RETURN OF THE RUSSIAN Only bleak ruins remain to greet him as a soldier of the lied Army returns to his home in town retaken from the Nazis. This dramatic picture is from the March of Time's "One Day of War," docu- mentary film of a single day on tho many fronts of Russia as filmed by 160 Soviet soldier-photographers. Have You Heardl The reporter limped in. "Well," said the news editor, ''did you get the interview?" The reporter pointed t a pair of black eyes. "We cun't print a pair of black eyes. Where'* the story?'' The reporter lifted his hat and displayed a huge bump on his head. "Ix>ok," he repeated. "What good i that? We can't print things like that. Didn't you get the chap to say a few words?" "Yes," was the reply, "but you can't print those either!" Man (employed by i Aberdonian) : "I have been here ten yeart, sir, doing three men't work for one mn' money, and now I want raite." Employer: "1 canna (ie ye that, but if ye'll tell me th lad replied unthinkingly: "Yes, sir, very!" "Who wa that you were talking to for a whole hour, at the gate?" aiked Mr. Simpton. "That was Mrs. Smith; she hadn't time to come in," re- plied hit w!fe. Buckwheat The reason for giving the name buckwheat to the grain from which buckwheat flour is made is very simple, says tho Fort Wil- liam Times-Journal. The buck- wheat grain, while very mrch smaller, is of the same triangllar color as a beech nut and naturally was called bockwhcat or beuk- wheat at first. Time works its change* on language us on every- thing else and so today tins beech- wheat is culled buckwheat. HORSEBURGERS ON THE HOOF railed fur DUtchei shops to hrlp relieve wiirtinic ini'iii sho are lliuse vx-farm horses in pen at Estherville, la., stockyards. name* of the ither twa men I'll .ack 'em." When the threat of invuaion wax at its height and all signposts hud been removed, a motorist .itopped a cou.iti-y yokel and en- quired of him the way to a cer- tain village. The yokel, pointing tho direc- tion, replied: "That were tho way buforc the war, but I b'aint be t'jllin' anybody now." At the end of a letion in general knowledge th* teach- er il ,1 if any member of the clait could tell her what he knew about Lord Wool- ton. One hoy got up. "He't lh bloke what tells ut to eat of what we ain't K"t none of." Little Boy: "I met Mr. Jonen ;n the .street K'mg to school, and HP said he wanted to aeu pupa lnnii .something;, and he culled ppu H wiilkinK eneyclopediii." Maniiiia: "Inilerd! An<l what did my little pet nay to Mr. Jonea?" Little Hoy. "1 culled him an old centipede and threw a snowball it him." ll.-v Mom," exclaimed the little hoy, lugging at hi< niiili.-i 4 hand, "mi t that monkey juil like Dm I.- Jamei?" "Huth!" said hit mother. "Don't be 10 rude!" "Ah; the monkey didn't hear me, Mom '" Al the inallii'inatics professor wan working out an example on the blackboard, he noticed lhat one of the pupil* wasn't paying nay altontion. So, he said slinrp ly: "Hoard, .feffrieg, hoard!" Housed fri>tn bin day-ill cam. tht Modern Etiquette By Roberta LOP 1. Which wedding- anniversary calls for fjifl" of crystal? ^. .Should one ever express anger in a letter? 3. Would it be bud tusk for a man to wear a tuxedo or dinnei jacket to u formal dinner? J. What is the correct attire for a woman speaker at an eve- ning affair? 5. Whi'ti a tfirl hits lioen going with u youiiK man for several month*, and sho knows his birth- day, should she ^i\t Inn. a Klft, if he has never given her one? ('.. What in the correct way to cat ccler> '.' Answer* 1. The fifteenth anniversary. 2. Never. A person should develop enough self-control to suppress anger oven verbally, but in a letter it .stands as a permanent record, and usually the person who writes such a letter roKi'eta it mmiy, niiny times. Yes. Unless ho has formal evening divss he should not attend. -I. A simple evening 6. No. The man should bo the first to ben'm (fiv- intj nifU. Semi him a nice birth- day card. 6. Pick it up with the finders and bite into the stalk. SOLDIERS, *Ui OUT TIRED ACHES WHAT SCIENCE IS DOINC PARACHUTES OF GLASS Army bombers are using para- chutes made of woven glass fib- res to drop million candle powet flares. The glass chute is blackened with graphite to shield the air- men's eyes against the glare. This chute has to stand the in- tense heat of the million candle power flares and, although the glass fibres are almost as fine and light aa silk, they can stand a temperature that would soften iron. Many other use.s of fii-re glass are. secret. But a dozen are listed which arc not secret. On the sea coast, fibre glass good-s are used in camouflage to stand extreme moisture The Navy is using the fibre to coat one side of insulating boards used in warships' interiors. This has freed enough aluminum to make 200 four-motored bombers, as the glass replaces an insulating material that had to he sheathed with aluminum. The signal corps uses field tele- phono cable made with woven glass, replacing metal nnd lighten- ing the weight. Ships and planes are using all sorts of cables cov- ered with glass cloth, sometimes pure woven glass, sometimes mix- ed or impregnated with other ma- terials. Planes use the glass cloth fot insulation against cold. The glass makes warmer Army barracks. The prize exhibit is the tent work- shops used in the Arctic, where glass insulation has reduced the bnlkiness of the structural mater- ials by 75 to 80 per cent. ITCH STOPPED /* a Jiff if Of Mony Back I . .r .juir k rr lift from i r lii;if nt ttwm. pimple*. it. called kin trouble*, titr (t-lrtinf. cooling, inli* eptic, limitil D. I I). KrccTi|ili<m. ^rawllM. uinldu. 7ionlhrnirTittimianii(|iiirklv(.>|iiiinlf'nM ftrliini. 3Sr lri*l ImttfoprovM il, ormun^v l>-k. Ah p..,,, i.- 1.., i .1 I' , i I ) nil -i i; How Can I ? ? By Anne Ashley HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather (ioodi dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling (ioods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you Ret satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto THROAT IS PREY TO MANY AILMENTS Lymoidt' Quick Action Praiied by Thousand* S sru easing to the throat and relievo the hacking couKh." Howri ten a Toronto reniclent. That unsolicited toHtimoniut U upported by thousand* of other aufTerera from thront nilmeutu who have fnund quick relief with I.YMUIUS. Die l:\ii.iiir. for throat Irritation, >i. . . i - I"'., and eoughmu. Ita blend of aootliiug medicinal oils ahoumhrinKouick relief. L.S-4 Mill Jinnri sell IVMOIDS (n h<in>N siic ,'. ,.,..1 25t- boxri. If UM M':;.HM,.M. , tend HV in st<imf>ior ...In. in 1 VMlilPN. II') Pairl Slwl. lotimto. rMIDDLE-AGE WOMEN ( HEED THIS ADVICEM If you're cross, reatlosn, NERVOUS aufter hot llnihea. dliszlnesut cauaod by this period In a woman's llle try I villa E. Plukhnm'H Vcgetuble Compound Made especially for wmnrn. HundrKis of thouwindH re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Mflclc lu (.'.i u. 11 in. Q. How can I dry paint quick- ly? A. Ozonized turpentine makea the paint with which it is mixed dry quickly. This is turpentine that has been exposed to the air and ,.:.. Q. How can I give a shining appearance to cake icing? A. If butter is an ingredient in the icinjf for the cake, ice the cake and then put it in the oven for a few minutes with the door open. The frosting will have smooth, shiny appearance. Q. How can I clean steel which has become very rusty'/ A. First rub with a cut onion and leave for a day. Then polish it with paraffin or turpentine and brick dust whichever you happen to have on hand. Q. What can I use a.- a sub- stitute when wax is not available for a floor that is to be used for dancing? A. Powdered borax may bi used, and will prove a good sub- stitute. Q. How should salad dressing be served ? A. If possible, serve the dress- ing separately and let the guests help themselves. Not only does the lettuce wilt after the dres- ing has b;en on it for any length of time, but people have so many different ideas in regard to salad dressing. The Calm Courage Of Women At War A naval officer had gone down from Portsmouth to London with an important message to deliver without delay to the captain of a warship, relates the . Windsor Star. He was to be picked up at the quay by a moto.-boat and taken to the warship. Coincident with the arrival of the naval officer at the base came a blitz. As he took shelter in a porch, the naval man heard the familiar put-put-put of a motor- boat. Steered and manned by Wrens, the little craft nosed its way to the landing. Saluting as meticulously as though on a parade ground, in- stead of in a blitz, the Wren in charge reported to the officer. The girls took him out to the war-hip, waited for him and brought him back right through the worst of the business. The Wrens took the duty in stride, never worrying 1 about bombs or danger. Co,>per. gold, ivory, tin, dia- monds and palm oil are all found in quantity in the Belgian Congo. Picob IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE! GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO Even Mother Goose Rhyme Goes 'Plastic* Plastic playing cards now, and plastic hair brushes; the new baby next door sleeps in a plastic bassinet; we ."hall ride in plastic ears when and if we ride again, and Mother Goose is due for re- vision. There was a plastic man, In a nobby plastic tile. He found a plastic nickel Beside a plastic stile. His plastic-loving wife. She wore a plastic blouse, And they both lived happy In a little plastic house. Plastics are said to date from 1868, when a printer made a bil- liard ball out of gum camphor and cellulose nitrate. I( was as good as ivorp in every respect but one. In collision with an- other ball it exploded. New York Times. 3,400,000 Murdered By Huns In Europe The Inter-Allied Committee said recently that, on the basis of persons had been murdered in oc- cupied Europe. "The figures are mostly Ger- man so the extent of the toll of human life and suffering is only partially revealed," the commit- tee said. "Deaths at the hands of Gestapo agents are never reveal- ed nnd accurate information is difficult to obtain." The committee said 2,500,000 persons had been executed or had died in Polish concentration camps, and 744,000 had been exe- cuted in Yugoslavia. Other totals include: France, 24,000; Greece, 18,000; Czecho- slovakia, 2,463; Netherlands, 2,200; Belgium, 193; Norway, 140 and Luxembourg 1 , 129. The figures do not include vic- tims of towns such as Lidice, Czecho-Slovakia and others in Yugoslavia and Greece which were wiped out in reprisal for sab- otage or resistance. Reindeer JVleat To Help Out Rations Gam ! and other delights of the gourmet are helping to solve the food problem. One piece of good fortune is the surplus of reindeer on Nunivak Island, off the coast of Alaska. From fewer than 200 animals the herd has increased in twenty five years to an esti- mated 19,000, with browse enough to support only about 10,000 re- ported to be available. All buck fawns of the 1943 crop and surplus adults are to be killed and the meat supplied to the armed forces and civilians. Elk present a similar picture. In United States national parks they arc protected. During the present winter, co-operation of state and national agencies, fa- vored by weather and fac- tors, has made possible a total reduction to 7,230 elk. The meat of the killed animals was conusm- ed by the Indians and residents of Montana. Although many different dia- lects are spoken in China, the written language is the- same in all sections. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY If you are troubled with um : ; piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk ot letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or pain- ful passage of stool is nature'* warning and proper treatment should be aecured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Hold from any drueyist and uso as directed. This formula which Is used Internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid In healing the sore tender spots. He in- Hold Is pleasant to use. is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be hud at such a smalt cost. If you try Hem-Hold and are not entirely pleased wfth the results, your druggist will e'adly return your money. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS II VII V < mi l- nvniaus torn KXTUA VIGOUR :il*u popular pun-brcda. Complete list, all agtv*. Kairvlcvv l.'urius, St. M:iry, Ontario. I UK K* \\nui.i i !:!>( >ui> ritoDUCTiOM STJtAl.NS fhk-ks Inrse I*g- hurns, Kncks, UedH, Australorpa, >il V. I.' - h-.lll KIM !.-* SlI.SMCK Jtrils from Handed and blood- trslrd breeders. UVablUty mmr- nnteed, MAISTI.N OHICK. PAKMU, i i A 1 .T. _ II.AII\ i mi K* WAV \VOI I MS IJ I' A 1.1T V Quality t reaHunablc pn.-irx Kr*e i-iitiiluKUe. liuinrdi.-ttu deliv- ery. 1'roduced fn>m uur own blood-teatad stuck. Gay wood ['arm. Mount Hamilton. K<;SS ANM rnri.TKY AUK NOT .iMittitu the rationed goods. They ri- needed ill unlimlti'il supplies here and oversells. Mitke your fl.u-ks real front liners, every lu ii a war worker. Don't wait till the lust minute to order what you wuiit of ehieks, eock- ii-ls. eupons. Give a second ehole to help with quicker de- livery. Hray lIMcherv, KU> John St. N.. Hamilton. Out. t'KITIrU. MKAT SUOUTAGK eonthnic*. Make money with x Twoddle Chirks. The meat sit- uation In definitely ncriotis. Many ii tall hiiteheni hnvo closed up shop for wnnt of meat to sell. The outlook Is critical. Poultry and i-KK" Imve come into their own. Until luia- 1 . prices that will leave you worthwhile profits If you Ki-t the Hunt kind of chicks mid pullets. We have the capacity for hittchlnK over lOO.iuni chicks per week, but the demand Is really tremendous. Send for Tweddlp catalogue. n\m> turkeys and older pullets. Special prices fin day old. two and three week old started cockerels. T\veddle Thick Hatcheries Limited. Ker- ifti, Ontario. HOOKS Ji MVl:l.TIKS Mil V. l\l I II MAl'UK, 1J1KCH A Nl> M1XLID curdwood. first or second Kfowth. Also Millwoud. State full particulars and lowest prices. Walter Schioss, 1 Jlelindu St.. Toronto. Illl IM. & I 1 I \\l N.. UAVU l^OU ANS'l'HlNU NKtJUS dyeiiiK ur ciounini;? Write to u lor lutormutioii. We ar Kiad to answer yuur guealiun^. Uenurl- luenl 1. l'urKer'3 L<ye Work> i.lmiU-U. /U i i i. ni; e M.ei.:. To- ronii>. KWIt SAI.K 365 AL'ICKS LAND AlAIMi KlVKIi, 1UU cleared, well t iiulii-i vd, wut- ered. renced, fiiui|>ped. built. H. t'arruthwrs., 1'iuu Cluire, Otit. (it > SICIITS WKAYKIl TKI.KSi'lU'li; SIU11TS fur KUIUS unci rifles; all niudela; Tow prices. Wm. Little, I!ox 802, Dttnwu. Untitrlu. II VlUllltl >>-l>(. >( IKIUI. 1. K A K N 11A1UUUESS1NU THE Kobertsun method. Information on it'uuent ri'ijarclintt vlnsses. Houertsun'a (talrdrMMlkfj Avttd- tn>. 137 Avenue HuuU, Torunto. IIKIlll VI. KK>1i:i)\ SKIN TROUBLE THOUSANDS HAVI'J IIKHN HKl.l'- ed the Herbal wa>. Why not you? Write to the Thum Herbalists. for a free sample if our Thoro- Kleen Herb. 43U Queen \Vcst, Toronto. MKN: si-:\n ioo FOR WORLD'S funniest joke novelty and cat- alogue of sundries, hooks and novelties. Western Distributors. Itox 24 F\VU Ueitlnn. Sqak. rows S.U.K JERSEY BREEDERS HKINO OVERCROWDED WE h;ivw i\ fe\v purebred i. .i.-n-.l fully ncirredlted cows for sale, hltfh testers and excellent pro- ducers. I.ook them over and take your own choice. Roknrfarm. 1M.'. 1. Whltby, Out. _ ' FOOT IIAI.M LJAl'MUIOKA FOOT IJAUM destroys offensive odor Instantly. JSc bottle. Ottawa m;eni Penman Drill! Store. Ottftwn. I'M US. llll>i:s, WOOL SHIT I'S YOl'll IIIMKS, Kt'llS, \\ ool. Horsehair. Top prices. prompt returns. IVarlniaii ft iliiMtii'i-K. ISO Front Struei. Kast. Toronto. (loverninent Licensed Wool Urudlng Station No. 22. CASH 1'AID l-'OK ALL sritl'l.US machinery. (.Jllbcrt C. Storey Machinery Company, 23 St. Albana Street. Toronto, Diu.rli.. _ ni:i)H vi. GC>01> HKSULTS KVKKY SL - F- fercr from Uhcumatlc I'ains or Neuritis should try Olxou's Rem- edy. Munro'.i Drus Stove, iilii KK'ln, Ottawa. l\>.stp.^ul It.t'n. OI.-KKU TO INVE;!<T>Mi> AN OFFKU TO KVERV INVISNTOH L,lat of Inventions and -full Infer- ntatlon sent free. The Hamsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. OATS OATS: TAN SUTl'LY IN ANY Quantity. Mubel and Cartter. Registered and No. 1, M. Bruce NOSH, Howick, Quo. t'ATII.Vrs <6 COUl'AN* Patent ttollcitors. I :stuli.-iieu mil'. M .King \Veat, Torunto. Uooklet of liiformutlou on i- quest. MI IK UliSTY MILK CANS tlKTINNKU like new. We also buy old cam. Muntreitl Tinning & llctlnnlng Co. i. '.i, Montreal. t'EKSOXAl. ELIJAH COMING BEFORK Christ. Wonderful book sent free. Meglddo Mission. Rochester. New York. DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 1 be iimi. KHIII. ur Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by M.m Any or K exposure f.lm perfectly. devoiuped and printed for only 2;>c. Supremo quality and fast oervic* tiUarunleed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE 6luLiuii J. Torunlu SO I'HOTO ST AMI'S OK SWKL'T- heiirt. Mother, anyone, only Jt.ii. 1UO for *2.MO. Send loc (eredilvu> for our lituraiurt- and samples. 1'rairie Dlstributurs. Mept. Wl'C. Wimuioi 1 , tiask.. Canada. RKl'lllNTS MA OK KROM. NV'i- utives Ue cuch. BnUtrMOMDU size 6x7. 15c; 8 x IK, 2Uc. fromi't innil sorvlce. Koto knl)BBte9i^ -l-'t Jarvis St., Torunto. I'ATEM'I'S 'fit A UK MAItK KUUliTU.N K. CASE, United Stales, Cunudlan, l;riti.-n 1'uieTii AUDI nt >. Booklet Krnli!>. Kstubliohed uver furty years. 2 Ualsam Avenue. Toronto. It VIIIUT> FOR T.HC 1 WILL SHNM COMl'l^TK information: breeding, housing. dipping, marketiiiK: AnKora rab- bits. A. K. i:o\ 4. Iti's- enfeld, Man. ii tit: i: n vrir TKV IT! KVKFU Sl'KFKUER OK Rbeumatic I'alus or Neuritis should try Ulxon's Reraedy. Munro's Drue; Store, 1135 Klein. Ottawa. I'OBtpnid J1.UO. Tl ltKi:v K<;t.s \VA WANTKH - LRONZK TUUKKV eigKs, highest premiums paid. Write to the Lindsay Electric Hatchery. 33 Melbourne St. West, Lindsay. Out. Tl HKEY SAU1H.KS Tl KKICY. SADPLKS. an CK.NTS each, delivered. John VV. Wild, 1!> Lansdowne Ave., Ixindou, Out. XI Otlt "SVHSTITtTB SUUAK SUDSTITL'TK CAN i!K made at home. At about one fifth price of suuur. Information free with purchase of Book. Household Hints. Price only, LCD. N. Willan, Sapton, Manitoba. TltACTMM I-VICO TRACTOR PARTS NEW AND used, tot all makes of tractors. Ueneral Auto and Tvactor Supply. Kreilonck St.. Kitchener. Out. ISSUE No. 12-43