\iuillty counts most for that rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.* TO THE HILT Peicival Christopher Wren CHAPTER VIII Years later . . . There was a sound of revelry by t, ami England's capital hiui bright, her beauty and fct* chivalry, at the Russian Em- hussy where that very popular fig- ure of Ix>nt!im soriety. the Russian Ambassador, was giving a dance In honor of the. birthday arul pro- motion of his nephew and military ll.tchp, Prince. Niltolas Bailiizin, brilliant young ornament of dip- lomatic gociet.v, owner of va.t rs- tatw. and protege and favorite of the Tsar. Scarcely a sotij' matrou bless- ed with a marriageable daughter viewed the iiamlsome. gifted and ani:ini- : Mi.ii Prince Nikolas Bail- itzin with anything but marked approval. Those who bad no daughters were likely to be less enthusiastic and were prone lo observe tihat he appeared to be an eilremely dissipated young man. .And in many cases their sons and liiifbanils agreed, for undeniably tonne Bailitzin went the pai-e. Rwmed to forget that London was not St. Petersburg, ami appeared quite anxious to do his best lo Bbovk ijven the most tolerant rrclt-fi of London society. Time after time, tlie Ambassador Klmonished him, freiiueiitly warn- ed him, anil occasionally thifat- tiiHl. One. more scandal anil bark In KiiKsia he should to. Hut Prince Nikolas Bailiizin had vet taken his mule's threats loo furiously, for he hai! not the lighted doubt that they were inptv ma sin 1 rli an an appeal to tnt Tsar would result in a perm- j-iient and most satisfactory post Ithout the Court Of St. I'ele-slKllt;. nd no regimental duty, either. No, not while his father. Genual Prince Alexieff Haiiitzin. late Col- onel of (he imperial bodyguard, was t-bief of the Kinpero-s mili- tary household. Still, he didn't want to po b.ifk In Russia just yet because if he did he'd have to go alone-, and that rt> had no 'mention of doing. When he did go. Sybil Kfoulke* huulil xo with him. It was not fcis habit to take no for an ans- wer, nor big custom to a crept de- feat and humiliation. Kor what ma* refusal, repeattd flat rt-fiisa] >t all that he. Prince Nikolas Bail- rUm bud to olfer. hut galling hu- miliatiou? He bud done- this girl tlie honor of asking he-r to marry liim and UI.HTV him *lie- should, little as she dest rve4 Biu-li'an hon- r if sJie were fool enough to pre- fer a wretched, iiudislmiuiished. unimportant subaltern. If only he uulil get ht-r over to St. Peters- burg and give her some idem of what she was uiistsinjt by declin- ing to become Uie Hvincess Bail- Ittin! And according to her own falihi-r whom he had approached, ISSUE No. 2443 I Welcome Relief for SHARP, SEARING STOMACH PAINS L)i> yon suffer liistuss alter meals- - imliKesliim, dysiH-pitia, lirariLniiii, mr_ stomach, g.is, excessive ;u id? Don t wait (or p.nn to strike ;I K .HH Take PAL-O-MINK jmmiilutely alter fating to help prevent I.-.K! liMiienution, sweeten the stoiii.it h. neutralize the aeid and aid natural digrftlivc pro. i ss<s. lust send your 11.11110 .mil udihtsa with 25 cents and 11 toll ti/.e puckagu will be m.iileil l*)Bt- jwid. Or t:ikc Bdnntageof our m-t-i;il offer for a limited lime diilv of fi,vc imckage!) for $1.00. ^" P I COMPANY II.- v l. II.. 11)1 llr.i:i.l _ tliiillli. lnf. PALOMINE tb.a fellow with whom she wan lnfatn:Meil didn't appear to care vi-e about her. * * * "!>!'* :i this one out, Sybil. I w;ii!i to tallr lo you for your good," smiled Prince Nikolas HaiiiUin as the music bejian a^;cn. "My pood or youi's'.'" iuquired BI '- Iki lazTiy fanninp her- self. -Holli. Oh. defin-fe-ly boll. I feel kindly disposed Inwards t-arh oth- er. .\'o, each or MS, isn't It? I want to make you a princess and a shin- ing light of the Imperial Court, the mast brilliant in Europe, and I want to make you the mistrti-8 of a hujre old house, a chateau a rastle, yes- and of enormous e*- tates. " "Anil you?' 1 smilfd Sybil Kfoiilkes. wiih a faint edge- ef sarcasm to her tleep voice. "1? Oh.- yes. I want to make my- self the happiest man in th> world." ".Nikolas, it dawne upon me that you are proposing once again." "I have the honor 10 ask j 0,1 to be my wife.' 1 ".And I have i!it- <|--i) regrel to ii <-]iiiK" "But will you tell me why?" "Lois of reason*. First of all. I di n i love you" "And you only marry where you love!" "Kveiy time. Always."" replied Syl)| Ffoulkes languidly as she rose to her feer. "Ciooil," Uiighrd Riiilluin tj'l- iimphantly as he sprang up. "I'll make you !n\ r me. ' And with a -iit and pnuiii-ed grace he Hung his right arm about in r, s-eize*! her "ijfht wrist, rni.-li- ed her left arm to him so that she was helpless and with his left hand beneath her chin, raised her face mid kissed her savagely upon the mouth. And again and again ii ud avail). S: -!i:! Kfor.lkes- kept perf>-i"ly still. "lii'iiH 1 :" she ini|ii:iv<l as the Russian released her with a harsh lau>;!i. and raisini; her rifrht h.ind utriick him wit.h all her sirenxtli ai-n,-s the (are. Alul the hands of Sybil Kfi)iilk*-s. m>:fer. hoi-key piayei-. fisherwnnian. swimmer and horsewoman, couM be extrenu-ly h.ii-l and he.-ivx as well as >--.f' und liviit So i;ne\|iect< -A anil sid-ii-n v, a.s the Wow that the man siajcgereit biick. sti-pped upon a small rug that slid on the highly jiol s 1 .. .1 floor .mil mi H^in-i! hjs li'tivHi up- on Ili.-i I. .irk "Our dance. I t'i im. S\ bil " -.ii.l a voice a.s the head of the un- furtun.ite Hii'-sian siuoie the |-.i;-- quet with a resounding thump. Kirll.iid Weiulovei- held liie cur- tain nf the ali <ive mi one side an the Kirl walked out into thi- cor- ridor and. .with a cool eyeli OH raising glance at ihe Hiis-sian. he droplHxl the cun.iin "W?- Ood. I shouldn't tare !o lie your busbanii. S;. LilV he said. "What has the wild Cossack been doins new? Proposing ' "Just that." ".And do >oii l(iio<-k him owt every time In- iloi s ;l ? ' "PracUcally." "Looked a l-i e. piacl ical. As I s.-iy. | shouldn't care to lie your husband." "You'll lou- U." "I'm no heri>. Sybil 1 ' "Yon are mine. Dickie " Ailer the dance, as they sat behind a hunk of flowers on the vast 111.1: iile.paved landing: "About lh:s Maililzln fe-ller?" said Hic!i;i;-il V\ endover. "Dot-s he need^ er - sl:i|itrn o:- aiiythiiiK?" "lie dill. l>i-kie. and he (tot it." "Will, ilo I have to jro and |>iish his lull down over his ears and run away. r snaii-h liis? llll!t(^||- hole or hoijlelhiii!;?" "N'ii. Not e\-ui to flap >our liandken-hlef at him. After all, h.> iliil ask me lo nian-y liiin, Di. ., , "Mad. All ;imse Russians .ire mail,' > a wind Uiclutrd Wemlover. I./ aily Ffiiiilkis studied her daughter's fact--. H;n! she goi a KOLL YCitrt OWN BCTTER CIGARSTTSS WITH WMlh HUT BY rev EXTRA MILD little thinner since thig wretched Dickie Wendover had Rone back to India? It might be/ the shadow from the reading lamp that made her cheekbones seem a little higu- er, her prominent rhln a little more hour. What a stroll,: ;.nv it was! Al- most masculine in its cool l:na purpose -fuiuess. Aniiizinely like her father's face at t'aa' a^n. "Don't stare, Mother K.'oulkes. V> ruilc. deav," saiit Syhil, look- ing up suddenly. "I '-VMS t;i;iu'.n(f ;il>oiit you. Sy- bil, li.i you know. I'm afraid you r> 't.'nB thin." "Tain? Xo. DOI thin yet, if a lillle thinner. Si --..ngt-ly enm.aii thin' is thinner than 'thinne-i-,' if you know what 1 mean." "\Vell. I don't dear. Hut anyway, you are thinner." "You should !en! hit lier.e,. It's a sliame." "And another thing. Syhil. you what shall 1 tay? 1 don't know how to put it. May I say vim i.iciml too much?" "Broody old hen." "Wei!, my den . I don't waJit you to be. a bn.o<!y u!d hen. ) want you to be a* cheerful an<l merry and bright and happy ajt you were when " "When Dickie was at home?" "Yeg." "Counsels of perfection. da.rlhi. When Dickie was at home the sun irtione all day. I wan alive- in tho! day*. Life was utterly lovely. ' mured the girl. 'Timbearably happy. I wan alive." (Continued Next We*k) Farmers Realize Inflation Danger Market ifardenene in the Grims- by disU'ict show a sane appre- ciation of economic facts, claims The Windsor Star. A reu-iesvnta- tive number of them, when in- tenieweol, made it plain that they <to not expevt, or livuire. extraor- dinarily hijfii prices for their produce. They realize the ibin- jrers of inflation. They know what troubles follow the tempor- ary advantagt-e of fantastic value5 placed on food. Probably a irenera! survey of farmers throuRhout Canada would reveal substantially the same view. There are a few. of coursp. who are all for inflated prices. and these, unfortunately, are the nioMt vocal. They can create tlie impression that all fanners are *ekintf the immediate bencf.fi of inflation, anil ;m- jnable to ee the peril* of such a develop- ment. But that if not a true picture. The average ('anndia-i fwrmer Is sound. He wants, of course, a fair price for his pro- duce, but he does not seek to fjitten on human suffering. PLAYTIME WARDROBE By ANNE ADAMS Your Pinall "play-girl'' cm romp in perfect comfort in this complete and varied wardrobe. Anne Adams has incluilvd nmin- ers or overalls with flared or puffeil sleeves, and a oool sunsuit all in one simplc'-to-ii-.r p.itteni. Ht-iiri pockets ire fun! Pattern IStifi is available only in children's sizes 2. 4, fi. R. Size 6, rompers, taki-.s 1A yard's :<!>- inch, 'v yard contrast-; overalls, 2Vh yards .'15-inch: simsuit, 1 ' yards 35-inch. Send TWENTY CKNTS (2C>) In coins (stamps cannot be ac- ce-pted) for this Anne Aihim.s pat- tern to Koom 421, 73 Adelaide St. West. Toronto. Write plainly ST/K. NAMK, ADPKKSS, STY! K NUMBJBR. Death Beetle Worst Enemy of 'Victory* Wood-nibbling I n s r e t At- tacks Nelson's Flagship The captain of Nelson's old iu Victory (razed into a bomb hole clear throujrh the bow of tile famous frijntte and com- mented: "It's t.he deathwatch beetle which is the worst enemy, though." This wooii-nibbiihg insect has attacked parts of the lower decks of this ship on which NeUon died at the Rattle of Trafalgar in 1805. iiorriiiff and his huftwal'fe come definitely second to the termites, although ,new \ iciory relics of this war. like the deep patterns made on the t|Ui rterd.;<:k by Nazi incendiaries, are proudly shown by the ship's officers with tine re-lies of Trafalgar. Hcmiii damage i* almost the only change to be found in the Victory since Nelson first sailed her. The Victory now houses TO cadets, t4ie overflow from the thousand or more enlisted men training to be officers in barracks in Portsmouth. Old Gunm Mi*sinf The i-uiiers sleep and eat on board where N'elon's sailors at* and slept before Trafalgar only the old guns are missing. \et tiie 7(1 cadet* and 37 crewmen today seem crowded in ipiartera which in Nelson's time accommodated 800 in hammocks slung; 17 inches apart, and in quarters fhnre<i by 1'ie live stock. The men still stand their wau-hes to the bell which rang the watches in Nelson's day. There is till tlie daily ration of grog pure rum diluted with water aiui the cook of the day still sticks his thumb inside the measure wh-n he ileals it out and share* liquor .saved by this displace- ment. Before tile war many sailors preferred to take their rum- money mMead of the ration, but BJnce nhijiky is now over $<> a bottle, and hard to get. inont everyone tnkes his half gill. An Old Churchill Wish Comes True Ten-Year-Old Dream of Pre- miership I* Realized Only his riii!-i ir.eiids kimw it, but the tour different tiaiis-A::.n:- tir coiifi-:>iiL-e^ wii.i-h Winston Cliurchili has in-Ill :-h Koohevelt are the fruition of a ii-ywir-olU dream. In \ v :'.:',. t'hiii-i-iiill. t'i. n not In the cabinet, in fact a frt-iji- ..; thorn !n the -.:cie of :\>>. cabiin-l, was speiMlinjr a \n i k-eiul !rt h.s iinMilry iii-nii-. \\ - - n . il lisitors iiieliuiiil .hnnny HOI'M -i-lt. son of tile iievvl .Iirii-ii |'i -i ... i:. ;] of Uie Unitw! Sta;,-s, and K.iy lUi.ie. (.'Ii v land :a<lio coinin- u'an . Alter ii':i!u r 'lie i lurchill fam- ily and >;.,i^!s played tile K-iuie <f asking nii.i; .-.u ii yi-.-son would liki> niiisr ui ilo in liu- \vorid if he could h.!vi> Ins w ; sh. Vouncer mem- bers of tin- f.uiiiiy n>ie lieuif; i-ioss-t-xaTiiiiieil by Churchill when Hiiiidfiiiy M:^s HoMe turned Uie tallies .n. d asked him what he noiihl UHII-I l:ke to tin. Without ;i inoineir * hes:ial:i)n, C1iurclii:i t:.iMied hack. "I shniilii 'ik to IK- |>:iine min- ister i>' KiiKl.uid " Al thai i mo he h.id held most of Ihe inipi.ri.iii! jobs 1:1 the cab- inet. IN n.id been minister of war, first lord of tin- admiralty, min'Mi > --f I-I-IDHM-S. eii.inci'llor of tile excilniue!-. iii:n>'.-i- of nr.llii- tions. limi'i- se, ret. -i:-y ;( |i(| lir.id () r tile I'oii'-ii i-r Tr:ii|i . Hut -ie had IK- i In i n pMiin- in "And <t I vv..:-e l'::ini' .M.ir.sier," Dun-chill . <.-: : iiu.-il. "iiml I had the right man in 'In- VVliitH House to work wllli. iiiu. iliiim I should ilo would In- 'D tmlil n-.:iilar tr.ins- A''il .' |>HV( -.:i; n|is 'V'lii 1:1.* ' ' leill i-l' tin- I'li/i -i S'. iti's. I would in i-:_-.- .I, (ween tin I'liiied Siaiis and ihe Mrit-.ii l-Vnp.-e n real .illvm. i . an insep ;|l)li p..- < nernhip." The Sterling Doilar l-iili'l- L'lltl '-:li!l ske.|Cl<i ;! nn .1 pieciv of p.iper- pii-iiin-i 01 erica n i!c ,ir lull lnir:-t wineil \\--\\ the Mrilisa jin.ind sli-i lin:; in-i "live- that Jo you:- 'alllO!-." he said lo .liiinny KOOM-V! '.:. ".\ , i him t.hiit \\orkiiiK InReiiier w t - . ;m ma Ut; the pouiirl sii:-;iii K ;ln d the dollar rulo. the world. \\',- ,.., ,.^. ta.blisli .1 new currency." "\Vlia; -Aiiultl yi.ii iiil| it?" ask H! Jimmy. "1 wuiii.l i-.ill it." u-i-hed the man whu ti-u years later was to see a jji-eat il.>:il of Jimmy Roose- velt's la- in . "I would i all it, ihe Sterlinj; Dollar." Battleship Cities Each battleship is as complete as a modern city. It generates its own electricity, has u complete telephone ami tckyrapine ex- change, railio and mechanical SJK- nalinj.r devices. It has a print shop and prints a tiaily new-paper. There's a movie theatre, a library, ; ci-veatii'ii rooms, post office, jail, hospital and iciu tnt&t t rtai "My wife knows what's good lor me ond the children. I get Iwo Nobiscc Shredded Wheat biuuiM wrlh plenty of milk v*ry morn- fno, and it's a mighty 1oty dilh." Whole grain cereals are one of the "protective ' energy food) our Nutrition Authorities odvive us to eat daily. Eat Nabisco Shredded Wheat and enjoy 100% whole wheat in a molt delicious form. TNi CANADIAN SHIEODED WHEAT COMPANY LTD. Ni.g.m hlli, ' 1 TABLE TALKS 8ADIE B. CHAMBERS RAMBLINGS ABOUT NEW RATIONS No duiiln nioKt i-t you nave l>eeu iisii-rniiy. ilkilv to in- niHiiy riel|i- fill talks Kiveu by Canada's lead- ing household economists Out of Ihe talks wliic -ii jupr*-s 1 me with tile most t"ulus, re- miiiiieil UK lhat, tlii)ii|:h in '::- IMS: we ha\e had ample supplies n? every kinil .f meat, we iuoe -10: ! a nation leanit-il to in.tnt ihe wy best of every cut . I nu-ai. This | -a :-!ic u la r ad^i-er ent on lo itll us. that as naiinn . have nui ranked very tiij;!i wnei; it c.ilue in ,ire{ia; :nii uieii: il.mi"- Sli >::iv several eXJtu;>les ol ii:f (eri-lil mmt ili>iies, wu iii K;IM- fame tn ilit'enut 'iiuii'. .1 < All of lllest- I'er.ilile pit, .,., i.l hi- i-ause of cr< it i|'Kiu;:: - - i . tint lierausc they inaiii- '!i>- lit : of small amount!-, i [|( iiiracl iv* i .iMiiinv s;mnii-\ riavu ;iii;s anil lireseniel till :n II a i|Hi form. Now .is i 'aii.nl ..H R'l ii.i-n we must in. ike .iiiiemis !i-i- -';i- j..i>.i anil siiiivv i-.ir hi'im ,i;>i! eoiiiiiv\ thil we :i i -.-. unit in Dime in ' ii-i- iv - u. . Th^ srarcitj rf j-i'Li. . -, : in,.' a lot i>f 'i.-e.iiiiii Hi ' I'u! it is s:ir|)i-is.nj; in w s,n;sfv:n^ :lie siili- Hlilules ran i.e if we us- i arc- .t:ui jud)niitiii n their iiri-pai-atinii. H.I i. >|Muhclli .mil in.. ;i eni all hel|> to vohe tne |>roitii in. An- other very helpful .nui popular s:ibftil,it- ,.- lo.is'. Many meat il:slu-s or 1,11- savour) nalin-n are inailt- IIIIDI- ..;,, n i i .mil .-piuM,/- inj; lu-u --ei veil on toasr To lu'lij ^iieitii ;h;i: ... n.ii of in u. ed s:< ..K i:y this. 1 Ih. of L ii.iiiil ruuiiil ^;iak \ cup suit vi.ne<i liri ail iTiimlm 'u i-:i|> 'iiu ooked rice 1 suia i t onion 1 jiieiri* nf bay leaj l>asli iif i--lrry >a.: Sail anil papper i'onii>n*> all inif eiilMiix. Kiirin inlo ratJier small bails ;iuil .irran^e in a ilei p hak:ii dinli. l j our over vnou^h sie\nl ranneil toinatoes to iilniost cover the mea: balls. Kjko ^ii modi "n'e uvcv fn.- l ' v hours in 1. T'li-n ;mi-o.r:i i| fnr the List 2(1 iniii iti-s. SPAGHETTI WITH HAMBURGER 1 eim of s;-:i::hfi ; 1 Ib. )iaiiib-.!ii.i r - K.K 1 ian 'niiiaio '. ; 1 cup Iiu ,:!'!. :i'- i .'!' .-.nil |. |>n..|- Cook thn s,>af;titi:: int:l :ii-ter in uoiling salteil w.ii.-i. Til- Ir.iin anil M' r wnc-'e :; vi-;il K- \n>. Pin a tablespoon .if ?:.i drlpi .":< or i-iniii.il>: in! :n '. - .in i - m;r in th su-ak. Sear iiin! bni.- ^i:r- '.iif.* constaiitiy. Aciii ,. n ,>-. .u or two. some pa:>l>-> IIM' j;i i-;i- in i if you have It. .-'mi th- i|ii,il of iii'iiiiij.' water, cover 11:1 ' -im- 'in,- i'nr IS minutes. Add M- >,.k- !'.i sal;. IlllliO TOMATO JELLY WIT-i CABBAGE Dia - i - ; --n.i ' ly i .--.] dii .-.i < - ,- -. . .-il 'in -..' i :. , 1 : ' 'ii - : i peai - - per :': vllili . ..' - ..;.( i'..il .: 11 .to nling IH-.M. .nui i-i'.ir nv. . , , . i...-. i. and . ! i] r. u! ^ to II fi ! II '. 11 . ;.- ,r li.ui and A. - ,-i.'!i;.> .1 f)at >i-.i|i nt - -.i-i^l '.i : - - ,j A : I i : : '. - 'Vie S e - - v ( t Ij III -.'sU si in % 1.-* . li.-iiiii-,.|- iv *li'tnic n IL- ^ mill |I-M.TI iroin Inl.-ri'Miril :-inl,-.-^ ^)ie til pi* ;is.-fl lo ri-ceUe stlu^r, ,,n in Ic-tiir^ ftir her -iliiuiu, ittnl ) nlf ii?* r.'inl> fo i-,1.11 r, tinir '-"-t |ii--> i-.'' Kf.|iiei>rri lur rcclptM nr ^l-.-. :il iii.-iiti-* :trc- In unler. V lilre-ie niir :,(,,:- (n --\liHi, sn-l:.- U. i li.imlKT-.. ::l \\o~i i l.-l,,:.| M., rurunlit.'* >--iiil kCinnif.l -..--r-iid- ilr'-iv.-,| r-n>t*loiie If *..i >-^ti n ujjoJt .. L-S .. . . .,- ami in .1 .... ., . IIM ii In 't i : y 1 . . , mii.-a across 'A ,-si .- : SUPPORT THE British Sailors Society 125th Anniversary 105 "Home*' from Home maintained in ail parti of the world Sustain this greatr woHt for o Merchant Marines SenJ GifU to. . GEORGE M. SPEEDIE Dominion- 'Secretary 50 Alberta Avenue, Torant Information gladly tuppMcd n s HouscWiers knew that cusr.srds nnJ .... manges, quickly jnJ easily made with pure, hi-h ,r.Uuy Canada Corn Starch, are a delight with any lun-;heon or dinner menu At this time when Canadians .ire iitpcj in 'Ejt R i(; hc " """ to Feel Rjcht". thcM- dciicums des:i:a will prove a welcome addition to the nutrition tcods tc.iton-d by the National FL<.-d lor Fitness l-jm r .i:, ;;. Koilow Cu.ada's Food Ru;cs lor Health and Fiti.c^. CANADA CORN STARCH AprcxJucI oflht CANADA STARCH COMPANY, limilod