A0VANCK Wednesday, April 7, 1943 Ton might be the next rietiru of fire fire ihut can quickly destroy your home, your buiineat, your property, your whole Ufa's work. Let Pilot Insurance accept the risk nady ami quick to pay any Just claim. Tb* eot U very low. We writ* Pilot Insurant* to cover (elected rUki la Automobile Fire, Person*! Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Clam, Pub- lio Liability and other ( e ner al insurance. Representing H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY K1MBERLEY Everyone who can are making syrup but reporu are that the run is not very good yet. Mr. Mervin Ellis hag returned to Toronto after spending a weak here, following an attack of scarlet fever at RjC.A.F. camp. Russell Chard of the R.C.A.F. spent the week-end with hla parent here. Mr. Wlllard Ollben and. son, Mer- vyn visited over the week-end with friends here. Wood beea are the order of the day In our community. The Thomp- son Bros.' outfit la doing the work. Mtes Elv'.e Mbrwood left !ut week to take a position in training In Owen Sound. Mr. John Fawcett celebrated hta 94th birthday a week ago. We are sorry to report that ne to in very poor health. Protection of property to-day is conservation for tomorrow. So when you paint, go to your Martin-Senour dealer. He is the man who can tell you best about "winning" colour combinations. He is the man who really knows paint and the most economical and practical ways of applying it. His advice is sincere and helpful the paints he sells a-v made with the enduring qualities that stand the "tost o>' time''. When you paint, go to your Murtin-JSenour dealer. 4J-I MARTIN-SENOUR 100: PURE PAINT- VARNISHES- ENAMELS . . Guard your Case fine Ration Book KEEP IT ON YOUR PERSON DO NOT LEAVE IT IN YOUR CAR NOW that you have your 1943-1944 gasoline ration book, it is up to you to keep it at all times in a safe place, if it is lost, burned, or stolen, you will be deprived of coupons which will not be replaced. In this regard, the policy of the Oil Controller is as follows: If through negligence, you lose your gasoline ration book before October 1, 1943 you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than half the coupons to which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. If through negligence, you lose your ration book on or after October 1, 1943, you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than 25 per cent of the coupons to which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. The new gasoline rationing system, effective on April 1, will be strictly enforced. Under its provisions, the motorist, as well is the service station attendant, is held responsible if any infrac- tions occur. It is contrary to the orders of the Oil Controller: | To purchase gasoline with 1942-1943 coupons. k To purchase gasoline unless you have the correct category ' sticker affixed to your windshield. To detach coupons from your own book. (The removal of the coupons ' is the duty of the attendant.) To have in your possession a gasoline ration coupon not attached to, ' and forming a part of, a gasoline ration book. To have in your possession a gasoline ration book other than the book I issued in respect of a vehicle you own, or in respect of a vehicle driven by you with the full consent of the real owner. To alter, deface, obliterate, or mutilate any gasoline ration book or coupon. If you sell your motor vehicle, remember that before making delivery you must remove the windshield sticker or suckers. Remember also that after the sale is completed, you must mail to the nearest Regional Cm Control Office in your province the gasoline nuion book or books issued for the vehicle. THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY Honourable C. D. HOWE, Minister 100 Miaa Joy B11U spent the week-end with Mr. and Mm. G. Knobbft (nee Mia* M. Waller). Mr*. M. E Parker, ol Goring If spending a couple of weeks visiting her daughters, Mrs. B. Carruthers and Mrs. B. Hodgkinson. Since writing above Mr. Fawcett has passed away at hie home near Klmberley. CANADA IS SHORT OF GASOLINE USE YOUR COUPONS SPARINGLY VICTORIA CORNERS We were sorry to read at our edi- tor's recent Illness and hope, that he may be, by this time, much improv- ed In health and again able (or his work. Mr. and MTB. Mflton Bannon, in company with Mrs. Wee. Dever of Proton Station, visited recently -with Toronto friends. Word was received this week by George Moore that his brother, Ted, of Toronto had joined the military services. He is now in the Xavy as Ordinary Seaman and reported for training on Wednesday morning. Mr. Elvln Moore returned home from Hamilton on Tuesday evening, having been employed POT sereral month* with the H.E.P.C. there. On Thursday afternoon he met with a parnful accident, when an axe he was using glanced off a stick. In- flicting a deep gash In his left hand at the thumb. Dr. Carter of Dundalk dressed the wound, which required four stitches to close. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton spent a couple of days in Owen Sound the early part of the week. Quite a number of the men from our district attended the auction sale at the farm of Barl Parson near Dundalk on Wednesday afternoon. They report a large crowd present and price* ranging high. Mr. Klnersley Gallaugher of Col- llnswood spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gal'.augher. Miss Florence Batehelor of Tor- onto spent the past week at her par- ental home. We regret to report Mrs. Wm. G. Talbot's Illness in the Toronto Gen- eral hospital, having undergone an operation on Wednesday afternoon. Members of her family visited with her on Friday and report her condi- tion as favourable. Several changes of residence have been made In the community lately. The Jas. Copland family have mov- :h.> in-'i! by I,u! . r '. . T >- Nicuu.is ii.i ve mov- ed 10 th*>i oth*r furni. having leas- ed th-:r r'.irin ho M:-. Hardy and his fa:- lly who moved in lost Monday. i.vm* Mr. and Mrs. Hardy jiid three sons to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore visit- ed with Berkeley friends on Sunday afternoon. Inistioge church service was re- sumed again on Sunday. April 4th. after a lapse of several weeks, ow- ing to the extreme weather and road conditions. Service now begins at 2 p.m. Mr. Herb Gallaugher of Mulmur visited with his cousin, Wilfred Gallaugher and Mrs. Gallaugher. Mr. Alex, Richardson of Mark- dale spent a day recently with his brother. J. H. RJehardson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickan and family visited the former's aunt. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson of Flesherton on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jack Gowanlock has been calling on his neighbors lately in the interests of the Re-d Cross and S. S. No. 4. ROC KM I L L S A number of the farmers in this vicinity have tapped but as ret. the flow of sap has been very light. Not many have had morp than one boil- ing yet. Campbell's trucks from Durham h;i\v commenced to h.iul lumber from thi> mill hero to Durham. It *'.'. ^e :nv.'*$;>ry to move conslder- ' umber before the mil! starts in order to make room for the new cut. Mr. A>x. l..uishlm ie ikssistinvt M- UY.-:. Smith for a few weeks un- til the mi:: starts whirt> he will be employ-',! a^ii'i for tlie> summer. L.A.C. Rob Clarke of Centralia wtis a ;v,-..u: visitor at hi* parental home. Pte. Leo. Tattou of St. Thoma and Mrs. Patton and baby of Lon- don are- *p<>iullng a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry ration. Mrs. C. Newell hae rented her property in Eugenia to Mr. Qeo. Falconer, who took poeeeeaion last week. Spring is Just Round The Corner New Spring Merchandise Wabasso Prints W*b*Mo Printed Poplins New Wall Papers Draperies and Cretonnes Curtain Nets Lace Curtains Paints and Varnishes House Dresses Blouses Fufl Fashioned Hosiery Men's Felt Hats Goth Caps Fine Shirts New Neckwear Ordered Suits and Top Coats Make your selection early while the assort- ment is at its best. Suits and Top Coats $27.50, $29.75, $32.50, $36.58 "PIONEER FEEDS IN STOCK" CHICK STARTER LAYING MASH POULTRY CONCENTRATE PIG STARTER F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTOM M A XWE L L The Women's Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. James Winters on Thursday, Apr?! 1 with a fair attendance, oonsidering the state of the roads. The president. Mrs. Winter*, pre- sided. i with friends . . . .r.e ... -i.i.-. \ eek. Mr. and iL--. J. L. Morrison ot Collingwood visited In Maxwell on Sunday. Mrs. Gertie Seeley return- ed home with them for a few days' visit. Mrs. Lewis Kirton visited in Owen Sound last week. IMPORTANT NOTICE "G-REY COl'NTY CITIZENS' COMMITTEE (composed of the Reeve* of Grey County) requeatt :he next of kin of anyone who has unlisted for Active Service from the County of Grey, lo send the name, regimental number, unit, present and home address of the -nlisted person to the Clerk of the Township, Town o.' Villas* 'n which the an- : person resided. This Infor- :ni: on siioulj also be furn'shed a* .i:>.'ve for future eniiutmeau, and n-'sted In order to have a com- plete list of Grey County enlist- Uew tti SmaM Aorti. H paya. SEND IN YOUR RKTSWAI* A Nebraska man divorced his wife and then hired her as cook. That's one way to make sore shell leave him. LET THERE BE No More Idle Hens THIS YEAR The Government is urgently requesting, for this year, a heavier egg production than ever before. The export requirements to Great Britain are enormous, and these requirements must be filled. The home market will undoubtedly be good due to meat rationing in the near future. Taking the above facts into consideration you are assured of a good market with reasonably good prices, so. do your bit to help the present situation. Meat Lockers Meat rationing in the near future is almost a cer- tainty and. while \ve do not know how it will affect the average householder, it was announced that the farmer may continue to kill for his own use only. So we ask ihe farmers to take advantage of our treat locker facilities while space is still avail- able. For fruits and vegetables lockers will be extensivelv used this voar. LIVE HENS WANTED Right now there is a good demand for live hens. We are paying 22c for good hens over 5 Ibs. Flesherton Creamer) & ProduceCo. 86 Angus Avis, Manager