VOL. 62; NO. 52 FLESHERTOX. OXT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1943 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publisher! MARRIED PAUL McCLUSKY Recently married at Hamilton by the Rev. C. L. Cowan were Miss Alice Muriel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McClusky of St. John, N.B., and Lome Paul, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul, Khedive, Sask. Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON. ONTAI.IO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain sacks and t'-vinj from George Fisher, Maxwell J. W. Robinson, Feversham or direct from CANAIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Son of Former Eugenia Boy Killed in Action Word was received here the first of the week of the death in action with the P.C.AJ. of Warrant Officer George Wm. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul of Lang, Sask., for- merly of Eugenia. No details have been received. He has been overseas since August, 1941, and had seen service in India and Burma for over a year. He was born at Long or. June 2nd, 1922, and joined the Air Force in 1940 and took all his train- ing in the West. Besides his par- ents he leaves three sisters and one brother: Elizabeth and Jim in the West, and Florence (Mrs. Baker) and Jean in Toronto. He was a nephew of Mrs. R. Bentham and Mrs. R. Smith of Flesherton. With R.CA.F. Overseas It's all right to drink like a fish if you drink what a fish drinks. Flying was described in the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britanni- ca as a childish invention. It cer- tainly fell into the hands of two bad children in Adolph Hitler and Herman Goering. t OF OUR FUlifiRALS additional Rfautiful inipftlion SERGT. MAC. STEPHEN Sergt. Stephen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen of Maxwell and has been overseas for the past two months. He received his wing as an observer at St. Johns, Quebec. Benson Fenwick A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized parsonage, at the United Church Maxwell, on May 15th, , ,.,.._ . . J,. . ' ment, with the name and when Sadie Mane Fenwiclc. Eugenia. , ., ,, ,, , ,, both seller and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fenwick, was united in marriage to Harold Rozzell Benson, youngts son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson of Maxwell. Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer per- forming the ceremony. The young couple were attended by Mr. Ear! Fenwick, brother of the bride, a Miss Jean Ottewell. Ration^News Because of the drastic reduction in j the metal available for the produc- I tion of small arms ammunition, the j sale of such ammunition is restricted to authorized purchasers and then j only for bare essential needs. How- j ever there is no restriction on the ' salt of powder and shot for the re- loading of empty metallic cartridges and empty shot shells. Anyone hav- ing empty cartridges may have theru reloaded by a merchant without ob- j taining a permit to do so. By a former order of the Wartime 1 Prices and Trade Board, new fanr. i machinery and equipment is rationed. The following articles are exempt from that order: Sickle knife grind- ers, incubators (150 egg or under), brooders, pump jacks, wood wel! pumps, barrel and cistern pumps. churns, sprayers (six gallon and under), wheelbarrows, electric fence controllers, hand operated seeders, cultivators and weeders, hay forks their slings and their attachments. Sale of certified seed potatoes for any other use than planting 1 until June 5th is prohibited by a recent order of the Board. A statement that the potatoes purchased are for seed only must be obtained by the seller from each buyer. This state- idress of must b on file three months for inspection. To obtain a ration bbok for an in- fant, apply to the Local Ration Board at Flesherton. If you change your name, send a statement of the fact to the Local Ration Board at Flesh- erton. but for a change of addrres.- use the card provided for the purpose ( in the back of your ration book ami For her wedding gown, the bride ail to Kitchener. chose a streeMengtn dress of dus' Meat rationin? ^ !ns on May 27 rose sheer and had beige accessories Each person may use two 8pare > A .. and wore a corsage of pink rose . L oapons a week . but the C0llpon5 havi , The bridesmaid was attractively at- 1-^-^ values according tflp the cuts . tired Ih a rose crepe dress with navy detai , s of which are published in ar accessories. After the ceremony the, bridal party returned to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Dobsor j where a reception was heli for the' 1 advertisement in this issue. Butter coupons 12 and 13 becon-. . valid on May 27th and expire 30th. Coupons 6-11 are now valiii members of the immediate families b , r expire May 31st Sugar tea an> of the bride and groom. The groom's ; coffee coupons 7 and s are va!id , gift to the bride was a cabinet of jr. lv o; t silverware, to the bridesmaid a gold'!" filled locket and to the groomsman a , set of military brushes. The bridal couple motored to Bond Head, where they visited relatives. The groom and bride will reside near | Eugenia. The Late A. McLean Jas/Best Passes Mr. James Best of Victoria Corn- ers, a highly respected resident of Artemesia for many years, died at his home on Monday evening, in his 91st year. He has not been in the : RECEIVED EFFICIENCY MEDAL C.S.M. Angus Turney, Vssiatant Instructor with "B" Company of th Grey & Simcoe Foresters, received the efficiency medal from Lieut.-Col. X. E. McDonald, Officer Command- the Battalion, when he paid his an- best of health for some time and lately was bedfast, but through it all h:.- mind was clear, right to the last. The funeral is being held this Wed- nesday afternoon, witjj service at the house and interment to be made in Flesherton cemetery. The late Mr. Best was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Best, who came from Limerick, Ireland. which his brother. Mr. John T. Best. i nual visit to the Company at Mark- dale on Monday night. MAKE HIGHWAY WINDBREAK i By Victoria Corners Reporter) The government has purchased a portion of the land along Highway No. 10 from the farmers and pur- pose setting out little trees to form a hedge and windbreak for protec- tion for the roadway from so much snow. Several men commenced the work of measuring the land and sett- ing back the fences. We understand the belt of land extends 150 feet back from the roadway. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson and little daughter spenrt he week end and holiday with at Stamford. Mrs. Martha Hamilton and son, Bill, and Miss Barefoot, of Mt. For- e#: spent the week end at the home >f Mr. Wallace Hamilton. COURT OF REVISION THE LATE JAS. BEST Strange, some college students haven't thought to claim it is unpat- riotic to burn the midnight oil. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Second Compulsory Employment Transfer Order Notice to Certain Employer* and Employees that ni. MI in -|>.-,-itiol linen of eivilun e mpluymedt, in classes already t |,--ixii.i!i-.l im.l.T National Selriivf Se-mcr Mobilization Rrnnhitiuns. must rrporl for Intrrvlrw not later than June l.%lh. I '.!. al an Employment and > , 5criee Offle*. 4 A. Object!** : This Second Order mikes iviiUble for ewntul employments the scr- vicet of men in classes alrcidy doigimed under Nitiorul Selective Service .Mobilization Regulations, who arc now employed in speci- fied non-essemul employments. B. EMPLOYMENTS COVERED BY THIS ORDER: Men, of Ibe specified rni.-..n. -. an- eovered if now employed at: (1) \. oeeupalton in or ajoeiatei with retail *lore; (2) anv occupation in or Mocialcd with tbe manufacturing of feather*. plume and artificial flowers: chewing (urn: nine; lace good*;' greeting earth; jewelry; (3) any occupation in or Mocialed with distilling alcohol for beverage; (I) anv occupation In or asso- ciated with the factory production of Italuarv "'! art goodi; (S) anr occupa- tion in the operation of ice erean. parlours and *oda fountain*; (6) any of the follow, ing .... H. .>!!.: bus boys; rharmen and cleanm; custom furrier!*: dancing tcii>-hen; dish washers; dvornicn ami tarter* 1 green* keepers; grovnds keepers; portcn (other than in rmil> train ser- vice) : privat* chauffeurs. C. ACE AND MARITAL CLASSES OF MEN COVERED BY THIS ORDER: (> Every man born in an* year from 1917 to W4 (Inclmivel who has reached age 19; (' ' every man boen from 1902 to 1916 (inrlndve)'. who. at July 15, 140. oas unmarried, or divorced or Judicially separated, or a widower without child or children! (e) every wan born from 19O2 to 1916 (imlu-ive) who has become a wldowee since. July 15. 1940. and is without child or children now tivti.g; (Wt every man bom from I'VJ to 1916 (inclusive) who. since July 15. I94O. has been divorced or judicially separate*!. D. Procedure to be Followed: All men u defined above muNt report to an Employment and Selective Service Office not liter than June 15th, I'M*. Men resident outside a city or town having an Fjnpknnicm ami Selective Service Otfice, too far removed to call per- sonally, may write to the nearest office. nJ await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES. When directed to accept emplqvuieut. men referred to in Paragraph* B anil C above are required by the Kcfulattons to follow the direction. r. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS: It will be illegal for an employer to retail. i his cmplo.t after June I'll- 1*13, ai> men referred to in Paragraphs B :ind C above, unless . special permit has been obtained from Selective Service* C. Transportation: Provi>ion will be made for twmportalion of men moved to * new place of residence. H. Appeals: If objecting to transfer to other employment when directed, a mail may cnttr *ppejl with a Court of Referee* within 7 days. I. Penalties! Penalties are provided foi either employer or employees failing to comply with this Order. J. Authority: This Order il issued by the Minister of Labour under National Selective Service Civilian Regulations (P.C :*6 of January I'^h. 1 J *-. J'>1 amending Orders in Council ' K. This Second Order is Additional to First Order: tmp!" incuts I:tvJ. m Pjn- grjph B above, dcclircd non-essential in thil Second Order, are adJni"iul to the non- essential employments contained in the First Order. The f ir-t Order. iucJ on May 4th, 194.1, required compliance by May 1'Mi on the part of employees designated under Mobilisation RcguUtin.-.s, and also of their employers, : the 1'ol'ovving line* of work t / 1 lavtrns or liquor, ;.;* j:i.i beer itorti; (2) rttfil alt ot tmJf, eontectumtr.. to- ^4lVo, boots, J.'.' ..... . i. : ) bubcr ikofs id btmi? pitlouTt; U) rtiul inJ vt.vlaale tlorist*. ^> jcrtinr tutwnt isisv- /W-/5//W? ftHtoHt'; (fi) Tttul tjle cf wotor itbittes or icrcnirriti: |7) retail tait of sporting looJs or msjjic'j/ instrument!; (.') uwilrr. rjii Jrhvr. c/r-.-j/i>r o/vrj/or, hotel Ml *oy, domestic ten-jta; ("i fly cuoifj- tioii in or Jrrcvr/v tssocttttd Trttb cittfrtMit- Wfitt, iltfliijing t'Ht not ri-ijnt'.'i',: to f/.v*rr, fi/m jRi'icvi, motion piv/w.'tr iowpjutef. clubs, twltHK j//i'y, ptiiW TVOWI, t/C> rfW.v m or Jn-tflly j".>. .v ,: .. '" The death occurred on Thursday May 13th. of Allan McLean, at the G. & M. Hospital. Collingwood, in rebruary. 1 :>1. his 57th year. He had been in poor health for the past year, death being due to paralysis. The late Mr. McLean was the youngest son of the late John and Elizabeth McLean and was born at Duntroon. In the year 11)12 he was married to Minnie Pallister of Max- well, residing on the gravel road two and a half miles west of Maxwell for three years. They then moved to the farm on which his only son. John, now resides at Feversham. Ont? year ago he retired from the farm and moved to Collingwood. where he has since resided. The funeral service took place at his home in Collingwood on Monday, May 17th. being conducted by Rev. Greig of First Presbyterian Church. assisted by Rev. MeNichol of Fev- , ersham. Interment was made in the | Presbyterian cemetery, Feversham. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Les. ! Poole. Garnet Magee. Morton Silvers. I Geo. \\~. Ross. Jack Morrison and Dan Cameron. Floral tributes were many and beautiful, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held by- all his neighbors and many friends. Among the very large number at the funeral service were: Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Moore of Trossacks. Sask., other friends and neighbors .nvns at Saugeen Jet. For the ;\u-' : '. ycar< he has resided on his far- \ >. -ii H:_-V.vay. half a m:> : r'h of Victoria Corners. He had a varied carter ami early in '.i:' \vorkr<: a.< a section hand on the old Toronto. Grt-y i Krv.ce Railway : ;r. char-.irir.sr the nr.lrv. from the narrow gauge to the pre- sent u the ~>Y<. He a!s. _'':.! :i:ui ship^t'ii ca1 ' grraii at Proton Station for many year? Ho served as a member of Arti-mesia Council for four year* and Deputy-Reeve. He was married to Miss Sarah Stinson. who predeceased him by a number of years, but they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary H:< son. George, daughter. Ella (Mrs. Carl At- predeceased him. He oaves to mourn one brother. John T. Best, of Saugeen Jet., and one sister, Mrs. Alex. Stewart, of Ower. Sound. During the past few months he was tenderly cared for by his nephew and niece. Mr. and Mr? Chas. Best, who had been residing with him for the past few years. TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA The first sitting of the Court of Ri'v.sior. of :he Assessment Roll of Towr.ship of Artemesia will be u-M :r. the Town Hal'., Flesherton, iay. June 14th, 1943. at the nour of 10 o'clock a.m. All appeals properly filed will be placed before he Court. ALEX. CAMERON". Cerk. Township of Artemesia this ?2r.>\ -:ay of May. 1943. NOTICE IN REC.ARP TO CHILDREN ON STREETS AT NIGHT NOTICE is hereby given that all 1'i years of age and under Village of Fit-shorten are to r ti-.e streets and in their own homos or y:\nis. unVss accompanied by ur. a.iult. by 9.30 o'clock p.m., -ii'ncir.sr on Tuesday, June 1st, n; -,, <ijr.- :1 ' f or which will be a \ast on the fire siren. C. J. BELLAMY. Clerk Village of Fleshertcn Dated this ISth day of May. 1943. Owen Sound. Flesherton, Rock Mills. Maxwell and Feversham. . IJUHtiry vork^, t>M/.'t; gutji tbot Men nferrtJ to ...', maul prrMiU document* ml the tmpio>mfni office. iing compliaiu* irilh Vt>6<'tiawrwn ENGAGEMENT Mr. and* Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Fever- sham, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Lola Maud, to Pte. Clifford Elmer Taylor of th Prince of Wales Rangers. Prince George, B.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, FlesJierton, Ont.. the weddinx to take place in June. Mrrctmt, MMnrr al Libotir \ VvcNAAIAKA, f)ffilor \jt:iin.tl Selrt- BORN CAMERON At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. Ont.. to Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Cameron of Cannington. Ont.. a daughter, on May 19th. HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS The following results are arranged in order of merit, figures indicating percentage in all subjects taken; 50 per cent in each subject entitles the pupil to consideration for Farm Ser- vice release: Grade 13 R. Whyte 81, J. Dun- can 78, A. MacMillan 69. J. Loucks t>2.5. M. Collinson 61.5. M. McMullen 50. J. McTavish 45, M. Thistlethwaite 4'2. E. Plester 39. Grade 12 D. Cameron 19. E. Adams 67. J. McConkey 65. I. Kar- stedt 62, J. McMillan 59. W. Sayers 58. A. Proctor 55. F. Bannon 52.6, E. Thurston 52. C. Loucks 50. D. Fal- coner 46. A. McVicar 43. M. McMill- an 42.8. A. Taylor 42.7. Grade 11 F. Buchanan 73. J. il. E. Allen (JS. G. Milne 67. M. Brackenfcury S>. M. Turney 58. M. Smith 53. J. McCracken 49. S. McMillan 4$. J. McMullen 47. V. Atkinson 44. Grade 10 - . E. O'Neill 80.6, E. McTavish 80.1. M. Phillips 77, M. Sinith 73, H. Fenwick 68.6. R. Avis 68.4, E. Mercer 60. M. Meads 56, D Plester 55.4. G. Miller 54.7. T. Banks 54. D. Falconer 50. B. Russell 49, H. Brown 48. V. Sewell 46, K. Goessel 45, L. Mclllmurray 48. Grade 9 J. Haas 82.8, L. Sparks 78.8. E. Williams 76.1. N. McWilliam 76.1. B. Turvey 75.4, V. Loucks 69.6. B. Tucker 59.3. W. Smith 58.9. D. 55, M. Chard 53, J. Genoe 52. M. Martin 51. G. Stafford 49.5. E. Doupe 47.8, E. Stafford 42.8, W. Shaw 41.4, G. Fenwick 40.4, E. Talbot 40. Future Events DANCE IN FLESHERTON Dance in the Fraternity Hall in F'.esherton on Friday evening. May 28th. Murray Simmons orchestra. Admission: 35c. PANCE AT FEVERSHAM A Red Cross Dance will be held on May 28th. 1943. in Robinson's Hall. Feversham; good music supplied hy the Petllar Orchestra. 40 cents. Admission: CONCERT IN FLESHERTON The Anniversary of St. John's Unit- ed Church will be held Sunday, June 20th. Monday evening. June 21, concert will be eiven by the Bohem- ian Club of Owen Sound, who are returning by popular request. GRAND OPENING Pundalk's famous CRYSTAL GAR- DENS 2 Big Nights of Modern and Okie Tyme Doncing. JUNE 2nd, Murray Simmons' and His Colored Orchestra JUNE 5th. Alvin Der- mott and His "Saturday Night" band. Special Prizes. Admission: Wednes- day 50c. Saturday 36c. MOTION PICTURES Moving pictures will be shown in Flesherton Hiarh School on Tuesday, June 1st. 8.30 p.m., sTx>nsred by the Artemesia Federation of Agriculture. Four splendid pictures issued by the Wartime Information Board. Ad- dresses by Hon. F. R. Oliver. Minis- ter of Public Works and Welfare, and Arthur Haas, secretary Grey County Federation. Splendid even- ing's entertainment. Silver collec- tion. All farmers and others are ursred to attend.