AMERICAN RIFLEMEN IN TUNISIA Among the palmi and sand dunes ef Tunisia, an American >o!dir waws a bead on his target with hi Garand rifle. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING ELECTRIC "THREAD" ' Stitching rr.ttal? Why not? Airplanes and railroad care and 11 sorts of things are being made ihat way out of stainless steel - VPM masts for chips. ' Sewing U done -vith an electric tbrrad, but no needle pierces the .metal. Instead, two pencil-like Icctrodea cianip the steel iheet! " between them. Suddenly a young . lightning: bolt is shot across them < clean through the metal. It all happens in a very small part of * nt >:id. j) that flash of tim some of t tfcc metal iii the path of the c^.r- rci ,t comes to fusion heat. It so happens that the greatest heat is . (t rated just where tbt sheets re faced together, and a little pct of one sheet becomes fused ' fc another little spot of the other. . Both sheets are then joined to- ferner by s stainless steel con- section. In stainless iteel it i s teong connection much stronger fhar. -^ould b a rivet of th same fbe. But the connection cannot be en. It is bet-ween the inside sur- faces of the sheets. "How do we know they are joined, anil how trongly7" This if answered by a sln-.ple little device called the re- eorder. This instrument actually ensures the mn-.ount of current sed even if for so brief a flash and also the time during whl-h the current i applied. Both read- ings tell the exact amount of let-trie heat used, and the amount f the heat in turn tells how much nii'tul has been brought to fusion "< the size of the weld. The value of each weld is also riconied on a piece of taps by th recorder. If any one weld fail* to come up to specification*, a bell rings and shuts off the welding machine. That bell is sometimes known in the shop as the "rasp- berry.'' You can well imagine that the welder tio^s not like to have the "raspberry' 1 loudly md- ir hi failure. How Can 111 By Anne Aihiey Q. Should stockings be washed, if one has not \vorn them, snd they are to be stored away? A. Yes; the washing will re- move the excess dye besides pre- srv : rjr t,hem for a longer time. Q. How can I keep moths out of garments.' A. If whole cloves ar sprinkled in the fo-lds and pockets of the garments which you are toring, the moths will be kept away. Q. How can I improve the fflAor of French dressing'.' A. Half lime, with as much lemon-, mixed with th* French dressing, will ami an unusually pleasant flavor. Q. How can I -eniove tea stains from lintns'.' A. A little glycerin is very ef- fective for this purpose. Q. How can I make the scaies f fish come off easier? A. \Vheri cleaning fish, first dip each one in hot water for moment, and the scales will then come off much easier and quicker. Q. How can 1 exterminate loaches in the pantry? A. Washing the pantry shelves with a hot solution of alum water will drive away ill roaches snd insects. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. When a man who ha ben invited to dinner sends word a few hours in advance that he will be unable to attend, what should the hostess do? 2. How far in advance ef a theatre party should th Invita- tions be extended? 3. From whom should one ask for a letter of reference, when applying for a position'.' 4. Should a young married wo- man identify herself over the telephone 'to a social acquaintance by saying, "This is Ruth Martin," ur, "This Is Mrs. David Le"? 6. How should the invitation* to jri-ndus-ion exercises bt phras- ed" 6. Should a oi'UT hia hand to help yirl out of a car? Answers 1. Telephone an intLniate friend and ask him to fill in. This friend ahould never hesitate to do eo. If at al! possible to accept. 2. Not later than a week in advance, t. Only from one whom you know Intimately. 4. "This ii Ruth Martin." 6. The phrasing of the invitations i* usually determined by the mstoms of the schooJ. I. Certainly. Try These IB critical eompauy "R-JBV" when you say it meant RzheT, Russia. As to Rabaul, In New Britain, Soiuh Pacific, you MY h Rah- BA1I oo). M the speaker nays "Muli-RT" for tli. -i- beleaguered He* to Tun- Ma he'd right. Don't try It too oiuu but K you have to talk ot Dcieperopet- In Russia say it "DNBI- ROVSK." There's plenty of buzain to Blzerte. North Africa, but Uit bees are comparatively quiet -- It's 'Bee-ZAlRT." Amboina. Lht Butch, bkst In- dies isliiwl. Is properly pronounc- ed "AM-HOY-iift." Have You Heard? Gus Edwards, Mechanic:'? Matt-, is one of the Navy's most seasoned tale spinr.i'i-s. Or.e Jay !;L- was sitting with a group of KngH.-h tars, discussing the relative merits of liriiish and American ships. "I'm curious about your car- riers," one British tar n:i!. "How fast are th'-y'."! Old Gus looked at hihi and re- plied, "To tell you the truth, I don't l:no\v. We've never really open* . :'icm up. All they've been require ; to do so far is u, keep up with the plai.'-s." Gracie Fields in New York told the story of her Cousin Alf who was milling hit cow when a neighbor passed by. "You (lacker! Why aren't you at the front?" "There iin t any milk at that end," replied Alf pa- tiently. The barmaid was a flirt, and, when the corporal went out to buy paper she leaned invitingly o\er the bar with her face close to the private's. "N'ow's your chance, darling," the whispered. Tha private looked round the room. It was empty. "So it i," ht remarked - and promptly drained the corporal's flaw. Mr. Spnggins (gently )i "My dear, a man waa (hot at by a burglar, and his wife was saved by a button which the bullet struck." Mrs. Spriggins: "Well, wbat of it?" "Nothing, only the button must have been on." In the imokeroom of the big hotel the Scot had been everyone with tales of the great ded he had done. "Weil, now, 1 ' said an Er.glish- man at last, "suppose you tell us omething you can't do. ami, by Jove. I'll undertake to do it my- telf." "Thank ye,' 1 replied the Soot, "I car.r.a [.ay ma bill here." To a destroyer whose lights were visible a nearby ship signalled: "Pardon me, but your ship is showing." Monty 's Method: "Winkling Out" Montgomery's Forces Follow Plan ef. Humble Periwink't General Sir Bernan! Montgom- ery has originality no' ouiy In his tactics, which have refwuedly routed Marshal Romme'. but !n his Yerbiage. which has on occasion made tlie newspaper correspon- dents re*!, says The KJUI^IS ' ; -- Star. Recently the hunter of the "Des- ert Fox'' reported In a commu- nique that "w'nillng out" wa proceedinp. Americans at least. were puzzled by the woix!. By using It. General MnniKomiM'y displayed a whimsical know!tdsr of the marine- life on the shores of his native British Islt-.--. Oi- form of shellfish Is the periwinkle, eommonly called the winkle. Th! ere.-vture. with beautiful npiral shell, subsists upon oyster* an<l olams. Theso bivalves tiginiy close itielr shells and ar notoriously aar<] !a get at. But the winkle rtnowt how to do Ul trlrk. H drills a hole through the shell, snd presto! He dines upon t.h bivalve. German strong points rtniniti ;. in Southern Tunisia clos-ely re- semble<: tie tightly closed oyster or cliuii shells In the iliiflculties prese-nted In penetratiup au<i elim- inating them. So Getu'ial Mont- gomery's forces have adopted th methods of the humble periwinkle. One by one they penetrate tfc strong points and destroy th gar- risons. "Winkling" It U. ami a very rood terra, If anyone should ask. Axis Gets Earful Of Artillery Music A recording of u; British Eighth Army artillery barrage which smashed the Maretli Line U Tunisia was broadcast recently to Axis-occupied countries of Europe by BBC, the London Rit- iie said In s report heard by CBS. Potash is used In making gun- powder, ;:j;.< grenades and .- stion gasoline. Mulock Defends Postal Services Overseas Cigare.tes Lost Only S.Tta'l Fraction of Total "Thoughtless and u.-.i;. formed individuals" have blaek'.-m-d the character of Canadians i;i the army postal .service throiiu'i -t:ite- ments about ciirari'ttes not being delivered, .-rated Postmaster-Gen- eral Muiocl; recently. Col. Muloi-k gave figures show- ing 21. 1. 1 '.' 7! parcels of '-;?ar- ettes and tobacco were sent to men ovorvas :n 10-12. a:-..! of this ;. umber i',!,sf:i .vere lost as :i re- sult of .'lU'Tiy action. CoiM'.aints of non-rect-ipt of ciffaivtu-s and t.obacco in the year numbered 3,- 581, and of these the Po>t Office .vas able satisfactorily t.. at/count for*3,54T. Since the start of the year, 62,- 425 tobai-co parcels and 29,412 ordinary .parcels had been lost at Foa due to enemy action, and non- Hirival of sue!) parcels was a po- tential source of coraplair.t. Defense Minister Ral-t.>?; said that Car.itiiian military headquar- ters ha<{ n-puited bona fide Com- plaints of non-deliver/ of cigar- ettes were comparatively negli- gible and were continually dimin- ishing. In the fir-t three months <A 1943, when about 500,000 cigar- ette parcels would have been sent, 84 complaints had been received ivy army authorities an<i of these 76 wert satisfactorily accounted for. One of T.U .easons lor com- plaint overseas was the army order li nit ny :i man in 'V.e forces to not mort tra:i 1,000 igurettes a month through the ma .'.. Some ortfanizaiinr.s n-r.t fi^a:--"is over- seas in iiuik. '..y freiirin . and the Post Of f:<e ..,; no control over iiii-h ship"'.. Shipii.i. - iy frtin'::: 'vtre rh.efly ma<:t Through the tiuck- shee Fund .I'.aintalr.ini i.y the 'anadian Legion and ti.e Over- seas Toi.acco League of '',mada. With ot"'".er orjranizan,! - :nfed, the c'jraret'i.*- shipments 'vera sbi ,.t, -.ocu.dOO a moi-'.'! prob- aDly less '/.a:: 10 per cer.t of cig- arettes shipped overseas The cita-efc sent by freight were distributed by t:-.e army auxiliary services and : = s;it'i: free. Thpre h:: :>een instances of pil- fering !n transit. A clo.-e check was mam- iiy United Kingdom Jthoritie -.v::o gave the privilege i>t free tr.try to the cigarettes, "igarettes .nt-t were only a small fraction of the total. Pilfering was to be expected even in peace- time and ciifiu-ettes were hard to get in the United Kirsfiom t present. Rornmei's Retreat Longest In History Marshal Rommel's retreat from Egypt, which has covered some 1,600 miles and is lengthening rapidly, already has exceeded in distance all other famous retreats of history. Two famous retreats which in- vite comparison with the Axi flight halfway across Africa are N'apoleon's withdrawal from Mos- cow in 1812 and the retreat of the 10,000 Greeks under Xenophon in 401 B. f. Napoleon, left Moscow Oct. 18 and the pitiful remnants of his army, some 20,000 out of the tJOO.OOO, reached Vilna, 700 miles away, on Dec. 6. Xenophon led his Greuk.-i from the battlefield of Cunaxa, on the Euphrates Hiver, to Trehizond, on the Black Sea, "covering some 1,- 500 miles in five months, a dis- tance and period comparable to Rommel's flight, which le now in its sixth month. But the Greeks were not pursued by the same ad- versary throughout, their fighting being against local tribes an<l ban- dits along the route. OVERSEAS -* *1. SENDS 300 ("BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION", "MACDONAID'J MENTHOL", {"SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" Cigarettes lor 1 Ib. Tobacco BRSR SMOKING or ory IMACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (wild papen) oii; DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Poilpaid to I Soldier) in the Canadian Army OVERSEAS and (CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES. Mall Ordar and RimittaiKS to lTNiOr*,Nis,icttiii)iciiu|ili( Most Embarrassed Man In Tunisia Sgt. Worcen P. Lovell of Mai- den, Mas*., a United States army photographer. :s the most embar- rassed man in Tunisia. along in * jeep to catch up with an advanced unit of the Sth Army in the 'labes area, he askr-ii a !?roup of soldiers in h.;tr> ,:r- for direction. In- itea<i of ?.:'.-w. ring-, ;; sold i-r asked hin; why he war.*rd to krsr.w . "I was r. p. :--iL.vah and in no mood to carry on B conver- wi'ior. : . .1 . r-iat.(>ri. "I ti-,I,-J him so . ry p in ir.i y.'' swapped a few pt- onal remarks ar, <! -he soldier walked way. "!''.:!' felli ' r.Ubt be -. . the way he taiki-d to me." Lovell reniarke.i : . a British photo- grapher near'ny. "Oh. no." .,. u d the Br:ton. "that's M on ~ g 1 " m p ry." Doctors In Uniform American troops have nearly three ti:;:es as many doctors per thousand :nt-;i as the Axis force* have. So declared Dr. En' e Crosi,;.- ICcii;; ot Albany, N.Y., at a recent lienrrai tilectrii: S'iencw For .:n addrt.i>. American troops have an average of eigii: ')(! irs per rhousasid men. This ci;:)ipare with an Axis avr-ra^t.- of ':; fer tr.i is . :. ii - :, 00 i' .- ^f curii -V..- .4.1 .r- re<i :n MOK.- ..'s fort-si a last HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Me. Pile Remedy No. 1 ie f >^r Protrudm* Blooding Piles, and if aol'l in Tube, vith pip*, for internal application. Prii-e 7-V. Merc* r:Ia Remedy No. infer Extern*! It. hiun J'iie. fj:!d In lr. and i f or erernaj UM only. Pnc So*. Order by uuinb*r from your Drugg-'t- TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED A^s 23 years and over; Marrien; Physically fit; at least 5' 9'' in stocking feet; 160 Ibs. ; of jfO'.d character and fair education. To be available for ajipo-intmem immediately. Uniform clothing supplier. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO-591 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WA.M'tO .N-> auubt i'ou to make me !n v : Our Agency oTfert 1 au tne n:.i:'.s of dointf ->\ and, for ju^c ti.rt of your t:n.e. If Intc-rsttt >i. wi.te us and we will iernl ul< :>: ur tiTni.". AVON PKODLT'-.S 1- ''ANAPA. I.1M1T- RU. 10 '; s . A.exandt:- -treet. Miiinrv il. Al 1 OMUilll K 1 SKI) -.. -KU CA I-: 1 -' \\ITH GOOD HUES. See ua t.: 1 M. \int t'liu:.!!:! Mo- torn l.iui.ii-] 1 sed Car f m V'.TIKI: >':eet; <irfic. M . :!bar.t Tu- . '!' j .. H V . "is: v\ it-unit: ui ii 1 - FI'HE BUT-;- AYRSHTHK fit for litrv:! utt R.O P n.-un average tPBI ver 4%, albo Bull riv9. Then- bulls a.-e well Kro:i >; ud > pe and are :os .frN, fi.i';.. r ^ . " :h-_- \Vorld'w ' "toam- uli n <\.i.'--:in Valda Imp. ri'rord 31.167 :i -.--. milk. U5 Uvj B.F. Herd a ..!.: r .i snd llate-J \V. J. Stuele. ' vtn -ie Farm. Neivins;- lon, Ont. \ViiUK A .,. N THIS \\Ali TO- Ktber lei.s do our !ev> i bet. By heliiir.t; t.. kp < Vi i-..-i,lians well fed ---- 01 til here snd 'nver iliare'. we .-.m both h(-:p t-li .Tten lh war It'" our Job to hatch chirks, you ran mak It jour job to ralae thvm for me:i' for Sjra for food. Tweddlfi >w htl ohloka w." h*iy jou make goad 'ii your '< ii . Riv you u fair oharipe to supply your fu;: "iinr of th a" t : ;h!ng demtnid for Poultry md vu^s. at a ju <_ prof- l 8nd for cnrnlogu* and price list Twediilc <"hlck Hatv-hcTles Limited. l-'irL'is. Ontario. BABY CHICKS HYBRIDS i'"K EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreda. Complete '.iat, ali a^e.". Kalrvlew K:irm, St. Marys. Ontario. ARK I'SUALJLT SrRPLUS- a from e.stvii largr* Brny hutch- M, so If we huv your order, we may b b!c to fill It sootier than ipctsd. July orders will b fill- d' In rotation received. Cockerels Immediate ehlpmsnt. they 11 b Juat right tu o&tcb the meat ra- llonlngr. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamliton, Ont BEK9 A>U 111 i: KlJI II'HI M- WOULD PAT CASH FOR BEES, Super* E.-ttrtctor. Scales, ato. I. 3. Shier. 908 Dufferln Avenue, Ixmdon. Ont. Hi i II DARGAIX !FTT LiARUK QUADIOL.US BVLB8. mixed colors, one dollar. One hundred solid qoJor bulbs free. Act quickly W. C. Ht>;ind. 8tribroy, Oi.'. COINS ANTIQUE I'OtNS* BOUGHT AND old. 728 Nelson Street. Kingston, OnlurK' iub ANYTHING NKUD8 dyli>K or cleaning? Write to ua for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment U, Parker's Dye Works Umlted, ;! > Street, To- ronto. Ill I M- Klt SALK LAii'^E GL.-\:'i"Ll S Ul.-LBS. RAJN- bo^\ ,2 tjoz., S 1. 1 ' de- livc-:--u. K 'i. p..r s Bulbs. K:i::!o, B.''. We K;I ". '<!" lief oii.y. KIMXF II.4I.N BAL'MKKKA l"'.''jT BALJil dostroya ofti-nsive :.i r instantly, 4Eo i). -. .'\L ^enr. L'trzraun {tore, " . ^ .1. \t..'IiliSii:i:i: !IO.iS, SER\'ICE- abie ii|, r e, n-y Mwred ;n i>iir<- hat- er name. Price J.1S.OO. Mi*th!as \V.l..umn,:v ri.ftville, Ont. i> ; 8CHUUL LEA UN H.\!I(L'.(ESS1NU 1'HE Hubertson nj'-thod. Information ou ruuue^t re^ardlotf clauta^a. Robertson a Hafrdresslng Aoud- my, Ij7 Av--'::ie Kuad. T.;r'.)nto. I.KAI-- I-OUACCU F1VK ftiLNPS r AUK LJIAF $1'.5. five Four.ds Virginia and l'u;-.i-.v Leaf for pipe J.'.UD; Five PoiiMcH ' . -nu-tte Tobu.-vo III. '..I. ! -'! i !. Vatural I MVhVI'O. Iv Kfc:MKl>ll!;> .. stop Wli.-i. . . hoea In I'h-.'Ks. Turkey p. ,. also calf i and p.K scc'.iis coata Vi :hl it. le poul-, - k! V. r r. &i><: >;u.. Saniplo I U ki.arunteed n i or ni.'i)y fc., R. A. Fli-.i, i Co. Llm.ti-ii, Lt \'L-:.'.\ iir.tarlr. _ Ml .UICAL NAT I UK'S UKlllCPlBS l'-M.' V\ Balsam f -r l'!!e.-. |: )! ^v :)i money , * : foi ' Uld r. ' '', ii .ply J dinn !:;. . lUjx 1 1 S. Van- coin er. ITS PROVEN'- i.VKHY SUl--;'i of Khuiiiim'. l'a:ns or Ni . i. lid ti con's Utiix". d Olll.v MUH:O s P'ruf Store. gill. "!t:iw:i r.'tllliiid >:.''. _ OKFER TO IXVEMTOHS AN (JFFKl-i TO EVERT INVE.VmH Ust of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Cnnnda. IMTKXT8 FBTHERSTWNH Ai;i:H COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Oatabllsnea 18SU; 14 i:iK Wet, Toronto Booklet of I i-jfoi niat'on on re- q u .<* t. PATI-:\TM A>U TUAUE MAUK" 1NVLNTORS KHKKLY A 1 > \ how to pro:.', t nventlon.-. Kgr< - tPi> R. Case, *.- Malsani \\ e., T. to, Es bl sh?tl over ,' y : The firs' stripyiag o( L-o;'i> f DID young '-ces :U'K> p;.i,-e nh- .; are 15 to 20 ;.; v s of age. I MAIN TrtH >I'HiK- i 1 ' vrii.i.v.- A i; E ' - fi.r ifirls wl:,i :.-.: 'o rr:,.n for nii:'-"- L'lnber i'H" nwall General 11.. -r ''>TU ; ' IM-:U-O\ 11, WORLJVS GREATEST ry . s'i "i.i! S.-nr. .S.>r,l B ' i l ' i! f to P.O. ':- t S ' YOUR I. Q.? ,,.: i -.-. IfeiKw i' ( b'.. J. ' li-i.-^:; ... !''!; v, ... V il. !'.! l',j- i rtu; r \Vi-.i1 .. : 4117 HIM . . .! * .,.'. TWO !'i:L'.\r 'I i I i|: HI: id - St . .. :i i ;-i.:i: . , :: u;i . * gruj . ' . . to h-in.r* P: .1 ! Id -. . . VV. : Clark. <.;an.ui';'iUf. t BI.A''K PFRi'llKm i\ >; I.I.ICN f ye ir >ld, Foi 111 .i. : no i . 1 Ijo!- (Tla" stall'. : \ I Turn VI. Wm. >' ' ' I'HAt IH \t Ul\<; ISSUE No. 1843 BBJ -\ . w 2 tj- i .- .... ( . ' ' Write for fr -' ' : ,. ... , Bt-h .1 ' - . .'. P.-I... "1.. "'II i i I i-i.K t I'll \ DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I hr Hi-ill. limn. ur Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS ni-iinTi-ii ity nun Aoy t> or 3 ti\pusu:<* ruin i.e. [u*.-t r d0Viup60 uuu pnu i*ij fur only ^bo. tiupitjiiiu i;ua.;:y di)d fast atirvict K J. ' :. ;ef<l. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE a la I run J. I'.ji tK J it HI: i 11 \ TIC SATi.-jl-M VOCKSKU?" -- li ' '01 liln 'mi.':'!!- 1':. i., k . > . Us. sliuiiM try Uixo;.? Keii.- c ' ' ' ITU,- s ' l- ; :- t-. Ott.i ;;. 1'oe:- Burivsn s AND KOT:. fulllldl;i;i<l Royal X-miMy. i;-i.l ; sjjpliPnnt.i "i <:'. "K 4i. ' ); - Oak St., ! 8T.VM1' APPROVALS. FRANCE 1 ' . ' ' ' e*. Am- rii-.-in. Bag-In nrs; .i<lv;m. Ii i s. i \u-i.nfi. l-fiill. g:u-i . TIIALTIIH I'AHI'S THA'JTUH fAKTS NEW AND used, lor nil makes of tractor*. General AU:,I -,i fv; K .(., r >M,p,-. i.. Frederich St.. Kitchenor oi.t. WANTKn - T i; \ , T ,i 1; ... ; , > H '' ' ' nil i,iui i-.v liii.i,. in..,,. > under lltrci M. ,, n ; U , cr, i 'ir.