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Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1943, p. 6

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Wartime Traffic Brings C.N.R. Promotions NORMAN B. WALTON *T*HE vital |Kirt * w h ich t he Canadian Nat- ional system i.i playing in Can- ada's war effort is graphically kin m: i in a re- vie w of the branch of the railway's activi- ticswhichcomes under tlie direct supervision of Norman B. Wal- ton, whose pro- motion to the position of executive vice-president was recent ly announced by President R. C. Vaughan. Mr. Walton, vice-president of operation, maintenance and construction prior to thi.t.ippointment, will continue to exercise jurisdiction over this depart- ment, and perform such other duties as the president may delegate to him. t'nderthe direction of Mr. Walton are the forces concerned with the op- eration of trains, the maintenance of track and structures, and the com- puny's motive power and car shops. He also has charge of the company's shipbuilding operations. During the year 1942. this force moved more than 72,000.000 tons of munitions of war and other products of industry, agriculture and natural resources. More than 2,500 locomo- tive* and some 80,000 freight cars were in continuous service Io handle this traffic. If all C.N.R. freight and |us.scngcr equipment, locomotives and work cars, could be set out on a single line of track, buffer to buffer, they would reach from Toronto to Minaki, almost 1.100 miles. Two other important stafT appoint- ments resulting from the tremendous increase in wartime traffic were also announced, that of J. F. Pringle to be general manager of the Atlantic Region, and J. P. Johnson to succeed J. P. JOHNSON him as chief of transportation for the System. The latter was form- erly general su- perintendent of the Southern Ontario district. Mr. Pringle will relieve W. U. Ap- pleton, vice-presi- dent of the region of much of the direct work con- nected with the extensive traffic over the railway's eastern lines. Mr. Applcton formerly carried on the duties both of vice- president and general manager. Mr. Walton, a native of Palnier- ston, Ont., has had 42 years' experi- ence in railroading. He advanced from his first job as clerk and stenographer through the dcspatcher's office to many supervisory positions which provided him with a wide knowledge of operating and traffic conditions. I le has held important posts at Winnipeg, Edmonton, Prince Rupert and other iwints in western Canada. Mr. Pringle began his service with the Canadian National Railways in 1919asnn assistant cngineerat Mont- real. After filling important positions in that city and in Ontario he was appointed chief of trans|x>rtation for the System in 1941. Mr. Johnson , commencing a s a I cle- grapher with the Grand Trunk in 1905, has had a railway career which gained him an intimate knowledge of the National System in Ontario and throughout the west where he occu- pied important supervisory positions for 17 years before his appointment to North Bay in 19 36, and to To- ronto five >ears later. Have You Heard? The chief constable of a small town was also an expert veterin- aiy surgeon. One night the tele- phone rang. The chief constable's wife answered. 'U that Mr. Jenkins? 1 ' asked an agitated voice. "Do you want my husband in his capacity as veterinary surgeon or. a^ chief constable?" "Unth, madam," came th-. 1 reply. "We can't gk-t our bulldog to open his mouth, and there's a burglar in it." Magiilrate: "You onnot drive now for two yean, for you're dancer to pedes- trian*." Defendant: "But your honor, my living depends on it." Magistrate: "So does theirs." 'J iie .spread of cinina-ac(|uired A .run slang among si-hoolboys i illustrated t>\ this "howler." in tli" |irc-Cliri.-tiita-. examination a Olasi of evacuated Cockney boys l a school in tht West, was asked Khat was understood by the ex- I>i mi "the heel of Italy." One. !joy wrote: "M:i-;iilini i* the h.'i-l of Italv." "What are you turning iiroiind for John?" 'I've juct discovered we've come five hundred and ten mile* tine* morning; we'll have to run back to the five- hundred mile mark and change tlie oil." \i an alti-j noon tea an over- plunij) matron was partaking yen- rotisly of the tiny round sutured "'uen't you afraid to cat o tuany of them';" inquired a friend. "Not at alt," replied the other. "They aren't fattening. TK;y're Just tho 'hole*' out of dough- nuts." He: "It he progrrsiv or conservative?" She: "I don't know. Site wear* latl yer' hit, drive* this v ,, - car, -1 liv on next year'* income." An Kdmliurjrh woman walked Into a war savings pavilion and laid her hoard on the tai'le with a HOW CAN I?? ? O.. How can I remove a bit of egg yolk that has accidentally gotten into the white when separ- ating the two? A. Use a small piere of wet cloth to remove the yolk; it will cling readily to the cloth. Q. How can I keep the window boxes looking attractive during the winter months? A. Instead of allowing the window boxes to remain empty all winter, they can be made to look attractive with cedar or pine branches, adding a few sprigs of bittersweet to brighten then.. Q. How can I iron slips so that they will not stretch? A. Hemcmlier to iron slips crosswise instead of up and down. This to prevent the slip from showing below the skirtline. Q. How can I clean wrought iron fixturos and ornament -V A. Hub with a woolen rag, moistened with any thin oil, such as paraffin or kerosene. C^. How can I keep empty fruit jiirs sweet'.' A. A little powdered borax sprinkled in empty fruit jars with the cover screwed on tightly will keep them sweet until needed an- other year. . ... "I've been saving this up to di- Vorce my husband," she said, "but t'va made up my mind now to a! with Hitler first" Cavalry Recruit: "I don't like the look of the horse'* head, ir." Sergeant: "Oh, don't worry. You'll soon fet over that:" Fighter Planes Roared Overhead W h e n President Koosovelt, Prime Minister (Mmrchill and their stuffs were conferring in a villa at Casablanca, fighter planet kept roaring overhead. sa.\ s the Windsor Star. Those planes would be there In fight off any enemy hombi-rs or fighters that might have lenrned of the secret meeting and tri'-d to shoot up the conference. There was always the possibility some- one had tipped off tin- cncmy fc Had lie known, ho would have tried hard to K el both Mr. Uoosi;- velt and Mr. Churchill. Hitler would willingly have sacrificed many fighters and bombers to do that. The fighter guard overhead vv:m somelhing new in the way of sen- linels that has been ndiied by this trend of modern war. lira/.il is surpassed in size by only three < -oiinlrios: tho t'.S.S.H., China and Canada. COUGHING COMES AT WRONG TIMES Thousands use Lymoidt Io Stop Embarrassment "I'm a iwilchboard operator." writes a Toronto girl, "and I. Y MOID:; lm> bulpad m over many an emh.irr**iinf throat tickle Now I alwayi cai r.v them." If hoaraeneaa or iin-en-imi counhinit fm barrauel you . . try I.YMOIDS Feel how thi iccllmt hlend of raedirinal oiU in.iili. M and relievca throat irritation. Lg- , Molt lol Mil LVMOIDS In handy site 10c find 25c boxes. 11 HIM I'MMiiM, . send 1 1 '< in vr,.,,. ' , ,., ciiln, la I.YMO/PV, 119 f'ntrl Ulrttl, TuriniM. WHAT SCIENCE IS MING RADIO NEWSPAPERS Many newspapers today carry "wire photo" pictures, which have been sent to the paper over wires from distant points. The process of sending newspapers by radio does not differ greatly from the wire photo method except that the impulses are sent by radio waves rater than as pulsations in a current in an electric circuit. The process, called radio fac- simile, involves (at the transmis- sion end) the changing of the varying tones o'f white, gray, and black into corresponding lailio sig- nals; broadcasting; these signals; and (at the receiving end) chang- ing the signals back into a fac- simile or reproduction of the original pictures, printing, etc. * * * In one type oi radio facsimile receiver, a stylus is driven back and forth across a continuous roll of special dry-electrolytic paper. This paper is affected by electric current, turning dark in propor- tion to the amount of current passed through it. A current, whose variations correspond to the variations in light and shade of the original copy, is sent through the moving stylus and in this manner the light and shade of the pictures and printed matter of a news- paper may be reproduced by radio It should be pointed out that nulio facsimile newspapers are ac- ttii.i repi'iductions of news pages, conipli't' with headlines, Captions, illustrations and all. * 1'adio facsimile has various practical uses. Weather maps, prepared by shore meteorologists, may be radioed to ships at sea; fingerprints and other data may be flashed through space between distant police departments; and it is possible for a bank cheque, signed in London, to be radioed across the Atlantic and be hon- ored, as reproduced by radio fac- simile, in New York. As a newspaper, a ratlin fac- simile set in the home could be tuned in (perhaps automatically) when music and speech broadcasts leave the air at night, and the radio would print your moining paper for you while you sleep. -W. P. in the Christian Sci- ence Monitor. Bells Protect Sheep From Killer Dogs Heavy claims in KIdVrslie Township for sheep killed and in- jured by dogs lend particular in- terost to an Ontario farmer's as sortion that he never had any trouble with dogs bothering his sheep, says The Chesley Knter- prise. He put an open bell around the neck of every fourth or fifth sheep (the kind of bells farmers used to wear on their horses) and he found that these he.lU scared dogs, as they do not like them; they gave the farmer in- dication if his sheep were attack- ed, and the bells tend to koep the sheep together. Santiago Chile, now has ;, s --at- less street car which will cairy 100 standing passengers. (TOPPED RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If ynu aie tiuubh-d with itching piles or reclul GuienufS. do iioi tli lay treatment und run the risk of lettum thla condition become chronic. Any itchiiiu ur M.:I : , or painful pass- asro or stool 13 nature's wurnint; and proper tic.utmenl should l>e sueiired at oncp. !'(! (In.. imi[.(,bo not a package of rlem-lCoiu from any druggist und use as directed. Thla formula which i, used Internally Is a siniill. easy to take tablet, will quickly rc-l: t vu tho Itching and soreness nnd aid in neallDB the sore lender spots. Hom-Kold is pleaiant to use \a hiiflily recommended and It seems th'! height of folly for uny one 1,1 risk u painful und chronic' pile condition when uch a fine rcnimly may lie lincl t such a small cust. If you try iiem-liold and ate not etiiiti-ly oltasud with the rwsuila your ilriiKKisI will uladiy return your money f Relieves distress from MONTHLY^ FEMALE WEAKNESS I.ydla E. Plnkham's Vegetahle Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings-due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "diffi- cult d.iv." Made In Canada. "On To Tripoli" British War Cry 'Nothing Will Stop Ut Now," S;>id Montgomery Tilt- Ilrit Uh Sth Army's final <]ri.'t> io clean up Tripolitania be- gan at dawn, Jmiuury 15, with General .Sir Kcrnurd Montgomery's win- cry: "On to Tripoli!" His order of the day was read to tht: troops bundled together in small groups just before they at- tucki :!. It said: "Leading units of the Sth Array are now only 200 miles from Tri- poli. The 8 Mi Army is going to Tripoli. "Tripoli is the only town in the Italian overseas empire still re- maining in their possession. There- fore we will take it from them; they will then have no empire. "If each one of us, whether front-line soldier or officer, or man whose duty is performed in some other sphere, puts his whole heart and soul into this next contest, then nothing can stop us. Nothing lias stopped us since the Uattle of Egypt began October 23. Notli- iiiS will stop us now. 'Some must l>e back to begin with, but we will all he in the hunt eventually. 'On to Tripoli! "Our families and friends io the Home Country will be proud when they have heard we have captured this nl. ice." A mini deposit covering 89 square miles lias Just been discovered In New Zealand. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Let 1. Is it still considered proper for a man to ask a girl's father for his approval before proposing marriage to her? 2. Is it all right to use cream- colored or tinted personal cards? 3. In what position should the butter knife be placed on the bread-and-butter plate? 4. What should a girl steno- grapher say or do when her em- ployer shows her an error she has made in typing a letter? 5. Is it permissible to lean across one person to shake hands with a third? 6. How should seeds be remov- ed from an orange at the table? Answer* 1. No. However, as soon as a young man and woman have de- finitely decided to marry, it is considered well-bred and consid- erate for them to go at once to her parents and ask their ap- proval. 2. White cards only should be used. 3. The butter knife should be placed at the top of the bread-and-butter plate, slightly above the centre, and parallel with the edge of the table, with the handle at the right and spreading edge of the knife towards the guest. 4. Merely say, "I am sorry," and offer to re- write it. 5. If you are obliged to do this, beg the pardon of the one across whom you reach. 6. With the orange spoon. SKIING IN FRENCH CANADA No wonder skiing in the Laurentians is such keen sport. Ski trails and hills abound for both beginner and expert . . . tow linos take you ijuickly and easily to the hill tops . . . the scenery is grand ami tlu> (juaint, French-Canadian villages are really interesting. Pic- lured are two of the four tow lines which service the famous Hills ''40" and "80," on which many championships have been held. In the background is the village of Ste. Adele en haul. Roll your owners! go for Ogden's The covered wagon was distinc- tive of pioneering days in the West . . . Ogden's is a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos . . . Ask an old-timer and he'll tell you that Ogden's isn't just another tobacco it's a famous brand with a famous name.. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smoken, loo, in Ogden's Cut Plug The silk that would normally make 100 pairs of silk stockings is required for one parachute. SAFES I'ri.n-. i >nr IIOOK.S KII.I t \-li from i lid nuil THIICVKS. We hiu i- tltt mil l.rpe ( Safe. r < 'iil.ii. i-/. tor any pnrpoxr. Vili ui, or write for price*, etc. o Dejil. W J.6C J.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS I * I rim i M U.. 1 I- ri'iilu CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AITO.MUIIIIJCS t LSI. i- fAi:^ WITH I;UUL< nicios. .Set- us lusl. Muiinl i'lcasunt Mo- tors Limited. Uied Car Lot at JOK' \uiiiti- Mrcei. Head oiticc. !,,;_' .Miiiint I'lcasiuit Itoud,' To- ri, n:i.. 'iVu iiinnii; II > , ^li> I. __ IIIMI I.WI III Ml:\TS M.\.\TU> i!.\\l' .v nirrilKSTKA INSTIiU- !ir ;- ii"l in Hsu nut> !> turiu.'d Into i :isli. SonJ full imrticiil.-irs In U'linlt.v Kino: \ I'iimiKiii.v, _ 311 __ i <>!,:;, S'lL.I, Tun-Ill.'. (Int. n\in t UN K IT'S I.MI'OIITANT 'I'll OKUKK lir.'iv ilii' i; i.'.n. whether im- medlate ur l:ii,-r d.^hv, T\ . .st:n-t- ,.,! , Ini'li.-: i ..... kin-Is In be ready fur .summer srnivity nii-.-ti. Sav lini'- In booking urilei- new. V.i ..\ Hat.'h.'iy, L30 .V, ll.-ii!iili<iii. Ont. WKAIC 1:1 I: I 'S HAilOTAOK rltOF- il.-i. I.iuy T\vi'dilli' rhU'k* for liv- nljiliiy. Tin- truillil-' with "buy- !inci-i\,,pr-!i.i--i he-best-chlcka" Is (hat thoy dun't show their lack (.f <|it!illty until it's ton Intr to do an.\ thing aljuut it. Time, tii,.in'\ it;,l (in n|i ,\\ rr arc too source to iimvt in anythint but the Iji-il chii-lis. The TwecTdle ca- pacity i. liin.tiu'i chicks u ivoi-k. \\v tan shurl last year. Metier cii-'h-r IIKU timl take early ilrliv- t-r> . FII-L- liitalnKiie anil 1943 Jii'ire list. Tiirhi'.v .- anil older inilli Is. Twcdillo Chick Ilatch- irii Limited. I'YrnU 1 -. Ontario. ill ron SAI.I: WKK.Kl.V N i:\VSP .VI 'KU A XII JOB printiiiK plant in small Ontario town. An excellent opportunity. u OHM ni.'in nhop. Fiox 4GS, 73 Ail, l.iid,- VV . Tor.. nli'. _ t UK KX SKMi roi: iii'it riKruub CHART frci- nnd catalogue. Six breeds chicks niul all iipes growing pul- lets. (iovernmcnt approved. Save money, curly order discounts. lYomiit dclivcric.. Satisfaction guaranteed uonkton I'onitr.v Farm, Monktoh, Ontario. _ !',<.<. S WAS T KII I'Otil.TUV KAItM KIJCS WANTKIr HiMh.M i>i-iriiiiiim paid on nil grades. Hank reference. A. 7nm- mit. .'' Kane . \VMIUK-, Toi-onln. K A I: M S. STUI ' i;i!AN PROPER- tif;.i, north of Toronto. Apply It. H, Kane, Richmond Hill. .i S \( Kllfi I, ASH. ;, ((n es. --Htovey moilerji red press hiiclt house, hot water heathiK yst.-m. no:tsi>nahlo for eash. Appll Walker, 12 Hill Street. SI. Thiiinns. Ont. ISSUE No. 743 HIIOU'X AND \\H1TR. MXC'I-H.- Ipiit huntnrs. Males J-4.MI, femnloa 15.00. ycarliiiKs $5.50. Win. Good- win. Hascrsville, Ont. I'-ltllT IIAI.M I:.\MMI>:I-:KA KHOT HALM destroys orfon.oive odor Instantly. 45c titMf> OIIIHVM iiiient Dcnnian Driiij store, Ottawa. DOCS I I s \ \ Al:fiHi: KENXEI^S VVALDKEIil. Sasit. Speciali/i n^ in purobrrcl snliil >nahoi;atiy couteil Il'JSH Sl-;'l"ri'l:S clex'cr devoted cuni- pan ions. UAVi. VULJ ANVTHI.NU tTEEDS dyeing or cieunioit? Write to us for Information We are glad tc answer your questions. Depart- ment H. l'arKtr'3 Works Limited. /!>' Votis* Street. To- ronto. 'l !*. II I !>!>, \\OOI. l's von; in t >ic.-i, Kfi;.s. l>r<,ini>: returns. 1', <fc (iiddlx rK, ISO Front Street. Kau. \\'(.',l lii.-idini; st-iiii'ii .\o. ^-. II Ml! lllCI's^l M. >( IKIOI, L.KAKN IlAlKL>IU;SSIN(i T11K Kobertson method. Information on request rtjjt;iirdin^ clauses. lU'bertPon'8 llairdressing Acad- <'in> . I::T Avenue lto:ul, Toronto. MEDICAL bTOl'l'Kti gi'H:Kl.\ - i:;icUarli<-. lleuduche. l!heuinatl,> puitis. Uiz- Kines.s, SnuirtiiiK. i:uiiiinji from Kidn.\, Kivcr, i:i;i(Uie,- uisordcrs 'on -;ip:i lion. S'iviTi.-;ii Bruno Horli Juice Compound, laitse .buttle $1.00 mailed postpaid. Write to-day. Windsor UniR Cn.. 398,", iSeniinolc, Windsor, Canada. IT'S i:.\CI-:iJ.10NT UIOAI. UF.Sfl.T.S uflcr tMliiiiK Kixmi's Komeily lor rhcmiKit ic pains ainl neurilis. Munro's I'M-UK Sun, !"."i KUiu. Otlawii. IViHtpiiiil Jt.Oi'. IIKA1' I'OI.PS, SIM'S, N'OSE Lilllf. llrippc, ivllevcd in five minutes with Viiplnol 6U treatments Jl.ilO: trial size 25c postpaid. WIMiSOU r>lU'<i CO.. l!!'X;'i .St-minoh!. \\'iiuls<-r. Cun. oi-i-'i:!! TO iM > i:>'rini> AN Ol'r'Klt Til i;Vlil;\ INVtlNTUlt Ulat ot inventions and full infor- mation sent free. Tlie ftanisay Co.. lieKlstcred Patent Attorneys, "73 ItanU Street, Ottawa. Cn n.-itln. Free Helps For Inventors OveryoD* with a good) Iden ahuuld promptly secure tho Illustrated Llookli-t "l''ortunes From Inven- tions," and the handsome form ' Jlocorcl of Your Invention." Uet them to-dny [.'rce from W. Irwin Haakftt, t3 Queen iitrcc-t, Ottawa. XVI UK SKI. MOTION. and excitins .storit-. Send only liae for HI back numbef.x; West- erns, Luve, t'undicl (-'ontessions, True l>et"i-tive CatfcS. Kun 1'iir- nde. KamouH Crime I'MSM. etc., by oni' (if Ciinada'H lar> -: 1'uli- lishers of .' ) ^.; -. 'j- S.iiid for l-'re' cHtalo.iiUe of liook 1 'arguing. Hox -3-. DciKirtmcnt U'.l'.. To- i-onlo. Ontario. _ IVXTIi.VrS Jt TUAUK >! \IIU~ KCKUTOK. u. CASH. i:Ki;!STUUt:i> linited StatM.s, CanuUiun. Uriiiah Patent Atturney. Booklet Kstabl ishutl over forty years. 8! J intsani A\ rntie, Toronlo. I'Otl.THV I:ANTAII.S A.NI> I'ekin Ducks. 51. ut) pair; Hrunze Turkey liens $7.110 each. LAII; Chateau l-'ann, l-'crtelon Fallt, Out. _ I'lii:** w A>TI:I \v.\.\Tt-ai t'u.xv evi-iM>;-:u riiK^.-, L'5" x ;:" and liordon 1 1" x z^". d uunili tiun. Itox u.. Tutonu.. must be in I'llOITIl'I'IKs XXAMI.I) TO III U'K WANT ATTRACTIVE HOMlfiS vvitli or without small ticrva^e for caeh huy urs. Any Kuod di.s- trlct within hundred miles of Toronto. Send compl'-u- particu- lars with price* at once. Ni> ehari' nC any kiml unless wa soil. I'owell und Company, S St. Olair Llast. TuroJitn. i-i i'i-ii:s SAI.I Al''(il(AN HOl'Mi I'lU'l'llIS AND cluiu" chows, re.msteied. import- ed stock, reasonarilc. Kti Kennels, Dixie. Ontario. HX\\ .11 THK (11! 10 AT KISl'OXM'MIY" J'rink your way to Health with "l!nw VeRftable Juices." Kr-vi.s- ed edition Just off the press mail- ed on receipt of L'tic. Kadiaiit Health Products. Malton. nut. II HI-: I MATISM CUUl'AM latent Solicitors. Established 18SO; H King West, Toronto Booklet of Information on re- (most. _ mo i \i-ii . DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I In lie:, I lluln. or II:, ,1 HAVE YOUR SNAPS Orllvcreil '> Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film iierfectly developed and printed for only 25e Supreme quality and fast service miarnnleed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto l-KOPLK AKl-1 TAIJ<INt; Al;Ol T T the Kood results from taking Hixon's liemedy for Rheumatic Tains and Neuritis. Sold .<( Mun- ro'a Driis Store. ."!", l-:ii;,n Ot- taiva. I'o.MpaUl $ TKA( 'IIEIt \VA.\TI-:i) COCKlH'tiN ISLAND TK.uTTlOlit ^vanted, small village school, av- erago nttendJinco about _:. salary one hundred dollars per month, state qualification!!. Applv C. MOKC. Secretary, Coclcburn Js- lanil, Ontario. TBAI.V FOB MHSI>' AITI.II-ATIOXW A i: n INVITKH for R-irls who desire to train for nurses-. 8ptember liM.'i. Cornwall <ienei-al llnspital. I 'ornu .'ill. Out. TltACTOH I'AHTS TKACTOP, 1'. \I5TS N K \V ANt used, for all makes of tr'ictora General Auto and Tractor supply. 12 Frederick St.. Kttchgner, Ont t

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