Balloon Train Lined up like a train in a station, these Royal Navy balloons are awaiting duty in the inflation shed that is their "hangar." They protect smalt vessels from air attack. Have You Heard? BUi had found a new pat name tor kip wife. He called her "My Ohei ui. ' *o often tliat at last bh lady i.pL'ame suspicious and asked why he used that particular form of iMiiN-srtnenc. BUJ looked rather uncomfort- able fir a moment, and then de- l<li-. 'o put a brave face on it. "It't like this," he said, "you nit' .-i a-em to have any clothes, you're always up in the air, and fwu l'c-p on harping!" '*! w i*h I knew who put that joke in the paper about Scots being o tight." ' '-*' h y don't you {Aone the eiii <r and ask?" "What! And who'd pay for th phone call?" ^A small boy returned home from >-.hool and told Ilia father dim tit . :n second In his class. "fop p'.ace was held by a girl. "Sumy, John," said the father, "you not ffoiuK t b beaten by a mere girl!" "We.1. you see, father," ex- plain**. Jflhn, "ffii'U are not nearly if. men a* they used to be." ' "You understand, dear, flu.! for buinen reasons our engagement mutt ba leapt a crt." She: "Oh, yes, I tall every- body that." ai.t-r exactly a week of mar- i. fa my -wife said to me: "If I had only known marriage would be like this I mitfht have i'-d several other people ume auo!" I'm still trying to work that one oi.t ! Tribunal Chairman (to C.O.): "And what would you do if a German attacked your mother ?" Conscientious ' >b ,-...- "I'd lay !>! to ona on mum." Tlij'-e tramps had a ohii-kt-r. and were ar^uin^ how to iii"i(it it. Ono suggested they houi<i toss a coin. "Head." called SMH. "Tail," called Tom. "I'll takt; what's left," sadi Pat. Sergeant: "What's tha. you aid?" Rookie C trembling ): "I 1 don't know, Sergeant I wasn't listening." Groundhog Has Expensive Taste Walter Brown, of Hepworth, Ont., lost a wallet containing $80 on !Aay 14, the purse dropping from his pocket aa lie picked up a loiui of lumber ordered from a Keppti; Township farm. Nuxt day Brown retunied to look for his wallet and found a nrwll leather stamp container had been inside. Further search revealed a $10 hill under soJin' rocks and $.31 anil the wal- net nearby, leaving a debi,, of $19. Police liquidated the debit 1'al- an-cn by locatiiiK a groundhog. He wa^ shot and poilce pieced to- ^wUicr 51!) which the animal hail chewed up and swallowed. Brown took his shredded money U> it Hepworth bank and was (insured the remnants can l>e re- MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operators and Coni- posit.ors apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO F1LK No. R0675. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING IMMEflSION FOOT Successful methods of prevent- ing and treating a serious war ailment of .shipwreck victims, im- mersion foot, have ben developed hj three Uoyal Canadian naval medical officers, the War Infor- mation Board of Canada an- nounces. Of 150 survivors of torpedoed vessels they treated at an Kast- ern Canadian port, only seven re- quired amputation of the atfe-ctad foot. By contrast, nearly all sur- vivors picked up by trawlers irom one internationally k.iown ship which -vi.-. sunk in European wa- ters had to have their feet am- putated. Cauaad by Exposure Immersion foot is caused iuu- ally by exposure in life rafts or boats for long perodts and if not properly treated is likely to re- sult in gangrene, requiring ampu- tation to save the victim's life. The rules for prevention of the condition are: 1. Cover leg-s and feet with a thick coating of ; i. -i aa long-distance swimmers do; 2. Remove any constricting clothing such as tight boots hich ara in u* for warmth if t>h feet are In water anyway; 3. Exerctuti 6h feet us much aa possible, t> keep the blood circulating, as long aa they are healthy. The great tragedy of many im- mersion foot victima M that res- cuers in griving treatment to sur- vivors of ship sinkings usually give the wrong; treatment which t ..-:< .[!- patient Intense suf far- ing and even losa of one or both feet. Rubbing the fet and apply- ing hot water bottle* and blan- kets ia exactly the wrong treat- ment. First Aid Rubs First aid rules for this condi- tion are: 1. Keep t.h patient dry and warm except for his feet; 2. I iu'liily duat sulfari'Uunide powder on any wound:, cuts or sores; 3. Wrap the legs in some soft clean material and elevate on pillow*; -1. Leave further treatment for a doctor who should b seen as soon as possible. No washing, soaking, antiseptics, lotions or ointments, except the sulfamlamide powder, should be used. The patient must rot stand or walk, and his feet and legs must be handled gently. Survivors treated in the port had their feet wrapped in sterile towls to keep them dry, and pack- ed in ice, or kept under a blast of cool air from a fan, because the of Ui treatment of im- mersion foot depends on bringing the affected part* back to normal temperature very slowly, over a period jf weeks. How Can / By Anna Aihiey Fabrics From Milk A fibre is now being made from milk casein. It is warm, soft, resilient and will drape well. It can be abided to ruyon and cotton to improve their adaptability. Most of the important uses of Uie now fibre made from milk are b- injf emplyoed in women's dress fabrics, shirtings, sweaters and men's hosiery. By Anne Ashijr Q. How ..-an I clean steel knives? A. To clean Uie steel blade* rub them vigorously with ashe dan"|>i;ned with water. Q. How can I improve the flavor of lemon pie'.' A. Place tlia rind into the fill- ing mixture for a few minutes, a.'id then remove wioh a spoon. The flavor will b improved hut it will not have that bitte) taste that -.fated lemon rind often pro- tacee. <^. H.iw .-an I keep the floor aiop clean'. A. Instead of trying 60 jhaka the dirt out of a new floor mop after starting to use it, brush it '. iuh a whisk broom. Th mop will always lie fluffy and clean. Q. How can T easily remove ink spots from tiie fingers? A. Rub the inside ot a t>an:ina peeling over the fingera. Q. How can I keep the rain from injuring porch pillows'.' A. Outdoor pillow* should ha.' an inner ei wrinij of oilcloth, and an outer covering of some attrac- tive washable material. Than there will ba no worry about them on a wet 'lay, aa She rain will not injure thenu Carrier Pigeons Given Parachutes <;: i.-i would not normally ' expected bo have parachutes, but the army ia providing some for lt carrier pigeons. The pigeons are used with para- troypers wlw might land behind enemy Hues and be unabU to us* radio to (jet necessary Informa- tion back to bheir ba>. The birds ara dropped either in special container!i strapped to th solilici-s' cheats, or in cage* at- tached to parachutes. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY If you are troubled with Itching piled or rectal .soreness, do not de- lay troatment and run the risk of lotting thin condition become chron- ic. Any Itchinu or soreness or painful passage of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once, l<'or this purpose get a package of Hcm-Uoid from any druggist and n ie an directed. ThU formula which is used internally Is a small, any to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching and soreness and aid in he.'tllng the aore tender spots. i Ii m- 1 i.irl is pleaaunt to use, Is highly recommuiulcd and It seems the helulit of folly for any one to risk u painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy tnuy bo hud at such a small coat. If you try Hem-Koid and are not entirely ploaued with the results, your drUKKllt will gladly return your money. ^Relieves distress from MONTHLY- FEMALE WEAKNESS E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made In Canada. TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages !'! years and over; Murriod; Physically fit; at luuM. 6' 9" in stocking fuel; HiO Ihs. ; of yood characU'r ;uiil lair education, I'o be uviitlulile for appointment imir.odiairly. l.'nii'onn cloi-liinK iiipplied, Apply Nearest Employment auid Selective Service Office Refer to File RO-591 A Strength From Beyond Our Limits (An Editorial In The Chris- tian Science Monitor) For hundreds of ynars Ui8 sreat military and naval leaders of the MIiiKli ;ii .|i '...'i ra<'e -iave beon derout men, with t stilillnis faith In God and a firm b-'linf in th ultitnatt* triumph of i-lfflH as th fulfilment of His will. It cam.* us no sreat .stiFtirioe, thoii, whun Gen. K. A. N. .\iidnrson urdared a speo- lal servica of thanksgiving to lie held Sunday, May '!''.. for torious British First Army !o T'tn- Isla, explaining: "When success comes our way. we are iitflined to place too miic.'i emphasis r>ti our own skill and power and not enough ou th strength which comes from beyond human limits." Those ara words whii'h ml<ht have heen tittered hy that fighting man of (lod, Osu. Sir Bornai-'l Law Mont?ome-ry of the Britislt Kighth Army, or hy that other Covenant- er, Gen. Thomas Jonathan Jack- son, C.S.A., who lived according to the New Testament and fought according to the Old. Nelson knelt on th deck of the Victory on the eve f Trafalgar. and Farrastit commuted his course to God as lie sailed into Mobile Bay. Washington ami I.BB htiiubt*' asked tor divine guldancft on ev- ery occasion. "Stonew.ill" Jack.son ordered thanksgiving services aft- er victory and never t'uiletl to gtv God tiiu criMlit for his successes. On one of his last days he> recoin- mended the Bible 13 a mode! for generals' official reports, and cit- ed (lie narrative of Joshua's liattla with the Amalekilesi "It lias clear- ness, hrevlly. fairness, modesty; and it traces the victory to Its rifflit source, the blessing of God." Thai this remarkable ii'tality of true hiiniiliiy is common to many great military men is eui|>liusii!<*'1 by (lnnral Andcr ;oti's action. SA FES rotci-i voiir li-piii. - iinil C.I.HH from .IK! anil TIIIHVKS. We time .!/. mil M ;' "i ^nfr, or ' I In ,i.- i , .,, liny |Uir|>OM. VUlf MM, or write for (trirrH. t*lv (o Or in. VV j.&rJ.TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS ' i." i run i Nl I . 1 IM -. n i ,- Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee By Roberta 1. How should thy napkins for a luncheon party be folded? 2. What music should the bride select for her wedding? 3. Is it correct Knidiih to u* Che phrase "A.s fur aa I know?" 4. When a truest dro[>s a knife <,r fork wliile mating, <vd there to no servant, what shouk th guest ilu '.' 5. Sluiiild one apologize when one is calling at a homo where one haa not been for a long time? (!. Wluxt are some ot Uio moat essential requisites in order to b a successful hostess? Answeri 1. They are folded like a hand- kerchief in four folds, or in any simple way with the monogram in the center. 2. She may .select any music she wishes, hut the wedding march from the opera Lohengrin is the moot populai. 3. "So far as" is the correct phrase to express limitation. I. Say it (juicily to the hostess, "May I have another fork, please? I am .sorry that I dropited mine." 5. No; make no reference to it. C. A hospitable welcome bo her guests, strict attention to their comfort, and entertainment. Huns Admit Fewer Allied Ships Sunk The Transocean N'ewa Service said in a Berlin broadcast that (firman submarines had sunk fewer Allied ships this month than during: the aanie fieriod of Hay, 1!M^. Axis propagandist i ould find no .vay to explain the decline other rhan to c'Uiim that Allied convoy traffic 'u-l limin- ished. Rolf your owners I Go for Ogden's Old-timers in the West often took in their essential supplies liy mule team . . . Many included OQden's for they had discovered it to be a distinctive blend of milder, riper tobaccos . . . Follow the trail of the old-timers to "make a strike" of perfect smoking satisfaction. Ogden's quality for pipe smokert, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug qaen's f- FINE CUT Poultices of Mecca rclitv* pain, bring out COTM, ftcah quickly, no sew. 25c, 3Sc f 50c, S1 .00. MECCA OINTMENT OPPORTU N ITY For Girls and Women to Hs!p Our War Effort Waitresses Cafeteria Workers Oish- wachers w.^nied. Good living accommodations under proper Bupervui :n. Apply with Medical Certificate nearest Employment & Selective Service Office REFER H.O. ->7\ CLASSIFIED ADVERTiilMENTS \VA.NTlil WK H.VVK SIMJSTANT1AL HARN- 11147 itppurtunity for housowivoa Hnd nth<-r \vttiiion wlio waul to turn hut unable to devote time to offloe or faetory work. Avon I'roducla of Cunudu Limited, 1016 St. Al<txfimJer Slr^t-t, Montreal. AL'TOMOHILK.S ISKI1 UHKIJ i.-AUS WITH i;o()r> T1UKS. Sou U3 firs I. Mount 1'lensant Mo- tni-H I.iniltod. ITaed far Lot at 8040 Yonge SI reel: HouJ Office. 63^ MUIIIH l'lea.s:int Itoad. To- ronl'i. ivirphunu !1V. 218J. vi TO r HITS NKW AND USKTJ 1'AUTS FUR ALL makes of rur.i and iriieks. I'om- plelft automobile machine .ihop servlec. ilnnernl AJJIO Supply. II l-'r-'dt-rirU St.. Kitchenar. Ontario. n.VHY CHICKS HYBRJD.S iron ICXTHA VIGOUR popular purebred!. Camplet* list, all ag^H. Kuirvtew tarma. St. Murys, Ontario. CUM.. VOI'K KUK'KS: RATIONED meat '-reatea ;ood markets for boilerH or brollcrfl. slock to metil eSK d winter. Taking vd' U anil -11111111. Bray Millenary, 130 lltun. Out. (let young d-'iiinnds thin srs for pull- ohlcki now. .Ir.hii, H>\m- IIO<; SBIiF-VBUBDKB 8BND KOK COIIIM. I-ITK DblTAlLiB on now I!>4X Vlelory hog alf- feadur. big BIMMIKM to Teed 50 plB.i. VVrltB F. A. 1'ntrlck. Kel- vlimlon, Snsk., or Ft. J. Hoale, 163 M:i])la Av.-.. Y.nkton, Sank. WIMTKD LEARN IM1AKTINCJ, CANADIAN Industry needs dpsli;npr.i for wur and postwar planning. Wrttt Guild of Mechanical ncslgn. Tl Klnn SI. \V., Toronto. _ IIYKI.NC . tl ANYTIII dyeing or clennlnl;" Write t ua for Information, we are ulail to answer your <iuostinn. Deport- ment H, rnrk'-r'.i ]'.>>. Work* Mmiti1, 791 Yoni?a Slrncl, To- ront". EI.MCTKIf Mir.K CIIOI.IOHH, VK\V iind used, wholosalo or relnll. P.. Ailiiiun. ^in Ki-nni'ily Hi,il, To- ronin 1". |.'|.;.\ THKIIS NVANTKO WI1.I. I'-VY TUK K jirifoH for Coos. 1 nnd r>iu:k fontti- ors: UuoHe foalliprs, fiSt: 1I.; T>url; f not hern, 4Sc Ih. Onnniln r'omfori- ar To. Mmitcd, 7.1B DUndM St. Knxt. Tririniio, dm. KOll SAI.K T'OIJ SAI.K--2 SI-I.KNDir.' KAUMS, iidJoininK. about 1.7" <!: oxira good bnildinus. flty tyl hmij-ps. bath, clcrtrlc, woiiderTnl burn anil silo wlHi full onuiimienl, ciiiiil>iiii>, 1 1 :ii'lni . 'ill sloi'k eh'. H'iniliiiiuli Kiniil. \ppl.v to -T.iliu \Vll.Min. V.-lpM"'- . "Ml I \ u >( i 'in i : :r, AMitics CI.I<:AI:I<:I>. i'.. bush, pi'iii'lirMllr iiii slumps or .iMIn . Holjll bli'-U .hollSC. \V I I ! harn. riiotnl roof, tlrivo shi'il, t;oot) '.vi il, iruilt til iv:'in, rui.-it ni.-iil. To <:ln. i: rsiati'. MTM. S.'irnli ISv HUH, K\i-riilrK. Vii-Dri.-i Il.irbour, On I 'trio. IIAL.11 BAL'MKKKA KOOT UAI.M destroys offpiisiva odor Instantly, 46i bottle. Ottawa asent, Dun man r>ru Store. Ottawa. St IKMII. LliiAHN HAiRDRESHlNU THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding claaaef Robertson'! HalrdnesBitiK Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Rciad. Torontr. HAIR Only firm In I'nnada inauufacturiiiB ladles' nnd Knllrmen's hnlr ffood? nxcludively. Write us for particu- lars. . I : ' . - I . .1 . ..'in S5S VUIIKC St., r ! .IIIK. , Onlnrlo l.H !. I Ml li ill.MI 1ll|.:i RED ISIXIOD QUICKLY TABUUTH atup White diarrhoea In chlcki), Turkey poults, also calf scours and pin Hcoura. cost* H chick, Ic poult, UK: pig. SOc <:ulf. Trial ample $1.00; litmrunteed roaults or money liui:k. R. A. Finn fc Co. Limited. London. Ontario. MAI. 1C % '. \ i..n tllONCKI) MAN. Al^SO BOY for modern eiiuipped farm. Oood home and \vn^oa, slf-ady oniploy- ment. Apply staling wagea. all particulars. KoNvard Davidson, Rrltannla Uuy, Ont. MAC'HIIMKIIY SWVUIN-KOOT HlKlfi<"r-ATTAt7HBI> farm-all mowar. fits P fwenty and V thirty, (rood condition, cut hundred .u-rea, ll!!5. Richardson, Mount Hope. MBOICAL -VATUItlO'S HIOI.P IHXON'S 11ISM- edy for Rheumatic 1'alrui. Nur- ItlM. Thousands praislnsr It. Mun- ro's limn Slure. 335 KlglH. Ot- tawn. PoHiniild $1/10. TAPIEWORH STOMACFI AND THREAD WORMK often HI. the cause of Ill-health In humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your (rouble? Intcrosrinif par- tlculnrs Free! Writn Mulveney'.i Remedies, SpeclallstI, Toronto t, Ont. __ PATIENTS JUH * (JUIlfAMI Patent aoltcltorn. BUtablllbtd IS'Jtl; 11 King Wost. Toronto liooklet of inf. i inn. . ;i on n- quest. FBRaOIVAIi Vli'TOKV. AVAi: 1JNJ1S JUNB. l'*ia' o int ponnnnont. Worldwide Arniai;^dili>n yoou. I'.ipnrs free. Mention t hi.H (i|MM'. Associated nihlf .Stuil nLs lv...f\rney, Nfthraa- loi. I'.S.A. rnoi i DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I'hr Hem, Rnln. or Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS iii-n-. i-,-.i ii... Mull Any 6 or H exposure film perfectly developed and pruned for only J6c Supreme iiuulliy H.I,I fnat aervlcs IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Tot nto IMI.MS DEVELOPED 25c COlrf I'v '- n:s fruni each negative-, Ils>- :n iiM -< ivii-li. Montreal I'lmto, ' ' ':-': jti-'. Station 1''. M"nlr'-a^ on,* \ \n I.III:\NI.: TRACTOR OWNERS I . l-'MJt 111 It NKW 1'HS I'ltICa i.-; on -ills uul grease. ' 'o-Opef* ..- nil '.>ni|>-iny. 3fi70 Pundai < \V . T uoiii, > I'HOMM.It AIMIY MAIL SNAPSHOTS TO MEN IN SERVICE S 1 n Siuip-ilHii SiTVK-e upciatei) ' ' i u.t 'lu'i linxrst iihoto" finiHhingT .1 l.iln \' lUlllli- tlllSlllt-Hd (MiaUlftH 111 lo .IJXM:I.- tl UiWt'St cost. Our rue* tuim-n 4<M Uie boneflt of lourer Pin I'M. Arid they gal pln.ios theF :ue |irouil of. Try 115 with y.nir next film roll. Any Suj (toil ii >r 8 Exposures. KKVKI.Ol'KD A.NU PK1.NTKD It* l''i .Souviinh with Kach Order. A ou.iiumiT at CampbcHLou, N.B_ writes "We lllud a tuunher ol plaiKi before tryiiiK Star Snapshot Servici!. We recommtnd your work and havu Kiven your name to a niiinliur of people. You will be ue^ tins orders fnoii Ihem." You'll like our ijuality wnik and prompt ner- v !'_(;, too. J MOUNT10D ENLAKCJKMENTS Ike Sixa 4xG" in lieautlful Basel Mounts 1'JnluiKi-monlH itulourcd by liand fot a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Kox I-'y, l f 's(Hi T-Mininal A. Toronto I'riui your mine, and address plain- ly on all onli'i s. M. counsel Al-i'Lll.'ATIO.NS AUK INVlTfcilJ Ht 'ir-uv Hirepitnl .School of Nure- :im. ^1 months' course. Kor fur- ilini Information, npply Suiierln- tnndcnt of Nurses. (Jrace Hosplt- :ll. Olt.'lW.'l. It II Kl l. \TIIJ r*l!V> IJOOD KCSDI.l TION - fclVliltf sufferer of Ithounia t 'r l':iin?i or N, Mini is .hiiiild try Dixon's liom* i dy. Mun.o's l>riiK' Slore, 311 KlK'ill. ' 'II l\\ :.. l'.iMp:lld i i.llM. SAMMU III \ Ii I i;.\s>i/i.v !: s.v\ IM; II|.;\P v:. 41 .nts. si:i(o \enr and make of thi r ir 'tnd i':irlurt:t.(u-. ^ffks) iKiiii.-di, .114 lilndHioiie Ave., To- Olltll, <l|lt. I'*HT9 TRACTOH I'Aia'S NEW AND used, for all inixkeg of (raclnrsk General Auto nnd Tractor Supply. 13 iTcilorn-lt St.. Kltrhftior Out. i i \ ii' n n i\ i i n r U O T Ii 3* t r":;t-u. tog, 'Lm.di-s I lii Crudes 8, qualified nlsii to t-yjjj Fieni-li. ittlafl f 1260.00 HP? STTiool yT,rr pli:H fur^ niHhoil piivii!'! lesidoin-e. Apply, to All:iii \v. l-crkina, Sei-.-TrBB_ I'-i.M-allB I'rot. -slant School Uo'irit Perron, i.Mi,.h,.-, I'l I I,Y <il'AI.IKIl.;i.i 1KJ.MIJ KCOM- ..niirs teacher for Fifth ... Will,, eiullng salary, rert if irate* .mil i:ide subje. -Is prepared to t.u-li in morniii(? period*, to A. i olobourne, Seoretiwy-TreaeucsK ItU'.-l Sllll-. OMl.llio. ISSUE No. 2