki-rs (Uie latter to explode any niinex which happened to be of the UCOUN- ttoe.1 type). Tbe elertrnmagnetR on Uie cnhln would n-t up an eler- trlcal barrage that would detonate Ike niagni-tic mines. *f : " a third ^ .uis of diMonat- k>( magnetic mines harmlessly was by ineanB of aerial mlne- W*eperi. The llrltisli usexl Well teflon nihers for this piirimsc. Th bombers were equipped with kufe rlngn whlrh had a diameter sJii!' equal to the length of the fcomber. Installed beneath the plane, the ring eoiild lie with electricity, transforming; it in- to a powerful inapni t. The electricity required to wier- Kize the magnetic riiiK was gen- erated hy mi ans of mo- tors, It Ijcint.' !iii|>raellcal to divi-rt suffick-iit jinwi r friiin itit> plane's rej;iil:ir mniin-s to 1,111 ll'.r t< nrra- tors. Tims i(iui].jii<! iini! \\;'h two (( of Kasolii.e i :r. t.i i >-'iiinjf fill) blast, the pilot vonlil take- liis fly- Ing mliiesw i <[.!: on what often proved a miM (r\rit:iiK nilssinn. Klyinj; close to the water's sur- face, tin' inatn<tie field of llie ring would deflect I he nenlie in 'n magnetic mii.e. < ausjn!: it to rx- plodf. And siiui- the ininei n(<nld le-t KO prnctirally hcnfath the bomber, the ride was likely to be humpy, to say tl,o hast. Later, ships were equippiM) with rieRaussins nirdle.-. which neutral- ized their maiiiielic fii-lils. thus protecting tlif-m from niadni-llc mines. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. When u n (old i UK a napkin at the dinner table should It he. done above or below the eiljie. of the taible? t. In It all riyht to flatter a per- son when In conversation with her? 3. If one 18 not familiar with dish when eatiiiR In a restaurant. Is It all right to ask the waiter to describe It? 4. Why lnn't It proper to une ab- breviation)! wht-n writing a eorlal letter or note? 6. What IB the coiicct way to in- troduce one's father to a woman? Have You Heard! A man conBiilted a real eatat* agent for a write-up of th prop- Mix be wanted to sell. When the agent submitted bit description of the property, the owner exclaimed: "Read that again." After the lee- ond reading, the owner laid: "I don't think I'll sell. I're been looking for that kind of place all my life, but until you read Uiat description I didn't know I had It." o Six Year Old: "I wonder why o many babies get horned si night?" Seven-Year-Old: "Why, don't you know that? It Is because they want to be lure of tl-dlng their mother* m home." o The pastor wan examining on* of the younger classe*, and asked the question: "What are the ilni of omission?-- After a little allenc* one young lady offered: "Please sir, they're gins w ought to have committed and 1 haven't." o Patient "Doctor, can you cure me of snoring? I snore to loud that I awaken myself" Doctor "Well, In that case I would certainly advise you to sleep In another room." o "Before the days of ration stamps we used to make Imitation chicken sandwiches out "f roast Teal." "Yet, and now we must make Uie imitation veal andwlches out of roast chlekf-n." o "Do you mean to say your husband beat you when you arrived home pfler midnight?" "Yes but only by 20 min- utet!" Visitor: "To whom are you writ- ing that letter?" Ivmatic: "To myself." Visitor: "What are you telling 1 yourself?" Lunatic: "How do I know? I won't got the letter utnll tomor- row." Women, remarks a wise- cracking contemporary, are not what they were 20 years ago. Some of them are from five to ten older. ' Is it p> m, -if;le to lean one e-lbmv on Hie table while eating? Answers 1. H. low the- lalile. 2. Most p' o- ple, both men and women, are sus- ceptible to and enjoy flattery, hut the well-bred person la tactful en- ough not to overdo It. 3. Yes. 4. lierauso It implies haste, giving the Impression lliat the writer wishes to hurry through the work. 5. The propw form would be "Mrs. Hi-own, this is my father." 6. No; though it is nil right to lean be- tween courses. ITCH STOPPED in a Jiffy or Mom/Back I'uc quirk relief from itrliin| of csenu, pimple*, atli- let'*r<K>t. clc,H-abi, rubes anil oUMrcitmitll* canard kin trouble*. ue fmt-aelinf . rooling , acli* Mplir, liquill I). D. 1 > I'rr ..,11 (irMMlfU uinlr**. Sooth** irritation ind qukklf ttopi intriiM li. h i , i. 35c trial 1 1. .1 1 1 - ,,1.,,-, it, 01 moon back. Aik FOOT dnini.t !.,!,, for D.U.D. PRESCRIPTION. MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For r.iinliil and Delayed Period*, Extra Strenflh, $4.00 PHONE 11 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Aw.) TORONTO C.P.R. AIR-MINDED OFFICIALS ON TOUR *P *P^* VisititiK Cjinail.iiii I'.icific Air Lines western he:ul<|liurters at Kdmontou during hw recent Western tour, 1). C. Coleman, chairman and president, Canadian Pacific llailway Company, with some of the company's directors, inspected facilities with (irant McConachie, weatern general manager of the air lines. In the ahove proup lieside one of the company's aircraft are, left to rifrht: Grant McConachie, L. J. Belnap, clirt-rtor; Mr. Coleman, S. C. Blnylock. director, ami W, A. Mather, vice-president of western lines. QUEENS KISS With handshake and kisp, Queen Elizabeth of England, left, greets Queen Marie of Yugoslavia at Red Cross garde n fete in London. How Can 111 By Anna Aihlejr Q. How can I renovate hat bends? A. Brush with a sponge or small brush, with a solution made by dissolving 1 u. oz. lit white castlle Boap In 4 oz. of alcohol, to which i added 1 oz. each of sulphuric other and water of ammonia. Rinse In clear rain water. Q. How can I remedy an oily kin 7 A. Wash dally with hot castiU nap suds. Follow this by rinsing In hot then In cold water. Q. How can I remove fruit tains? A. Sprinkle some dry salt Immediately on a fruit stain and it will seldom become permanent. Q. How can I remove warts from the skin? A. Wash In water, In which has been dissolved a quantity of wash- Ing soda, Let the hands dry with- out wiping. Repeat this bathing frequently, or until the warts dis- appear. Q. How can I fertilize potted plants? A. Take tea leaves that have been used and put them around potted plants. It Is an excellent fertilizer and stimulates the growth. Most of the camphor now used in North America comes from Southern pine treee. *l.o SENDS 300 BRITISH CONSOIS", "LEGION", "MACDONAtD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" Cigarettes or 1 Ib. Tobacco BRIER SArtOKMO * any MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (wild pap- .; alia DAILY WAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Poitpoid to Sddieri in th Canadian Aimy OVERSEAS) and CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES. Mall Ordir ami RtmHtanc* to: South American countries ar salvaging sunken vessels along the coasts to provide scrap steel nrnl iron tor domestic nee<i, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Aa:.\TS WANTED IF VOL'It Ht SHAND IS CONTRIB- utlnK lO'.i of his salary for bonds and you want to help with the family budget and can devote a few spare hours daily to a posi- tion with good pay, write Avon Products of Canada. Limited. 1015 St. Alexander .St.. Montreal, gut. I.i:* - 1 M II USED CAUS WITH _iOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2U40 Yonge Street; Head Office, 031! Mount Pleasant Rnnd, To- 1-uiitii. Telephone HY. :'llil. _ AT< I'AIITS Nl-JW AND ISKD PARTS l-'OR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Cono- lili-te automobile machine shop ser\h'o. Ui-ntral Auto Supply. 12 Frederick .St.. Kiti-hen- r. Ontario. Il.tllV CIIII'KS ilVlilMDS FOR EXTRA VlUUUJ't alsu popular purebreds. Complete list, all ajx-*. Fairvlew harms. St. Marys. Ontario. CUK'KENS AIM: "tiig bu;sine.-!>" IKI-.V. Dut.iide of making muni- tions llle l)iK!-'eft lllHItlevjJ )n I'anail-i today Is the production of food, both for the aimed forces and civilians, for export and dn- mcstlc consumption. Chickens and fgifp rank hlKh In the scale. Tweddlc ehi^k.- urc healthy rhlck.s from Government Ap- proved bloodtested ance>Jtor.^ that were sturdy. fast-dcvt lopinpT heavy-producing birds. They're the kind of chicks on which it Is safe to found a big bu"inc.-. (Jet your shnre of thn profit In the current and coming big mark- et. Prompt shipment on many purebreedB and hybrid crosses. Free catalogue and price list. Tweddlc Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed. Fergus. Ontario. OO THE LIMIT OF YOUR CAPAC- Ity to handle them seems good advice to lummer chick buyers. Markets demand unlimited sup- plies. Hatching till late July to take care of your needs, so If you want summer chicks, pullets. cockerels or started chick*, or- der now. Bray Hatchery, ISO John N., Hamilton. Ont. DOGS * FKHHETS S. TRAINED. RACING or Hunting. Beagles. Ferrets. Write Al Schacht. ::K Riverside Drive. Riverside. OntHrio. KVriMJ A CLEANING AVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyelns; or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Rtreet, To- ronto. ^ F-KATIIKHS WANTKI) WILL PAY THE FOLIX3WINO prices for Ooose and Duck feath- ers: Goose feathers. 68c Ib. ; Duck feathers. 48c Ib. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundas F'. East. Toronto. Ont. FARMS FOR 9.W<R KAUMS FOR BAI,K. OOOD land. Kooil buildings, well water- ed, some wood on both. Close to town. Karh 200 ncres. \V. H. M111- tng. N'ap.-iim-. Dnlario. fi. K.1IMI WANTKI) WANTKli, S.MAI,!, FA HM ON LAKE front, suitable for Hummer camp, ahout tho\*and dollars. Wm. Campbell. 119 Logan Ave., To- ronto. KAIIM IMIM-KMKXTS tK I,AVA1, MAiJNKTIl' MU.KKH 2 units $3115. Vi HI'. Motor, $55. Toronto Haillo A Sports, 241 Yonge Struct, Toronto. 1 McfORMTOK MOWER, No. "HlK " In either t or 7 ft. rut: 1 8-ft. Pump Hixke; 1 3- furrow Tractor Plov. W. J. I'errle, R.H. No. I, TUusKela. Ont. KAHM Kl Il'MENT SALE niRPRELT, CIX)VER Huller No. 1. In Al condition, run ojily a few seasons, ball bearings. EM. Ewart. lloltun. Out. FOOT II Vl.M BAUMKKKA FOOT RAIJJ destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Driiu Store, Ottawa. HAIK OO>DS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair good? exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WHITE'S HAIR GOODS AH Vonge St., Toronto, Onlnrlo ISSUE No. 2743 Illll - I nil SALE TIRES TIRES TIRES WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION of i.- "ii lined passenger car and truck tires. Available to eligible buyers. Most Klzen. Mount Pleas- ant Motors, 632 Mt. Pleasant !('... Toronto. ilAIRDHKSSING LEA UN HAIRURESSINC! THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson'! Halrdressing Acad- tmy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. IIKItKFOHUS 13 MONTHS OL.1) REGISTERED Hereford bull. Domino breeding. Priced reasonable. Herd fully ac- credited. Herd sire. W.H.R. Ideal Domini) 125630. quality plus breeding. lilack Bros., Caledon, Ont. _ I.IVKSTOCK IU:MI:IMI> RED BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS stop White diarrhoea In chicks, Turkey poults, also calf scours and pig acourc, costs % chick, 1C poult. lOc pig. 50o calf. Trial ample fl.OO; guaranteed results or money back. R. A. Kinn * Co. Limited. London. Ontario. ITS EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Uunro'n DruB Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. _ YARNS A>1> WOOI.I.KX HAGS kACHlNE AND HAND KNITTING Tarns fl.35 ll> , postpaid. We ac- cept woollen rags. Flesherton Woolli'ii Mlll.i. Kleaherton, Ont M RSDS WANTED GRADUATE NURSES FOR T\T- berculosls sanatorium of 700 beds. Oood salary with full mainten- ance. Bxcellent living quarters. State previous experience, age, etc. Address Application to Miss E. Ewart, Superintendent of Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, Hamilton, Ontario. _ TAI'KWOHM ~ STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS Often are the cause of Ill-health 10 humans all ages. No one Im- mune! why not find out If this 11 your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto I, Qnt. _ _____ PATBMT1 COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Bstabliihed 1JU: 14 Kin* West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest PHUTOUKAPUY TRUDGE THROUGH Tke Heat, Unio. or Hell HAVE YOUR SNAPS Orllrr*d 7 Mill Any (or I exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only He. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toi.^oto FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints from each negative. Re- prints 2c each. Montreal Photo, P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal. PKHSONAI. PENCILS NAME IN GOLD ON FULL LENGTH medium lead pencils. 12 all one name 75c, 6 all one name 50c, Sostpald. Trans-Canada Mail Or- er, Box 253, Station H, Montreal. OILS AMI I.IUIVM TRACTOR OWNERS SEND FOU OUR NEW 1943 1'IUCE list on oils and Co-Oper- ative Oil Company, 3570 Dundus 8t. W., Toronto. JUiuuTs, N K w z E ALAN n Whites, Imported, thoroughbred stock. All correspondence ans- wered. Hoblnson'B, 312 Riverdale. Riverside. Ontario. STAMPS HOUUY1STS, COLLECTORS, SWAP- pers, Agents, and all those who wish to receive our UlR Mall Free. Mall one Postcard with your name and address to: John's Mail Service, Box O-38, Arcade Building, Comoau Bay, Quebec, Canada. ion i \i \ in PAINS I'lOOl !,!: AUK TALKING AHOUT tho Koud results from taking Dix- on's Itemeily fur Rheumatic 1'alnn anil Neuritis. Munro'H Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid J1.UI.I. SfKAP \VA.\TKD WE BUY ALL GRADES OF SCRAP metals, r a g , magazine and waste paper. Consolidated Iron A Metal Company, 58-B4 yingara Street. Toronto. AD. 393". SIMMER i.l *>n i OBAN INN NIAGARA-ON-THE Lake, Ontario: (food ro.<mu. ex- oelltnt food. Ideal location rtwim. Rolf, ride or just loaf. Telephone 285. PEIf-ON A I, "Do You Know" THAT Missing Person?. Cer- .'icates. Family Records .ire found by .the aid of Bacon-Vuunhan. M.N.G.S. Standard tlenealofrlst of '."tit; ex- perience. Thousand** of r- 1 iid.t >n file at Studio, 118'J Mari .n Av, , Windsor. Ont. Fran-;ii*e. lOiii^U.-li. Am^riran. S:iti*firl elie*'*. Insti- t utes my reft 1 : i i rilOTIH.riAI'IIV "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE . ." . . writes a cu.-tointr a- itnu-h Water, iV.S., whj adds: "I hi i told muny friends about your u-rvi< and I know that from no'.v >n y >u will get film.s from them 'ir <it-- veloping and printing." Le:' -rs I:ko this from all parts of Cur. i-lu tell how well pleased custom -rx are With MMT Snuimhot Service. Any Slxe Roll 6 or 8 E\ i >..m . DEVELOPED A.\U i ins : Mia Boys and girls on active wrv,.-a enjoy letters eo much nr, i- \vh-n 'naps" are enclosed. You, too, will fret better -cmnts from your camera If you niiil your film rolls to Star nii|mlit Kervloe to be developed and printeJ. You 11 fet finer quality, sharper ;>riii(.i it lowest cost And you will sot the promptest service Obtainable by mall In keeping with <iuali:y work. Mall us a roll for trial. 1 M-'l M I l> I M 1K..I >l I x . . -JRc Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Susi-l Mounts. Tou can have enlargements .vilour- d by hand for a small aJ charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ho. 12, Postal TrrmlMl A. ...,,, Print your name and address Mainly on all orders. TEACHERS WANTED MARTER WANTED. PR TliST. ant teacher for H.S. No. 1 Mint. :. near Englehart, is pupil., salary $1,000. Apply L. Wright. Si'rrct- ry R.H. No. 1, Marti-r. TEACHER FOR C.RADES :. 2 A~F 'insville School on Hisii-.v.iv -'. State salary expected. A;.-ii>' !'. J. liispin. 832 Colborne S'.. '::inn;- ford. FULLY QUALIFIED HOMK txios. orah's teacher for Fifth Cln Write BtatiiiK salary, <-,-r- i and grade .snhji.:ts pi-i-p.r-p<l |. teach in morning prriml--. to A. Coli'bourne. ^ecretary-Treui-urar l!i\i i-sule, Ontario. for S.S. No. 13, McN.-ili. I' itlCH i nmineiu i> St-|iii inlier. s > ! n r v 11,000. Apply M.,linu- > t i. - tions to 9ecretary-Treanui -i. Mr.--. Christina J. Cai-swell, Ul:uurf>w Station, Ontario. PHOTKSTANT TKA.'llKl; ^,)l! s." S. No. 2 (ioiillntrii. Dut:"- coir- iiu-m.-inK September i. si , ^11- !>. Hi'rt liarlund, K ; ,tiiMii,! l>nt R.R. No. 1. \VANTKIX QUAI.IKIBH 1'i!. .TKS- taut teacher for SnmlfieH . IKIM' iluties tci commence S m;...-' first. 1943. snhu-y $9j... \|,,,i y ."latinn Qualifications -r-i ax- I" I'l.'tu-e to \V. .1. M.unly. ,.,.,.,,... nry- treasurer. San.ldeld townnhln i-liiml area. l!lu' Lake. Ontario TRACTOB PAIJTK NEW AM") used, for nil mnUes of tr.irlnrs Ocnoral Auto nnrt Trnctor Rilpnty, Frederick St.. Kitrhei:rr (Int. wooiiKiv ii vi\Kss rv:iTs !' MiMKIlS \VK MAXfK X. -I'l'ltH fi-i'in Canadian Hardwood, M.MHI- ard size of Neokyokes. enfli f,.'n" Whiffle Trees, each fifle. licmhli Trei's, eaeh 7"e: Tw>" nock- yokes, each 25c. Chvmlcally tri'.-ited mid painted red hut with- out hardware. Orders of not les* than $3.1)0, shipped anywln-ro hy Kn'iKht collect. A Planer. Nor'- hmj, Dnt. 9 * 4 t 4T * .' < f

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