SOME THAT HITLER DIDN'T GET ' i he wruckcd, sunken and erewlcss vessels above are part of the French Fleet that Hitler didn't lift who n he took over the great French naval base at Toulon. The photo, from an enemy source, shows a German sentry looking over some of the ships scuttled l>y their own officers and crews last Nov. 27. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What makes a good conver- iationa...-i . 2. What should a person do with his It-it hand while eating at the table'.' 3. Should one always give a tip : n un inconspicuous manner'.' 4. Is it proper to give out any explanation.* in the event of a broken ent,':ioment? 5. What .should a girl do at a party when an inebriated guest insists upon ki-v ing her? 6. Is it correct to use a chaf- ing dish at dinner, 1. A good conversationalist ia not merely one who talks well htnself, but who knows how to draw others into discussion, and who knows how to give others the opportunity to appear to advan- tage instead of attempting to display his own .superiority. 2. Unless the left hand is in use, *'hich is of course necessary at times, it should be kept in the lap. 3. Yes, always. I. N'o; it U much better taste to say nothing, not even to one's most intimate friends. It is wise to bear in mind the words of the old proverb: "Least said, soonest mended." 6. Tell this j;uest frankly and posi- tively, without displaying anger, that his actions are objection- able. If he persists, speak to your host or hostess. C. No. the chafing ilish in for a supper or I'lvukfaat. A nautical mil* is equivalent t 6,080 feet, or nearly one-sixth more than a land, or statute, mil*. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING COLD PREVENTION Three ; octors in Minneapolis have been conducting large-scale experiments among students ut the University of Minnesota to sec whether colds can be prevented by taking substantial doses ol vitamins, New Republic reports. Their conclusion is that they can- not. It is true that the students who took a multiple-vitamin prepara- tion reported a decrease of more than (10 per cent in the num-ber of cold during the winter. The trouble is that when a similar group of students were given pills of no therapeutic effect whatever, they also showed at\ almost ex- actly parallel reduction. The doctors say that this effect is noticeable with almost every sort of experimental treatment to prevent cold.s among large num- bers of people. Whatever you give thorn, even if it is only bread pills, the number of illnesnea Is much reduced. Is this because many colds are psycholoRi.'al in origin, and something about the experiment aids the psychology? la it people under ob- servation take better care of themselves than is normal? Are they perhaps ashamed of catching cold and do they, part of th* time, conceal the fn-t that they have done so? Hero to an interesting prob- lem of medicina. DERELICT IN TOULON -rui The i/ nlmvr, friini iin ciii'niy MUITCC, shows thr urciit Imttli) -. !. Stri^'.iHirK, once u |)(iud unit of the French Fleet, fc.ntiiiK ... . , on the harbor bottom at Toulon. The .Stnisbouru wu one of tnt French wnrliip scuttled by their crews lust Fall. BASE METAL AND OIL MARKET Wo ln-li. the MltarcH of M M r ROCK at pj-i s.'iit price* are an outsUiulinK purclms- in I'm 'i.'i' 1 metal market. Among thu oils, thu recently coniplcinil finan cial uirniiKCincnt for DAVIES un<) EAST CREST givt'h tln>e cumpanies i-xcellnnl apccii liitivi' possibilities. We aU,, recommend NATIONAL GROCERS CO. LTD. common stock for investment and uin' n! appreciation. Information on *ny of th* above gladly furniahed An roque*t. HARAS CORPORATION 15 King Street West TORONTO HOW CAN I ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove a heat stain from a highly-polished ar-, tide of furniture? A. Apply the following in or- der, usinn a separate cloth for each: Kerosene, alcohol and sweet or linseed oil. Rub the last in well until the spot is no longer visible. Q. How can I avoid loss of vita- mins when cooking vegetables? A. A good way to cook vege- tables is by steaming. This re- duces the loss of minerals and vitamin!) and is also economical, as one may cook several different vegetables at the same time, Q. How can I keep syrup from crystallizing? A. Any boiled syrup can b prevented from crystallizing by the addition of a pinch of baking soda while it is cooking. A. What is a good cleanser for brass, copper and pewter? A. A mixture of salt with an equal quantity of flour and vin- egar. Apply n paste made up of these ingredients and allow to remain on an hour, and then rub off. Wash with water and polish. Q. How can I shorten the time it takes to peel apples and tomatoes ? A. Steep the apples in boiling watec for a minute. Tomatoes should be placed in a colander, then in hot water for a moment, and the skins will come off easily. Didn't Have Jeep: Not An American A sign of the motor age: A Senegalese soldier shot two Ger- man parachute troopers who claimed they were Americans. He explained to his French command- ing officer: ''I knew they were not Americans because they did not have n jeep." The banana grows either wild or under cultivation in almost every tropical region of the world. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you aid troubled with Urltlng fillet* or rectul wurunuau. iiu not Ueluy lioitlmeiil uiid run tlm M <!. ot letting < hli condition bccunio clirunlc. Any itchliiK or i i. in ur piiltilul pain- HBO of (tool Is imlure'a warning and luoper treatment bhuiild bo secured at once. Kcir Dili. piirpnso KCt a pm-Uuba of HMD-Hold iri'in liny iliin;t:i<i und iiae us directed. Thi.i formula i in. I, Is i. .i'ii intti nully 19 a srnull, easy to take tablet, will quickly rullovu I tit) llclniiK lino burriiuaa und iild In ti. .1 n. 1 1. i 1 1 louder spots. Hern-Hold l pluumint to use, la iiiKhi.t rtaonnBtnotd und it geenia the height uf Folly tor un.v one to risk n painful und chruuu: pile condition when u. t, a lino temody may tin tind lit hiirli n ami. II com, if you try Ilnm-Koid and are not entirely i>K;ibe<l with the resultn, your ilruunlst will Kindly return vnur rnnnr.\ Relieves distress from MONTHLY) FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydla E. Plnkham'8 Vogetable Oompountl not only helps rellovit monthly puln but also wck, nerv- mn trrli in- , ilun to monthly fxmc- ti. HIM! dlsturliniico*. It helps liuilrt n|i rcal.itiince .igiilnit dlntreiw of "dull- cult dayw." M.ulr In Ci\niuiu. Some Animals Can Tell the Time A fine golden retriever of my ftcijuuii tunce is 11 tho habit ot tapping at the door of hi master's bedr >oni in the early morning, says a writer in The London Spec- tator, The room for tne moment is a sick roonl, and the nurse no- ticing the dog'j punctuality took particular care to test it For the first four mornings fo the trial, uhich still proceeds, the dog came to the door at 7.22 a.m. precisely. Some of the stupidest animals have as singularly accurate a sense of time. A shepherd whom I knew experimented with a flock of sheep, into whose pen he de- posited ; supply of roots at & pumtual hour in the afternoon. If I.e was a minute or two late every sheep was on its feet; it h; was the least bit too early every she. p was lying down. The "voice of the stomach" seems to be as accurate as the voice of affection. GFNERAL WARMTH Knitted cap and warm clothing keep Gen. Uwight I>. Eisenhower, chief of allied operations in North Africa, in smiling mood on air tour of Tunisian front. Indian corn i. grown success- below sea level on the Caspian plains and at an altitude of 12,000 feet in the Peruvian Andes. Have You Heardl A large flustered woman, drag- ging a small boy, sailed through the station barrier and approach- ed her waiting husband. "H-illo," said the man. "You're late." "Oh don't talk about it, Alf." replied his wife. "I never 'ad such a time! What with young Bill 'anging on me 'and, me 'anging on to the luggage-rack, the train 'ung u in a tunnel and you 'angin b about in the station for me, I was in a regular state of suspense." A Ijoy had fallen into river and the kind old lady topped until he was safely on the bank. "How did you come to fall in?" she tl<ed. "I didn't come to fall in," he said, "I came to fish." The mistress of the house heard the bell ring and saw Chinese peddler standing at the front dooi. Quickly retreating, she called out to the maid: "There is a Chinese at the door. You go, Ella." That was too much for the ped- dler. He itucl< his head in the door and shouted indignantly, "You go 'ella yourself!" Roll your owners! go for Ogden's Indians on the prairies neverdis- covered the use of wheels . . . But old-timers cottoned on to Ogden's. They soon discovered it to be a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos . . . the answer to a roll-your-owner's. prayer. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, loo, in Ogden's Cot Plug Husbrnd: "What extra- vagance! You have two hats to match that one dress." Wife: "Oh no I haven't. I've only one dress to match the two hats." An English tourist traveling in the North of Scotland, far away from anywhere, exclaimed to one of the natives: "Why, what do you do when any of you are ill? You can never get a doctor." "N'ae, sir " replied Sandy. "W>ve just to dee a natural death." "You hammer nails like lightning." STOPPED K IV JJ. I. HI.. .1 *HMlih !! " "You mean I'm a fait worker?" "No, you 'never strike twice in the *me place." Young father: "In your sermon this morning you spoke aoout a baby being a new wave on the ocean of life." Minister, "That's right. Do you think a fresh squall would hav been nearer the truth?" SAFES I'rule. i -i.iir HOOK* unit CASH from riBE ..mi THIKVES. W* have die noil type of Safe, ur Cabinet, lor :m> purpose. Vll in. or write for prlrf*. ef , lirpl. W J6f J.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 143 I St K.. I'oroal* I .int. II. I,.'. I 1833 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS IIAIIV i III- U HYKUIDH I'OK KXTKA VIOOUH also popular purebrcds. Complete list, all ases. Kuirvlew Farms. St. Miiryi, Ontario. yul U HK.XY CHIi'IvS KHOL'UD provide some uf the :< - long tuns of egg powder, from 63 million dozen CKKS. to fill Hri- tuiii'.i urili r Hits year. It's a big iilei. It in. .in-. mukinK every bird a ri-al wur worker. Immed- iate or Inter delivery order new chlek.i, slnrted chicks, cockerels, cupons. liray Hatchery, 13C Juhn N.. Hamilton. Ont. \VI;I:KI.Y UAI-ACITV KOK HVTCH- m u over luO.OUU Tweddlu chicks, but be. sufe order early, l^isl year we hud tu liu-reuse our hatching .- .|. .. it> rlKln In nild- as. n, and even then we were .short. Now, we THINK we're iciidy for thu biKHesi denumd ev.-r lull It's always "better to be H:ife than s.rr\." Vi.Ur t.'hulce of nil Hi.- popular profit-making breeds many er..s>nn.i tl*. .'end fur .-.' !!". a. . pi i. h-.i Also nnK.-\-i and older |.ull.-: . lict our special priee un nickel els while they last. Twcdcllu Thick Hutchcrien United, hVrmis. l>nt. u'. ... - \\i>i:u> >'L'KAINS Chicks laiKi l.e- linrtiK, Hocks, Iti-ils. Au.xtralorpi, SIIH.S(\. lA.Khorn KockN Sussex KcdH from ivnnl. -1 aiul l>U>i>d- tcstfd br.-fdt-rs. I ji\ aliilit.v miar- uiiti-ccl. MAltTIN CHICK ' J A I ,T. ^ Ml\ MKN: SKND IDC FOU wuUL.D'8 tuni.i.Ht joke novelty und cat- aloKiie of .sundries, books and imveltles. Western Distribulors. l:..\ '.'I F\VI., Uculiin, Sask. Ill Sl\l'>>4 I i: BLACKSMITH SHO1- unit stocked, also t.!rist Mill i iniippeil with ItiterniitUuml en- Klno und Jolllelte grinder, ull under out. roof. Uood house and I. it Included. Splendid tunning ih-.triet. ClnsiiiK fxtiite. C'lurcnce Mallnry, II Ilium field, Out. CHICKS BliNIJ l.'Ult OUU UKCUliD U11AIIT freo and cutulotirue. 8lx hrocd* M u . and ull ngea growlnt; pul- lets. Government approved. Suvfi money, early order discount*, i'rompt deliveries. Satisfaction Monkton Poultry h'tirm, Munkton, Ontario. nil M. HAW WANTKII WANT K 1 1 I'SKIi "WADK" PHAO M:I\V. State condition and price. Write l.cdrn lielnel, Hrayton, < inliirU.. i i.i.-- WANTKD WANTKP HATCHING KGOS Flt(JM Government Approved and O.1I.8. flookl, all breeds. Guaranteed pretnlum pnld. Wrlto for full par- Uetllara, box SI. 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. i i 'n i UAUMKIOK.A I.'OOT CAI.M destroy* offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. uilnwii ii;rni Dciiman I'riin titinwu. Kl It I \ IMII M. KS. SII.VKHV HM : I.;. SilMT black I'.. \.v-i. April ilttllV- i). |.'. nclima. sii|.|.iti M. l>Hiid>, Sn ift Cm i. ni, Sank. Fl RS, mm -. \\ool. SHIP US YOUR HIDES, FURS. Wool, Horsehair. Top prices. prompt returns. Pearlmun & Goldberg, 180 Kroiit Street, East. Toronto. Government Licensed Wool tiruding Station No. 2i. i.-i 1:1. woou -. U1RCI1 AND MIXED cordwood. First or second , i..\vili. Also Millwood. Stato full particulars and lowest prices. U' ilt", i Si'lii..-, . 19 Mellndu St.. Toronto. Ill I I M. I I.I VMM. HAVlfJ you ANVTH1NU NEliDS dvelng or cieanlnu? Write to at tor Information n'e are Klad Ic answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Work* Limited. /' Vong* Street. To- ronto. _ _ HAlIUHIKSSlNb SCIIOKI. I.I.AIL.N UAlUUHESSlNCi TUB Koberuon method. Informatlun on iiMiui-st regarding classes. KobertKon's HalrdressitiK Acad- emy, II!" Avenue Houd, Toronto. KAIIM KOU UF:.\T i.'AH.M |.'l)H HUNT OX TUK llHill- wuy between Klmwood and llau- I.M i . Approximately 160 acres ou IntM south part 33 und .'I. con- cessions 7 and Uriint. The KIUK lir.i.-. Coy. Limited, Cl- stc> , Out. _ KUU \l.K _ \V1UK SUIJOCTION. THKIUL-IXIJ und exeltliiK stories. Send only ^Oc for * buck numbers. West- erns, Love, Candid Conlcasions. True Detective Cases, Fun 1'nr- ude. Famous C'rlmu Casts, etc., by- one of Canudit's largest I'uii- i" ii..; of Magiizines. Setul fur Freo catalogue of llook llarmuiis. Post Office L'.ox ^3J. I >epai iini'iit W.I'., Toronto, Ontari IIKIIIIAI, in MI in LIVER TROUBLE ed th Hc-rbul way. Why not you? Write tu thu Tlunut Hi i ImiiMls, lor a frre nuinple of our Thoro- Kleen Herb, ISti Queen Wont, Toronto. MHUICAI. iON'T W AITKVKUV SfFFK IJKU of l:h. uin 1:1. r un.- or Neuritis should try Hlxon's ll.' Munio's Drug Store. 333 Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. <il'i'i:u TO H(l 0(.ll AI'IH DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I in II. "i Hull Hill HAVE YOUR SNAPS llrlnrir.l ! Mall Aoy 6 or u exposure film pcrtei i.j developed and printed for only Xfrc. Supreme quality and fact icivtci KUaranleed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PATE.VI'S * TUAUE MARKS EtiHltTO.N K. CASK, Uultcd States, Canadian. Urltish Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty yesrs. (I lialsam Avonue, roronto. 1-OUl.THV \V. \.\TKO HENS AND I'l' LUSTS WANTKl). good prlf'es. Export Packers, it Clinton Street. Toronto Branch. I'.rusaela, Ontario. _ I'.'l I IIM OOOD I'KICKS ASSCltKU. UAISN Cockerels, help meat shurtuKe, Blood tested, heavy type Whit* Hybrid Cockerels L'c. payment with order. Prompt shipment. Livo arrival Frank Edwuids, Wntfurd. t>nt:trio. _ , UIIKl MATIC t'VIN.S Uall.Y l:l-:C()MMKNliKl> KV- ery sufferer of Kh<:umutic Piiiiis or Neuritis should try Ulxon's Munich DI-UK Store, 3tf KlKiii, itt:iwn. IV'.-tpiiid Jl.CO. M-:H\ I KMTTIMU W.VNTKI> WO.MF.N Tit DO SKll- vlce knittiim, etc . at honw. full direct ions and materials sent postpaid iiny where. S.Tviei' Knit- tin. Concern. -l-> Hirch Street, Vancouver. !!.' v i vi i FOIt MA1.K FOU SA1.K TWO Hie.v stallion.s, o and 12 yean. priced u. sell. Orval Baker, Kar- r:in' Point, tint. ______ TI KlvDY AN OFFKIt TO b:VEItX INVJiNTUlt List ot uiventiuns und full infor- mation sent fn-.i. The Kamaay Co., Ueglstered Paienl Attorneys, ST.t Hank Street, t)|luwa, Cmiiulo. rKTHJOIiSTONUALiCiH S, CO&ll'ANV Patent Solicitors. Uitublinea IMHI; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on r*- guest MII.K CAXS HIM i 11 MII.K CANS UKT1NNKD like now. We also buy old cam. Montreal Tinning & notlntiint Co. Ltd.. Montreal _ PKIIM).V\I, 10 I , I .1 A 1 1 C O M I N () Uldl-'OHK Christ. Wonderful book sent free. McKlddo Mission, Hochester New Vcrk. ISSUE No. 1143 TfKKKY SAl'HtJaS. 30 CKNTS eath. delivered. John W. Wild, IV l^insdowne Avc , I ATI don, Ont. <.AK SI HSTITl TK SI'tiAl; SIM'.STITL'TK OAN HFI made at home. At about one fifth price of susar. InformHt inn free with purchase of Hook. Household Hints. Prlcn only ll.l'ii. X WIllnH. Saptun. MiinltohB. si ri:ui-i.i 01 s u \m LA01EM TltOHULED WITH SUI'KR- fluous Hair and especially thoat who have been di^uppoluted In Electrolysis, will welcome th* ncw.H that we possess an ex- clusive, safe, new method which permanently, and completely, re- moves any growth of superfluous hair, slight or serious, without any recurrence whatsoever. Plena* note particularly that our* l th* only method carrying a written guarantee of permanency. He- wre of "Kuarantees" not In wrltitiK. Free consultation. Fr estimate. Dermnt Clinic <8lh yer In Toronto), SL'!> YonKe St.. To- ronto. TRAl-rtlH t'AHTS TRACTOR PAHTS N K W AND used, for all makes of tractor*. General Auto and Tractor Supply, 13 Frederick St.. Kitchener. Ont \VAMU:il RKFIIHitOIUTOIt WANTKD. lOI.KCTItir WABHKR and refrlKcrator; pay good prlc*. Wm. J.1HI*. Box 853, OtUwm.