TEA TO THE HILT By Percival Christopher Wren CHAPTER THREE The village was a fort and the fort was a village, ami in the curious and medieval wa> of life of its inhabitants John Vciv- Yaughan would have been more interested had his own fate and future been more certain and settled. Definitely he was not popular, for as the party approached the fortified gate, and certain ardent spirits running on ahead spread the gr'.ad news that one of the Europeans who had come down in the wounded flyinu bird hud heoi: captured alive, a mob of women and children, hobbledehoys and girls streamed out, shrieking in- sulting epithets a 11 d horrid threat^. Mincrling with his captor.--, they endeavored to jiet sufficiently near to the helpless prisoner to strike him, spit uj>" ! , .nui to claw at his face. One woman, knocking off hi.< helmet and seizing iti# hair, (fed his head bade a:i<i sera- him fiercely, 1-au.Oiic him excru- ciating pain, .-mi bv the time that a laujfhiny stalwart had pushe i her away Yere-Vuuulian'jj senti- ments were not chivalrous. "Come on," shouted the leader. "C!ct him to the council chamber." And headed by tho speaker, the men of his more iniiiicdiate i"o - lowing hustled hi* prisoner alonjf the street to the gate of a com- pound on the far side of which stood one of the hittirest build iiiir- of the village. This town hall, or municipal offices .vu< very stout- ly constructed of sun-baked clay brie Its ami, like all the rest of the wall-enclosed village. looked fit to stand a siege. Kvidently the ne-.vs had reached the Mayor and Cor- poration or the Slalik and hi* tfai'tr - a< vugf were being spread nn the dusty earth before the door of thus durhar house. And as the scuttling poured in at the compound (fate, th- Mal.A aa,l !i - -t.itellites emerg- ed from the council chamber and took their places Hen; was evidently a free par- liament whereof every male in- habitant of the village, you: old. was a i>I ('-elected member. As the -Malik M-ateu himself upon a chair and the village eld- er* anil office holders sat down upon the rugs and sofas, the whole assembly squatted and, gratefully. Vere-Vaujrhan s.n:k down upon the ground. Dully he was aware that his leading captor wa-s haranguing the Malik and the assembly, claim- ing that inasmuch as he himself had personally directed the cap- ture and had wi:h hi< own ha>i<i HEADACHES KILLED BY THE THOUSANDS IN BRITAIN In a survey recently made among British women, these home-front workers revealed they consider Aspirin one of the three drug items most needed for health and morale. With more thousaiuls, .month, in war plants . . , m the planes and the Rims for fighting nieu . , , there's no time for pain. So at the first sipu, of heailarhc. neuritic or neuralgic pain . . .British women naturally turn to Aspirin. They know Aspirin won't ''let them down." It's proven itself for generations . . . eased literally bil- lions of headaches . . . effectively, dependably, fust. Aspirin is rated as one of the safest analgesics known . . . and costs le*.s tliau Iia tablet in the economy bottle. Make suro you have Aspirin ou hand, for relief of pain. Aspirin is made in Canada . , . and "Aspirin" is the trademark of The Bayer Company, Limited. Look fur the Bayer cross on each tablet. If you don't see the crow, you're not getting Aspirin. .seized the captive, he had the right to make the following pro- posals and to expect that they would at lea i recen i a refill at- tention. "Consider, oh Malik," cried the man whose name Vere-Vaughan now discovered to be \Vali Dad, "that what we want and always shall want. is rifl.-. More rifles and then more rifles still. * can we have enough. Nor enough of ammunition. 'l.er us .-e'.l this man back to the Sirkar, bargaining fiercely and letting him not go until we have reached the utmusr limit ot the priiv r:-.:it they -.vill pay. And with that money let us buy rifles. Not the faulty short-lived wea- po':- of tho Kabul lohar, but rifles made in Russia if we cannot get made in Knglaiui. I cap- tured this iv.an, and I .-jy let us sell him. Sell liiiu to the Sirkar, I say, and buy rifles and ammuni- tion.'" And as the itian -:r i!-iw:. there was a murmur of applause from th' 1 throng about * * "What will the SirUar pay tor him?'' inquired another mar.. ing to his : a- the last spea.. " -' :own. "That's the questinr.. Let it depend on that. If it i-> a matter of a few hundred r. t>> be div'dt-d among the lot of its. I -ay let us serve him a.s they served my brotiier. Tltr y MM-.'.; him hanged him in Peshawar jail." "Wi a: ' Ami give ti. t.i bring their flying devil . : - riatres i> .-._:. an.i gvt the placa blown ti> pieces, oh'. 1 " -nei-re-1 Wali Dud. "\Voulu i; be iiptter to have bombs or. our houses than rupees- in our pocket*, you *)' "* "Anybody e!se> got anything to iay'."' ipiiuired ;!'.: Malik, to his feet. -'Xo. \\',-il. list-- me. You he.ini WaV Da.!. Ha talks sen^e. We will send 'Mes- sengers to Giltraza saying that we have one of tile officers of high rank who fly in the air-- and what are they prepared to pay for his life? For loni* we will dicker a;!.i argue and wran^in. holding out for our price until w settle upon a sum. And it wil! b a good one." And .ir this point it \va.< in upon \'ore-V:ugh;n that an evi' practice, known in America as highjacking, was understood by the simple villagers of this remote part of the world. For rising to his feet. 01-,- of U'ali 0:i.r< party, a man who iiad been active in sup- port of the latter'* defense of th prisoner from irreparable damage, observe.!: "Yea, hear tin words of the Malik and heed them, for he speaks wisely and for the benefit of all. But let us remember this. News of our wonderful capture of the flying devil carriage, our slay- ing of one of th men who fly and our capture of this one will swiftly travel abroad and H known far and wid< throughout the land. Let us watch, therefor?, that this prisoner be not snatched from us by evil disposed men who would then go swiftly by secret ways and themselves take him to Giltraza and keep him hidden in a cave nearby while they offer him for sale." * "Yes verily 1 Then- you are." screamed a man whom Yere- Yaugitan had previously noticed as behiir a prominent and violent leader of the Mullah party. "Ex- actly. 1 Before we know it we shall be besieged here and the place perhaps taken by assault. What, my brothers? Are we to fight and lose our lives in det'e.'Mn of thw man? Lunacy 1 He who proposes such a coin's.' ; .s afflicted of Allah." "Oh. he is. is h;.>?" observed tha Malik. 'He is' By Allah, he is"' boom- ed a givat voice f:o.;i ln^-iti.i; and as all heads tui-tieif 1:1 Mi- il'i-oi-tion of the g:itc Vi Vaiijilnm beheld a big uml ug . II-IM. o:.viu.sly the Mi.liah, Vore- Yaughau thought. And a damn- I unprepossessinx brute h.- W.K, concluded Yero-Vauu'lmn. -AiVlieted of Allah hu is," boomed thu Mullah again. "For if it were necessary, we would fight und some of 113 lose our liv(v in defense of nur right to punish this servant of the Sirkitr, that grent enemy of God which tramples on the Faith, martyr* it* minister* and invades the sac- red soil of l.slair. with fire and sword, loot, rapine and slaughter. "Hut that will not be neces- sary," continued the Mullah. "The mail will be dead long befora there is any question of defend- ing him from capture by irreligi- ous back-!id-r>. who would take him from us that they might make profit of him. Moreover, he will be dead long before he could be recaptured by those who sent him hither to slaughter us, destroy our homes and lay waste our field:?. Let him die. Let our women torture him through the ;i ; .'-hr. and at dawn we will hang him from a high gallows with the entrails <>f a pig looped about his neck. [ have .spoken.'" "Yi.u i'uvc," thought Yere- Va'ighan. "You have sureiy been delivered of a mouthful. Now, Mr. Malik, it's up to you." * * When the applause that had fol- lowed the Mullah's speech had died down, the Malik ro~t- to his feet, . .iri-istit'ally and ob- served that possibly there was a misunderstanding some- Was tile Mullah under the. im- pression that it was he who had destroyed the flying devil car- riage, slaying one of its occu- i'turing tile 01 if he .v--ro not under that im- pression. :>ut (|uite re.i'. tat it was thi; Malik's excellent son- in-law Wall Dad who had done so, doubtle.ss the Mullah was fully prepared to .c' i mpense that iiood - in, his friends, relation.-. >up- ;>'>ru i-s and followers, and indeed c men of t::e vi!- lelf paying fni'ii ivs 'ich revenues a .sum ci].!.-. a rp.t to :iu a::'".; ':'.. S'-kar .voulii '.i^'l'iu'ritisily pay for th* fturn. alive, hale a:ni he ,-ound i't wind and lini'i. >> invaluable flying sahib. He had not gone into ilu- mat- ter till-roughly, or i-ven '>'?! offi- cially : nfonij'ii as to the . ic( *ai wiiici- '!!. Sirkar was pre- ti< av :". sucl a r.i.>.-. 'i:;t speakini: offhand, he would '.) ; - '. :'."d in pu: .i an: at at !i'it.<t ten 1 tnd rupee.-, inued N'exr \Ye-ii ' Use Lemon Juice To Remove Stains Also Help* In Laundering Silks. Cottons and Woolen* Perhaps tiie most common io!d stains easily removed by lemon juice are those of iron r:.s'., ink. scorch and lipstick, for r h first three stains mentioned, "ti .vasliaiilt' material, moisteii the spot with lemon juice, sprinkle A'ith sa!, place in sunlight. Re- VARIETY FOR TOTS By Anne Ada nis tliM-' proof that "jfond things * in small puckaires" 1 A . . :-iiiiiig frock . . . H sur.dreaa ... a beguiling bonnet . . . and panties are included in I'attern mil by Anno Adams. What ft wonderful value! Kaeh e.u-iiieni U easy ti make, too. Patleru KilO is available only hi ehiUlriMi'.< sixes. -, .X.' I, 5, 6. Size <>, frock and bonnet, tskej 1** vanis 3.3-inch, Mi yard con- trast; stm.lre-tt and honnet, 2H yaiiU 35-ineh. Send twenty cents (20c> in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for thw Anne Adams pattern to Room m, 73 Adelaide St. Wet. Toronto. Write plainly, six*, ftfld HER FIRST i-iiot Valeria Khumyukova happy aftei . - down her first f:n-;-.'.y pia Junker- 38. .- was 'inner Mos- cow engineer ami aero instructor. . until .-taiv.s r.Uanpear. Many . . ,'ir.d to lemon t'uil sire;. 1 e 'xs.fh loued. iaur..ieri:;'.; is j-i>; as much a part of eonservii ; . .1 ing . .\y of the .-.m- .t . i kind of . .1 rial <U' serves spcriai i' !(: e :n e ' he .vays 1:1 ; :au:>- . s: With e\ siting : water '. . Vnum juice is i t .-.-noon l<-nu>t. jui i e fall' pi. 'l'\\'f (jives i ;j .! .- I'ar.m, liiii-::. ra;. .<:: : If g : or \ ellowe I by : ip 'vasiiinif, Use t i < to i:i' .1 . . . I. :!! nr niiis- . .1. i ilry 1:1 ;J!c <a::. T\> chilen ill i 10 ninu * A a '.i r; .tdding s:;:u: . li-in- oils. T . . i T . : A noiur.s: F-IL' . :i.-': : AI pounds o inket, use the juice m' one :--ir.i>-. \>\ ;h< rinsi water to .1 . I GARDEN NOTES By Gordon L. Smith Lat* Start If lor soilln reaMi:i M.'.e U "llly able to start a g al ' ''-' :! now, it in still not too la: --. In this cas, however, onu :.s j'i. jiii 10 ma nl- l-eady well started p.arru bo ig'nt fi-itir the florist or market - r -n - dener. The quickie . ' i start a gai le:i, as anyone w.t.i i xperienc* knows, is to have a supply of wvll- starteil piai.u, .mt: 1 . if ilo.vert and vegetables. 1 ;j tray either havo :)een grown i:uio<.<rs in - i - low boxes ur purciuseii ii'i.n seevi-iiiitfii or nurserymen about this linid of year. In flower*, uiein uiajiu are just about roady tx> bloont when bought. lttdee<i so:u of them may have the odd bloom on them when still in the boxes. Experts, however, ailvisa against leading this bloom on at transplanting. It puts a strain oil the plant and i: apt to delay growth. Pinched off, tha plant soon recovers from tho shock of transplanting and will make stockier and larger growth. There is aLn a Aide range of vegetables obtainable aw started plants and in some cases, a< w-tii cabbage, caiiliflow-.-r, cck-r\, pop- pers, tomatoes, e! 1 .-.. th 1 .-, > a 10 the only safe way for the a'liaU-ur to handle. I'ianled fri'in seed now these things wo;i!ii i-.ot have iieiirly eue.;^' timu to reach ina- tui tj bofore fail. They should not be set o.n until all danger of frost is over. Garden Enemici Proper treatment. ju.<t as sn.n* as the first, pest ..lai;iam- -il'.ows, \M!. win the battle. It is amaz- ing the injury disease or insi-i-ts can oause in a few ilay.i once they are well established. A-. ailablu almost everywhere .ri CaiiHiia aru cheap and i-ffeclivu commercial sprays and powders which will hai-iile such ue-'i-j us fungus, aphiti^. /ust, wilt, cut worm-i, (>i-;al'> bugs, etc. In some cases these dusts or pruys aru made of a combination ol mate 1 '- ials to copu with H variet> of enemin-s. The sprays, of course, should be applied when t,. plant* are dry anil the dusts st.k k better when the plants are slightly m."st with rain or dew. CieiK'rally speaking, :!! plant iK'inieg are divided i:.'O three types -- fungus, that i.'ilaew or wilt the foliage: sucking insects which produce the same results; and the eating kinds whiel: liter- ally devour the foliage Fuming or drying sprays and dusu will handle the first two, \\ii.lo the "enters" should be desti\>yeil w ; 'i' I STOPPED "DOSING" MY CONSTIPATION AND CONNECTED THE CAUSE! In these buiy days of war you owe it to your country as well as to your- self to keep "in the pink". That's why it's so important to avoid the common type of constipation caused by laclc of "bulk" in the diet. And do it by getting right at the cause Instead of "dosing" with harsh purga- tives tiiat give only temporary relief. Just follow this simple plan. Eat KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every day! It's delicious as a cereal or in hot. tasty muffins. Drink plenty of water. Then see if you don't agree ALL-BRAK is the "better way" to natural regu- larity. But remember, eat ALL-BRAK every day! Grocers have ALL-BRAN in two convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg'i in London, Canada. She Whipped Up Butter With Fork A Detroit woman saved up top to make -.'ulier, and when _::: she i'.ad enough she put i: in a bowl and churned f"i' i couple 'f hours with a salad fork, rela ' ''.t.i A'a Cil i We .itiVi't vo.u-ii Eo -il". this; A e aaw it .:: the ' ss.) But. to net on with '.lie story, e- . _ cveir.ua:. IH '-']> ^: :(.-.; a - tly, a i :!le and i" r : ials - ' ;r.i eye. . of suit. ATiie!! i intioned a . goi : lat. 1'ut tlii- point is, '.-'. - . ' -. ... . butter at this i)!':ci'. atl'i if t:ie kiini im we're gel ing A ill butler at any price, yoj havv t> in e<|uivalenl iKitine ot ci)ui)"'!s, iu:i> a< :f you Im'ij ..ilikiiiaii :: the i'^st pluc'- is simpler - much fun. ".f- i . ."iik at it. J . 2 cuii hi. L s;jj, '.veil beaten cups .r.-imrpo.'-e flour t( . . ; 'g powder . _ cup f:r.e!y slireiiaed orang ( '$ or 4 manges) i . ange juice .in peel I'rcaai s ' . Aiiij sugar irenming Sift drjr ( flour, iia. ing p -:ilt) , add a f-'.. . rang* . .' . mix- 'i.nu witli ,. ivil . . i , i ''i.-V. ure i* . . ; degree* I'', aboil lies. .Serve i TABLE TALKS Honey Cakes Your fa.nily cva.es c;i . your iJitar supply is low" \ rufli' ' Here is a rcip< ohocola'." cake. ti:at ma.. pared wiliiout a particle of All Honey Chocol.t. Cake 2 cups sii'Uu cake flour 1 '-i teafpoon.s j.^ia 'it -.M-nooa salt '^ i -iip i>u!tor or other shortening 1 ' cups honey 'i ongs. unbeate: 1 . 3 sniiares unswi-'it'n*J ch late, malted \ c'ln water 1 .--ispoon van \ Si .our ijjK-e. ,:-i'asur, :i 1 i soda :i::ii -*ai'. :t .! sift tOgdM three nines. Cream ijutter, : honey gradually. hatiug after eacli addition. Add ' flour ami bent until smoot wei'i tilcnued. Au'd eggs, onu u i t'lii.', :iea;.ng weti a.'t'jr each. A i.| ch'iciKa.e ami :^ei.,i Add reif.a :'-- ing M.r.ir in thirds, alternate. y wit.i-. water in isalves. beating ver;. well after ea h a i.lition. \ Id vanilla. Bake >tt two gieaou S- inch la\er pnr.s in moilerate oven (3JIVK i ;!0 nn.T.Hcj, or unt:i done. Spread your favorite frost- ing iv'Aivvi I.iyiTs and on top >V . .ike. For best reau.is. beat very weli at each stags of mixiu,;. \- ' er i< a recipe for an orange cake using ei|ual quanti- ties '' honey and sugar: Hony Orange Ck l i C.PI shortening H cup sugar STKt is in the Attack . DOMUIS. ill Back th* Attack CTEIXO workef* hi< -iAru t in J Wir o,l V. lU , r% ull .^ ^ i!r*jd> 10 (he lunc iW prjiiitc*il> thre millimi Jtiilirt, In .d t |it. ,m. * tvtt.lc.l ilurr h Vii,,in Lo i'i<it i'i.- . 'n-.-t .n War >itmj(t \. N\> ihe ire MI in Sj* k tt>iiit.k St tuprtor'in iK JiiLUr* *.|| fallow ihr.i tf fi in View ' Vb sj m Svpporf , CANADA'S 4th VICTORY LOAN by FHE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HAMILTON MONTREAL