Wednesday, June 30, 1943 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance '..JtKStH Published on Collinj^wood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1,100. Price in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50; in U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor FEVERS HAM Rev. and Mrs. MacKay and family have moved to the manse for the tumnier months. Mrs. Floyd Bassttt of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. McGirr. People here were shocked at the accident and death in this village last Friday evening: of Mrs. Robert Ferris of Flesherton. Mrs. Wra. Tyler was quite ill last week, but is improving nicely. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, who were married last Saturday. *lr. and Mrs. Joe Tste and Miss Bcrnice Hudson of Toronto sflwnt the we.k end at the hoon of Mr. John Hudson and attended the Hudson- Poole wedding. Mr. Wm. Heitman returned home last Saturday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George One-well and Albert visited recently with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Armstrong, in Collinjrwood. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and daughter, Carol, of Dundalk were visitors on Sunday with Mr. George Short. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and the Misses Lavina and Louisa Black of Toronto viited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Black. We are sorry to hear that Ruth McLean, little dauchter of Mr. and >Ir-. John McLean, is ill. We hope he will soon }>c bettor. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitman and N' rma visited on Sunday with Mr. rnd Mrs. Hannoa. Bndjeros. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard McKeo am? J:-k. Mr. nnd Mr*. Potts of Hamil- ton wpent the week < nd with Mr and Mr. H. Alexander. Bill M< Keo. '.is finihin<* >>is .'boo! term r i';rmd to Tlanv'ton \vili thrtii. Friday evening th.. ladio of Fo "'' Ileitrnnn nnd "resented M h, a briil. --to '., . with a bonk e, an em! tiiMr- and a clock. TV.- nddrenf \vn r"nd by Afi-s A!d-i '' :ird ' ' wre pf v, rv pleasant >cci;il evrtiiiv.' wn - ( n toyed. P R J C V I i, L t (Intended for l-ast Week) On Friday night a Presentation was held in the hall when a Social .veiling 1 was spent. A large crowd was on hand. At an appropriate time Mr. Murray McMillan and Miss Mary McDonald were asked to come forward. Mrs. Henry Tucker read an address.and the presentation of a rold ring waa made to Murray, by Mr. Bradey Irwin, from his mai:v friends on the fourth line. Miss Betty Tucker then read an address for Miss McDonald, teacher at Stones Line, and the presentation if a lovely silver cake plate and but- ter dish was mad by Mis* Violet Stonehouee. Both voice! their ap- preciation for the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Merwn McFadden suwilied ex- cellent music for the dances. Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and Miss Marie McLachlan, Ferg-us, Mr. :\nd Mrs. Murray .McMillan were week end visitors at Mr. Hector McLeans. Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Him-ks and fam ih- attended the Musical recital on Friday nig-ht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T,o*lie Chard. Rock .Mills. wh<> Mrs. J. E. Milne's mipiK :md the! nnronts were present. A very en- ioyable evening was spent. Mrs. Marry Nichol of Ottawa i visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hooper and other friends. Mr. and Mm. Dick Carson and '.nho visited Riimlav at Mr. Art Pir-h- w) son's. Swinton Park. Mrs. Alex ""arson who has spent some tim- there, returned home with them and wont to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mntrc-e for awhile. Mrs. Elsie Cameron, Durham, snent a few days last week with Mrs. Wm. Beaton. TW. Presbyterian Church is H being re-decorated. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Tucker and family visited recently with friend" it Durham and Mulock. ROCK MILLS f rs Thnmrcon nnd littl.. -'itcr. I, <.'.-. of A ft nn \\-rrr vicit. (i'- on Mond:iv witri Mr. nnd Mr Khy. ^ n v- r V ! fl H . V .-I'l'l Ml-e. .Trie 1'i, lino. io, on til- EAST MOUNTAIN Thn tov-nhvp stone crusher has 1 o, <, f } u , ro (1,;, wp( ,^ nnf j | ]r|c v. >'!.. nii't,. :i fliflfcrpnop in (he rn;id-- Mi--s Kthi-1 Pnu-lit-i'TB ,,f Tnrontn !; -itin ( r her nnronts. Mr. and Mrt We received very heavy rain? on S'.uiday and Monday, which will sup- ply the much needed moisture foi lie gardens. The temperature has l ieen jf really lowered. Some of the farmers in this neigh- borhood have comim-iicod having and the crop seems to be very jrood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Be*( "f To i to holidayid for a week with hri n;. rents her.-. Mi-s Iva Knirli-h, who irraduati >' from Toronto East General Hcs|>:;-i! ir ently. visited the past wei-k wit! ior varc'n's, Mr. and Mr?. Alex. Krirlish. Mrs. W. .T. Novell spent Thur<'l:r .f !n<-t wn(-k with Durham relative- School clused this week for thi unnncr vacation and now the child n will liavp a (rood holiday. Th<- liap'i-t Sunday pchool and the I'ublie School held :i joint picnic on Friday aftc rnonn in Mr. Walter \': : tt'<! busli. when a larire nmr'n r ':i prer4<'iit, thorougfhly enjoyinir 'lieniselves. Hares and trent.s were niovcd by the children and a b>\inti- 'M! nipper was served at the close. Master Bill Clark had the 'imp to ^nrnin his nnkle Friday nrv' ins hnd to travel on crutches for n r c-w davs. V A N D L E U H (Intended for Last Week) The W. A. held a successful quilt- K at the home of Mrs. Angus Bowles on Tkursday afternoon of last week when 2 fine quilts were completed. They also had a bee cleaning up the .hureh recently. At the Sunday School on Sunday afternoon delegates were appointed to attend the Sunday School Convent- ion in Flesherton on June 17th. The Sr. (jirls* class decided to have ; weiner roast in the near future. Lor- nn and Anna Bowles rendered a duet. The public school and Sunday School art having a joint nicnic in th Com- munity Parti on June 29th. Mr. and 1 Mrs. If. J- Thompson and lv o sona of Beeton sipent the week -nd with Mrs. Ethel Hutchinsoti iv cently. Mrs. G"o. Shaw and Jimonie are tolidnymy at the ofrmer's home with KM- parents Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grartam and Ruth visited with friends at Shrigtoy recently. The T'un-e meetinx of the W. I. will e held at the home of Mrs . Howard 'iraham on Thursday afternoon, June 24th. A demonstration in 1st. lid from electric shock or drowning will be given by members of the Hy lor Electric Power House in tihe Val- ley. Dr. Carefoot of Merkdale wih -speak about "Plan for Hospital Care.' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and family of Fleherton arvd Miss Hazel Wyville R. N., of Markdale were Sun- day visitors with Mr| and Mr.s Gord- L'li Wyville and Donna. Miss May (iraham spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Mussel Freeman iit Eugenia recently. Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, Pr&s. of t.he \V. I. accompanied Mrs. Russell Kreeman to the County Convention held in Heathcote last week. Heart- i ist congratulation* Mrs. Freeman on beintr appointed as president of Centre Grey W. Institute. Mrs. Will Bowles, Mr.s. Ethel Hut- chinson, Mrs. Lundy Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and Frances and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth attended the Sunday School ''invention in Flesherton last week. Mr. Howard Graham accompanied \V. R. Graham of Mnrkdnlc to Pur- hi :D on Friday evening 1 as jyuests 01 K R. Oliver . ^Tr5. T. A T.cvcr of F'pshcHun ! ' ; 'f ' tiov ilniurVitcr, Mr flnrdo M-Mullen. ^tii T^nrv Ifnino" of Ki vi- : tf.d \vitli \Tr. an'? Mr. I,. M.- nnd M>. C. Tlionipcon JUT .^.ilv .-non* 3.inrln>- w itVi Mr. and M". TTnro)() T ri"V->r>f? >* T T nion . and >f>-c Wriirht swnt nn prr ] n t W .,, 1( W .;t1i Mr. nnr? Mr fmv Someone has written that farming is "a srront [rnrne." Perhaps. Hut hist now, in Ontario, the pame \* beinjr postponed by reason of wet "rounds. Ajr*nt for INSURANCE FIRE. LIGHTNING & WIND Car Insurnnce Muti. I Ftre Insurance GARNET MAGER I'll' 1 . -iiia. Ont. Gallagher. Many from here attended the eson reunion held on Saturday after- noon in Memorial Park., Dundalk. We are sorry to report Mr. W. G. Acheson under the doctor's care again. .Mr. and Mrs. Bedley, Mr. Glen Jackson and three friends visited at the home of Mr. Art Jackson during the week end. Glenn and friends were enroute to Wasaga Beach for a week's vacation. On July 8th Glenn roports for diuty with the R.C.A.F. Deep concern was occasioned when relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. .Jscar Patterson, Maple Grove, learn- of the disappearance on Friday afternoon of their second yo.ujig.est son, Douglas, aged 11 years, in com- pany with a school chum and on* a bicycle. Clues of their identity vvere -secured at Orangeville, Caledon and Victoria. George Talbot a neighbor, Mrs. Patterson and R. J. went in search of the boys and locat- ed them in Hamilton. The lads are again at home none the worse of their experiences. E U P, E N ! A Cream, Eggs and Poultry OCR kKO>KI)S SHOW THAT MORE CUKAM IS r.KINT, OKMVKKKI) I'.V CRIvXM I'ATKnXS K.U'II WKKK. \VK I'.KUKVK THIS INCREASE IN BE- UVKKF.I) CKK.AM AND PRODUCE IS DUE TO Till-. KFI'OKTS OF THE PRODUCERS, KKAU/.IXG THK NEED OF CONSERVING OASnUNK ANM) TIRF.S BY DELIVERING Til F.IK 1'UODUCE, AND ALSO RENEEIT HY TlfK I'KKMIUM PAID OVER TRUCK CREAM I'UICES. Flesherton Creamer' & Prodate Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manngf r (Intended fi* l/i = t w> ' ' At the Sunday piornin'R 1 crvices in the United Church here. Rev. Dr. M'-rcvr wr.s assisted 1 y Mr. Campbell M<-I.f!iM, student of Ernmanuel Col- Icyo. Toronto, who delivered a very interesting message- Mr McLean is a son of the Rev. K. R. McLean who was a jruest speaker nt a Sunday School convention n few years apo. We hope to have Mr. McLean with us again at some future time. Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. Art Proctor, Miss Jean Tudor and Misses Edith and Mabel Bctts attend- ed the S. S. Convention in St. John's United Church Floshei-ton on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Mnrtin has been el- ected Vice-Pres. for the third year. The Misses Betts rendered a beauti- ful anthem nt the evening session. Mr*. Stoddart of Paisley is visit - iii'tr with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee Mrs. Joe Little and babe of Tor- onto visited n few days with Tier par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Pert Masree. On Sunday nt the church service, bapt- isme rites were administered to her little daughter "Donna Marie." Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous of Max- well and Pte. Herb Rates who has re- turned from overseas, attended church I service here on Sunday. The Misses Winneta and Carmei i Martin of Toronto were week end visitors at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe visited 'vith Mr. and Mr -V McFnchnie nt 1'ricovillo on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto gyrand jaij tpiM ^[iu,i,vu POJISIA Mr. ruul Mrs. Garnet Mapree and Mi. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar sipent n couple of days with Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Pedlar at Niagara Falls. Miss Muriel Camithrrs of West- n was n visitor for a few days with her sister .Mrs. Thus. Park Mr. Chas. Pank has returned home 'n MarKcrale Hospital, We wish him a speedy recovery. * (!cor"mM Smith of Toronto visited recently with heir sister, Mrs. Well. Graham, Mr. Cedl Mabee has returned home from Hamilton nnd is onpapred at the Power House. Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Paker and lit- tle daujrhter Gail of Heathcote vis- ited with Mr. Baker's parents Mr. ivl Mrs. Ed Raker. Miss Blnnrfie Wnlker visited re- cently with Miss Genevieve Milne Flesherton. Mr. Edwin Purvis and daughter, Mis Shirley of Toronto spent the nast week at their cottage near the Hydro Pond. Tnr. Twl Campbell is now station- ed in Sasikachewnn. Miss Gladys,e of Markdale was a visitor at the Proctor home over the weelc end. (Intended for Last Week) Frod Bannon has gone to Brarop- ton where he is engaged on a farm for the summer months. Mrs. Walter Allen.Tpronto, visited over the week end with her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. The community's deepest sympa- thy goes out to Mrs. Wilfred Gall- agher, Mrs. Jas. Batchelor, Messrs. Walter, W. G. and Jas. Acheson, in the death of their sister, Mrs. David I. Wiltshire, Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patterson and boys of Allandale, Pte. Renfred Achson of Camp Borcten and .\4 Ina Acheson of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Acheson, and attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Wiltshire, held at Rethel on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard Kerr and Betty Anne have returned to their home in Brampton after spending three weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Kiitchelor. Little Miss Elda Reid at Brampton holidayed with her cousin, I.inton, over the week end. CONVENTION To select a Liberal Candidate to contest the riding of South Grey in the coming Provincial Election. IN THE TOWN HALL, DURHAM THURSDAY, JULY^Sth HON. HARRY NIXON, Provincial Premier, and HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER, Minister of Public Works and Welfare, will speak. Monster Rally at Hanover in the Evening 1 at 8-30 in the Arena Hon. Mr. Nixon and Hon. Mr. Oliver \vill deliver addresses HANOVER BAND IN ATTENDANCE Dr. A. D. McAlister, Dr. J. A. McArthur, President. Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ' Black Percheron Stallion DON 2ND (Imported) Will stand at his own stable for the season of 1943. Fee: $8.00 at stable. Arrangements can be made by phone to meet you. ROSS STEVENS R. R 3 Proton Station Phon* 32r31 Flesherton. The old gray mare may not be what she used to be but she can get there without rationing. In Norway professional chauffeurs are required to abstain from alcohol while driving and for eijrht hours be- fore starting. This is the season, if times were normal, when many a motorist would he decided that the old bus might a* well be traded in on a new one. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. W. A. Armstrorv* cf Toronto is visiting at the home of Milton Itanium. Mis- Kave Bannon. Re^.N., i'f Toronto also was a visitor at her homo over the weeik end. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. f 1 neHnd ioino. 1 m r>mlbers of the Duncan familv at Bethel on Sunday, in honor of Marp-- ' Duncan. R.C.A.F. (W.P.) r' VermilUon, Alta., who is stationed nt Tnronto; nnd while on week end -v ntt. i-ded the Acheson reunion mil visited relatives nrnmid PundaVk. M''s. Harrv Acheson. Tnunnto. i- ; ::inK with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred THE WATCHERS on the cliffs cheer their going and coming as night after night R.C.A.F. bombers deliver shattering blows. Canadian attack teams are famous for their skill and daring. As raw recruits, they entered R.C.A.F. Training Schools. They emerged within a few happy and exciting months as trained specialists clear-eyed and competent. Every member of a bomber crew is an expert at his own job, yet at the same time part of a closely-knit, smooth-working team. Happily, too, the air training and technical knowledge possessed by these fighting comrades of the skies will open up golden opportunities to them later in civil life. More men than ever are needed for Aircrew . . . join now/ Apply at nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre. // you are physically fit, mentally dlett, J7'/2 and not yet 33, you are eligible. You do not need a High School education. PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (Air Gunners) Needed for Immediate Enlistment ROYAlCANADIAN AlR FORCE R EW FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES For illustrated booklet giving full information, write: Director of Manning, R.C.A.P.. Jackson Building, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C.A.P. Recruiting Centres: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Rt-gina, Winnipeg, Notih Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Mont too, Saint John, Halifax.