U. S. AND BRITISH PRISONERS, SAY GERMANS i i According to the Nazi caption on the photo above, it shows a group of American and British pris- oners, captured during fighting in Tunisia, wa'ting under guard to be taken to the rear. Picture, passed by censor, reached U. S. through neutral sources in Portugal. S U N DA Y S C HOOL LESSON January 24 JESUS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN John 5 PRINTED TEXT John 5:2-17 GOLDEN TEXT. - - Woulde.t tli'ni be made whole? John .>:<. Memory Vere: The Lord is H1.V helper. Hebrews 1:. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. The Passover, April A.D. 2R. Place. -The pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. "Now there in in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a poo!, which is called in Hebrew Bethesda, h:iv. ing five porches. In these lay a multitude of them that were sick, blind, h->lt, withered." Wlicn so many sufferers are brought to- gether they impress us much more than when we meet them singly; we then see more ade- quately all the wretchedness, t.he misery, the broken lives that form the result of sin among men. Those In Need "And a certain man was there, who had been thirty and eight years in his infirmity. When Jesus saw him lying, and knew lli it he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wouldest tluiu he made whole 1 . Tin- sick man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water ii troubled, to put me into th pool: Imt while I am coming, an- other sb-ppeth. down licfore inc.' Into this place, where only the helpless came, but never on strong ami well to encourage them, to investigate their cases, M attempt to heal them of their ailments, whore none of the great (if Jerusalem ever entered into this group of forgotten men came, this day. tlie Son of <!od. It was He who had announced at the very threshold of His ministry (hat He had conic down to preach the gospel to the poor; to heul the brokenhearted; to preach <!<:- liverance to the c.'iptives and re- Co liiiL 1 of sight to the blind, to iot at liberty them that :ivc bruised ( 1/ukr '1:18). Why our Lord centered His attention upon 'in- man in thfl croup rather than upon all the men, or some other 'nan. we do not know. This is the way of (iod's dealings; sonic arc rhoscn, some are not. One reu- ton, no doubt, why our Lorn focused His attention this day on this man was bemuse he was the H. A. LEE II. A. I .<!. wlui has IH-IMI ttp- [luinU't! general passenger agent for the Canadian Pacific llnilway it Toronto, joined the coinpnny in 1013 at Boston, Muss.; Hcrvini; with (lit- United States navy from IfllS to 1!IH>. After working in the T'niteil States fur U7 yeitrs lie wan made assistant gi'iieml paMKcntfcr agent at Montreal <n I!) 10. Mr. Lee will have juri*- diclion over the Algonm district of the company * well s the dHtrict. worst case of all thost who were there, and, if men were convinced He could deliver this man from his infirmity, they would know the Lord could save any man from whatever disease or affliction pos- sessed him. The lx>rd never performed healing miracles in the Gospels automatically. He could have laid His hand on this man without a word, lifted him up and sent him home. He did not choose to do so. He first asked him a ques- tion. Then He commanded him to do something, and then, later, He gave a warning. He does not want this man automatically healed of a physical deformity. He desires that there should be an act of faith, an exercise of will, a transformation morally and spiritually as well as physically. So he asks him H question, 'Wouldest thou be made whole'.' 1 The man's answer showed that he was hopeless. It had become the established order of things with him that some one antici- pated him. He speaks of it ai regularly happening - 'another steps down before jne.' He has no friend not one who would spare time to wait beside him and watch for the welling up of the water. Meeting Our Need* "Jt-sus saith unto him, Arise, take up tliy bed, and walk. And straightway the man was made whole, and took up his bed and walked. Now it was the sabbath on that day." There is no com- mandment in the Word of God for the obedience of which Christ will not give strength in the hour of need. And there is no cas of such- long standing, so appar- ently helpless, but that Christ is able to deliver from whatever bondage, whatever habit, what- ever doubt, whatever evil may have taken possession of any in- dividual. Why did our Lord a3k this, man to take up his bed and walk, rather than to leave the bed there V Probably, as some one has said, that he might remove from the place of lii.s long and fruitless waiting the very vestiges of a lifo of impotence and despair, so that he would never be tempted to g<> back again to the plan- where he had spent so many wasteful years. This man, walking out with hiu bed, proved to all others who were assembled there that he was com- pletely and instantly healed. In like manner, one newly saved by Christ is to reveal the reality of his salvation by living thut kind of u life which before was im- possible for him - a lifV above the level of the world, a life mani- festing divine strength, u life in which the power of Go<l will be manifest. "So the Jews said unto him that was cured. It is the salib:ith, and it is not lawful for thee to take up thy bod. But he answered them. He that niiitle i>u- whole, THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 194! BV NEA SCRVICI, INC T. M. RIO. U. 3 P-fT. Off. ONCE WERE BELIEVED 6V /WANV PERSONS TO BE f>O/SOfi/OVS AND TO CARRY OTTAWA, CAPITAL. OP CANADA, IS ABOUT THE. SIZE OF f- i isl B I CAPE COD /t%6&T READS: Q-2. ANSWER: Salt Lake City. . . . Approximately 150,000. NEXT: Do Buffaloes ii .- vo humped backs? the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk. They asked him, Who is the man that said unto Thee, Take up thy bed, and walk? Hut he that was healed knew not who it was; for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in the place. Af- terward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Be- hold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing befall thee. The man went 'away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him whole. And for this cause the Jews perse- cuted Jesus, because he did these things on the sabbath. But Jesus answered them, My Father work- eth even until now, and I work." Spiritual Soundnes* The man's bearing of his bed was not -a work by itself; it was merely the concluding; act of his healing;, that by which he should make proof himself, and give tes- timony to others of its reality. It was lawful to heal on the Sabbath day; it was lawful then to do whatever was immediately in- volved in, 'and directly followed on, the healing. Our Lord is in- terested, "first of all, in a man's inner life, then his physical wel- fare. Healing him of his bodily infirmity, he wanted this man in ail the days to come to reveal a spiritual soundness like to that of the soundness of the body which had now been given to him. Final punishment for one who persists in sin is a worse thing than long years of weary miser- able life. Old-Time Winter A Tough Problem But Folk Were Tough Too and Could "Take It" The spell of below-zero weather was bard ou the coal bin, on fath- er and father's account at the bank, truly says the London Free Press. It tested the plumbing and the furnace. U made housekeeping an all-day chore but It served to remind the old folk of the Win- ters they knew when they were young. In (hose "good old days" our homes were cooler than they are now. We bad not come to the stage of .specialized insulation nor bad WP yet departed from the Quebec boater and the wood box. We wore heavy underwear and now and tliwi we slept In our socks and slipped a sweater on when we got out of bed to tend the stoves. * * Our uons< s in those Caraway d.iys showed wide differences in i.'ini- -ralinv. Ueside the stoves U was ;m lii.Kli ns SO or 90. f'lose to nie walls i( was down to 4i>. In lii-drooms it may have liefn lower. (loM.y tci bed was an adventure nmij'aialiU' with Hudson'? explor- ations in die Northwest Passage. The bed wa.-, tlif coldest thins at nislit and tin- only warm tiling In (lie luiiiM- first tiling In the morn- ins. Wini'-v ramp in aboul Dccrm her 1.", iniil stayed until April 1. Y-K. the old-fashioned Winter wa.- a lough proposition. But so wi-rv tlie old-fashioned folk. They liad to "ta!<e it" and they could "lakt; it" Thoy came out in the Spring jircliy spry and began to store away wood mid woollens for the nexi Winter. They would not have ihouKht any thing about our i-o!d spdl. Maybe wp have grown soft. Maylie v. e HIV older. Anyway it w;is iilmliihly cold anil hi our estimation, distinctly old fashion- ed. Marine "Fed Up" On Carrot Diet Mnlilon <;. Kastii-k. aged IS. ale hi* way into the U. S. Marines, and is "I'rd i |>" mi ;i Vfrlaiii vcgiv table. Tinned down when he tried to enlist bt'ciuise of color blind- ness. Kastlrk ale carrots for four nicpuihs until hi* was able tn pass liiii visual test. LISTEN TO "COUNTRY NEWS" Items of Inlerett prom Ontario Weekly Ncwtpapcrt EACH SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. CFRB 860 on your dial {RADIO REPORTER By REX FROST Here's something for boys and girls who are studying or other- wise are interested in music . . . in fact here are two "somethings." The first is the i^w Toronto Con- servatory of Music programme heard every Sunday afternoon over CFRB, Toronto from 2.30 to 2.45. The objective of the programme is to help music students in their examinations by demonstrating and describing thfc manner in which musical examin- ation numbers should be inter- preted. The programme is under the personal direction of Xormar> Wilks, Principal of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and should be of great assistance to music students the Province-wide. The second is a special series of ten musical programmes for youi.c; folk commencing on Wednesday. January 20th, and continuing every consecutive Wednesday thereafter until March 24th, 3 p.m. over a CBC network, which includes CHML, Hamilton. CKTR St. Catharines, CFCO Chatham, CKLW Windsor nad CBY Toron- to. This special radio design of Music for Young Folk has been announced in response to an emergency call. War time restric- tions of transportation have pre- vented the resumption of the regular winter series of Toronto Symphony Orchestra School Con- certs in Massey Hall, Toronto, but Sir Krncst McMillan and his associates interested in continu- ing these programmes, asked that radio should undertake the happy task of bringing these periods of fine music not to Toronto young- sters alone, but to school children throughout the province. Six will be studio presentations with lead- ing soloists and instrumental groups demonstrating various forms of music and describing the types of instruments played. There will no doubt be much of interest also to adults, particu- larly music teachers, in both of the series of programme? previ- ously mentioned. * Should tomato vines be pruned? . . . Will houseplants bloom better on a sunny window siH, even though the window must be keni closed? ... Is it possible to rai? an orange tree from oranpe seeds? . . . Many of you gardeners who have listened to the Colum- bia radio series, "The Garden Gate," heard Saturday mornings 0.30 over CFRB Toronto will have been interested in the discussions which have been presented over a period of 9 years by a radio personality who calls himself "The Old Dirt Dobber." It is now an- nounced that in about a month's time he will offer . . . "The OM Dirt Dobber*s Garden Book," based on the Garden Gate ra<!i> series in which publication he will deal with a thousand and one questions which puzzle the mind of the amateur home gardener. No doubt he'll tell you on the air when the book is published and how you can obtain your copy. Sooner or later it seems that the armed forces get them . . . Recently such prominent radio personalities as Geoffrey Wad- dington, Vic <^orge, Rai Pnrd^T, Jimmie Shields. Frank Schuster and Johnny Wayne have joined the services. We also hear thst CFRB's announcer. Jack Dawson, is slated for the Air 'Force at an early date. Also among the re- cent recruits is Fletcher Marfcle. young Vancouver writer, whose recent series "Baker's Dozen" attracted nationwide attention, is now an aircraftsman in the U.C. A.F. Markle turned aside a writ- ing offer from the movies to join up, and soon will be providing some of the Air Force scripts for "Comrades in Arms," currently being heard on the CBC network Fridays at 10.15 p.m. Wishart- Campbell, remembered as the Golden Voice of the Air, is now a pilot officer in the R.C.A.F. Truly radio is doing its bit. At the end of the First Groat War there were 6,000,000 automo- bile? in the United States. When the present war stalled the num- ber had increased to 32,000,000. PIONEERS' BOAT HORIZONTAL 1 Vessel which brought colonists In America . 9 It could a burden of 180 Ions. 14 Needle- shaped. 1 5 Native of Indiana. 17 Horse food. 18 Surfeits. 20 Quoits' pin. 21 By. 22 Bearing cirri. 23 To card wool. 25 Low Dutch (abbr.). 20 To challenge. 28 Liliaceous tvee 29 Homelike. 30 Exclamation. 32 Rodent. 3-1 Graduated sot of bowls. 36 Mien. 38 Small ox. 39 Knife' wound. 41 Soft cap. 44 Fiddler. -18 Revt'u-n-.r Answer to Previous Fuzile 50 To cure. f)2 Pertain ins to sound. 53 Murmurs as a cat. 54 Regretted. 56 Opposite of in. 57 To pfftl. 58 It brought the fathers to America. 5!) Some of these 10 Tree colonists had 11 Public- lived in VERTICAL 1 Mother. 2 Pained. 3 Twelve months. 4 Offspring. 5 Behold. 6 To change into bone. 7 Fatigued. 8 Genus of ostriches. 9 Company (abbr.). disturbance. 12 To contradict. 13 Year (abbr.). 18 Hops' kiln. 19 Transposed (abbr.). 21 This boat landed at Rock. 22 Causes to cohere. 24 Errors. 26 Portions of medicine. 27 Mercenary. 29 Cabin. 31 Female fowl. 33 Bone. 35 Therefore 37 Diplomacy. 40 Sweeping tool. 42 Pertaining to air. 43 Heavy club. 45 God of sky. 46 Footway. 47 Ell. 48 Epilepsy .symptom. 49 Small bird. SI Limb. 53 Chum. 55 Doctor (abbr.). 57 PUiral (abbr.). POP He Couldn't Go That Far By J. MILLAR WATT MY GIRL AMD J G&T /M.ON& VERV y^v WELL. POP YOU SHOLJLD HAVE I MUTUAL INTERESTS WHAT DOES SHE LIKE C) ANOTHER FELLOW .