Vol. 63: No. 5 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, June 30, 1943 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers JACKSON-McKEE A pretty wedding took place at 4 p. m., Saturday, June 26th, 11)43, at Maple Grove Farm, Fourth Line, . Artemesia, when Sadie Selena McKee only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John VV. McK.ee, became the bride of Nor- man Archibald fadtson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Jackson of Ware- ham. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Dr. Geo. L. Mercer, B. D., D. D. The bride entered the living room, on the arm of her father, which was beautifully decorated and banked with cat flowers donated by Mrs. Johnston r," Dundalk, aunt of the groom, to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chonus, played by Miss Mable Blackburn, cousin of the bride. The bride was attired in a street- length Roman Blue Crepe dress with Beige shoes, with a Halo of orange blossoms in her hair. As an orn- ament she wore a locket worn by her grandmother McKee at her wedding 70 years ago. Her corsage was pink Johanna Hill roses, Little June McKee of Toronto, niece of the bride, as flower girl, wore a pinkish rayon crepe celeste dress and carried a basket of orange blossoms, bearing the ring. Miss Mary Fisher, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid, wearing a rose sheer dress with a corsage of red Jo- hanna Hill roses, while Mr. Wilt>ert Fisher, cousin of the bride, acted as groomsman. During the signing of the register Miss Maible Blachiburn played and sang "Beautiful Dream- er." Mrs. W. Simmons. Gr.ia-1- mothcr of the bride, the only graa.i parent, attended the wedding. After congratulations auu otst wishes were extends*!, tho bride ar.J irionpi led the way to the heiuitu '.!y ii.-'-or-.ted table centre! Lv a three storey wedding cake, where a buffet d. i< r vr>s served, presided < vet- Sy Mrs. A. Sparks, cousin of the bride. The bride's mother received, wearing a navy blue embroidered sheer witfi a corsage of roses. She was assist- ed by the groom's mother, wearing nayy blue sheer with a corsage of roses. Misses Marjory and Elda Pedlar and Miss Mat>le Blackburn as- sisted at the tables. The bride and groom left amid a shower of confetti for a short trip to Toronto and Hamilton, the bride travelling in a rose sheer dress with navy blue hat and other accessories to match. They will reside on the groom's farm at Wareham. Guests from a distance attending thy wowwing were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Jaokson and Miss Johnston of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee. Ruth and June an-d Miss Jean Jackson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mr 6 . Joseph McKee of Hamilton. Mrs. D. J Wiltshire Passes (Victoria Corners Reporter) Death claimed the lil'e of Mrs. David J. Wiltshire in Lord Dufferin Hospital, Orangeville, Friday even- ing. June 18th. Mrs. Wiltshire, who had been ill for the past three months had been removed by ambulance to the hospital on Thursday of the pre- vious week, to undergo an operation The late Mrs. Wiltshire, whose maiden name was Gertrude Acheson. was born in Proton township in July 1X86, second daughter of the late Mi- ami Mrs. John Acheson. In April 1912. she was united in marriage to David Wiltshire, who now survives to mourn her loss, along with twn sons and two daughters: J. D., Em- erson and Lyla, all at home, and Mrs. Vern Rofoinson (Elva) residing on a nearby farm. She is also sur- vived by one grandchild, Ronald Rob- inson, three brothers and three sis- ters, namely: William, James and Walter Acheson. Mrs^ Wilfred Gall- agher, Mrs. Jas. Bachelo>- of Inis- tioge and Mrs. Archie McTaggart of Brampton. Mrs. Wiltshire vas active in all church and Rod Cross work. The funeral was held Monday afternoon to Bethel church and cem- etery and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Butler of Dundalk broneht a very omforting message to the ber- eaved. The many floral tributes bore silent token of the high esteem in which the deceased was held, and were carried by eight girls (members of her Sunday School class) and ~ix boys. The pallbearers were four nephews and two neighbors: Ren Acheson Les. RatC'helor, Emerson and John Wiltshire, Ernie Jack and R. Wilton Fri<-nds< were present from Toron- to, Caniii) Bord'on. Meadowvalo. HnrV nwnv. Bnunnton, Rerkelov. Walters Falls. Allenrl'Rle, Shelburne and a!' the s-'iiiToumlmg districts. HUDSON POOLE The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler, Feversham, was the setting for a pretty wedding on Saturday, June 2t>th, when Bernlce Enid, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole, Colling-wood, became the bride of Lloyd George Verdun Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson, Fev- ersham. The ceremony was per- formed by the bride's great uncle, Commandant James Poole, of To- ronto. The wedding music was play- ed by Mi-s. Howard McKee, aunt of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white bridal satin and chentilly lace. Her dress- length veil of tulle illusion was held in place with a heart shaped halo. She carried a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. The bride's only attendant was Mrs. Nick Hodscn, Colling-wood. wearing a floor length gown of heavenly blue chiffon and carried a bouquet of talisman roses with bou- vardia. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Bert Hudson, Fev- ershain. The bride's mother received, wear- ing a dress of biege and brown crepe with a corsage of pink roses and orchid sweet peas. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a dress of navy floral crepe with corsage of pink roses and orchid sweet peas. For travelling the bride donned a navy and white printed silk dress with navy accessories. The couple left for a trip through Northern Ontario, after which they will make their home in Toronto. Friends from a distance who at- t-nded the wedding were: Mrs. W. E. Irwin, aunt of the bride, Windsor; Pte. and Mrs. J. Poole, Branhford: (' m'tnandant and Mrs. Jas. Poole anc son. Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tate. Misses Bernice and Phyllis Hudson Mrs. Milton Nicholls. all of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill and ?or, ck, Markdale. A very interesting event tool. place preceding the marriage cere- mony, when the bride's uncle. F.O Arthur Lawler, flow over and circled the house several times, dipping his wings in salute to the bridal party. HOLTER LeGVKD Lily of the valley, mauve and white lilacs and honeysuckle decorated thi Pickering United Church for the. wi ddirag of Florence Elizabeth (Betty) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IF. J. LeGard, Pickering, to ^light- Sergt. Clarence O. Holter, son of Mr and Mrs. S. Holber . Rev. M. Jenkin- son performed the ceremony and Mr Murkar was at the organ. Mrs. Hur 1 Hudson sang. The bride, given in marriage b> her father, wore- a gown of whi* satin and lace with long veil cauir 1 " i th aha lo of white sweet peas ai- lily of the valley. She carried : cascade of red roses. Mrs. W. K Sparrow of St. Thomas, sister of thi bride, was matron of honor and th bridesmaids were Miss Marv MeQua: f Whirby and Miss Reta Hains, o' Toronto. The matron of honor w:^ in yellow silk crepe with halo of mauve swet peas to match her nose- gay and the bridesmaids were in blue :u. d pink chilfon with halos of pin!-' swtet peas which also matched Uu-n nosegays. Cpl. Roy Cafik of Halifax, was the best man and the ushers were Jimmy and K:irl Magee of Eugenia. The reception was held at thi Pickering home of the bride's par- ent", where her mother received in : powder blue redingote dress WIT: beige accessories ami corsage of T:i' isjiian roses. Tin- mother of Hv- groom assisted, wearing blue wit 1 - beige accessories and corsage of Tal isii'tm roses. The wedding cake was cut with the sword used in flu Crimean War by the b.'ide's great grandfather. The couple left later for Chilli- wack, B. C.. the bride travelling in a brown tailored suit, powder blue and rose accessories and corsao-e of pink roses. They will live in Daugphin. Manitoba. ArtemesicuCouncil The municipal Council of the Township of Artemesia met in the town hall on. June 14th, with the members all present, the Reeve pre- siding-. Council was constituted as a Court of Revision on the 1943 Ass- essment, at 10 a.m., when the fol- lowing appeals were dealt with: Miss Mable Binnie, on ibehalf of the Geo. Binnie estate, on lots 17(i and 180, 2 S.W., as assessment being too high which, on motion of Cairns and JlcLoulghry, sustained. Mrs. Mina Reddick, on lots 16-1(5, Ludlow survey, Proton Station, as assessment being too high which on <motion of Cairns and McLougihry, sustained.. The assessment for business tax or. the blacksmith shop of AJex Her- gott, Proton Station, was removed, as the shop had been closed for .bus- iness for several months. McLoughry Tueker The Assess- ment Roll, as finally revised, be the Assessment Roll for all purposes ot taxation for the year, and that the assessor be paid $63.60 for balance salary, equalization of U. S. S. and postage account. Carried. The Council met for general bus- ine=s on the same date at 2 p.m. The following communications were presented and read: Letter? from the Ontario Bridge Co., enclos- ing contracts for repairs of Saugeer River bridge and from the H.E.P.C of Ontario, regarding lighting ser- vice on the property of the late Johr McFayden. Tile Road Superintendent present ed his report for the month of at expenditure of $2.455.76: which wa on motion of McLoughrv and Cairns approved and the amounts ordered paid. Orders were issued on the treasur er for the following accounts: Supx pay roll $11)9.52; F. W Duncan, ac- cou'fit for guard wire $10.65 Thus Harrison & Son. bridge timber SI 19. 17: Jas. Porteous. repairs ti. disc harrow $3.50; Mel. Hogarth trucking $62.00; Russell Foster gravel account $86.15: Jos. White gravel SOc; Lome Turvey, on truck- ing and crushing contract $800.00: Canada Ingot Iron Co.. culverts S124.13; Ontario Bridge Co.. on bridge contract S1000.00; Road Supt.. s-lary and phone acct. $59.84: Chas. Hopper, sheep claim $15.00; H. B. McLean $15.00: Jas. Oliver and Johr j Campbell, valuing, each $1.50; John W. McKee. Wm. Sw.inton and Loui- i Teeter $2.00 each for fcnceviewing. los. Radley vs M. Wilson. Council adjourn--.!. Mrs. Robt. Ferris Died From Injuries Mrs. Robert Ferris of town died Friday evening as 'he result of a motor accident which occurred near the United Church at Feversham. Mrs. Ferris had been visiting at the home of Arnold Hutchinson, Osiprey, for the past week. A barn raising was taking place Saturdav and_Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Ferris am son, Billy, wAt to the United Churci to borrow some dishes and Mr. Hut- chinson had parked his car at the top of the hi" while he and Mrs. Hutchin- son went in for the dislu . Mrs. Ferris and Billy re-muined in the car. In some manner the car began tn move backward down the hill. Mrs. Ferris attempted to set out and in doing so must have been struck by the car and thrown to the road with such force as to injure her head ami she passed away shortly afterward Had she remained in the ear slv would have escaped injury, as the cai swung- to the side of the road ani stopped at the roadside bank. Mrs Ferris was taken to the parsonage where first aid was jriven bv Nursi Smith until Dr. J. E. .Milne arrived. The late Mrs. Ferris was born at Gibraltar on July 5th and was in he. (ilst year. She was married to th; late Robert Ferris on Feb. 5th. I;M)S Her husband passed away on Jan -5th. 1941. She is survived by thre sons and two daughters, Joseph i London, Edward of Flesherton, Bilh at home. Marcrarct (Mrs. Gordo- Piirk) of Komoka and Mildred (Mi- Mark Fawctftt) of Collinirwpod. The funeral service was held from hi-r late residence on Sunday a:'ter nuon at l.'M, with Rev. McMilla: !ti'ifiating. Interment was made :: Flesherton cemetery. The pallbearers wort-: Messrs. F Taylor. A. I'parks, W. Lever. T. .! Fislu-r. W. A. Hawken and J. A Stewart. M.ir.y beautiful flowers were receiv- ed, including a spray from th neighbors. All t!k' nii-mbt-rs of the family -ver present for the funeral. Entrance Results FLESHERTOX The following won their stsanding n their year's work; Jim Armstrong Shirley McCracken, Ted Newell, Kv- jiyn Stewart, Blanche Walker, Leona Smith. r'ascsd the wi'itten test : Kenneth Hunnun, Kenneth Magee. Bai.ara Marshall (H), Kenneth .Uuu. .Marion Stautt'er, Bruce Thurs- icn, Gwendolyn WhjTe (H). The following obtained their stand- in/ by working at least 13 weeks on .1 farm, their certificates being withheld until Inspector has nrooi jf their period of service: D. A. Fisher, Alviii Sheard. Doris Shier. Elmer Best. PRICEVILLE Wrote the written test: Eleanor Hiltz, Betty Hincks, An- nas McLachlan, Allan McLachlan. lumma Meads. Douglas Oliver. i .NO Diipils pasesd on year's work or on a Farm Plant. FEVERSHAM Pasesd on year's work: jiurgaret Bc-mrose. Douglas Dav- idson. Nicholas Haley, Melville H.tn- Kon, John McLean, Donovan .Murr: son. Ralph Pressick. Neil Smith. Passed written test; Marion Mby. Vernon Heron. Jea:, Lyons. Har.dd Parker. Passed on Farm Plan: Jaok Loughoed. Mildred Poolt . Frances Shea. Helen ACHESON REUNION (Victoria Corners Reporter > The Achesun reunion held in Dun- ialk Memorial Park on Saturday, ''lie 2(ith. was quite successful. About 'SI registered in the reception book The afternoon was spent in sports ich as races, ball and horse-shoe pitching. Supper was served at six p. m. Tli is was follawed by a h >'" Hut very interesting programme pom. posed ivf readings by Mrs. Geo. Hut i cliinson, Flesherton, Mrs. Chas Fa-: or. Honeywood. Mrs. Wilfred Inkstri i gave a paper on the "Acheson Fam- i ilv Tree." wliich was much enjoye i ! by old and young alike. Mr. Edwi-i Taylor. Toronto, conducted the elu" ii n of officers for l!l-i:5-44. which c'aims Milton Hutchinson of Flesh- erton as president. A:' an interesting finale to the day- i;ist inbly. Lloyd Acheson. Toront . showed his ever popular moving pic- tures. Many of these pictures wi"- taken at other reunions. Friend-- were present from Toronto. Walter's I Falls. Honeywood. Markdnle, Price- vi'le, Mansfield, Shelburne. and a! the -surrounding districts. Two members of the reunion now namely; Margaret Duncan. R.C.A.F.. ! in the fighting forces wore present : Vermillion. Alberta; Pte. Goo. Ban ivn Dundalk; also two members of 1 -h" Tmy whose homes are in Nov:> Scotia. MT. /ION CHTKCH GAVE REV. DR. MERCER GIFT A presentation was made to Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer, retiring pastor. >n Tuc'sdav evening of last week, at :h< h'ine of Mr. \V. E. Fi-rmson, wher, tlie ad>!res.s was read by Mrs. Flor- ence Lyons and a purse with monev was presented by Mr. Fred Plant op hehalf of the contrregat ion. Pr. M-r- ,-er was thanked for the si'rvic"- 'i - had renderrd during his four yen- as pastor. The Mt Zion i.'lnirch \va ' si .| nn Sunday hist, after scrvi-- being held 'Wrc fur some ^0 year !>r. Mercer thanked the people " - thiir -r : t' and host wishes. MAKKDALE On Year's Work: .Marion Beaton ^H). Mary Lepar. .Hi. Teresa Mac.Millan (Hi. Melvill, V rk (Hi, Willi-; H::!. Key.t-.ad Bra.: y. \Ierilyn RoM-e. Patsy Hamil'n!'.. Maui-ice \V right. Passed W -itten Test: Don-en Alcnx (HI. Lois HKH-'K''!'.!]-- (Hi, Frwi Alton. Hazel Buni:-'e;. : i I!'. Florence Burn-!! (H>. Ka::.- .Fitch. Elwood <ia!- ; - Hamilton. Marlene Kinney. Koi-ert Luca- Lucas (II). Myrt'.i- \V.io,i iHi. Marjory Summers. High School Results FINAL EXAMINATIONS Individual reports have been naail- ed. Deuartmenial examination marks are dependent upon coitfhination and i.~juance of certificates by the De- partment of Education, so o-ver- aii percentage only are given here: G-RADE XII John McConkey 67, Ena Adams 66, Isabel Karstedt 64, Willis Savers 58, Margaret McMillan 55.4, Arthur Proctor 55, Barle Thurs- ton 54. Dorothy Falconer 52, Angus Me Vicar 50, Arlene Taylor 41. Standing subject to Farm Service Regulations: Fred Bannon, Donald Cameron. Carman toucks. John McMillan. GLADE XI Frances Buchanan 7; . Jane Karstedt 74. Genevieve Milne 71. Mavsraret Turner 61. Mar- jurie Brackenbury 58. Muriel Smith .">>. Jean McCracken 54. Vernon At- kinson 45. Sl:tndi::;r sui-jpct to Farm Service Regulations; Eunice Allen. Grade X - Marie Phillips 78.6, Margaret Smith 75.1. Evelyn McTav- : 75. Hazel Femvick 7'l.fi. Bob Avis >\~. E'i'/.abeth Mercer 58.7. Gordon Miller 57. Dorothy Plester 5G. Marie Mends ,")4.7, Helen Brown 54.2, Doug- ia-- Fak-mer 53.1. Ted Banks 52.6, Burton Ru--e!l 52.4. Mary Banks i::.J. Keith GoesiH'l 4:1. Velnia Sewell ;_'.",. LMS Mc-Illmurray TO.3. S-.amlintr subject to Farm Service ilations; Elizabeth O'Neill. r.RADE IX -- Jam-to Haas 84.39, \am-v MVWil'.iam 7S.SS. Lois Sparks 78.5. Eleanor Williams 77.75. Dnnald M<-Leod i.O.i:;. Joyce di-noi- 51.ii3, Ma me Martin 59.50. t>raM Stalford -. Mabel Chard r>S.i;:;. Oorge F- --,v:rk !!, E.V.I Doupe l.'.'J'J. F n S:a:fVrd 44.5. Standing subject to Farm ^.M-VVI- Regulations: Vr'ia Lmu-k>-. William Smith, Rfi-v Tucker. Win. Turvv. Ynu '.-an save manv times the price \ow that meals are being iretty rf '-our subscription by reading ano \voll reduced in the CL.fes we are only acting upon the advertisements in s wk-happy at nooa. : Tin- Advance. PRESENTATION TO OKI' VHTING TK.U'HKK AND WIT! A presentation was held at th High School on \Vi-ilni-sday. June 2". for >lr. C. P. "\Vilson. one of tin- teachers, who is leaving tn t:ik- v position at Smithville. An address was read by Karle Thurston and a fine travelling ba- v. -is n resented to Mr. Wil>on by An nis MacVicar. with the compliment- of the pupils and staff of the High School. Mr. Wilson expressed his apprec- iation for the lovely gift and tihank- ed the pupils and staff for their tbonghtfulness toward him. In the evening- the C.G.I.T. group a -imbled at the hom-e of Miss A: nes McMillan where a presentation of a fine hostess tray was made to Mrs. C. P. Wilson by the group to -hew their appreciation of her lead- i i-s!i : p of the group through the pas' few years. The address was read by Mis Mariorv Brackercbiiry and the trav presented by Miss Agnes Mo-Millar Mrs. Wilson replied very suitab- ly ami thanked them for the gift. Cas .vt-11. Chas ru-r. Patrick Huylu-s. Mary i H i. Stewar Smart. Muriel \I'-"ary, Eileen On Farm Plan: Viola Clarke. Harold Steer. .Ih". Dk-ksnn. DOUJT'UH Freeman. Keir\ Freeman. Blanche Svwc',1. Elsnier Mills. Durothy Brodie. M. O'X.-H. DUNDALK Pasted on Year's \V<'i-k: Allie Gillies. Alici- Haw. Rii-hard Ileanl. Alice Marshall. Mary Rya:i. Barbara Sudden. Passed on written Exam.: 1'omthy Armstnviir. \\'il! Cra-.v- ford, Bo'ii Dinirwall. Alfre<la Du Patricia F.-i-naiu 1 . Lnn-en J.u-k. Vur : 1 .I.-u-k. I.avi"-!-.' Love, Jack Haw. I'a-scd <<n Farm Plan: Bill lUissi-y. I.oui< Ryan. Jack -.srdson. (.;>-ai-e Bvnnett. Audp-y V-iu'w. Hnuirlas Jack. Eili'en Han- n. ],.<': McCiinnii-k. I-i-t-vl Mr I 'an, Fli/.abe-!' M<-Xalty. N'arjrar" Burnett. C.nrdon Mnm-o. Jean IlaV Pearl H'-okcr. Marie Mulha!!. Eln \lulhall. ANNIVKKSAKV SEUVK ES OF I'UICEVILLK PUKS. CHri Anniversary sen'ices of St. Aml- rew's Presbyterian Church. Priceville will be held July 4th. 11 a.m. and ~.:',\ p.m. Dv. St. J. McKiver. t'ortner nv.it. ister. will speak in the morning on "Horn-fill -MTMS of these i imes" am in -lie evening his subject will be "I or.r Chunih going to ne Ruperceded. (;IFT TO <;KOOM ANP HKIPK Friends and neighbors gathered a liome of Mr. and Mrs. .las Thomson in honor of Pte. ClitTord Baylor and Mrs. Tavlor in their re- cent mai-riage. Alan Tupling read t'r.e address anil the presentation of i cabinet of silverware was made bv Bruce Douglas. Clifford thanked a'' in a few well chosen words. PMM '"g was L-in'oyi-<i during the oveni'icr \Ve still think a loose tire is l-ett; i'i an auto than a tijrht driver. AN APPRECIATION Flesherton, June 23, 1943 Editor of The Advance: My wife and I, through the med- ium of this letter, would like to say goodfbye to our many friends and ac. quaintances in and around Flcshev- ton. We thank you all for your kind expressions of appreciation of our past endeavors- and your ood wisihes for our future. We have enjoved 1 greatly onr stay hore and will always think with affection of the kindly. friemHy people of Flesherton and will follow with real interest, vowr activities as recordd by The Advance. Sincerely yours, Clare P. Wilson. BATES & MADDOCKS FUHERAL CHAPEL NOTBD for beautiful tervicet ut mod f rat a eott. Every funeral complete no addi- tional chargei. Intpection In- vited. 60% OF OUR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN '2002 CENTRAL LOCATION-124 AVENUE ROfl "^ Telephone Klngsdale 4344 Civic Holiday ONDAY, JULYS I hereby declare DOMINION J* DA V will he observed by the bus- | iness places of FLESHFRTON ! on MONDAY, JULYS. A. DOWN, Reeve Flesherton rublic School TO (iRADi: VIII On vear'; -taiui- aig: Bar: y Thurstun l.Ht. Eleamuv Sparks (H'. Francis Si'.'.i'li t H), Joan Turtu-y iHi. Jack Milne (.H), u ny McTav-ii. Jack Turvey By examination: Bi.iy RichanU.m. l'm Bar.'^s iri-iM TO CRAl'E VI - -In -oar'- <t:;nd- iiitr; Audrey Wan. -'".w. John Milli- .: . !!,'i> Falconer. Keith Ihir.iiey. .1 n ai ion: Bui) Stmiiiar.. Bur- Talb.it. Earl MeKrc'inie (rec.) TO (JRAl'K V -- On year's stand- ng: Margol A:i::e Goessi-1 (H). Bob M, > 'rac-kc-ii. Jeanne Wood. Muriel Sparks. Carson Staulfer. Mary Jane MrT:<vi.-:i. El;i.!'.e <'mil<. ROSS" Loucks, F'.u.'ii Kawri'U. By examination: lim S: ..... iai". (larnet Hamilton. TO ilUADIC IV On yea,-'~ <tund- ing : Joan Vvis. Milford Loucks. By ."xaini-'a: inn: Marion Pickles, f'oss Fak-'im'-. Marilynn Smith. ClitVonl l\a-'.iaidsoii. Bobbie TVeter. Ischel I ingey i Hi c. i Ti) i;i: \OK III OTI year's <t:md- ing: Marjovii- I! : c':iaHsnti i HV Marg- in i Hi. .T:u-k Banks < HV R.-v- Cook i UK Hoy Park. Anne Stuart. Hv examination: Stanley MrKivhr . . TO CRADF II -Kiit'i Fa-.veeu . H) fanel Betts tfU. tlrraldino Best (II) f :i: : :>r !Ti>i-.leron (ID. R'>n?Me Smith, (Hi. F.lra MeK.vkiiie lH^. Ka idal Mi-Millar. Tmiimie \V;uch -ipe. .Taek i Doupe. Knnnie Lotiek>. (tut <>f the scarcity of >ugar the ingiTiiitv of some person may make a great discovery. Future Events I>\NCE AT IMIICEV1LLE Haiu-e at Pricevillp Wednesday, July 7th. to the excellent music sup- plied hy the CKNX Ranch Boys. Bi K timo fur everybody. Admission: !!5c. Don't miss tihis one. AUCTION SALE Mrs. R. S. McGirr will hold an auction sale of household furniture, etc.. at Feversham on Tuesday, July (ith, at 2 p.m. Wm. Kaitting, auc- tioneer, liuo. Ross, clerk. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Farm stock, implements, etc., Fri- day. July 2nd, estate of the late Ha \vson Gordon, lots 10-20, Con. 2, X.N.R.. Osprey. 2 1 --' miles south of Maxwell. Farm containing 100 acres r.lso offered day of sale. Geo. B. Duncan, auction'r, C. N. Long, Clerk. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Walter Seeley, lot 11, con. (5, Osprey. on Saturday, July 3. Jaok McAllister, auctioneer. CONCERT AT PRICEVILLE Monday. July 5th. a concert will be held in agricultural hall. Priceville, when Dr. McKiver will address on "Humor of tiie Ministry.'' The young nt'cple of Cooke's church, Markdnle r will present "How the Story Grew." The program interspersed with music. Admission: 25 and 15, Concert at 8.15.