NO GAS PROBLEM IN INDIA Have You Heard! , Motivt- power for supply vehicle, somewhere in India, just naturally lies down, while the driver goes into public building. Camel carts are equipped with rubber tires, but require no gas or oil. HOW CAN 1 71 By Anne Aihlejr Q. How can I make labels stick fast to tin? A. The labe! will stick if it in first brushed over lightly with either a cut onion or melted par- affin. A little brown sugar added to paste lias the same effect, flammed adhesive tape a!so makes a good label for tin. Q. How ran I mix pain' thor- oughly before using? A. Be.fore opening a can of paint, turn it upside down and leave It In this position for a while. ThU will aid In mixing It thoroughly. Q. How can I give myself a dry shampoo If I do not wish to sham- poo the hair because of a bad ooM? A. Massage dry corn moal thor- oughly Into the scalp, then bruah out. This treatment will Invigorate th Hcalp and at the same Urn* give the hair a natural gloss. Q. How should a lamp lie placed wheu reading? A. The light should always cum* from the left atd slightly to riie rear of the chair when one U reading. Never Ha down to read, aa this position produce* a strata on the eyes. Q. How it:: I prevent windows from freezing to the nllla? A. liy sprinkling a little salt along thfl window sill, tha frett- ing of window to the gill during th roal cold weather oan be ! Im butted. AIR ELEPHANT Tlircc tail fiiih of this tianug* lialloifi rrsciiitilf trunk ami flap- ping tars of an elephant, familiar aiifht in Ceylon where thi flying pachyilonn in on K ll r 'l- SOLDIERS RUI OUT TIRED ACHift WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING ADRENALIN FOR FLIERS When we are fighting mad two little glands which are railed ad- n-iiiiK and which lie above the kidneys are aroused to chemical action. The glands pour out ad- renalin. Some classic experiment! made yearn ago by Dr. Walter B. Cannon (Harvard) have shown how essential adrenalin is In the emotional life of all higher ani- mal*. It stimulates the heart so that It can work harder. Without It there In no fifth t In man or beaut . Dr. George W. Stavraky (Uni- versity of Western Ontario) has applied this knowledge for the benefit of tha Royal Canadian Air Force. H conducted research to discover the effect* of a deficiency of oxygen at altitude* of more than 10.000 feet. He determined the exact amounts of oxygen and oarbon dioilde needed for the beat action of adrenal glands. He found that unless a man's blood contains certain amounts of both oxygon imd oarhon dioxide the ad- renale do not perform their func- tion efficiently. Hence the man can't fltfit. o 8ULFA FOR SICK TREES After a flTA-year test, T. A. Bartlett, a tre expert, announce* that the bleeding canker disease of sii ad e trees oan be successfully treated by Injection* of one of the HuifanamMes. Ailing treei troa'H'i by the method and proper- r fed showed ail average annual Inoreasa ot twfc growth of more than three Inoheu over similar trees neither treated nor fed. The new method of treatment was In- itiated at Rhode leland State Col- lege aaveral year* ago wheu U was i !*>. i *d that trees 1st ser- eral Uatru States were dylug of AU unknown fungus. Attar Isola- tion, the dUeate proved to be bleeding canker. The oompoune', a "sulfa" derivative, was applied fehroutfli lujeotloiM. A total of I, Oil Injection* was made oa 111 trees. Modern Etiquette By Robert* Lea L Ie k proper to .* a tjrpe- wrlter for oi-laJ oon-uondeuoeT I. U R at! ri4rt,< tor a g\rl telepliona t younT nv&n at bla ef- i'ie to oarrr " a friendly con- venation ? X. What u the proper war fw a liotee> u> eerve tee\T 4. (en't a hoiteee lahoep<tal>U when *tia aoc*pt pay meat from a (iioet who IMM celled lou< dlav vii . i on her telephone, or re ret yen a C.O.D. telegram? I. When a woman In wntulac gloves, ili.'.i'-l eho remove tk right naie before ahnkLnc UandiT (. Isn't U poor manner* for a ;n. -...I to take hold of another iMM-rt<m while tdlklni widh litm? Anawera 1. Va. 'H.uiH .VI.H a fun i wheu Uie iyi>twrlltr waa ooneklered auJtable Nir buaineae uorrpond- ..n-- only, but thai time hat paac- e4. Of oouree, only the alu(l- eh*t . nliv of atatlonery ahould lie wed whu typtnf a letter. 1. Bha - MM.ii.i not do o unluM tbe oall U very urg*ut. I. The hoatMC should .-in tin aealed wtitle pour- Ing th* tea: tli*u Imnd the oupe, Ranir>. and plate to the gueata. They may help thenuelvaa to miii < i iini, and lonioti, m well aa to iHntlwW:ha and ivk<4. 4. No. On the contrary, it shows distinct lack of consideration, stinglnee*, and rudeness upon the part of the guest if he or sue does not will- ingly pay these bills. 5. No. 6. Yea. The habit of touching, nudging, or nett'iP- is frequently very an- noyinp. 7,000 Airplanes Made In Canada Canada has recruited and train- ed 80,000 aircraft workers, of whom 90 per cent had never be- fore worked on an aircraft, Italph P. Bell, Director-General of Air- craft Production, told u ineeting of electrical men in Toronto re- cently. Bell disclosed that 7,000 'planes had toeen made in Canada sin<;e the industry was launched less than three years ago. Of these, he added, more than 1,200 are in operation on fighting fronts, mostly Hurricane fighters. Rell termed the aircraft indus- try one of the few arising from the war "for which a commercial post-war future reasonably can be visualized." BIG PROFITS IN GOLD STOCKS KKRR-ADUISON U now the fourth largeat gold rnlne In Ontario. In H It sold at lOt. It now aella at W.OO. I.AUUOLD Immediately adjoint ICBRR- XBDI8ON and now nail* at lr. Ml.t,.r, mar r*Ba Itaalfl Write to us for complete Information. LARGOLD MINES LTD. n TONOE ST., TORONTO BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS U your back achei or If you have dieturbed elecp, burning or amarting, look- out for trouble. ThU condition (a a eute Ifn that your kldnaya are not fulbr ridding your blood of polaonoui aclda and wattea. When th* kldneyi alow up, wastea collect. Backachet dlziy ipella, puffy eyeaand rlicumatlc palm may follow. Your kldneya need help and there te a tlrat-trted, proven way to help then known aa GOLD MEDAL Hnnrlem Oil Capiule*. I li.-n- Capaulea contain care- fully mraaured qunntltiea of that wldaly known diuretic called Dutch Dropa. You mill And their action fait and effective. Be mire you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capaulea, the genuine and original Dutch Dropa packed In Cannd. Get a 40c package frum your druggist. t ^Relieves distress from MONTHLY^ FEMALE WEAKNESS l.yii: B. Plnkham'K Vegetable Compound, not only helpe rellev* monthly pain but alio weak, nenr- iiim feeling* Una to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helpa build uj rulntnnce against rtlntreaii real oul outt daya." Made In Canada. i buildup of "dun- Reports of a monument In France which marks the last rest- ing pare of an Army mule: In Memory of Maggie who in her time kicked 2 Colonels 4 Majors 10 Captains 24 Lieutenants 42 Sergeants 432 Other Ranks and 1 Mills omb When a child grabs things they call It a mania. When grown-ups grab thinge they call it kleptomania. When a big country grabs its small neighbors it should be called Germania. o Two navvies settled down to eat their dinner. One began unwrap- ping a large parcel at which the other stared in surprise. "What's that?" he asked. "Well, it's like this. My missus Is away, so I thought I'd make maself a pie." "Bit long, ain't It?" "Oil, I duuuo. It's rhubarb/' o "Did you tell her that what you said was in strict confi- dence?" RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with Itching piled ur rectul Bi.reneos. do nut delay trentniuiit and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic Any HchlnK or soreness or painful pasa- age of stool Is nature's warning and proper tro.-iimonl should he secured at once Fur i In.- purpose get a package of Hem-Hold from nny druggist and use as directed. Thia formula which Is in.-il Internally Is a nnmll. ea:<y to tuke tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching and soreness and aid In healing tlio sore tender spota. Hc-m-Kold Is pleasant to use, Ii highly recommended and It seemi the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the reaulta. your druggist will gladly return your money. "No, I didn't want her to think it was important enough to repeat/' All the wordy skill of the dealer was called In as he tried to sell a broken-winded horse to a reluctant customer. After a trial trot round, he struck an attitude of admiration and exclaimed: "And hasn't he got a lovely coat?" "Mebbe," said the customer coldly, "but I don't like his pants." o Nervous passenger "What if a bridge has been hit and the train falls into the river?" Guard "That's all right, sir. We have plenty of trains." In preparation for a coming event .tie Joan had been told that Daddy was ordering a small brother. Triplets arrived, and when Joan heard that she said to her mother: "Why didn't you order a baby yourself? You know how Daddy stutters?" o 'The hen must be a gloomy creature." "Why?" "Always broodin', you know." Bounty When the wind is full of sleet And the ways are hard to go. Chickadees that used to meet By my doorsill banked in snow Tap upon the frosty pane, Anxious lest I might not see In the driving, icy rain Their bedraggled company. Creeping up the leafless vine By the dormer's narrow edge, Sheltering underneath the line Of the overhanging ledge. Once the> shyly looked askance At my flapping apron strings, Wary of my outstretched Rands And my goodwill offerings. Now I throw the window wide, And how boldly each one comei To the warmth and light inside, To my table spread with crumbs t Sara King Carleton in The Christian Science Monitor. Roll your owners! go for Ogden's The covered wagon was distinc- tive of pioneering days in tha West . . . Ogden's is a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos . . . Ask an old-timer and he'll tell you that Ogden's isn't just another tobacco it's a famous brand with a famous name. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plufl HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and BO are our prices. We manufacture in our fac tories Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MiDKI *- WANTKU WANTKU AliUHKSS OF J. CJ. UIX- ON, formerly G29 Strathmora Kuulftvard. Toronto. Mrs. J. T. it veil, Thurso P.O.. Quebec IIIMI IXSTIIl'MKXTS WAXTKU UANP & OltfHKSTKA INSTHU- ments nol in use may be turned into rash. Send full particular* t.) Whale- y liuyi-e & I'ompany. 310 Yonse til reft. Toronto. Ont. II.4IIV CHICKS BKAV t'HU'lwS II.VVK liumediiitu ih. Din.'!.'. although some breeds (uud dates delivery) are sold out. Whrn ordering 'ive time by giving second choice. Also cockerels. . t|>na. Immediate ordering for immed- iate or later delivery U very necessary. Hray Hatchury. 110 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. TU Kl'DIJ-: ( 'KICKS UKl'AY COST. time and iubour. Order early to inuke extra profit!. Th biggest. most mi])..: u > word In the chicken business la "livablllty." l>on't buy a liability. Money, food uud work spent on chicles that "in. 1 : tuke It" can never lia regained. You can greatly re- duce thu hazard by , n< Tweiidle Chicks. Send (or cat- alogue, price list and oontait folder. A Uio secure our low prlcea for cockerels for March. Tweddla Chick Hatrhcrlca limited, Fer- gus. Ontario. HVimiDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR alao popular purebred*. Complete Hat, nil ages. Falrvlew Farme, dt. M !:>.<, Ontario. i -KIM HATCHING CUSTOM HATCH1NQ KI.ECTRIC mammoth incubator, with sep- arate Hatcher. Wa are located on main Una C.N.R.. can take eggs any time. Lynden Hatchery. Lynden. Ontario. IK tO KM * NOVHI/TlBf MEN! SEND lOo FOR .. funniest joke novelty and cat- alogue of sundries, books ana novelties. Western Distributor*, Box 24 l-'WU Raglna. 3m k. in SIM -.-< FOR 9ALB BI.AL'KSMITH SHOP mill shocked, alao Orlst Mill equipped with International en- gine and Jolllette grinder. all under one roof. Good houae and lot Included. Splendid finning district. Closing estate. Clarence Mallory. Illoumfleld. Ont. CHICKS FOR OUR KECORD CHART free and catalogue. Six braeda chicks and all ages growing mil leta. Uovernment approved, Savn money, early order dlicounte. Prompt delfverlea. Satisfaction maranteed. Monkton Poultry Farm, Motikton, Ontario. HOGS WANTED WANTED HATCHtNU KOS KHOU Government Approved and O.B.B flock*, all breeda. Guarantee) premium paid. Write for full par- ticulars. Box 01, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. FANNINO Mil. i FANNING Mil,!, (Kline) proved xed grader. Screening ;J Kline Manufacturing, 410 beat axed grader. Screening ;J ,1111 Kline Manufacturing, 410 Wlllard Ave., Toronto. i run MAI.H lOrt AC-RE I<"ARM f'HATHAJI Township. Oood land, modern frame dwelling icood barns ftml 'iinuiiip;' Ilydni. tolcphona. H. A. Murphy, 31 King t. W., Chut hum. I-'UOT UA1.M BAUMKBKA FOUT CALM deatroya offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle. uttawa agent Deoman Drug Store. Utlaiva. _ Fl'EI. WOOD WAXTKU M.vri.i;, BIRCH A N D MIXED cordwood. First or second growth. Also Millwood. State full particulars and lowest prlcea. \V:iltcr Schiess. 19 Mcllnda St.. Toronto. .ltnt I'lM 111 M M - run SAI.B II-' VOU WANT A GROCERY BUS- iin-si here'a a good one. Well established, Niagara peninsula, average $oftfl weekly. low over- head, easy terns. Box 51. Krult- land. Ontarliv ;tx * iin-'i.K SU;UTS WKAVKU TKL.KSCOPIC SIGHTS for guna arid rifles: all modela; k.w prices. Wni. IJttle. Box 85S, Ottawa, Ontario. iini.p WAXTF.O MALI: WANTED MARCH 1st. - THOR- iniKhly experienced married man for well equipped small dairy farm on Highway S. tluelph two miles. New cottage, all conven- iences. Milker, tractor A combine. Hydro, milk, garden supplied. State wages, experience, refer- ences. N. J. Thomas. R.R. I, Guelph. DOGS FOR *ALK ARDEE KENNEU WALDHEIM. S'lili. Specializing In purebred iiolld mahogany coated IRISH SETTERS clever devoted com- panlunii. UVB1NG J HAVE foil ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ue for Information, we are glad to anawer your queatlona. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 79' Yonga Street. To- i i it>. 1IIUR9, WOOI, SHIP US TOVR HIDES, FURgT Wool, Horsehair. Top prices, Sroropt returna. Pearlman ft oldbert, 180 Pront Street, Baat Toronto. Government Llcenaaa Wool Qradlng Station No. 8 RAinilRKSHIXG SCHOOI. LB) A RN HAIRDRE33TNG THD Robertson method. Information on request regardlnK claasaa. Robertson's Halrdresalng Acad- emy, H7 Avenua Road, Toronto. LIVER TROUBLE THOUSANDS HAVE UEEN HKI.P- d the Herbal way. Why not you? Write to the Thuna Herb- alists, for a free snmple of our Thoro-Kleen Herb. 4J( Queen West, Torniitii. roll s vl i W1MB SELECTION. TIUUU.1NO and axcltlim: stories. Send only 2Rc for 4 hack numbers; West- erns. I,ove. Candid Confessions. True Uetsctlve Oaaes. Pun 1'ar- ade. Famous Crime Cases, eto., by oue of Canada's largest Pub- lishers of Magazines. Send for Free catalogue of Hook narKalns. Post Office Rox -'3!. Department W.P . Toronto. Ontario. I'ATKXTS ntTHUHHTUNtUaUUfl * CUMPANX Patent Solicitors. Kstablitned 18DU; 14 King Weal, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- que?t _ I'AXS K RtTSTY MILK CANS RETINNED like new. We also buy old rana. Montreal Tinning & RetlnninK Co. Ltd.. Montreal. rHOT'H.IIAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH i ii. Hrnl. iini. i ur Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS n.-ii.rri-.i by Mall Any or 8 exposure rilm perfectly developed and printed for only S&c. Supreme quality and faat aervlce guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto r v i i \ : > t i i: v PI MARK!! EGERTON R. CASK. I'.EGISTEKKD United Statea, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratia. Established over forty yeara. 81 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. _ M in il'i u VN i i I) TO Bl'lf WE WANT ATTRACTIVE HOMK3 with or without small acreage for cuh buyers. Any Rood dis- trlct within hundred miles ot Toronto. Send complete parllcu- lara with prlcea at once. No charge of any kind unleaa we aall. Powell and Company, i St. Clalr Has'. Toronto. _ POl'I.TRY \\ V.M'KII HENS AND PULLETS WANTED. good priras. Export Packera. i>i Clinton Street, Toronto Branch. Brussels. Ontario. OOOD PRICES ASSURED, RAISE Cockerela, help meat ehortaee. Blood tested, heavy type White Hybrid Cockerela Zc. payment with order. Prompt ablpment. Live arrival. Frank Edward*. Watford. Ontario. Ml i'M M D KVNKY SCI.' of Rheumatii- Pains or Neurltla to try nixon'x R.-mody. Munro'a Drug Store, 335 Klgln. Ottawa. Pustpaid tl.oo. OPFKR TO INVEXTttnt AN OFFER TO KVERY INVKNTOH List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free The. Ramnay < o.. Registered Patent Attorneys. lit Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. UtAlX FOR XfRSBS APP1JCATIONS ARE INVITED for girls who desire to train for ui.- ..-, September 1941 Cornwall Qfiiern'. Hospital. Cornwall. Out RHBVMATIC FAINS TRU1T JUIOBS: THE PRINCIPAL Ingredients in Utxon'e Remedy. fo>r Rheumatic Tains. Neuritn. B]d (inly Munro'a Drug Store. Sili Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. ^i n in I I in N HAIR LADIES TnouBLEi> WITH SUPEH- fluous Hair and especially tho.<<e who have been disappointed In Electrolysis, will welcome tha news that we possess nn ex- clusive, safe, new method which permanently, and completely, re- moves ny growth of diiporrluou* hair, slight or serious, without any recurrence whatsoever. Plcnsa note particularly that ours Is tha only method carrying a written guarantee of permanency. Be- ware of "guarantees" not in writing. Free consultation. Free estimate. Dermnt Clinic (8th In Toronto), l!i'9 Yonge St., Ti>- i onto. IUV( 1011 VARTH TRACTOR PARTS NKW ANB ustid. for all makes of tractora. Oenaral Auto and Tractor Supply. 1! Frederick St.. Kitchener. Ont ISSUE No. 943