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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1943, p. 3

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HEIGH-HO, HEIGH-HO, IT'S OFF TO THE COOP WE GO! The laughing, shouting, waving Axis soldiers in the photo above are psisoners of war - - and they like it fine. Two French policemen are march ing them through Tunis on the way to pri*o:i oa:np after their capture in Allied cleanup of Tunisia. WHO TAKES THE BISCUIT? By MOLLY O'DALE P.-acticaly everybodyl A recent Wny demonstrated that 94% of u.-it-l biscuits and at regular meals. >;). ue4 them as between-meal snacks; 49% when entertaining, and 35% b*fore retiring. Tr.e unusual popularity of Soda Crackers began In the days of alj'lng ships, whea a voyag* might lut for alx MI -i -i-ii, or more. Bread the "staff of lit*" was a problem until some genius de- veloped Uie sea-biscuit. Hern was th staff of life in a form that would .-> 'P indefinitely. Shortly a/tec 'h:-i imporiant development, hip-biscuit became the maiustny ot -'-. -.s crews during long months at sea. !.. crUp, nutty, nutritious So- da Biscuit of today is a first-cousin of the old-lime sea-biscuit. It has all the nutritiva valu of r.ha best typa of bread, but much less mois- ture. The- moisture content of white bread, for example. ! 36% of 1U total welyht, whila It 1* less than S% of good Soda Cracker. la effect, <ood 3od Cracker In good bread dehydrat- ad. And when It codes to ooat of calories. Soda Crackers raak hi^h, being: second only to nary bans. which give you ISO calories for one c*ut, whereas Crackers give you 109 calorie* fur one cent. So when you tit down for a suax'k of Crackers and Cheese or, for that matter. Just munch a few crackers alone or with Jam, soup and so forth you're not only enjoying a tasty mark, but yoti'ra getting real nutrition! WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING WHEAT STORAGE Britain'* scientists are out to loive oue ot the hardest problems of wheat storage. It U a proved tool that dry grain keeps better ll store than corn containing a hi** proportion of water. The av- age bulk-stored wheat Is a mix- ture of the two. and th nun for wtich it will keep, is the time that moUt grains will k-i>. One way out '. to dry the whole yi*ld ar- tltk-ialy, but this is a long and difficult process. The alternative ll to separate the wet grains from th dry, so that the wet grains only need be artificially dried. In the pe-st Infestation laboratory of -he Department of Scienttfto and Iiulu.itrlal Research two men, Dr. F. Y. Henderson and T. A. Oxley. have devised a pilot plant ll which tha two varieties of grain automatically* separata themselves. It has proved satisfactory. The experiment e;-s say that a machine of this type large enough to deal with grain on a commer- cial scale is now being buiK. Tha apparatus is simple. The stream of mixed grain is directed between two metal plates which act as a Condenser; the corn moves along on a continuous cotion band which tl fed between the condenser plates. The difference is moisture op- rates an electrical relay, so that when a batch of wjt seed* arriv* they at diverted down one chute, whereas tha drier seeds collect down a different chut. [f. In fact. Henderson and Oxley have solved this problem, tha result should tra a considerable savins ot wiieit that u-p till now baa 'gone off in store. How Can 111 By Ana* A*hiey Q. How (an I (at rl-t of Insects In the kitchen T A. Try laying a sheet of tly pa- per under tha slnlc ovar aicht. Th number >! Insects that ara stuck to It lu tha morning will astonish you. Never leava* any food unoof- ;-! over nigiht to attraot tiiasa Insects. Q. How in I rsmova mildaw from white Hnen? A. in. Lh linen in watar to which, two tablospoouf'jls ot per- oxUle have bean adJed to aaoh quart of water. Q. How can I avoid aeii(iu>*ut from forming In the Goffsa potf A. If tha coffea pot and tha taa kettle r washed wkh tbt pots and pans after each meal no i-l M -lit. will collect In them. Q. How can t prevent staining tha> fingers and clotliaa when us- ing the bluing bottle? A. The empty hair tonlo boUle which has tha top that permits only a few dropi to coma out at a in: will make an excellent recep- tacle) for Mulng, and it will avoid . INVESTORS... ATTENTION! Maximum $100 Investment With Substantial Income Tax Exemption Substantial group ol experienced Mining men responsible tor a recent successful mining venture in the NORANDA area, have formed this Syndicate to explore Copper and Gold deposits known to exist on the property. Adjoining property being Diamond Drilled by imp-mant interests with excellent results reported. \Ve invite limited public participation in the ABAMET PROSPECTING SYNDICATE'S UNITS at :5 each. No subscription accepted for more than FOUR UNITS. Additional inromulitm will be mailed on request. AKA.MKT PROSPECTING SYNDICATE 33 Mclinda Street, Toronto, Out. Kindly semi in additional ir.forinatiou on AKainet Prospecting Syndicate, and accept my subscription for Uniw at $25 each. Kucloscd find cheque for Dollars in full payment. NAME . ADDRBS8 tha trouble of stainiuK tba banda. Q. Huw caa I bake two pies at the same Mme If tha ;.-u U small and th one pie ovevUps tha oth- er? A. Elevate oue of ibem by plac- ing a light tin plate on the rack and putting tha pie on it to bake. Tunisian Wounded Moved By Plane Allied planea moved 12,000 i-as^alu-'S from forward stationa to '.as* hospitals during tha T'in< sian campaign, saving them days of ground transprtat!o:i. Kiifht hospital traina wer opo rated. An officer on Gn. Dwijfht D. Eisenhower's .staff said aickneaa amoni; Unred States and British troops has been low due to cloaa c > operation between British and American medical unit*. It is estimated that training of aircrew in the United States Army and Navy costs $25,000 per man. GENERAL MANAGER J. ROSS HELTON whose appointitient to the position of General Manager of Gutta Pdrcba & Rubber, Limited, ia an- nounced by Mr. F. A, Warnsn. President. Mr. Helton iuu bean Assistant General Manager sine* l;>3l>. In 1920 ha joined Gutta Percha ani for tha pad* 23 years has occupied position* o>f increaa- ing importance in both tha Fac- tory and Head Office. Mr. Helton enlisted as a gunnr in 1'J15 in tho Canadian Field Artillery, was transferred to tha R.A.F. and commissioned aa a pilot in lit 1 7. H graduated with his B.Sc. from Queen's Univer- sity in 1'J^O. Mr. Helton is a niu-iubef of bh American Management Associ- ation and permanent President of bhe Science Cla '20, QueenV- University. -MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! If vou're cross, restless. NERVOUS sutfer hot ihishcs. di.'./.mess en used by thj^* pcntKl In a woman's life tiv Lydl.i K Plnkham's Vegetabls Compound Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made In Canada. Modern Etiquette Bj Robert* L* 1. How should formal Invitations) to a luncheon be written? 2. Should tha title "Mins" i>r- ceda the name of tha bride when tha wedding announcement Is made by so:n -i:n other Uian hr parents? 3. Should a woman wear a hat to a small Informal tea during the summer? 4. Who Lakes charge .of the wed- ding fee for the clergyman" 5. Is It proper to 0eak to or ot a man, by lining his last n.nim only, as ' H"ll.>, Wil*on," or "I aaw Jones las; wet;k"? (i. When dinuer Is announced, what kind of ;)iat should ">> at ea.-li plate on the dinner ibleT Answers 1. They oj'e nearly always writ- ten in the first person, and need not he sent oiu more than a week in advance. En 4 :!.>! virls are occasionally us."l for in -ia'nir-it luncheon, usually 0119 g:.-.->n In honor of a proa>.:' int sun. 2. Yes. 3. \>s. 4. The br'.j-.- torn placps it In aa tnvc!ops and giTes It to the best man. who :i i:ij.-i it to the clergyman -ifvr tha wed- ding. 5. No; a person- >f - >)'! brei-ding always say.s. '-M.-. Wil- son" and "Mr .Ioii-s." *. The ser- vice plate. Picob \JDOS TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE ! GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO If Helpful R.A.F. Will Bomb Rome The R.A.F. would '-not h.-sitata to bomb Rome if the course of the war should render such action helpful and convenient," Capt. Harold Balfour, under seer irv of state for air, told the H-* :*> of Commons recently. His statement followed a :-tv>.rt from Italy printed in ! ::don newspapers that the R.A.F. had dropped leaflets over Rome *iy- inir the Kternal City was on the R.A.F.'s bombing list. In reply to a question which pointed out that Rome waj a. rail centre and military tarz'-'t, Bal- MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operator* a:id Com- positors apply to sour nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO FILE No. R0675. four said.: "No assurance or agreement exists of any kind whatsoever that Rome shall not be bomb'-i. On the contrary, as stated to the House on previous occasions, wu shall not hesitate to bomb Rome . . ." (The British Government warn- ed Italy on April IS, 1941, i,:;.it there would be "systematic bouii)- injf of Uome" if either Atheii or Cairo were raide-i. i '['he .vardroue jf Queen I i beth, ihe "Vinjin Queen," tallied ;uor than 3,000 gowns. One Agile Sprinter Runs 2 Tractor* It r.ook a lot of sprinting, but r John Kirsoh, of Carlton, solved .lie manpower He hat. two tractor* mi'; only himself to run them. He iei :i'f oitarois f one and i it driverluss aero.** eh* Thun he jumped aboard tiie o'iit-r and followed. Befora r-t one reaciied tha fenoe> he ran it down and turr.d It ai-ou : . I so on OPPORTUN ITY For Girls and Women to Help Our War Effort Waitresses Cafeteria Workers Dish- washers wanted. Good living accommodations under proper supervision. Apply with Medical Certificate nearest Employment & Selective Service Office REFER H.O. 274 TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED -'J y'-'orj and i-.-i-r; .', . .. , .1..;. tit; at least 5' 4" in feet; 10u Ibs.; " , : -huri. .: in i fair uauunuun. I'o lie avaitabio for ui'i> . -<. ately. i ,"..;' >rtn clothing luppliad. Apply Nearest Empio. n.-nt and Selective Service Office R-ier to F.le RO-591 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS At.K.VfS WAHTBD WK HAVK SUBSTANTIAL K itif opportunity far luuse'Aive* and .(her woman whu iv eun but unable to Ji.-j-o tima to offlc* or factory work. Avon Products of i.'anada L.inu!';J. :')la St. Alexander Street. M.itur-- tl. n r.m.i in i K- i >KU L'SKD CAHd WITH UOOD TIUKS. riea u first. M.nint Pleasant Mo- tors Limited, t'sed Car Lot at :>040 Yonga Street. Haad Office. ij.i.' Mount Pl.'a.iHnt R-j*d. To- r..nto. T.!l.-pliim.! HY. 3H' _ .1 ID HiHT* NEW AND USED FARTS K'JK AU. in ikei of cars and irucka. '.'om- plota automobila machla* shop fcur\ lot. cieiicral Autj Supply, ll Kr.'d-rh k Si. Iv : . li';n-;r, On'arlo. BAUY CHICKS H\lU-tiDS fO K KXTKA VI'Jt.'0'R i. .-i.) pi.u.i i: purebred*. Camplt list, all ag-^s. K.-ilrvlew Farm*. St. Marys, Ontario. THI-: i'Ul'LTKY M VHK.BT OK THJB '..Mitury is hare. ( -lt Tw.-ddl i.'h;.-kB Now. now . . . ra- ^ -., stuck* of maat and aKK* dwtndliiiK! V jt rha p-;opi* must eat. The poultry s-'.i-i.ii of tha -.irury ll it hand. Ai fast aa you can turn out h -:s. ro.iti'. la.yar -tad 9&f< ilia market will inap thorn up. N'.'W th.i lima to us* a^ery tv- ail.ibla .-<.|iii:--i foot of >i..i .a for poultry But. it'i Hot lima to p*o- uiii* on tha "commoo-ifaraaB- v:ir!ty" of chl. k. Give yo i: salt a uttanca to in.iko good t>y Kt- \\ng Tweddln I'hickji. .Sand for tho Twrtddl..' .'iiiloguo 'iri'l pric list to-dav T\voddl Chick Hatoh- arit-s Ltd.. l->ri;as. On'.v i. OKI'ER YOt R BRAY .SI 'MM KIR rhick-1 now. Pullet* iv\iinbl f i sr \vot-k June. .Summ.jr price* nuke Bray chicki*. -> :karls, pullcta real Investment -i. I3ray Hi'.hary 130 J>>hti N, H irailton. H) MAIjA V AN EVEUBKAR1N Blackbarriea, rroliflo and hardy. 4 for $1.00 prepaid. A. K'.eln, - LJ3ARN DKAKTINi;. i'A\ Ai.iIAN Intiu3try ri';od3 desi^ntjrs for war and postwar planning Writ* Uulld of Meoh.'iiiinil U-sl?n. 71 KtiiK -^ T ^ . TurMi.i -,. in-: I k:. ri v i-: K-I-. A I.iKTKCTlVI::. MKN over IS wanted everywhere In Ciinada to Iciirn dotoctiv* work. I'i i.'tnal ea--ix rout.ia by -orres- poiulenco. In format ion fr-e. C. M. .lulicn, Box 2G. Station T. Mon- H A \ !; Y I ) L A N Y T H I N ' ! N K I5DS dyi'inff nr clo.uilniit' Writt? to us fur information. We !>> >; ! \'i t-> answer your iiucstions. fiepnrt- TiiHiit H. I'nrker's ]>> M'.irka Limited, 791 Vnns* Sli-v. To- ronto. KLKC'I'RK VII. K l(IUl,KK-> El.l-:i TRIi' MILK I' NEW nii'l ll-U'tl \vh <li>-il or r-'-iil. R. Almis -t."> K.-nin-dy !!.':nl, To- nuii.i rt. _ !!: VI'HI.Hx \\ VN'I s:i WILL I 'AY Jill: l.'il|.IX)\VIN i : |n-i. os f.i; (;.-i->" ,-ittd 1 'U<-k fnalh- IM - i : K>8 ' i ' li . > Hi.: l.iuck fi-:iihi r^. 4X.- Ih. i'-iiridi t'.imfort- er Co. Limited. 7:16 1'unU.i* St., Turonto, Out. 1 D.ll II ll.M FO<JT HALM de.- often^lv* odor inatabUy. bottla. uttaw i i.^ant, Dei Dl'ilK Store. < ' ' A-.VI. HKI. r W -\ I KD 'HOTOOH.ll'lir WITH iOM' P -. -:i -a as hoiper In u newspaper and job offlci- iliop. Apply Kmplo/men' Scloctlv* dervica i 171 dlna Avenua Ruf^r to T\le <' KilOl I i>ll r.VKM. 7 Al'KKS CUHAKEU J6 bush, practiL-ally ao ntump.. ur At 'MOO, solltl bru-k house, wil! barn, m*tal roof, drlvt *hed. ; > "t wall, trout 'Lr tin, rural niu:l. T) ci >J e*U>t. Mr*. Sarah Ev- an:!, h3xeu!r:v Victoria Harbour, i 'n' trio. il VIKlllll Mi SCUOUI. LEAK.N HAIKWKESSING THE R joor'.-ton method. (nforma'lon on reque*l regarding claanea. H j.'ier'.son'i Hairdresstng Acad- emy, 117 Avenue Road, Toronto. HAIK UOOU9 Only firm In i '1:1 i I i manufaciui im liiJ.'.'.i' and gentlemen's hair gnod exclusively. Wr!t u for par" u- lax. WHITIw'H H VIK 25ti t uac* St., i . !!' .. I IS I Sl-lli iv -II--MKIJIK' RKl) BIXJOD QLICKLY TABl^KTS <t <p Whlta diarrhoaa In chicks. Turkey poults, also calf scours a:id piK scours, cot* H chick, ! poult 10i pit:. 50c calf. Triu! sample II'IU. ^-i.iranteed re->ilt or monay buck R. A. Finn A Co. L.m:t4d, I-x)iul-.n. Ontario. FOK SALK - - SA.UDLB MAKE, f .'iir-ysar-old, !>!ack, approxun- aiely sixteen .--.ii high, shad !>y i -'.'i-i-ipl Jas. Apply to William l'i'>:in. T'ivi>; '. k. Ont.. Route No. 3. _ MEDICAL UL-'KKS. SOUKS, K.. iEHA, A NO othtjr -k-.:i ,11 : ni'-n : H successful.}' :."H'-id by my >i;iiments which haal whil* ynii work. > trial J.i-"iiim*nt wi'.: convince you. >.. i: prices to physicians .r>l institutions. \\:ite Nurse R. Tucker, Blrks I'ldK., Wlnnipetr. .'S UKMKI.'V FOR N1--' R itis .ind Rhi'iiui i. : .-. I'-Oii*. Thmis- ands (itiHf:i-d Miuiro'* 1'iug St"i-<>, I.!.. K ^:n. Ottawa. Post- p.nd SI 'I" _ I I <! \\ '>UH ST'JMACH ANLi TllltUAD WORMS oftun are th.i causo of Ill-health in hvimiMi ,-r; :m- s. No one im- I--..-! Why not find out If this U your trouble? [nteraatlng nur- Uculara Fr*e! Write Mulven-y's U m-.-dic*. Siiccialists, Toronto t, Out. __ PATBIITI FKTIiliKSTUNHAtUH * COMi'AN K fatent Solicitors. Ustabllsneo lIu; 14 iv ... Weat. Toronto. Boouiet of tnformatlon on r*- uuest. tVVTK.Vrs AM> I K UIH: MARKS i.s\ I:\TIIIIS i-'i:i-:i-:i.Y A how to protcrt Inventions. Kuer- ten R. v'ase. SI.' Hal.sam Ave.. Toronto. Established oTr forty >: 1^3. DONT TRUDGE THROUGH 1 'I- Heat, ll-iln. ur Hell HAVE YOUR SNAPS Deliver**- i.r Mull Any 5 or 8 exposure film perfect!* developed and pnniuU for only Ho, Supreme .|uali!y and fait Mr-rip* guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. To> 'oto FILMS DEVELOPED 2Sc COIN Tw j n: -.tuj fiam a-ii a uogallva. Ke- p i. nis -'c aach. M out real Photo, :'.'J. Kox I',-'. S' i on i''. M-mii-tt^ rinti DI.II vi-in PAY LESS FOR SNAPSHOTS AND GET QUALITY WORK .ia . a >l"i:>jr' . Mail > >ur film* <lii-i-i :. >'I:I.K|I* lar<-*t photo finishing .1-. -j-.l-. j for develop- :n^ .iii.J prinunt;. volume busina.ta niibii- u to i|j <iuu'.ity work t loweii tuft. V.ju'li .lave modtijr, M '^ j :iii)'>r i:it. > HI T. b* b*('i^ i -I '.v.'.h ynur p.--tur*. Any Siie Roli 1> jr S lUxy.j., r DEVELOPED AN1' IM'.INTKU :na i 1 ': so .^.'ir.eti:r w-.-ti 1-^ach Order. A cus iu." 11 iouiii Durham. wr.;**3 us 'I li.iV4 :>e> u ^an< fllaitf t> yju for - >:m; :lm. yr-. i i . j y iu: o\ _-.-. un'. work proiniKiioMs. 1 hav* recommended your j:k to javarai ftixndu who now :i.-4 yuur steady oustoraers.* Siul > jur f'.lm roll to Slur Snapshot Seivk-a. I MOl/NTKD Ili.NUAK'JKMKNTa IS* Si\ 4\r>' in Ii vi-jiifu: li.ual Moun'* Bnlargementj '.--jloured by hand 'or n:.i:; aJd:'.: i.-i.i: chargd. STAU SNAPSHOT SUUVKJU Box l^y. i'js'.dl Torminal A. ToronC fruit yuur ninia ^nd iJJriiM plain- ly on all jidars*. am. Qu_ nduiK ra n.j. 1 ip- APPLICATIONS AKE l.NVITlfilJ fcllf Grace Hj^pr.ii School of Nurs- ins. it m..n;li3' course. For fur- ther inf-irm ui.'.'i. apply Superin- 1 VTH REAM TU!-; i:\i:u\ SUFFBRflB of K''i--ii[ii. Ii ji.-i.:i-i or NeunriS sh.iiiM i: v iii\)n Remedy. Mu.i: '.'t Hr'iK S:on>, 3J5 F.lB.n, s.\\IMi IlKVITK lixsi'c.iM-: SAVIN''; 1'KvicK. : cell -. State \>,<:- -md mtik* at 111 I- n.'i carburetor, Mike ri'ii'u, ''in. H'H PVHTS THAi'ToA rAljfs NEW ANO used, for nil make:* of tractor*, tlonora! Auto and Tractor Supply, 1.1 l-'['.-Ji'r.i-l< St.. Kiirhener CnL ll \. Ill u WA^ITfeiU BN'U.ISH-^l'KAKINi ; P U O T Ui a- t in i. h-. :. male or female, fur Ur-i. !(. 1 to Urades 8. qualified also to toach Ki nch. Salarf, 11X50.00 per school year plus fur niilu'.l private i osljence. Applr to AlUn VV. Perkins, Sec.-Tr*aal Pas ll i i 1 ' .: st;uH School Bimrl Perron, Quebec, ISSUE No. 2343

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