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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1943, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 9, 1943 I - . Carload of Barley and Wheat to arrive next week O. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON, Ontario FEVERSHAM from their son, Harold, informing I them of his sate arrival overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson re- Harold, who enlisted for active serv ceived a cable that their son, Sergt. | ice in the summer of last year, is Norman Davidson of the R.C.A.F. | the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Art had arrived safely overseas. i Jackson. Miss Edna Smith, who has been attending Normal School in Toronto, visited recently with her aunt, Nurso Smith. We extend our congratula- tions to Edna on passing her Normal examinations on her year's work. She was a former pupil of the Con- tinuation School here. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Williams and family moved to Flesherton last week. Mrs. McGirr has returned to her , after spending the winter in VANDELEUR STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mrs. Robt. McMaater of Brantford Mrs. Laveroe Piper and Miss Perle McMaster, Reg.N., of Markdale vis- ited with Mr. Will Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Marshall of Collingwood visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephen. Mr. and Mra. Norman Long and three sons of Strathavon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Long of Walters Falls, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Charters of Heath- cote, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Harriso Jean and Baby, Helen, of Red Wing and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Londry of Heathcote were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Beg. Londry and Jim. The regular meeting of the War Workers was held on June 2nd at the home of Mrs. Will Seeley, Max- well, with ten members present. An- other quilt was completed. The next meeting 1 is to be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Fenwick June 16th. Messrs. Morton Sayers and Fred Hale were callers Sunday at the homes of Mr. Jack Stephen and Mr Joe Porteous. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and Mabel andMrs. Lewis Kerton and Mrs. John Black attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jas. Clark of Collingwood on Friday last. Mr. Clark was a fcrmer resident of Osprey and was in his 86th year. Mrs. Hargrave of Dundalk visited with Mrs. Heslip and John last week. Mr. Albert Seeley spent the past week in Toronto. Rev. Dr. Mercer and Mrs. Mercer spent the past week in Toronto at- tenddnpr Conference- Mr, and Mrs. Harry Coulter visited the former's parents on Sunday. Rock Mills Ladies' Aid Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft on Tuesday afternoon, June 15th. Miss- ionary Bible word to begin with the letter "J". Lunch com: sandwich, Mrs. Plantt and Mrs. Blackburn; cookies, Mrs. Keys and Mrs. Clark. LADY BANK There is a splendid growth now and all spring crops and gardens have been planted, even if we did a backward spring. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Shrigley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gra- ham of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have recently arrived in Ontario from the West and they enjoyed the trip through the country and to Eugenia Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Seinple and son, Royden, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Burel McConnell Kimberley EUGENIA Congratulations to Pte. George Clark and wife, whose marriage was a recent event. Mrs. Clarke, form- erly Nora Turner, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner of this community. Mrs. C. Martin, Miss Marge Martin Shirley Cairns and Mr. Geo. Stewart spent a day in Owen Sound and vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin ant? Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Martin. Mr. Reg. Fawcett of Gait is a vis- itor at his parental home. Mr. Chias. Park has returned to Marqdale hospital, where he is tak- ing treatment. We wish him speedy recovery. Mrs. Beaton of Glenelg is a visitoi with her sister, Mrs. R. Park The Woman's Association of the United Church is preparing for concert to be held near the end of Jun-e. Particulars later. Word has been received that L.A.C Argyle Martin, who has been ill in Dartmouth Military Hospital with acute tonsilitis, had an operation a few days ajro for the removal of hi? tonsils. Tpr. Douglas Cairns of Camp Bor den was home with his mother anc sister for a few hours on Saturday Mis? Alice Tudor spent the week end with Miss Reta Duckett, a Maxwell. The test of unselfishness is to \e the other fellow describe his pain without telling him about your wors one. Detroit Free Press. CREAM PRODUCERS, ATTENTION! Because of the acute shortage of gasoline and rubber and the large requirements of same by our Armed Forces, the Government has passed Order No. 533, respecting the transportation of milk and cream. The creamery is requested to make a 4-5 day pick-up of cream and other farm produce which means three collections every two weeks. As a war effort we are asking for your kind co-operation. The More Gasoline and Tires We Save Will Leave More for Our Armed Forces Bring your produce to the Creamery on your regular trips to town and benefit by the premium paid for delivered cream. Flesherton Creamer & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Miss M. Dawn attended the funeral of her mcle, Mr. Silas MeAuslan, of Heathcote on Monday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Jim- mie of Durham visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland and 1 Dora. Mrs. J. J. McGee is visiting rela- tives in the community. Mr. Rotot. Blair of Rocanville, Sask., and Mr. W. R. Burnett of Markdale called on Mr. and Mrs. H. SUMMER REQUISITES 'oronto We arc pleased to report lie is somewhat improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander of ! i Graham recently. reemore and Mr. and Mrs. Emery isher of Flesherton visited last hursdBy with Mr. and Mrs. Alex- nder and Mrs. McKee and family. A number from here attended the Grey County Shorthorn Breeders' auction sale at Chats-worth last week. The June meeting of the W.A. was Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. held at the honw of Mrg . Howard lexander were : Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Graham> ^ a d .^^nce. 'erigoe and Mary K.,-of Malton and /Tr. and Mrs. A. Stewart, Flesherton. Mr. Howard McKee, who has been working in Hamilton, spent the week nd here. Mrs. McKee and family etumed with him to reside in Ham- Iton for awhile. In the meantime ilr. and Mrs. Alexander will carry t. the business in th store. VICTORIA CORNERS Pte. Goidon MacCauley, Kingston, spending a fourteen day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacCauloy. Gordon is drafted to Camp Patasvuwa on h; 1 return to Army duties. Mrs. Edith Hall and little daugh- ter, Donna, visited over the week end with her sister, Mrs. Russell Linton, and family. Tl-ere was a pool attendance ?t the service at Inistioge on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Butler was the speaker, having .exchanged polpits with Rev. McflMillan of Flesherton. Rev. Butler also favored the eon- rejration. with a pleasing solo. Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson received Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, the president, was in charge of the meeting. The roll call was answered with singing of our -favorite hymn. Several sel- ected articles were read by members. Miss Doreen Boland conducted the contest. It was decided to postpone the bazaar until the last week in June. Members of the staif of the Hydro- Electric plant will give a demonstra- tion in resuscitation from electric shock and drowning at the June meeting of the Women's Institute, to be held at the home of Mrs. Dane McGee on Wednesday afternoon, June 23rd. The meeting will be under the charge erf the health convenor. ROCK MILLS Mr. J. A. Foster of Toronto spent a couple of days here, returning to his home on Monday. Miss Margaret Stokes of Dundalk was a week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins and sons. Mrs. Chas. Newell visited Friday with relatives at Maxwell. Messrs. Bob and Joe Hawldns Bathing Suits Swim Trunks Light Underwear House Frocks Ankle Socks Rayon Hosiery Sport Shoes Sort Shirts Leather Belts Sweat Shirts fancy Pullo v ers Slacks Sun Suits Play Suits Summer Caps Straw Hats Suit Cases Aeropacks Wedding Presents CHINA & GLASSWARE CHENILLE BED SPREADS LACE CLOTHS & RUNNERS RAYON LUNCH CLOTHS PILLOW SLIPS HEM STITCHED SHEETS BED SETTS UNION WOOL BLANKETS F. R W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON Mr. Chas. Newell received the news that his aged mother had fall- and suffered a broken hip. She is now a patient in Durham hospital. Later news received Tuesday an- nounced that Mrs. Jewell was very low. Mr. and Mrs. Newell left at once for Durham to be at their mother's bedside. Mrs. Lome Atkinson visited with ri-latives at Stayner. COURT OF REVISION a cable on Tuesday of last week spent Saturday in Durham. You're more likely to get there safe and sound if yov limit your speed rather than speed your limit. TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Osprey win be held at Feversham on Monday, June 14th, 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. All appeals properly filed will be "placed before the Court. C. N. LONG, Clerk Township of Osprey. Dated this 31st day of May, 1943. YOU MUST MAKE A 1942 INCOME TAX RETURN NOT 1ATER THAN JUNE 30 IF SINGLE and your net income exceeded 566009 MARRIED and your net income exceeded $1200QQ For incomes not over $3000 get two (2) copies of simplified Form T. 1 Special. For incomes over $3000 get three (3) copies of Form T. I General. Income Tax dollars are not ordinary dollars . . . they are Victory dollars . . . necessary dollars to help win the war. Income Tax is fair to all. All are taxed in proportion to their ability to pay. Under the new system introduced this year, Income Tax is now on a pay-as- you-earn basis. The reduction of the 1942 Tax made this possible. In most cases the larger part of the reduced tax will have been paid by the 1942 tax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-third of any balance must be paid by 30th June and the remainder on or before 31st December, 1943. You must file an Income Tax return and pay any balance to establish your right, after the war, to the rekind of the Savings Portion of your tax. If you are a salary or a wage earner, your employer can probably supply you with Income Tax Forms otherwise, they are available at vour local Post Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax. Over 2,000,000 Canadians will b tiling returns and paying taxes . . . ivoid the last minute rush. If you wait, illness or other unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from getting your return in on time. Avoid penalties by ' sending in your return NOW! FARMERS You must attach to your return on Form T. 1 Special or Form T. 1 General cither a statement of your gross income and expenses, or completed Fanners T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes all forms of farm receipts and expenses, and is a guide for determining your actual net income. Forms may be secured from your local' Post Office or District Inspector of Income Tax. To help you fill out your Income Tax forms a booklet ("Farmers' Income Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to cover the special conditions which apply to farm operations. It can be obtained free on request from your District Inspector. If you don't know his address, just mail your letter to "District Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." INCOME TAX OUIDE /K*k* you* A/OU/J - DOMINION OF CANADA - DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUI INCOME TAX DIVISION COLIN GIBSOrt, Mlnkttr of National C. FRASER ELUOn, Commrsucnw of income Tax I.T.W.

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