VOL. 62; NO. 50 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1943 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers Artemesia Over in Loan As Canada's Fourth Victory Loan approaches the final stages in Grey County, some municipalities are going to have to make unusual ef- forts if their individual quotas are to be obtained. Bolstered by the splendid showing of Hanover, and the townships in the south-west of the County, as well as by exceptional returns from the south-east of the County, and big special names sub- scriptions, Grey County stands well UP in the Ontario totals. The "last million," as far Grey County la concerned, will be the hard one. During the past few days, the townships of Artemesia and Ben- tinck, as well as the Village of Dun- dalk, have joined the groiao which already v.-as over the top, including Proton, North Euphrasia, Hanover, Flesherton, Normaniby and Neustadt. Artemesia had a very heavy quota of $95,000, and the Township of Ben- tinck itself bought $5,000 to swell the total of that municipality. Pro- ton, which exceeded its original ob- jective of $40,000, has sales of $56,- 000 or more, to far exceed even the new quota of $50,000 which was assumed. Arteroesia has again done splend- idly in the Victory Loan and congrat- ulations should be extended to the canvassers: Geo. McTavish, J. A Richards and Edgar Betts. What is done in the next few da., will determine the success or failure of Grey County's portion of the Victory Loan. Those who have been delaying purchasing are being urgeo to do so at nce, and those who have already bought are being asked to make a further purchase. THANKS TRYON WAR WORKERS The Osprey Branch of the Red Cross Society toshes to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a generous donation of S50.00 from Tryon Wai- Workers. The above group held a . dance on April 22nd last, at which $30.60 was raised and the teacher at Tryon College, Miss Phyllis Bell, sold tickets on a quilt, realizing 1 $19.40, making a total of $50.00. Artemesia Red ^ Cross Donations To Red Cross Canvassers: On be- lalf of the Flesnerton-Arteniesia led Cross Branch I, as campaign manager, wish to thank wholeheart- edly the canvassers who so success- 'ully canvassed the district and raised the amazing sum of |1467.70, only $32.30 short of our $1,500 ob- iective. The weather and road con- ditions made it extremely difficult for . the rural canvassers to cover L.A.C. RAY RICHARDS LJLC. Ray Richards arrived re- cently at an overseas port. He is a brother of Mr. J. A. Richards of Fles-herton and enlisted from this village three years ago this summer while assisting his brother in the furniture and undertaking. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force ground crew. DISTRICT DEPUTY VISITS GREY CHAPTER 0. E. S. Grey Chapter No. 170. O.E.S., had the pleasure of greeting Mrs. Theresa Magee. Wiarton Chapter No. J86, District Deputy Grand Matron, on her official visit Tuesday evening of this week. There was a splendid at- tendance of members of the local Chapter and the ceremony of initia- tion was conferred on a candidate. Following the Chapter work, a ban- quet was held, the tables being decor- Quizz Winners The winners of the quizz contest in Ration News m _ . ^ ^ According to a ruling of the War- the "fnsp'ecorattTof South Grey was ' time Prices and Trade Board, every held at Durham on Saturday after- j producer of dairy butter must regis noon and the following were the ! ter with the local ration board, winners: A Group: Patricia Kress of ! applies to those who make butter for the Durham public school; B Group: 'only a few months of the year as Harry Hickling, of No. 8 Normanby, ; well as to those who make butter the taught by Mr. Aubrey Love, and C year round. No special permit is Group: John Bell, of No. a Glenelg, needed. Simply state in a letter that taught by Miss Jean Scott. The re- j you are a producer of dairy butter presentatives from Flesherton were and mail to the Secretary of the Blaine Pickles, Barry Thurston and Marion Pickles; from Artemesia. and mail to Local Ration Secretary Board at Flesherton. If you have not already complied with Douglas Oliver, Ruth Smith and I this ruling, do so without delay, us MU l/t*V- * VII M4 ft,Ull T *3.7*,fc O W V.V V\ii| '"*" * their district, and I know that some ] Clare McLean. Other nupils from | you may be asked to produce your made their calls on foot, -while some I the Inspectorate were; Hanover: EMERSON MEADS WAS HONORED BY FRIEND! (By Ceylon Reporter) A social evening was held in the 31d Durham Road school in honor of Emerson Meads, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meads, who left Monday after- ion for :\r. E: 1 .. 'crn Canada point for service with the Merchant Mar- ine. An address was read by Tommy Mathr arvl the presentation of a ncn and pencil set was made by M Ruth Whyte on behalf of the young people of Priceville United Church. Emerson replied, thanking the fo'.'t for their thou^-htfulness. A host of g od wishes e-o with Emerson in ilij duties. This is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Meads in active service: Trooper Robt. Meads is at Camip Bor- den, and Wallace is overseas. HODSON MORRISON At the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, May 8th, Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer united in marriage Flora Donelda, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison, and Mr. Nick Hodson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hudson. London, Encr. The ceremony was performed be- neath an arcch of evergreens, banked with spring flowers. The wedding music was played bv the bride's sis- ter. Miss Thelma Morrison. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a floor-length ohers rused snowshoes. It was a pleasure selecting the canvassers, as they all accepted their duties in good spirit, feeling the canvas was a de- serving one and that they were well- ing to do their small part in this worthy cause. Should there be any who have not donated or wish to in- crease their donations to yet obtain our objective, your district would appreciate same very much. GEO. A. McTAVISH. RED SCHOOL Ward Harrison, Canvasser $5.00: J. T. Parker, Earl and Roy Best, Miss Jean Werry, Gordon Irwin Ward Harrison; $3.00: Claude Akins. Elwood Stevens, Geo. White; $2.00: Ross Stevens, Mrs. E. Doupe, P. Beard, Wm. Johnson, Geo. Johnson. Harry Akins. Geo. Best, Jas. Allen. Richard Allen. Clifford Allen, Everett Blackburn, Jas. Cullen, Wm. White. $1.50: Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. Mrs. J. Brown; $1.00: F. Eagles, M. S. Mc- Leod, J. T. Best, John Patterson, C. McDermid, Mrs. A. McMullen; 25c: Milton Hutehinson. Total $69.25. ROCK MILLS Arthur Chard. Canvasser $5.00: Jas. Russell. Leslie Chard. Sam Phillips, John Hargrave Son. Rock Mills War Workers; $3.00: A. Hutton; $2.25: L. Atkinson; $2.00: Herb Betts. B. S. Field, Walter Akitt Wm. Hawkins, Frank Betts, Wm. Hanley. R. D. Clark, Joyce Porteons. Wes Smith, Ken Partridge. Jas. P Sewell; $1.00: Geo. Field, Walter Russell. Mrs. Helm-kay. Chas. Staf- fnrd, M. Dobson, Jos. 'Shier, Mrs. E. Resell. Mrs. E. Deitz. Mrs. M. Me Mullen, Albert Wilkinson-, Ed. Croft. r has. Newell. Jas. Pedlar. Thos. Hotts, Cecil Betts. H. Genoe. Lev! Betts. Alex. English, Ed. White. Art Porteoiu, Wm. Phillips, Mrs. E. Part- 55c: Mrs. Sam Shier. Total Frances Paterson, Wilfred Karl, Hel- en Davis; Durham: Patricia Kress. registration card. At the end of each month special forms must be filled out as to me numoer of pounds Joyce Henry, Jalna Sharpe; Bfrn- produced that month and the form tinek: Muriel Schmidt, Reginald ' *~~IH '" Hi s^-rot^rv ,if r.h.. Pratt, Calvin McDonald; Egremont: Yvonne Brown, Mona Long, Eleanor Aitken; Glenelg, Marjorie Timmins. John Black. John Bell; Normanby: Jean Schenk, Harry Hickling,, Mur- ray Hermision; and from Proton: Alice Haw. Merrill Thompson and Isabel McVicar. forwarded to the Secretary of the Local Ration Board. Enclose in this envelope the butter coupons iron, your own ration book and from tin- ration book of each member of your household, which were valid that month. Lf butter has been sold, the coupons collected from the purchaser are also to be enclosed. These forms may be obtained at the local post INJURED FINGERS AT MILL \ office and no postage is required. (Rock Mills Reporter) Mr. Alex Laughlin had the mis- fortune on Thursday to have two fingers on his right hand badly mang- led when his hand became caught in some of the gearing down stairs in the mill. He was taken to Markdale hospital where Dr. Carefoot dressed the fingers, which required four Butter coupons Nos. 1-5 expired on April 30. Coupons 10 and 11 are valid on May 13th. Coupons 12 and 13 are valid on May 27. Coupons ti- ll expire on May 31. Sugar, tea and coffee coupons 7 ami 8 are valid on May 27. Coupons now become valid on Thursdays inste;u of Saturdays. Number 1 Spare B (blue) coupor will at least. close the wounds. Alex ma >" . now , be used , for P u [ ch f se 2$ ' be off work for a week or two j pu ^ nli ( f , * l ! ar for rhubarb. This 1 will enable householders to prepare Alcox, Elgin Boyd, Gordon Hill, G. W. Liulejohns, W. J. Hill, Fred Smith, Gordon Carefoot, Ed. Little- Johns, Allen White, John Hatton, for table use. home-grown rhubarb This coupon will expire on May :J1. Sugar for canning rhubarb wi.i bi obtained with the canning sugar cou pons, the first of which become vaii< on June 1. coupons will F. Hanbridge, Thos. McNabb, Oar- month of ence Foster, Kenneth ill; . oc: These canning suga be issued during tlii Laurie Betts, John Stephenson; 50c: Bert Ritchie,, Gordon Hundt, Chas. Gilchrist; 35c: J. L. Irving; 25c: Al- bert George. Total $42.00. PORTLAW Harry Fisher, Canvasser LIEUT. JACKSON STEWART HONORED AT CEYLON (By Ceylon Renorter) i Ceylon friends and neighbors as- Inquest Keily.Death The inquest into the death of Phil- lip Kelly, which occurred north of Markdale on Mondav night of last week, was held in Markdale Friday fternoon. The jury brought in the erdict that the fact that there was o tail light on Harold Fawcett's ear ,-as a contributory factor in the ^eath of Kelly. Dr. R. L. Carefoot, Toroner, presided, and J. F. P. Birnie, C.C., County Crown Attorney, exam- ned the witnesses. Considerable disagreement with the finding of the jury is felt in many >laces, as the mention of Fawcett's lainu in regard to the accident places wo much of the responsibility on his shoulders, more than he has a right o bear. The absence of a light on he ear should not have made very much difference to the driver of the Marshal! car from seeing the un- ighted car ahead of it. even though visibility was poor. If visibility waa as bad as stated then the Marshall car should not have been travelling as fast as it was, and the car was not under control. If the Fawcett ear had not stopped when signalled lie would not have been involved in the accident. The driver of the first car which was in difficulties was not even considered as being a contribu- tory factor in the accident. A neutral Coroner's jury might also have con- sidered further evidence. Decisions as made above make one seriously consider allowing the other motorist to work out his own salvation when in difficulties on the road, as the Good Samaritan may be the one o the wrong side of the fence. T. B. CAKRITHERS DIED AT WINNIPEG APRIL 29 (By Kimberley Reporter) Word has been received by Mr. R. D. Carruthers of the death of his brother. T. B. Carruthers, at Winni- peg on April 2ltth, in his 80th year. Mr. C.trnr.hers was a native of the Valley and Kimberley, where he kept store. Thirty-eight years ago, :ie and :i:s wife, who was Margaret Rehill of Eugenia, moved to Sperl- :ntr. Man., later to Morden, Man., ami then to Winnipeg. S74.80. ated with spring flowers. Sister gomn of ivory faille with sweetheart Magee was accompanied on her trip I neckline. Her finger-tip veil fell by Sisters Chapman, Dewar and Rod- erick. Past Worthy Matrons of Wiar- ton Chapter. BORN FAWCETT At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Tuesday, May 1 Ith, 1943, to Pte. and Mrs. Te<l Fawcett of Flesherton, the gift of a daugther. SUMMERS At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- iiKr Home, Flesherton, on Wednesday, May 12th, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Summers (nee Kathleen Gillies), a daughter. Future Events MAXWELL DANCE Dance in Maxwell hall on Friday, May 21st, sponsored by Fourth Line Red Cross. Music by the entire Fourth Line group. Admission: 30c and I5e. Lunch supplied. from a coronet headdress and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Bernice Poole was the brides- maid and was dressed in heavenly blue chitfon and carried a bouquet similar to the bride's. The groom was attended by Mr. Dan Brown. The bridal couple left on the afternoon train for Ottawa and other points east, the bride travelling in a pink and blue ensemble with matching hat and brown accessories. On their re- turn thev will reside in Collingwood. Prior to the wedding ceremony the groom received two cablegrams, one from his mother in London, Eng., and the other from his dad on Active Service. Card of Thanks My sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to all my friends and neighbors who so kindlv remembered me dur- ing my recent illness by visiting me and sending treats, cards 1 and letters Mrs. Francis Genoe. Eugenia OF OUR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN liatet A IHaddockt pionnmi funerals- ar complete to thf Intt detail. No additional ehargat. Price, ttlthtn your meant. lieautiful -hnpi'l and dhplay room open for rour inipectlon DURHAM ROAD W. R. Meads, Canvasser $15.00: F. R. Oliver; $8.00: W. B. Williamson; $6.00: Peter Muir; $5.00- \. S. Muir, Robt. E. Parslow, Frank ."oliinsoiil $4.00: May Reid; $3.00: lobt. Oliver, Jas. Oliver, Henry Huddy. Mrs. D. McKinnon, Dalton Corbett, Robt. Vause; $2.50: John Oliver, John Dow; $2.00: W. R Meads. Mrs. E. Walters, Ed. Ding- wall. Susie McKinnon, Thos. Currie, Sadden Hutehinson. Mathias Will- amson, A. Coburn, John Meads; $1.00: Jos. White, Christina Hutch- nson, Robt. Brown, Geo. Huddy John McMillan*. Clifford Harrison; 50c : Mrs. Wm. Moody. Total $!>5.50. S. S. NO. 15. PROTON $5.00: Herb Corfeett, Neil McCan- nll; $3.00: Abe Sherson; $2.00: T. White, Robt. White, Gordon Ache- son, Fred Hvdgins, Stanley Lyons: SI. 50: Jos. Watson, John Hodgins; $1.00: Ed. Badgerow, Bert Badgerow. Albert Barker, Sam Batchelor. H. B. Jackson, Mrs. Arthur McCanfi511. 15.00: Fourth Line Red Cross; last at a euchre given by Mrs. Jas. $10.00- Albert liaclcburn; $5.00: U. Sinclair and Mrs. M. Irwin, to honor Fisher John McKee, J. J. Boyce, John . Lleut - Jackson Stewart, second young- Wilkinson, Stanley Patton, Mrs. Rov /*t son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart sembled in the school Friday evening I Left :o mourn their loss are Mrs. of Flesherton, formerly of Ceylon vicinity, who is now stationed at the presentation of a wrist watch was White, Mrs. W. Simmons, Harry Fisher, C. IX Meldrum, Wes Plant; $4.00: Laurie Pedlar. Louis Fisher; $3.75: Wm. McNally"; $3.00: Roy Lyons; $2.00: Wallace Fisher, T!io Phillips. A. McKenziv, John Badger- ow, W. Jamieson. F. Tavlor, Harry Badgerow, G. and M. White; $1.00: .Mrs. J. Boyce, Geo. Wilkinson, Mrs. ,). Hopps, J. Pedlar, Mrs. F. Lyons, Mrs. Win. Ferguson, W. Blakey, Miss McKinnon; 25c: S. McNevin, No Name. Toml $114.20. CEYLON Percy Hunt, Canvasser $5.00: J. A. Nichol, Mrs. Anna Mo- Miilan, Roy Piper, Ken Stewart, \V. Gibson; $3.00: J. L. McMullen; $2.00: J. V.'. McMullen, Sam McDermit, W. Irwin, Geo. Arrowsmith, Lawson ! would appreciate very much if Whitehead, Percy Hunt, Mrs. Thos. | all the homes in Division No. 3.^ Arte- Geonoe, Dave Adams, Chas. Adams, Mrs. F. Marshall, Mel Hogarth, Mrs. Carruthers and two adopted children, ria.-cne of Flin Kloii and Margaret 1 Mr<. Tahl of Winnipeg, also two nithers. R. D. of Kimberley and Samuel of Painsville, Ohio, and one Mr. M. Harris (Helen) of !>as:c training centre at Simcoe. Mrs. \\V-toti. Major W. E. Harris of the M. Irwin read the address and the -<''!i Tank Battalion, Camp Borden. nephew. Mr. Carruthers was made by Mr. Will Irwin. Lieut, verv fine Christian character and or.e Stewart replied appropriated. The 'f the best helpers in Kimberley i>rt "1" wishes go with him in his , church, in the choir and Sunday duties. Prior to enlistment he taught <chiml in the Markdale district and in Toronto. His youngest brother, Pick, is stationed at St. Hubert. Que., wit}, the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Kennedy was the winner of the ladies' prize in the euchre and Mr. Earl Plester for the men. WANT NAMES OF MEN IN' CANADA'S FORCES H. Piper, Joe Stauble, E. C. Mitchell. S. Hemphill, P. Hempiiill, Mrs. A. Stewart and J. P.; $1.50: Miss Weber, Jas. Sinclair; $1.00: Allan McDonald, Mrs. C. Archibald, Mrs. J. Knox, Mrs. M. Piaster, Mrs. L. Duckett, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. C. niosia (which includes east and west backlines and No. 10 Highway from tin. 1 AU-ox sideroad south to Proton townline) having sons in active serv- ice, either overseas or training in Canada, send full name, refn'rnental number and address to the under- signed representative in the Council. This information is for township and i' i)l and in all its Christian act- vities, He was cheerful and loved \v < vet-yon.'. Our sincere sympath- ies :r<i ut to ''it? member? of hi* familv. In Memoriam PARTRIDGE In loving memory f uir mother. Mary Partridge, who i:i<-=!-d away May 7th, 1942. (!od knew that she was suffering, T'lat the hills were hard to climb; -So He closed her weary eyelids, And whispered, "Peace be Thine.'' Ever remembered bv her familv. Iti Memoriam Stafford, Mrs. John Gibson, J. Me- county purposes. Please co-operate William, Mrs. John Kennedy, Mrs. Haxton Mrs. G. Micks; 50c: J. E. Eldon Blacteburn. Jas. Pritchard. i Muir, A. McFadyen; 25c: Win. Bur- Mrs. E. Lyons, Ruth Sherson. Alex. , nett, Mrs. W. Mathewson. Tota.1 Sherson. Albert Baker. Jo?. Parks- 50c : Wm. Reddiek: $25c: Wm. Hall- iday. Total $39.75. S78.50. STONE'S LINE H. Tucker, Canvasser. $5.00: W. A. Beaton, H. A. Tucker I. B. Whittaker; $3.00: Wm. Hincks $2.00: Mrs. B. McKenzie. D. McKin- before June 1st. GEO. CAIRNS, R. R. 5, Markdale. A black market is one that is op- erated to beat the banned. BEECROFT In loving memory nf our dear mother, Mrs. Mary Bee- croft, who passed away five years atro. May H>th, 1938. How often there cJmes before us Your dear face, kind and true, For time will never take away Sweet memories, dear, of you. E\-er remembered by Mabel, Ernest. Earl and Marie. VANDELEUR & POWER HOUSF VANDELEUR Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Canvasser $5.00: Jos. Buchanan, Melville non, Cecil Fawcett, J. D. McLeod, i Buchanan, Geo. Buchanan, Miss M. , Isaac Snell, Geo. H. Cairns; $1.00: Dawn, Wm. Heath, Lundy Johnston, i Geo. Fisher. Mary McDonald, Neil- Wm. Ratc'iiffe and family, Louis ! bert McKenzie, J. K. McLeod, Wm. Teeter. Womanfe Association, Mrs. Boyce, Win. Cairnsv; 50c: Mrs. C. S. M. Davidson; $4.00: W. B. Johns- , Wilcock. Total $36.50. ton; $3.00: Victor Brodie, W. G. i Bowles, Andy Fawcett, H. I. Graham. ! Glenn MeGee; $2.00: Chas. Bolana, Fred Boland, R. S. Fitzsimmoivs, John Flynn, Girls' Club, John Morrison, Dane McGee, Ken Teeter; $1.50: Gordon and "Family. E. Proctor Mr Mrs. E. Hutehinsxm, Miss Florence and Mrs. F. Cairns; $2.00: Francis Davis. Jas. .Hanbottle; $1.00: Billie Genoe, Thos. Stewart, Mrs. John Johnston, Howard McGee, R. Sewell, ; O:iirns, Mrs. R. Park Fred Pedlar Geo. Summers, Seth Thompson, Jaa. I Thos. McKee. Duncan Williams' Cargoe; 50c: Mrs. Alex. Foster, Don- J. Campbell, W. Walker: $100- Stan aid Johnston, Dorothy Johnston, Roy . Cammbell, Melbourne Phillips, Roht H*-M,.I^_. .. ._.._ Fit g sim . Haney. Bates Fawcett, Henrv Fal- EUGENIA Wm. Walker and Mrs. M.' Phillips. Canvassers. $5.00: Eiig?nia Red Cross. Wm. len; 2fic: Marilyn mons. Total $97.75. POWER HOUSE A. G. Pickles, Canvasser $7.50: C. J. Shier- $5.00: H. Fal- coner, G. Strath, C. iB. Carruthers; coner. Roy McMillan. Robt. Gorley. Herb Fawcett, Bert Mclntosh, Calvin Boyce, Chas. Turner. Ray Genoe. Miss Irene Walker; 70c: Norval Betts; 50 C : Fred Duekett, Jake Will- $3.00: Ted Collins, A. G. Pickles; ' ranis. Ed. Baker. Leonard Lat inter. $2.00: Glenn Jenkins. Total $35.50. , Cha*. Williams. Mrs. Wm. Hyslop; i26c: Wm. Duckett. Mrs. Evnlina Grn- EIGHTH LINE ! nam - John Magrce. Total $55.45. Ronald Parsons, Canvasser $6.00: Alex. Cameron: $5.00: Wil- fred Maeee- $4.0O: Mrs. Blais: $3.50: Ch-is. Hopper: $3.00: Neil McDonald; $2.50: R. O. Turner: $2.00: Wm. - Pinkprton. Pore" Mairee. Bert Mage* IRISH LAKE Willard McWhmney. Canvasser $5 - Mr ^ F - CoMMOBB $2.00: Patterson. Jas. Sturrock. McWhinney; $1.50: Mrs. . . . . . .Tn*. Porteous. Mrs. A. Cameron, i , ' X *'., Diincnn. Mix. Fred $1.00: Gerald Mawe. R. Parsons. *'<* Wm Sullivan; $1.00: Thos. Mr*. Pinlcprton. J. Tomlinson; 50c: ! 2, we f n<?y ' ' Sym 8 ' Wilmer Mrs. Gott: 35c: Elerin Graham. Total $38.85. ORANGK VVU.EY W. 00: W. IT liill. Miss Myrtle Rt-r1t. WP<S. WrNielin'l: ffi?.00: A If. T-T-'l. Mrs. Mf. Hi!!. F!!vo<v) Bowl"-, ! T?nis,-]l. \'-,' , o Day. J. L. TTi'l. W. ,T. MfFnrt.Ifn : 1.00 : . . .. . . Hnn-rnvo. 0. W. Frn>er, Clarence ' , -r .* Eagles. Total $20.00. EAST MOUNTAIN Walter Wilson. Canvasser $3.00- Pnve Onoe: $2 On ; R a h>h : 1.KO- John flriM ?> ee; -Ton- ^ ,.) M A;,,'],-;!, w. .,-, T .... cj,..,,. , To , Cnr-v , Walter Wilson: 50r: Thomas B BACKTHE ATTACK & ProduteCo. Av?,