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Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1942, p. 4

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.Wednesday, October 21, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE UseY our Axes To Help Beat the Axis If You Have Timber Suitable for SAW LOGS It is your Patriotic Duty to take out all you can, now, when it is urgently needed for war material. We have orders to fill, and we must have logs in order to supply these vitally-needed materials We will buy your timber "on the stump," or cut into saw logs, and will pay the highest cash prices. Write BAXTER WRIGHT or phone No. 3 Dundalk Saw Mills DUNDALK, ONTARIO J0Vj, MAXWELL The Women's 1 Institute met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross, with a good attendance. The afternoon was spent in sewing and knitting. A short program was enjoyed and soc- ial time spent. Mrs. Hargrave of Dundalk visited with Mrs. Hyslop and John and call- ed on old friends and neighbors. Mr. Chas. Fenwick of Toronto visited his brothers here last week. Miss Ethel Fenwick, Reg.N., of Collingwood is visiting at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brodie visited in Creemore on Sunday. The Victory Loan service held in the church here was very interesting. Mayor Case of Oweh Sound gave a very fine address and the singin? of the Flesherton mixed quartette was a treat. This war is proving tough on able- bodied persons who hare been mak- ing a career of relief. FNshei-ton United Church Rev. K. <;. McMillan. Pastor 11 a.m. Worship, Flesherton. 12.15 Sunday School, Flesherton. 2 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon. 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon- 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesh- erton. Morning Subject: "Faith tht will fail." Sunday evening a set of pictures will be shown with the title. "The Church in Honan Rides the Storm." They tell how even though the mis- sionaries left Honan, conquered area in China, to go to West China, nevertheless the Church carries on there. They give us up-to-date in- formation about some of the most recent happenings in China. Another good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said. Information is something you have but can't use, while rumor is some- thing the other fellow uses because he has no information. Future Events ROCK MILLS L.A.C. Bob Clark and boy friend of Centralia spent a few days' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ClarU Mr. Thos. Gilliland is steadilv im- proving and is able to be up some each aa^. Gnr. Ted Croft of Petawawa spent two days' leave at his home. Mrs. Humphries of Toronto Line North Is at present visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hargrave. Mr. Fred Harjrrave attended the purebred stock sale at Chatsworth and purchased a fine registered animal. Mr. K. r. Pedlar and dnufhtor, Mrs. Stafford, of Frvorohnm wore caller* nn oiir line lait work in con- nection with he TTomo Front Ap- ponl r/ t^ip RnH'nMfn Arm'-. Mrt M. TV>Tenn 'i't/? Mr. VP<I Prnff ia on our litp t WPflV. flTV c Mn< 1 ' "Tl tfi fntv rwW f of rtiTMhino- H i 'ikM" ttmt wilt flnlxh Min fnl' 1 . throhin(T bv end rtf nor* went K T M T. F Y Mrs. MoMnllen hn* received word of the safe arrival in Knelnnd of her son. C.S.M. Herb tfcMauen. Mrs. Leslie McMnllon viitpd x wok with Mrs. TT"rh MrMullnn at A11'"ton. TTin flrt mpptin- of the Y.P.S was Md Tuesday nieht at the pnr husband and brothers, Don and Har- old Graham, who are employed with the Mackay Construction Co., work- ing on the new Alaskan highway. We are sorry to report Miss Naomi McConnell ill in Markdale hospital. Mr. ami Mrs. Earl Francis and baby, Donald, Mrs. Vic. Smart and children called on Mrs. S. S. Burritt on Monday. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. There's just as much sense in .orrying, as there is in advisinp others not to. Mri TV T, Wphor 1 v?it!"< **< Aloxnmrtor it PM- VM C,arr\i>t P"Vr l or, t^o rM"'>> for now r r ~~\. pr vin M!/ !- P.M.,,. '-- '--- BAILEY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh FLESHERTON BAZAAR The ladles of Flesherton United Church will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 28th. GET \OUR SUITS, OVERCOATS AT FEVERSHAM, OCTOBER 29 I wi'.l be at RobinsonV Ftore, Fev- ersham on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 29th, from 12 noon to 6 pjn., with a full line tf samples- for men's over- coats and suits. Perfect fit guaran- teed. All made to your measure. G. S. DUNDAS Tailor Markdale, Ont RADIO SERVICE \\> have in stock a number of "B" Batteries and Radio Packs. CAR AND RADIO WBT BATTERIES Bring us your radio for a com- plete c^eck-up before wint*r, at parti are hard to ett. A. & A. Sherson PROTON STATION Ph*M 44r6 ntindslk. NOTICE Mr. J. F. P. Birnie, BA, K.C., Barrister of Owen Sound, gives notice that he will carry on the bus- iness of Walter E. Harris during the time Mr. Harris is serving in His Majesty's Canadian Forces. The office in Markdale will be open each day as usual and Mr. Birnie will be there per- sonally on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. CAR OF BARLEY to be unloaded THURSDAY, OCT. 22nd $29.00 per Ton at Car O. & A. Co-Operative FLESHERTON, Ont AND Cured Meats PHONE 47 We save you money "" . * - * . # * YOU HAVE t fv' i . ,. THE RIGHT NUMBER... -...;. * "wy-*-- tV'n--* . CQNSUtffty ^DIRECTORY Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your tlr|ilmni> i" |>rt of a vast iiifrr/orA-iiitf nyloin in.w carrying an Hlinnriiiiil wiirtiinii lunil. Don't l.-l iic"illi-H(li'liiy hold up m<'8BU( on whii-h prodOOtlan rllicicury may ilcpi'iiil. The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription $750 9 000 9 000 VICTORY" LOAN Dated and bearing interest from 1st November 1942, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which U optional with the subscriber, as follows i Fourteen-year :i Bonds Due 1st November 1B56 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 101% Callable at 101 Jg In or after 1993 Interest payable Lit May and November Bearer (It-nomination-, 950, 9100, 9500, 91.000, 95,000, 925,000 Issue Prices IOO ^. yielding 3.06% to maturity Three and one-half year \*A% Bonds Due 1st May 1046 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 100% Non-callable to maturity Interest payable 1st May and November Bearer denomination*, 91,000, 95,000, 925,000, $100,000 Issue Priee: 1OO%, yielding 1-75% to maturity Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest senii-annually, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Rank. Boiids may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as detailed in the Official ProMpectus, through any agency of the Bunk of Canada. SultM*rl|liunM for .-iili.-r or both nmlurlilN of i In- town may In- paid In fall at the tine of npiilit'iitioii in lilt* |NMII |irlc<> In a'li -ii.- without ;i--r-il :i; -r->f . ll>jtr*r bonfNwith COIIIMMIS will b > nvwi)(ibl< > for prompt <l>llv<>rv. KubN*riptionN maynlHO bi> ntiilt> pnvablt* bv lntitalni*Nta, pluN Uffrut-d ititrNl. HN follow N IO . on n|i|ilifn<ion; 111% on 111% on iMt frVbi-iiarv Imt !><-<-i-nil-r !M ; i :. ; on th<> : hondw OR I H.;{ on III 1 '; on 2nd January 111% on Int ' I. ;!! i <!; I-S'\- lonils. on 1st April ltll:i. Th> IUNI pnyiiunt on I si April ItM.'l. covcra ih<- final pnyaa ( >ni of principal, plus .tt7 of I % In < lie vttfH- of i In- :t% RiondN mid ,'W of 1 91 In the ease of t lie I ,'', iNindw ri-|>r,VNi-iniiiii ucerucd iiUeresl from iNt >\ e.le-r l I a. to Illf du> l<tf of llu> i-<->|x-M i vo iiisi:ilin,-it. x. The Minister of Kinunce reserves the rifilit to act-opt or tt> allot the whole or any purt of the amount of this loan >nl.-, i ii.. ,! fir either or l>ot!i UI.HH. u K - if total subscriptions are in excess of $'.;>(MHHt,tXiO. The pnx-oeds of this loan will be used by I he (loveriuiient to tiiumee <-v|.<-n.lii urt--. for war purposes. Subscript ions may be iiuulc through any Victory Loan Siilcsmuiu t'ie Nulioital Vi ar l''iii:)ii*e GOBmittM or any representative ihert-of, any brunch in Cnnnda of any Chartered Bank, or any atithori/.el Savings Bank, Trust or I.naii Company, from whom may be obtained application forms aiul copies of the (Mlicial l'ros|>octus containing complete il.-i.nU of the loan. The lists will open >n l*th October 1412, imi wilichv^eon or aixuit 7th November I" 12, with or without iiotice, at (he discretion of the Minister of Finance. ])<'l><irliiii-nl nl I u,,, Otlatrn, t6th

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