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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1943, p. 2

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WALLET SAVES HIM FROM JAP BULLET f" IV. John K. Teik;utt, of Kastland, Tex., holds up a pair of Attu bund intim-ntoe* he'll long cheruth his note-book and wallet. Carried in his shut j.i.ckt-t during Attu fight nip. they put the brake* on a Jap snifxr'v Lullrt. l't. Terknett i* pictured rwuyeratinit t>o..i ohe*t wound at an army hospital in the Pacific Northwest, one of th* first wounded to return from the Aleutian battle. S U N D A Y SCHOOL LESSON 16; June 20 JOHN DESCRIBES TRUE CHRISTIANS. 1 John PRINTED TEXT, 1 John 2: 3 : 13-18; 4 : 15-17. GOLDEN TEXT But If ve walk In the light, as he Is in the Mght. we have fellowship one wth another, and the blood of Jesus till Son cleanteth us from all am. 1 John 1 : 7. Memory Verte: I M pin? unto Kxciius IB : 1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. \\ i tin in.! know f-iart)y whin .li.lin wruti this epi-tle. but yrobal.iv i.i twni, A.D. K. ai.d 96. Place. \n limit. t This e|.>t'.i- w;tc wiltti-i fiinn HphiMit. Fellowship With God "M> '.. i hlliirei). tl.t-e things wiii. I in in \ou that ye may not In. Anil if any man hln. Wf l.avi- an Ad \ orate ith The Father, JewuH Christ the rijrlileoiii'. And ke Is tin- propitiation for our sin*; till not fur f.iirn only, hut alpo for thi* who'i< world" ll Is Im- portant to hear in inini! I-...T pro- pitiation iiii-ui.F the removal of Qod'a ili'ulioiia jmlKnit lit hgnlrift In by n.i-iiiiH i.f sHir.iiK-. Objects Of Love "And herehy we know that w* know him. If wo k. . |. his coni- Bamlm* nts Hi- thai aalth. I know tm. anil [''' not his com- maniliiientF, Is a liar, and the truth Is not In him. Hut win. HO his won!, ID him verily th* lov* of (iod been i>wfe< t- 4. Hereby we know thut we are lo him" Haxlng assured his i<v,<; TH tiiat God lii.s made every pro- tlaion for cleansing from sin, and that there Is a divine way of per- fectly restoring the i).:x1 of God Who has committed the (In. the Apoxtle llnuif<!l:it(iy |>nxii-<ls to flow hie reiuli" F how al'M.l.itc-ly MBentlal It IP for !> lievi-i s to kt-i-|i Qod'a rijii.iiiiiiiihni i,'f. Tht wordK love of ';<.(!' nui) Inrlixie His lofe to IIH and riiirt^ to Him. be- cause our li.ii- la i,l;i>.- !n<-|.lriO and prompted by li!i:i. and the pirfi'i!ion nf love IIH;IMS its coin- pkitlon In life; It has readied Its ((Ml In tin- one who is thus obe<ll- nt to the Won) nf find Love Our Brethren "He Hint SHith he aMdelh in brm oiijdit hlmsoif a!so 10 u; IK Ten as In- walkul." a gen- rl adinniillloii to obey the torn manilineiitK of I;M). tin ..IH.HK- bwomrH speciflr in tt-lliiiK us to obey Uie rominandnn nt to line 50'' L' rH 'iii*'! '.- <lV <; IB Ibv rtwlre OD U't la" "f t^e one lovljig to qo TerylhluK 0O*Mble for the KIXM! cf Hie one loved at whiit.ete.r cost 8 PMI Ifirc, Joyfully and vulun- rll> Ways of Death and Life "Mai Ml not, hri'lliiin. If Ike world hattth you. We know that we have pat-i-pd tint of death Into Mfe, bi-cini-c we love llir hrelln t-n. He that >ovHh not ahldeth In dMitli \\ i i i.u, hati-lli his hroth- ev la a iiuiiileii-r: iinil ye know Oial no nuiidwer hath < Icinii] life sA>l<llnK In him." Here we have ka broHd .-onirnst the way of the world whirh is il-iitli rind the way of Cud whirh In life. It 1* the. way of the world to lmt("; and so to murder. It Is the way oj m e. Aha bo to icive a? to lay down life lo save. The wickiil one, in niii.iii tho world lirs, liateB the hiitlijen. His liutifd fajiti'i.B 'on the K"'H\. The Holy One loves. Ills love f;isl<-ns on i lu- lost. Who- vtw In, MI! or iln' \vicki-il one luy- lnK dotMi hiK life lo -secure the iriiiii|il i.nn-ni ul his ohjeil? Teat of Brother love "Hen l.> know we love, heiatiae fee laid down liis life for u: and ... ini' !, lo l:iv ili. w n our lives for the tn i tlin 11." Wt- have ob- aj> to to fin i r i . r . of what love ! hi the cf>ncrelc example of Christ's -HarlouH death. "But whoito hi.tli the worlils goods, and bcholdeth hl brother IB ni-ed, and nhutteth u|i his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in htm? My little children, let us not*.lfive in word, neither with tbe tony tie ; but in deed and truth." If we arc unwilling to help our i ..),. in his lined It Is Im- possible, tli at Coil's love iu dwelling In u. It IE not tbe utterance of ome great or profound truth or th* accoiuiillHbment of HOIIIK won- derful deed, but th*. ijulet. biinple help of a nee<)y brother that be- yond all el*<e d*moDilratM our i i'hH. ; i i of tlis love of God. Not what we say. however, true; not wiial wt> lee); not what we think; but what w* <lo In genuine, prac- tical, self sacrificing activity. Is th* solr pioof and te*: of our brother- line. Victory Over The World "Whosmi-r shall inui'cvs tbat J**ug ! tbe Son o>f Hod abldeth In him, and i> In God. And we know anil have believed the lov* which God i. all; In u; Herein Is love madK j.t-r(w:t wllli u, that w* may liaie bi)ldne.(iii ID the day of judKTiiHii!- ; because as he it, even so an we In the wo; Id." This love Is thiit which God mid we may have In lonimon. that there may b* mutual Indwelling of us In God and of God, In UF. Previously tho Aj..,iin I..IK told u* we are not lo love tin. world, ttlat t.l. world i. .-.., away, that the world will hat* UK. Now h* iinlml t. with a >>olil de-claratlon com i us 14; Hi* secret of victory OT*T tti* world. Th* world Is simp- ly humanity without God, and all that humanity doei and thinks without GIK|. J'JIH wurM Is (iv*n U> pleaauic, though U of self, Uie acquUltlou of wealth and pow*r, at lii'iiij til tblafi 'or one'i own aumiii i-iin-i'i The- world ruay b attractive and alluring and will ;>.i,..' iuita.luly, to uuregenerat- d human nature, i>ut the world never Milicfle*. The world can only brinK dealli, and, gurally, dteUluionment, and a cenie of waited ettort. Now, nayii tht Apostle, vii-imy over tile world Is to be fniiijct In failb Lo JOBUI Ohrlsl. Faith in Christ delivers ua from the fani-iuiiiidii and the deceptions uiiil the fwlse ti^chingH of the win Id. cenlfi-iiiK our life Iu Him iiiMe.Kl of in nt-lf, In spirit- ual Ihiiir.H ttiat abide inslead of lhlii!n thai j.ass away. How Would You Solve This One? ui rain. oLlc ut (tie ald L.>lle Howard on a BBC l.ri.iiiK.. :. "The ration is al- most nothliiK mid IB lilted on th* number of In the household, who l^^ve to jive up tlu-lr i.... n.ul gl ratliiiiH in oroifif to fd th* . i-ii I.. i.~ to , ..('.i. i the egtjH that they were going to you know." RADIO REPORTER By REX FSOST "Will Miiry elope with her friend Alice's husband T . . . Will Dr. Jones save tho life of Phyllis's six weeks old baby? . . . Will Bert Bmitliers find his wife's love let- ters? Tune In again tomorrow afternoon at tills same time for another episode (or as an announc- er once fiiid by mistake, 'epl- POiSK') In the thrilllnK serial "!XM e Can Be Lovely". And re- n i rnlii that you ran still wash the dishes M.I! have pink finger- nnilp by HKIIK "Kunnvsiuls" the world's !i|x-ilallvely -wonderful flake*." Yi^s man. Everybody nt some tlmn or other lias become Intrig- ued with what have become com- monly known as "soap open*", tlion. five a week emotional dram- as of life In the city or the great .j.>n fti.nres . . . Dished up over a i ci i (.' stations every after- noon or cuiy evening to intrigue in;. oa int- with domestic love, trag- edy, maiie-iise, speculation ant) soap. Nearly everyone criticises tihe. "scan opera's." Nearly every- one listen* to them. Everyone pokes fun at Diem. Recently a sur- vey wag made In the State of Iowa. V.S.A. to find out who lis- tens to this type of program. Ap- parently the "soap opera" is more listened to In the rural sections Uiai: the cities and towns. The majority of women who HMttn are In the axe group from 21 to 36. The survey In one city Indicated that f.3',i of housewlven Inter- viewed tune in to these serial pro- XL,:, n.i with some degree of rftgularity. Nearly one-half of these ladies expressed the opinion that there are two many "soap operas" on tlie air. There's one thing about It . . . with some ility different serial stories on the air In North America, a larpe- pro- portion of them Bponrored by soap manufacturers, there's enough subtle proi.uiuinda going out on the short waves to get the goat of thi enemy countries of Kin-ope. In Germany, Italy, and the occu- plwl zone* of the continent ... to get a piece of toap you've sot to Lave an AAAAA priority. It might be a jrood Idea to ftart beaming "Life ran be beautiful" etc. we. etc. across the Atlantic in German and Italian. Between blitzes of enemy dtlec. a little oft M..J of this kln<l might l.ave quite paycholnpii al effect ICttryone likt-f a n.iiititry baud. Oi.e of UK hardy perennials of martial music made Its customary suiinner time debut last Sunday across th airwaves of the CBC nalioniil network. Tjie homl of His Majesty's C a n a d I a .. Grenadier Guards under the baton of ''apt. J. J. i.Hfi; . v haK always he an cheered f.lnng Die airway* by thouHar,dv of band auric lovi r*. Th* tunec (liiisen by Ca|>t. C.if- Dler seeui to cover a very v Id* n,i.> . In form and mood to Milt very taste tu the wide cover iga of bis audieiK-e. The Guards Imml- stand will come to your living room every Sunday evening at 7.80 during the summer months. An example, of the power of ra- dio. 80 ImpreBfcvd was a listener with Watson Thomson's discussion of tht. plight of the Jewi In Bur- ope given Easter Sunday over the <')< national network that he for- warded Mr. Thomson a cheque for 11,000. The donor'i letter remark- ed bha4 never before In his whole life had he donated money to suoh a charitable cause, but tbat he wa* o i , , ,i by ti f talk that he could not help himself. The don- ation has been turned over to the Cainnllhn Jewich Refugee Com- mittee. Here are three programmer wblcb will b of particular appeal to members of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Monday June 7th, Wednesday June 9fh and Friday June llth, 6.05 p.m., station CBY Toronto. These pro- grammes will bring brief previews of what the I.O.D.E. hope to renllse whe-n the little! pink Hose T>ay tags are fluttering In every but- tonhole on lii. Day, Saturday, June 12th. Us Jnteresting to re- call that it was Alexandra, Prin- cess of De-nmark, and the very much belovwl consort of Edward VII who first establish ed Rose Day In Oreat Britain. Qne<-n AHexandrn lnt her name, to the day in June upon which the prMty little pink blo&sotua made by tbe crippled children of the London Hospital Orphanage were oM to raise funds for ttoelr need*). Today th Inspiring project 10 xwioiisly in- itiated by Queen Alexandria IB re- flected In the Child Welfare Ser- vices of the I.O.D.B. Radio is proud to play UK port In broad- casting a series of -sage* which It is hoped will inspire warm hearted citizens to give gen- erously, that harpiness and health may be bronght to man? Canadian ehlMrtn. New Automatic Pilot Developed Device Operates Under Any Conditions of Flight A new form <<f automatic pilot, consisting of a M-> n * of hydraulic ewe-motor* whic). can operate the flying control rar.acee of an aircraft, has rocentiy been devel- oped ir, Hritain, to save pilot* from crashing throuph loss of con- ciouKnetw. The device operates on tiie ailerons, elevator and rudder of a machine so an to ln-intr It out on an even keel from a dive, !-) turn or any high-ftpeed maneuvre which mipht cause a pilot to loee COItMioiMnCH. Th*) great difference between this de- vice and the normal automatic pilot W that the latter only func- tion* when the aircraft i* flying traiirht and lev-l, while the form- er operates ui.iler any conditiono of flight. It can be switched on or off by means of a rinj; at- Uched to the cimtrol column. When the pilot's hands are on the control column it if autpmaticnlly wio.hed off; when hie grasp i relaxed it automatically take* con- trol and brinirs the aircraft to a level petition. To Repair Engines In S. Pacific Zone Unghit ovwliaul bM* equal In capacity to any naval plane repair lUtloni in the United States are b*lng 8tMbll!>hed by the South P. Ifio Force. Th* program, directed by Rear Admiral O borne B. Hardlson, 1* il gi.Ml to llminale the tlm- coitly HI.II i, in of ...!.- from South Pacific combat areas to bhe United Plates or Pearl Harbor for overhaul and major re- pair. T3 baae* will take care of a/o- Mozimat*ly 78 per ceu<. of all Nary and Harlot plane *ngln Terhauls in thla area. "Ye" Or "No" It' Still Resistance A Swedish correspondent who hM rMontly bn In Cor*mhafren syeaJcs <rf the greet attraction tKi. cHy tl)l poaeewe* even OUR RADIO LOG % I i. TAI1OKN Alt,' f-BY'lOlO I'.f. NBTWORK!! if 1 N.B.C. Rd 660k .RC. Blut 7?0k iC.RB) 80k * ' !. (U.B S ) 710k 1400k 1160k Sftflk 1650k 660k 1230k 1240k 00k n 710k U.. STATION N WE11K Buftalo 1240k WHAM Roohwter 1180k WLW Olnclnn&ll Wk WOY Schenectaily 810k KDKA PltUbingli lOiOk WB1JM WHEN WOfi WHiiw Qhlcaio Buffalo ifftilo uffMo ttrolt 780k 30k 60k ftHUHT M . . i: Bngl*nd En^luril Bngland Bnland Bi.gland Spain U6U OSC Q8I1 OSK OSC, Of))' EAR RAN JINK RuBia PRF6 Brazil WOKA ScheneoUdy 15.83m Wi-AH t'hlla. 16.27m WCBX N. York U.83m Bonton 15.18m 9.81m I.B8m 11.75m ll.6m 17.7 9m lA.Ilm 1.48m J.eom 12.00m 95.00m THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson OONJT SLEEP LIKE VOU OHAN&E &L.EEP1NI& POSITIONS F=RC?A/ TO ^3 TIAAE.S EAOH cow. it >v NI-A srmitc*. US'* T. M. MC. U. g. PAT. OFF. '1 N THE AAAERICXXNI weveiz FINISHEO INI L.AST (f VOU MET A t-IOfsJ AND A ANO HAD ONCV BtA-UET, WHKH WOULO VCXJ ANSWER: It would be safr to shoot the lioness, for the male probably would then flee. U you ihot tto lion, the lioness most Jlkely would NEXT: Vnlevcl level thoiirt the smile i* now only a ma*k under which |:rrief an<i de- qniet can be traced. He> spekfl alo f tbe tough cihat-uoter </ Danish redebnnoe HI.- addn tine following compari- *on between Korwegtan and Dan- bh character: "The \orwet:iai) ays No, and doesn't do it. The Dane says Yee, m<i doesn't do it either." Nazi Shaves Up A Dutch un<lerground news- paper report* that Holland bar- bers are charging live cent* above the normal pnce to shava Nazis "'because t.'mr !' longer Ihes* daj>,'" the Methcr- news agency h*i<j retiitly, OPERA STAR HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured opera 12 Dine. 13 Organ of hearing. 14 Elongated fish. 15 Spain i .11. b. i 17 Forging block 18 Any 19 Hindu garments. 22 Golf mound. 23 He sometimes aings voice. 3ft Prayers. 27 Brighter. 29 Kingdom forming part of Ethiopia. 30 Storm. 31 Myself. 82 Three (prefix) 84 Sturdy tree. 35 Therefore. 37 Chinese river. 88 African tree. 89 Beverages. Cl Music note. 43 Part of "be." Answer to Previous Puzzle 44 Disencumber. 46 Place among other things. 48 Clips. 50 Behold! 51 Id est (abbr.). 62 Exclamation. 54 Sing with closed lips. 66 Speeders. 57 Slope. VERTICAL 1 An exercise. 2 Us. 3 Vegetable. 4 And (Lai.). 5 Pennies. 6 Projecting roof edge. 7 Attempts. 8 Exist. 9 Be a part of. 10 Cloth measure 11 Male singers. 16 Established standard. 18 Dined. 20 Stand up. 21 One who quietens. 23 Those who skid logs. 24 Binds. 26 Yugoslavian river. 28 Rirssian mountains. 31 MUSJC note. 33 Indian army (abbr.). 34 On nccouut of (abbr.). 36 Oil (prefix). 37 Seaman. 38 Boil. 40 Wicked. 42 Approval. 43 Bachelor Of Science (abbr.). 45 Twice (prefix). 47 Negative. 49 Jumbled type< 52Altein.-iting current (abbr ) 53 Land measur 54 fllgh .school 55 POP Won't Need Pop's By J. MILLAR WATT I COULDM'T (3&T LEAVO* TO 6O TQ TMfc WEDCMN& 'I .lrlf. lur I you LL HAVE TO SEND VOLJF? wo THEY'LL HAVE ENOUGH OP THEIR OVVKJ SOON 1

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