.Wednesday, November 4," 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTQK ADVANCE on CoUinjjwood Btrwrt, Ki*hru>n, Wednc*dy of eatt week. Circulation ovr l.OOU. Price in Canada |200 pr yex. when paid hi advance $1.60; u. U S. A. $2.60 pe? yar, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. I'HURSTON. Edltw. Ivl A X \V E L L Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham vis- ited relatives in Tnsnton last wc-ek. Rev. Geo. Buckingha-n of Ottawa visited with hia brother, Mr. E. Buckingham, and called on a number of friends. Miss Mary Henderson of Ceiling- wood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross, and called on her former neighbors in Maxwell. Fred Ross left last week for work in the Malton aircraft plant. Mrs. Ross accompanied him as far as Cheltenham, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ren Acheson, and family for a few days. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and family to Maxwell. We are sorry to report Mr. War- ren Priestley under the doctor's care. Miss Dorothy Slade of North Sydney, N.S., who attended the winps presentation to Serpt. Pilot Leslie Seeley at Hapersvillo, returned to her home after visiting two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Seeley and Toronto friends. services, the -.-hurch beinjf crowded for the Sunday services, many hav- iiw to stand in vhe vestibule, even though extra chairs had been pro vided for the overflow crowd. Mr. and Mis. Herb Hawkins of Sicghampton visited on Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Frank Betts and family. L.A.C. Bob Clark of Centrulia .pent the week end leave at his par- ental home. Messrs. JacK anc' George NeveM of Durham and Clem Matter; in of Varney were callers at the home of Chat,. Nowell last week. Gr.r. Glen Croft and two boy friends of Ori'lia spent a few hour? here Saturday evening. Mr. William Phillips 'oft for thi- deer hunt to the north with the Dnr- Club tn Ardbeg. Echoes of Fevershnm Fair NOTICE I ha/e placed signs in lawful pos- ition on my farm Lots 151, 152 ; Con '!, N. E.. Artemisia, prohibiting tres passing, hunting or dogs running at will. Those who defy me, I shall prosecute. Jos. Radley. F'lesherton. Future Events ROCK MILLS Rock Mills Baptist Church special services were a success. There was an excellent attendance at almost all PLESHERTON HAZAAH The ladies of Flesherton United Church will hold tht-'.r annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2Sth. DANCE AT UUNDALK The CKN'X Ranch Boys wi'l play for a modern and Olde-Tyme dance at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Dundall:, Weu nesday, Nov. llth. y to 1, in a new program featuring the latest song hits as sung by these famous artists Proceeds for war work. Admission 50 cents. Anniversary Services of the FLESHERTON BAPTIST CHURCH NOVEMBER 8 and 9 Mr. Frank Inrig of Toronto will speak and show colored moving pictures on INDIA MISS F.TJUXOR DAVIDSON Noted Violinist, will provide special music. Everybody welcome. The Osrprey Agrk'iltual Fair Boaru met at Fovcrsham on October 21th, at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Jab. Long: to hear reports and consider some matters relative u> the work of the Pair. Thi president, John Mc- Kiiihon, presided. It is believed a deaper interest in the opportunity for improvement in our rural ta*k and betterment of agricultural pui suits is in the offing. From a financial standpoint the Board was s-Iad to report a substantial cash balnnoe and I they were unanimous in invent in,* I part jf the same in Victory Bo.-ids. Good prizes were the reward of hose who took an activs interest in he many exhibits. Some of the out- .':.! -lihg exhibits were the tlno liir,! f Shor f l>,,rn cattle exhi > u-d bv W. I. Hannah of Dundalk; ..hi outstand- ig gccd reality HerefoH hurd O f J S. Fa .'. i.l Meaford, wo-th/ in htiy show ring; Erling Marshall, Walters falls, with his show ring Clydes; light horses, L. Thihaudeau, Mark- di-le. John Bussey and J. A. Ksith, Collingrvood; Shropshire sheep, W. E. Crawford, Minessing; Leicester sheep. Wn,. Henry, Markdale. Thes e fine exhibits and appreciated in a -special way. Outstanding prize winners, includ- ing those already mentioned, were: W. Ross, Max-well, won the T. Eaton Co., silver hostess tray for best pen of five ewe lambs; W. E. Crawfrd, Minessinfr, best pen 3 mar- ket lambs; E. Hawton, Feversham, j'-'st pen three bacon hogs; Mrs. F. Hollingshead, most money won in poultry; Jas,. Ottewell, most money won in grain; Mis? Alvera Fee, most money won in roots and vegetables; Mrs. Ern. Hawton, most money in dairy; Mrs. Chas. Hanley, most money in home bak.'npr; Mrs. Cha.. Hanley, most money in canned and preserved fruits: Mrs. L. C. Champ, Dundalk, most money in ladies' work; Mrs. H, A. MoCauley, Flesherton, most money in flowers; ALf. Hawton, most prizes in markot cattle ard baby beef "grades"; Albert Moore, Ratljeros, best dairy cow; A. Keith carried away the J. W. Robinson special for best gentleman's turnout; Krling Marshall fo.- best team. Kroomcd and harnessed considered, took the Howard Francis contribu- tion; best single driver, driven by lady, went to L. Thibaudeau, Mirk- <lale, also best pair Carriage horses. The- thanks and appreciation for the assistance of exhibitors and others in makinjr the 1942 show n success, are extended. John McKinnon, D Stephens, President. Sec.-Trpas. NOTHING MAKERS NOW a, VICTORY! Use Your Axes To Help Beat the Axis If You Have Timber Suitable for SAW LOGS It is your Patriotic Duty to take out all you can, now, when it is urgently needed for war material. We have orders to fill, and we must have logs in order to supply these vitally -needed materials- We will buy your timber "on the stump," or cut into saw logs, and will pay the highest cash prices. Write BAXTER WRIGHT or phone No. 3 Dundalk Saw Mills DUNDALK, ONTARIO THEN AND NOW THEN Women wore hoop skirts, bustles, petticoats, corsets, cotton stockings, buttoned shoes, frilled cotton draw- ers; they did the cleaning, washing, ironing, raised big families, went to church on Sundays and were too busy to be sick; men wore whiskers, plug hats, ascot ties, red flannel under- wear, chopped wood, bathed once a week, drank 10 cent whiskey, 5 cent beer, rode bicycles and buggies, went in for politics, worked 12 hours a day and lived to a ripe old age. Stores burned coal oil lamps, carried every- thing from a needle to a plow, trust- ed everybody never took inventory, placed orders for goods a year in advance and always md money . . . and . . . NOW Women wear silk (or no) stock- ings, no corsets, an ounce of under- wear, have bobbed hair, smoke, paint, powder, drink cocktails, play bridge, drive cars, have pet dogs and go in for politics. Men have high blood pressure, wear no hats, little hair, shavo their whiskers, play golf, bathe twice a day, never go to bed the same day they get up, are misunder- stood at home, play the stock market, rid? in aeroplanes, drink poison, work fi"e hours a day, play ten, and die young. Stores have electric lights, cash registers, and elevators, but never have what the customer wants, trust nobody, take inventory daily, never buy in advance, have overhead, markups, mnrkdowns, quota budget, advertising, stock control, annual n nd sonii-anmml sales, end of year and anniversary sales, dollar day, founder's day, runvmnge nle, economy days, and never make any money. "Have you got a dictating machine in your office?" "Yes confound him." RADIO SERVICE We have in stock a number of "0" Batteries and Radio Packs. CAR AND RADIO WET BATTERIES Itrini! us your radio for a com- plete e n eck-up before wint e r, aa parts are hard to get A. & A. Sherson PROTO>T STATION I'hone 44rfi Dqndalk. Thank You ! And Keep on Going! * FLESHERTON * ARTEMESIA OSPREY Every one of you ha "Gone Over The Top" in Grey County's Third Victory Loan You have reason to be proud Keep on PILING IT UP Grey County Victory L,oan Committee CANADA CITIZENS OF GREY COUNTY! YOUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS YOUR SCRAP IRON AND STEEL NOW More scrap steel and iron is urgently needed if we are to produce the ships, tanks, planes, guns and munitions necessary to win this war. You are asked to do your part by turning in every available ounce of scrap metal you can find in your home or on your farm. This campaign is from November 1st to December 15th, 1942. In order to facilitate the systematic collection of scrap iron and steel in your County, Wartime Salvage Limited, a Government Company, and the Steel Con- troller, have completed arrangements with your County Warden and Township Reeve to supervise the collection and sale of the scrap iron and steel you deliver. HERE IS WHAT YOU DO Dig out every ounce of scrap iron and steel you can put your hands on. Township Groups have been formed. Find out from your Township Reeve how and where he wishes you to take your scrap. The price to be paid by Wartime Salvage Limited, a Government Company, has been fixed by the Department of Munitions and Supply as follows: 1. Price at Collection point will be $7.00 per net ton on ground. 2. For scrap loaded on cars containing .ess than 25 tons, price will be $8.50 per net ton. 3. For scrap loaded on cars containing 25 tons or more price will be $10.00 per net ton F.O.B. cars. The above prices will be paid for all forms of scrap iron and steel excluding a) Sheet Tin oi any kind, (b) Automobile Bodies and Fenders, (c) Stovepipe, and d) Wooden Attachments. I HOW TO DISPOSE OF YOUR SCRAP WHEN COLLECTED ! When you have delivered your scrap to the place designated for your Group in accordance with the instructions of your Township Reeve, you can then if I. Sell your scrap metal to the Government flgency and divide the proceeds of such sale among the various members of your Group to which you will be appointed by your Township Reeve, or if 2. You may donate your scrap metal to the Voluntary Salvage Corps or Committees functionina in your Community, or if 3. You may sell your scrap metal to the Government flgency and then turn over part or all of the proceeds of this sale to the Local Salvage Corps or Local War Charities. Your contribution to the war effort is simplified by this arrangement. Don't wait until you are urged by your Township officials to do this all-important work. Get busy right away. Canada needs, and must have, tons of scrap iron and steel now if we are to keep our fighting forces armed and ready to win through to victory. TURN YOUR SCKAP STEEL HGHTIHG STEEL issued under authority of: Department of Munitions and Simply Department 01 N :ion? '.Var Services Wartime Salvage Limited! (Addrta all Communication! to War/in. SoJvoyi LimHtd, Ottawa; SM 2 \