Wednesday, December 16, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I i > Y VANDELEUR Quite a number from here attend- ed the golden wedding: anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker at Eugenia on Monday nfternon, Dec. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and fam- ily were for many yeara highly re- spected residents of this community, and their many friends tender their heartiest congratulations and best wishes for many more years of happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelso and fam- ily moved on Friday last to their new home in Hamilton, where Mr. Kelso has had a position for some time. The Kelso family came here from the West and conducted the store for ^he past four yeara and made many friends, a ll of whom wish them health and prosperity in their new home. It makes quite a change in the community without the little store on the, corner. Our teacher. Miss Dawn, and. pup- ils are making big preparations for the Christmas tree entertainment an evening this week. Mr. Frank Taylor of Ebenezer spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland and family. Train Service OWEN SOUND To TORONTO SUNDAYS, DEC. 27 and JAN. 3 Lv Owen Sound 5.10 p.m. Lv Flesherton C.11 p.m. Ar West Toronto 9.15 p.m. Ar Parkdale 9.22 p.m. Ar Toronto Union ^9.30 p.m. making all stops. In order to relieve congestion at stations, the travelling public is urged to secure transportation well in advance of train departure time. Want List of Officers The Advance is anxious to publish the names of newly-elected office*? of the various local and district or- ganizations. Here it might be point- ed out that it is the duty of the corresponding secretary (or press secretary) to see that these are placed in the publisher's hands. We cannot too strongly urge that the report of the annual meeting, to- gether with names of officers, be re- ported immediately after the meet- ing takes place. Please do not wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to place these in the publisher's hands. It is easier to attend to such items im- mediately afterwards, rather than leaving them for days and, perhaps w&ks, which make them only so much stale news. Give the names of newly-elected officers promptly to your home paper. Fine job printing at reasonable prices at The Flesherton Advance. At Hill's Store you'll find the GI FTS THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE, AND IT IS SO EASY TO BUY GIFTS For Him For Her HOUSE COATS Beautiful new styles, chenille or bunny putY. She would appreciate one from you $4.50 - $6.95 SKIRTS In alpacas and wool, in dirndels and pleated styles, good range of shades. .". $2.69 and $3.95 TWO-PIECE SKI SUITS Made from nice quality blanket and Melton cloth, all good shades. Priced at $9.75 to $11.85 Ski Jackets with Parka to match, sizes 14 to 20. Price $5.98 Separate Ski Jackets, good range of shades. Price $4.75 to $6-25 HAND BAGS Big beautiful bags. They are real value $1.59 to $4.50 LET SLIPPERS SOLVE SOME OF YOUR PROBLEMS Men's Romeos, black and tan $1.95 Men's Opera Slippers, black, brown and wine, soft soles, pair $1.25 Women's Maccasin Slippers, in blue brown, wine; a very acceptable gift. Priced at, per pair $1.25 Women's Julietes, in wine, blue, green or black, with leather sole and heel, sizes 3 to 8 $1.25 FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS \ wonderful selection from which to choose, in nice fancv boxes. Priced at 25c to 95c LINGERIE dive Lingerie. See our collection of exquisite gift I/mgerie, Oowns, Py- jamas, Slips, Panties, in crepe or satin; all nicely finished 65c to $3.50 SCARFS Fancv pattern, chiffon velvet with good quality satin lining $1.69 SILK HOSIERY Oualitv chiffon or service weight, all shades $1.00 to $1.50 MARKDALE POULTRY DAY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 STORE HOURS 9 o'clock to 6 every day, Saturday <> to 10 p.m. MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS Made of soft eiderdown or wool Ha-iiu-l in plain or check patterns. Priced at $3.95 up MEN'S PYJAMAS Smart K striped broadcloth or flan- ' -leite. Pv jamas are aiwavs aceept- ,i !( Priced at $1.65 to $2.95 GLOVES Lined or unlined $1.25 to $1.95 SOCKS In plain or fancv patterns 25c - $1.25 DRESS SHIRTS Just for Him, in the season's newest attractive patterns $1-50 to $2.25 TIES In a big assortment of patterns and colors, nicely boxed for Christmas giving 50c, 75c, 95c BRACES Make a very useful gift, boxed sep- arately 50c, 75c, 95c MEN'S SWEATER COATS In fancv knit with xipper front, assorted colors $3.50 to $4.25 WINDBREAKERS Men's Ponv Leather Windbreak- ers with full xipper front, very servic- eable for strong wear. Thev come in black, brown and green $12.95 Stove Week At Hill's We carry the largest stock of Stoves in ('.rev Countv, and, as yon know, staves arc' hard to get owing to Gov- ernment war regulations, cutting the manufacturers' production. So, if you are interested in the purchase of a Stove, you can save a lot of money by visiting our Stove Department. Prices no higher than last year and much be- low regular. If it is a Cook Stove, Neater or Kurnaeette, von will be sur- prised at the values we are offering in this Department GROCERY DEPT. SPECIALS I '.in ( )ranges this week .Special 21c and 25c doz. Klonr Special Buyasack 08 Ib. bag $2.39 Kcvnote OS Ib. bag $2.39 Peas, large tin 10c Corn, (mlden Bantam 2 tins 2bc Choice Tomatoes 2 tins for 25c Kaisins 2 Ibs. for 29c I'Ynit Cake, rich in fruit 2 Ib. block 59c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ontario f ^ ffi VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton spent a few days in Toronto the early part of the week. Excitement ran high in the neigh- borhood on Tuesday night of last week, when the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, were taken by storm, as it were, by the charivari "gang." Mrs. Wylie Ferris visited this weeL at the home of Mr. Elwyn Ferris. Pte. Gordon McAuley, in training at Simcoe, arrived home Friday even- ing to spend the week end with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Auley. Misses Kaye Bannon and Hilda Clarions, nurses-in-tra|ning at the Toronto General Hospital, returned to Toronto Thursday evening, after having spent the past three week* holidaying at Kaye's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon spent a couple of days in Toronto the latter -irr of the week. Kinersley Gallagher of Lakeview and Florence Batchelor of Toronto spent the week end at their parental homes. More of our young people are tak- ing flight to" the bright lights, this time to Burlington and the employ of the Hydro. Those included are ' Leslie Batchelor, Elvin Moore and Earl Talbot. Friends and neighbors of the com- munity, numbering over one hundred, rathered a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moorp on Friday evening, to honor them on their recent marriage. n'irinir the course of the evening, the ' -nr-g couple were brought forward, vhen an address was read by Ernie SMnson and the presentation of a congoleum rug. two occasional chairs, :i satin ciishinn. and six pieces <*f cooking u'ensil? in red ^nd, white .laim'l. was made by Jack Bannon. Klwyn Ferris. R ao Jackson. Allan Montgomery and Earl Talbnt. Thf groom responded in his usual pleas- ing manner. The evening was spent in dancing, cards and social chat. (Intended for Lat Wink) Mrs. Albert Reid and infant daugh- ter retimed frm Mrs. Nuhn's mil-s- ir- home, Flesherton. to the horn* of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'is. Linton. before continuing their journey to their home at Brampton. Mrs. W,,,. Talljot wor 4 to Toronto on Tuesday to enter Toronto General Hsi. !:;,]. whore she will remain for a few days to receive treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore arrived home Friday night from their wedd- ing trip and will take up residence on the groom's farm, Vietoria Corn- er* district. Mrs. Win. Ludlow returned to her home here, after spending sever- days at the home of Jack Batchelor Bethel. On Friday night, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore to spend a social evening with them, ere they departed to their new home in To- ronto. At an appropriate time Mr. and Mrs. Moore were called to the fore and Mrs. Walter Acheson read an address of appreciation of their ever-willing services to the commun- ity which they served. The address was signed by Messrs. Russell Ache- on. Mervyn White, Milton Bannon and Elmo Stevens. The presentation of two occasional chairs and an end table was made. Mr. Moore, in few well-chosen words, thanked the friends for the thoughtful gesture. The evening was spent In dancing and cards. Mr. Chas. Moore spent the week end at his home here. He, in com- pany with Mrs. Moore, left Tuesday evening for their new home, 53 Tor- nce Ave., Toronto. Our neighbor- hood regrets losing such valued neigh- j bors and friends, but feel that whati is our loss is another's gain. The . be -it wishes of the community go with them to their new home Rock Mills Ladies' Aid Members of the Rock Mills '\dies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Albert Blackburn on Tuesday 8th. Owing to some officer* and members being unable to be present for the election of officers, a regular meeting was held with he vice pres. in charge. After the usual devotional exer- cises, and toll call, several topics were discussed. Meeting closed by singing "Work for Mie night is coining" and prayer. At the January meeting election of offices will take place. All mem- bers please attend. Letter From Home There can be no more acceptable CHRIST- MAS GIFT for that boy or girl of yours away from home than the weekly visit of The Flesherton Advance. Its visit each week is like a letter from home, but there are many items of interest found in its pages which you would not think of mentioning. Send The Advance . $1.50 per Year Providence Workers Raise Money For War Work (By Lady Bank Reporter) The War Workers of Providence held a social evening -t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benson on Wednesday evening of last week, when $24.10 was raised for their war work. There were many small prizes given on various games, for which every few cents helped fill the pot of silver. Included was a draw for a piglet, donated by Mr. Jas. Mc- Kenzie. Mr. Jim Murphy was th lucky winner and he immediately tur-ed it. over to the committee and it was then put up for sale. Mr. Jack Graham was the highest bidder and paid $5 for the porker. A pleas- ant evening was spent and came to a clost with the singing of "God Save our King and Country. The chap who is frightened of stepping on someone's toes should not try to dance. Mr. Harold Fawcett returned to town on Saturday, after spending the summer at Hamilton and has resum- ed the mail route to the station tak- en during the summer by Mr. Alex. McEachnie. St. Mary's Church, Maxwell (ANGLICAN) REV. JACKLIN, Pastor Morning Prayers and Sermon. Holy Communion -st Sunday every month. in BOLTS WANTED POPLAR - BASSWOOD WHITE BIRCH Phone or write for our cash price. This will give you specifications and "Cash on Delivery" prices for all tvpes of Holts and Logs that we reqnre. Keenan Woodenware Mfg. Company Limited Owen Sound Phone 150 Ontatrio Small Ad. Column X)R SALE Boy's overcoat, 9 year old size; also pair skates size 1. Can be seen at The Advance office. FOR SALE 2 reg. Yorkshire hogs. I W. Mc-Cormick, R.R. 1, Proton, 1 phone Dundalk 56r22. 27p2 WANTED Horses and cows fl for mink fed. John J. Meads Pricevilte, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE 3-piece snow suit in first class condition, site 3 years. Apply at The Advance office. FOR RNT 100 Acres of farm land. J K. McLeod, Ceylon, R. R. No. 1, phone 40r4. 24c3 FOR SALE Leicester ram rising 2 years. Fred Russell, phone 30r4. Markdale. 27p2 Card of Thanks We desire to express our sincere thanks nml appreciation for the kind assistance rendered in any way and also for thi> kind expressions of sym- pathy extended during the itlm-ss and i>'iiimr of our denr father, Mr. Fnink Chard. Mr*. AtVrt Wilkinson Rnd Family STRAYED Stray ed to my prem- ises 2 cattle beasts. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Jack Lequelenec, Maxwell. 27p3 WANTED Aged r.nimals suitable for fox or mink 'eed. Bert Mc- tntoth, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5 r 25. 22p4 FOR SALE Cutter, set of pleasure sleighs, set .of single harness and set of double harness. K. Stewart Proton Station, phone S2r4. 28c2 FOR SALE Number young York- shire pigs; also 11)00 gravity washing machine. Wesley Smith, R.R. 1. Flesherton. 27p2 HIDES Again in th market for hides .bef, horse, sheep and calf skins. Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro- ton Station, phone 41r3 Flesherton. WANTED Hcrsw and cows fit for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton Station. R.R. 3, phone 4lr3. FOR SALE 2 dark reg. Short- horn bulls, 7 months old, pricad reasonably. Roy W. Piper, Cey- lon, phone 44r31. 27ct FOR SALE Ladies' skates and boots, size 6, also Eatonia tub stand and wringer. C. P. Wilson, Flesherton. 27p2 FOR SALE 3 Scotch Shorthorm 'bull calves from heavy milking mothers, registered, also a fwr good grade cows. Harold Huttoa. phone 73rl3, Flesherton. FOR SALE 7-room brick houte m Flesehrton, large lot, arnge, good well, must be sold settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchri&t. Apply to John Stewart, Executor, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 166-167. 1 S.W., Artemwim. 100 acres, good land, well watered, piece of bush and swamp; will MQ reasonable. Mr. M. Thisilethwaite, Flesherton, Ont. BUSINESS CAR;>S AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock tales o..r spec - ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dutes arranged at Thi \dvance office. FOR SALE Lots 9 and 10 on the West side of Victoria St. E.,Fev- ersham. Must be sold to clear the Comvn estate. Apply R. H. David- son, rollingwood, or Lucas & Glass, ! Mnrkdnle. 29c2 ; i DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office hours; afternoons S to Wednesday and Saturday 7.30 to 10 p.m. No office hours on Sunday. t *