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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1943, p. 1

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63; NO. 2 l-'I,ESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1943 \V II. Thursum & Son, Publishers lotion News arming sugar coupons have iled \vith the exception of a which no addresses were the applicants at the time on was made for the sugar", u have failed to receive your kindly notify th'e Local Ra- rd at Flesherton at once and 'our complete address, ling to recent announcement ugar Administrator, no sugar d with Sugar Canning Cou- y be used for making jam ed fruits such as prunes. No > allowed for jam or jelly th pectin, as jam or jelly ithout pectin uses two and ter times as much fruit as ie with pectin. No canning to be used to make pickles lome canning of vegetables. ved from your weekly ration used for this purpose. This pplies also to the canning of pumpkins or tomatoes, can visitors to Canada will be sugar for some canning, pro. eir stay is longer than eight Application should be madi ocal Ration Board. Allowance exceed 10 Ibs. par person, filling in the necessary fomn n a new ration book for a sure it is completely filled hat the declaration is signed Commissioner or other public as requested, unless a birth e or baptismal certificate is with the completed form to 1 Ration Board at Flesherton. tea and coffee coupons 1 F valid and are good until de- n valid. Nos. 9 and 10 arr e 24th. coupons 12 15 are now d will expire June 30th. Cou- and 17 are due June 24th expire July 31st. coupons marked 1 3 are and will expire June 30th. ns marked 4 are due June 17 cpire July 31st. In R.C.A.F. Overseas ml Meeting of St. Mary's Guild, Maxwell annual meeting of St. Mary's Maxwell, was held at the of Mrs. Will Seeley, with ten ;rs present. After th* usual g exercise, the treasurer, Mrs. sley, read the financial state- of the year, which showd the ;s at $127.01 and expenditures 17.25, leaving a balance on of $9.70. After the business e year was. closed, the presi- .Mrs. Pinkerbojn, declared all vacant. The Rector, Rev. L. i, was then asked to preside e election of officers, .vhich re- as follows: President, Mrs. ton; Vice-President, Mrs. Hall; ary, Mrs. G. Lawlor; Treasur- !rs. A. Grummett; Auditors, V. Seeley and Mrs. G. Priestly, leeting was closed with prayer > Rector. L.A.C. EAIIL OTTEWELL Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell cf Fleshert;>n. who is serving over- seas with the R.C.A.F. He left Can- ada =everal months ago. Minis^r; . ^ , c: .;.d Rev. W. A. Westcott accepted a call to Flesherton United Church, which was sancioned by Conference laM. week. Rev. Westcott has been pastor frr the past seven years of th ' Tcn-.peranceville charge, near 1 Aurora. Rev. O. W. Holmes was ap- pointed to the Maxwell circuit, tak- ' ii:>g the place nf R;'v. Dr. Mercer, who ; has beer, on the field for the past four years. The Flesherton United Church cir- cuit includes the Eugenia and Proton- Iinstioge district. Ceylon, which hat been with Flesherton for the past few years is attached to Priceville. Mt. Zion church has been on the Max- well circuit, but will now be closed. All these changes have been compul- 'y through the shortage of preach- due to so many being on war duty. U.S.S. No. 1, Eup n rasia & Artvmesia Grade 8 Murray Raw-lings 80. Grade (5 -- Ruth Graham 7:i. Grade 5 Eleanor McMullen 78, Murray Thompson 76. Grade4 & 5 Faye McMullen (58. Grade 4 -- Laverne Haines. Grade 3 Dora Welsh, Garry Thompson. Grade 2 Royden Semple, Clifford Graham. Grade 1 -- Bobbie McMullen, Ken- ly Thompson, Kenneth Fawcett, Dor- een Dobson. 'Mrs. Elva Martin, Teacher. Teachers Needed To Help In Summer Vacation Mi - . A. J. Schnurr, manager of the Local Employment and Selective Service Office, states that he has re- ceived special instructions originat- ing with Arthur MacNamara, Direc- tor of National Selective Service, that special efforts must be made to absoiib school teachers into fanning or other essential work during the summer holidays. "Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Minis- ter of Labor, recently issued an appeal to school teachers to engage at farming or other essential work during the summer time," stated Mr. Schnurr. "The Minister appeal- ed to teachers not to regard the closing of the schools this year as a holiday, but rather as an opportunity to aid directly in solving Canada's wartime labor problems." Mr. Schnurr said that the Local Employment Office will give special attention to registering teachers. either for work in this district, or for essential work in their home lo- cality or even elsewhere, depending upon where work is available. It is not the intention of Selective j Service, Mr. Schnurr pointed out, t(i kiep teachers away from the special summer courses which they are j sometimes required to take. More- over, it was emphasized that teach- ing itself is a very high prioritv occupation, and that the present in- tention is to get teachers to accept for the summer only, after which they will return to the teach- ii.g profession. Gasoline Exploded Thursday Mr. Steve Sutton re- ceived severe burns to his hands from blazing gasoline, while at his work ia the McTavish garage. The acci- dent was a peculiar one. Steve was washing some car part with the gas- oline when a workman nearby moved a battery on the work bench, with wires attached to it, which came into contact with some iron and sparks resulted. The sparks jumped to the fumes of gasoline and there was a si'dden explosion and flames shot into the air. An attempt was made tc smother the flames and when this was unsuccessful Steve took the can of burning gasoline outside, with the aid of plyers. Several severe burns were suffered, but he was fortunau not be more severely burned. The fire alarm was sounded but the fire extinguished almost immediately by the workmen. RETURNED TO CANADA Taylor Thompson Card of Thanks I wish to thank all my neighbors and other friends for letters ant) cars received while I was ill at the home of my SK>n at Collingwood, also [for the treat from the Women's Institute. Mrs. R. Alexander. OF OUR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN $ Hatet ft Maddockt planned funeral* are complete to the latt dmtatt. No cnarfM. I'rlm ttllMn your meant. Hnauliful rhapfl and dUplay room open for your inipectlon. (By Maxwell Reporter) The home of Mr. an 1 Mrs. .James Thompson, Feveraham. was the :..-tfne of a very lovely wedding at '! o'clocK Thursday, June 4, when Rev. C. Me- Nichol united in marriage Lola Mauil Thompson, youngest daughter of M:-. and Mrs. James Tl:omp..i, to I J te. Clifford Taylor, Prince George, B.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fr'.'d Taylor of Portlaw. The wedding march was played uy .Mrs. Me- .\ichui. The bride, given in marriage by i'cr brother-in-law, Mr. Kvnnk Mi-- Arthur, was beautiful in a gown of 'vhite. chiffon with coronet of or;:i;:.; blossoms, and carried a shower bou- quet of red roses. Miss Pansy Thompson, sister of the bride, made a lovely bridesmaid, gowned in pale blue pobblu crepe with corsage, of roses. The groom was supported by his brother. Stanley Taylor. The (iruinony took place under an arch of evergreens and spring flowers. While the register was being signed, Miss Bernice Wright and Miss Mabel Ross s-anjj a (hiet. Mrs. Thompson received in Royal purp's crepe with corsage of pink carnations, and the groom's mother wore navy blue sheer with corsage of pink carna- tions. A buffet supper was served. The toast to the brid-j was proposed by Rev. C. McNichol and a very suitable reply was given by the; groom. The happy couple left amid - -bow- ers of confetti, and best wishes, on a brief honeymoon, the bride travel- ling in a floral dress with white ac- C"ssories and gray tweed e.oa:. The j g -corn's gift to the brH >*.>iaid was i a i*old locket and to the ?;'.- >omsiv in a ri rg. 8TH LINE OSPKEY Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Hanley were: Messrs. Louis Ardiell and Ben Hnnley of Heath- cote, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lovin, Don and Nancy of Hamilton. Our sincerest sympathy is extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Courvoi- sier in the death of their niece, the late Margaret Courvoisier, Dundalk. Mr. John Flynn and Mrs. Alex. Foster of Vandeleur visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Js. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe, Eugenia, spent a day recently with Mr. and ; Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor attend-! ed the farewell sermon of Rev. Dow- ner at Singhampton on Sunday. Rev. | Downer experts to lenve with his j unit soon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole find Bernice of Colling-wood and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mabel of Port- law spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Lawlor. By Stephen's Corner Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous receiv- ed word on Monday from their friend. Pte. Herb Bates, formerly of Lon- don, Ont., that he has arrived safely bai-k in Canada and is at present in a military hospital at London, Ont. Herb went overseas in April, I'.MO and has spent a number of months in a hospital in England. He ex- pects to be able to .come up and visit his friends in these parts in the near future. Recent Bride And Groom Honored ( By Lady Bank Reporter) Mr. Geo. MeConnell returned with his daughter for a week's visit. A presentation and shower was in'-l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A'.ex. Maxwell one evening last week in honor of the recent groom and bride, Pte. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke. Giorge WHS presented with a purse of money. All join in wishing the young ample every happiness and r\ s-;fc return to Mr. Clarke, when this world war is ended. SOW NEIGHBOR'S GRAIN QUICKLY (Ry Stephen's Corner Reporter) Mr. Jack Stephen, who has been bedfast due to a heart condition. is vi- ry grateful to his neighbors. Mrs. Stephen is not in good health, either and when Mr. Stephen was ordered to bed, help could not be secured until last week, so the neighbors rallied to their aid. For a couple of weeks the chores were done by Ro' Fenwick, Emerson Wright and Joe Porteous, each one taking his turn. Last Wednesday these men, along with Vern Wright, Jack Uroderick. John Lougheed ami" Maurice Teeter, who is employed with Joe Porteous. arrived at his farm with teams antl implements the horses numbered 21. They tilled the soil and sowed Mr. Stephen's crop in a hurry, which comprised about M acres. Mr. am! Mrs. Stephens hve two sons in thv R.C..A.F., Mac, who is serving over- sens, and Bill, stationed at Montreal. Davli-M Hit- Home on Dutch Steel Works Two um-sc -r:<"l Bostons of the R. A.F. Bomb.!' C. >nim- n;l mail- a l.iw level (layliir'M :'.it: !< 'he Rovul Dutch Mast f'jrnacne an-1 steel w irks at Vclscn. near Ijmuidcn. Piriire taken as one of t!ic Bostons ~wn i]-( > ilowi; over tin- heart of the ai-ret ar. a show?: A bomb-burst on r-'.i! av tracks by a coke-oven plant. Sen of Former Eagenia Resident Reported Missing .Si-rsrt. Edward Turner, son of Mi Isaac H. Turner of Winnipeg, form iTly (if Eugenia, was reported miss- ii-.u !n :i recent casualty list. Sergt. Turner has been in Malta and India for the past two years with the Aii Force. No other piuticulars ha\v IK en received. He was married pre- vious to going overseas and reside in Calgary, where his wife still re- sides. Mrs. Thos. Genoe of Ceylon and Mrs. M. Jamieson of FU'shertoi 1 are aunts of the missing man. am 1 with their many friends are h.ipim to hear .rood udim's soon from th>. young airman. Orange Valley School For tin- S|)rinir period of March, .^liril and May. Grade 7 -- (Including -ome Grade i'. subjects) Nina T.-vtcr ii!>. Fred Gilchrist*. Grade >i -- Ruth Smith 87. Maur- ice Uusseil 81, Ivan Russell f)8. Grade 5 Doreeri Teeter ii.'!. Dor- othy Brown *. Passed to Grade 5 in Feb. -Betty Hill SJ!. Rao Smith 83. Grade I -- Billy Gilchrist i51. F.m- t-rson Brown 5(i, Gordon Brown 50, Harold GiU-hrist *. Passed to Grade 4 in April Lois Russell 82. Gordon Gilchrist 70. Phyllis Rrown *. Parsed to Grade :! in April Leslie Alcox 80. Loon Hill S7. May Russell 77. Herman Brown 57. Grade 1 Royden Gilchrist 81, Joan Hill 77. Wilmer Brown 71. * absent for some examinations; i-emirts are sent periodically to the parents. Myrtle R. Stocks, Principal. K M (; A n E .M ]: N r In Menicriam McMULLEN -- In loving memory <,f our dear husband and father. A-lcx. McMullen, who passed away ';-ne 5th, 11)38. The years may wipe out ninny thing.- But this mny wipe out never. The memory of those happy days When we were all together. Wife and Family. PICNIC IN TORONTO 'l.:\v yo'u yt-t made your plans for atU'iuling the re-union of Fltsherton. iaiis in Torontii at High Park, Bloor Str.ct ena-unci' on Sunday. June 20. ('.me OIK-. come all. A warm wel- .mi' awaits you. Each family is to i-rovido their own lunch and bring . sugar and cups; cream and paper I'iaies will l>e provided. Be -sure to attend and meet your old friends and make mw ones. WITH U.C.A.F. AT TRENTON Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon. Maxwell, wis], to announce the en- gaiwiient of t.luir daughter. .Ivan Gertrude, to Mr. Harold Austin Spivt: son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sprott. Badjtros. the marriage to take place the middle of June. L.A.W. (jKKTKUDE GRENFIELD Of Idamay, Alia., granddaughter of Ji-sso Grummett, Maxwell, who is .-en-ing in the R.C.A.F. (W.D., and is stationed at Trenton. Her mother, Mrs. Henry Greenfield is the former Kthel Grummett. Futir Events Total war is wh.-n every civilia knows what A.W.O.L. mcan.s. Tn Memoriam McKKR - In lovinjr memory of my dear mother. Mrs. Selena McKee, who died June 1st. 1042. Yon oft tinios said I'd miss you, words have proved too true; I lost my best and dearest friend, Dear mother, when I lost you. Eve-r remembered by your daughter, Elsie. BORN WHITE -- At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Homo, Flesherton, on Monday, Tune 7th. 1043, to Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell White, SaiiRoen Jet., tho irift of i daughter, Mildred Marilyn. Armies that lose tho initiative niako neither the pace nor tht pcnoo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bniley. Shal- low Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, ('atherine Dorienc. t i Gin-. \Vm. Harry ."a-iV("i. - .r. of Mr and Mrs. \at. Casw.-il .if ('wen Sound, 'he marriaire to take place (.r June 12th. CONCERT IN FLESHERTON The anniversary of St. John's Unit- e.l I'burch will be hold Sunday, June 20th. Monday evening, June 21, a i-oiH-ert will be given by the Bohem- ian Club of Owen Sound, who are returning by popular request. SINDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Hie annual convention of tho Art- riiusia, Mnrkdalo and F'.osherton Sunday School Association will be Meld in St. John's Church, Floshorton, in Thursday afternoon and evening, .'line 171h. SPECIAL CONTEST An attendance contest is being held in Rock Mills Sunday School during June. "The Hilltop Race" gives opportunity for competition among adults as well as boys and girls Everyone in the community is invit- ed to every session of the School. The Pastor and Mrs. Keys will give impression's of the Toronto convention, in tho church services at FlcsluM-lon and Hock Mills Baptist on Sunday. I).\NCK AT PRICEVILLE I'ancc in Institute Hall, Priceville, Friday. June 11th Proceeds for the \Valch Fund. Whyte's orchestra. Admission: 25c. Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft and granddaughter. Ruth Mile-. i,r Owen] Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Emersxui Wickens. EASTERN STAR EUCHRE The Eastern Star wifl hold a pro- "ressve euchre in Fraternity Hall, Flesherton, Monday. June 14th. at S p.m. Special prizes. Lunch. Every- body welcome. Admission: 25c. DANCE IN MARKDALK A dance will be held in the Ornnge Hall. Markdale, Saturday evening Tune 121h, 9 p.m. to 11.15. .--umpires Cherry Grove Achievement Club. d'l'od on-hesira for round ami square dancing. Admission: 25o. . .

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