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Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1942, p. 2

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Over Hills and Rivers Winds the Road to Alaska Rivers, trees, mountains and clouds form a picturesque backdrop for the highway to Alaska being built from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to Fairbanks by the U. S. Army. Here Army engineers hava thrown a wooden bridge across a muddy stream, Using more than 3000 logs. This permanent struc- ture will be widened by the Public Road Administration sometime in the future. Alcan highway is scheduled to open Dec. 1. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING TURPENTINE Southern pine trees and the skill of American chemists are supply- Ing tbe United States with a ver- satile product in which Japan once held a tight monopoly, writes Dr. C. M. A. Stlne, vice-president ad- rlsory on research and develop- ment of the duPont de Nemours and Company for Science Service. This is camphor, an Important Ingredient of thousand* of peace- time and wartime products from liniments, unguents, stimulants and other Pharmaceuticals to scuffles* plastic heel covering on women'i shoes, movie films (which use hundred* of thousands of pounds), military drafting Instru- ments and motorcycle windshields. State camphor trees of the Or- ient have for thousands of years been giving off their fresh and heady odor an odor that carries for miles. Many centuries ago the natives learned to distill the cam- phor wood, iii'inx- crude bamboo tubes to condense the snow-white crystals. These they pressed Into small amulets to Insure health and to serve as symbols of pagan be- lief. It In rni'l that the Arabian physicians of the eleventh century appreciated the medicinal valna of camphor. German, Swiss and Italian plants were turning synthetic camphor out early In the twentieth century and a "art was made on this con- tinent In 1900. Several other ef- forts were also m ul> during the first third of the century, but large-scale operations did not 1m- rln until the duPont company opened Its camphor plant In 1932. Turning out close to fiOO.OOO pounds of camphor a month, this plant now produces moxt of the cam- phor manufactured In the U. S. Plnone, the starting material for camphor production, Is a clear, watery fluid which looks and smells much like turpentine. In fact, tur- pentine Is 95 pwent plnon*>, which '- distilled off. The world's largest diamond, the Cull i nan, which weighed 3,106 carats when found in South Africa, was cut into nine principal stones. A FAMOUS BRAND iqdett's FINE CUT in tlin ourly '90's. when J. H. Wallace drove a herd of cattle up into Alberta from Idaho and started the now famous Wal- lace Ranch, tho "Hat" Brand wai hia identification. Th brand is still in use by Ross Ranches, at Aden, Alberta "HAT" Brand of the WALLACE RANCH Have You Heard? An American go-getter, visiting Scotland for the first time, found himself puzzling over the dialect of the hotel porter. Taking the man for a foreigner, he Inquired his nationality. "I belong to Scotland, bonule Scotland," replied the porter proud- ly. "And far A' ye cam frae " "Prom th greatest country tho world has ever known," boasted the American. "Mon," exclaimed UM Scot, "what an. awfa peety ye've lost your accent!" o Brown: "You know, no mat- ter where I hide my money, my wife always finds It." White: "My wife never finds mine. I keep It In the basket with my undarned socks." o The young man nt the social gathering boasting of his Arctic explorations. He gazed at the beautiful girl he was trying to Im- press. ".!:-; Imagine." ha said drama- tically, "an enormous Ice-floe!" "Yes. I'd like an Ice," said the girl absently, "but my name ten't Flo!" o Visitor (looking over battle ihlp): "And what do you i*ilori do when the ship springs a Irak''" Gob "Aw, we just put a pan under It, ma'am." o The newly-marrlod couple were just leaving the registrar's office whon tho wife remembered she had registered her age as a year older than -ii.- actually wa. "Ooh, nover mind," replied hw husband, "ye'll get the auld age iH'TiKiiin a year sooner." o Teacher "Junior, can you tell me the difference between perseverance and obstinacy?" Junior "One Is a strong will and the other a strong won't." During a recrudescence of white feather distribution a spinster seeking victims om acrom a youDK man milking a cow. "Why aren't you at the front?" she blurt<Ml out. "Cos there's no milk at that end," ho answored with a grin. o "Hallo, old man, I haven't een you for some time." "I've been In bed for seven weekt." "That's too bad. Flu, I aup- poae?" "Yes, and crashed." Motlici': "Alfle tolto me they told him In school today as how Co- luini.ii . traveled 3,000 mil" on a gnlllon." KilhiT. "(!o on, Mm l>oy didn't ought to lii'llnvn all tlit-no motor Hales mon's yarns." o Wife: 'It saya here that the average person ipeaks 10,000 words a day." Husband: "Yet, dear but you're far above the average, you know." Film Shows Work Of Forestry Corps A film, "Wood for War," nindt in co-operation with th<< Caivndinn Army Film Unit, i on Its way from I .null. n It shows men of tlie i ';IM:I.|I;.U Forestry Corps at work in Scotland's forests helping to provide timber pssi'iitiul to I'M tain' war effort. All Canada Is then-, from Kast to West. Tho Kft'iit trees fall; they float down the Scottish rivers to her iiiw null: 1 ; they brcomo pliinK .. The finished timber appears as liridK*s, pontoons, army hutments. HOWJCAN I? Q. How can I make a substitute knob If the original comes off the lid of a kettle or pan? A. Slip a screw through the holo, with the head on the inside of the lid, then ccrew a cork on the pro- truding end. This knob will not become hot, and It can be renewed easily when It has become spoiled. Q. How can I make a dry sham- poo? A. Mix two ounces of cornmeal with one ounce of powdered orris root. Sprinkle this powder In the hair and then brush thoroughly. Q. HOT* can I chop uuts quickly? A. Instead of chopping nuts for cakes or cookies, try placing them In a cloth and running the roll- ing pin over them. Q. How can I keep the shower curtain in good condition? A. Aftei taking a shower, alwaya be sure to draw the shower cur- tain out along the rod to dry. Toe air must get to It and let It dry out, in order to prevent damage to th fabric and possible mildew. Q. How can I make a dessert with left-over rice? A. Left-over cooked rice can be made into a delicious desaert by adding to it some chopped apple*, diced pineapples, marshntaltowB, and whipped cream. Put Into rnokte. Modem Etiquette 1. When a man and a woman are engaged to be married , isn't it permissible for them to kins in public, and otherwise show their devotion? 2. What should one <lo when dummy during a bridge game? Watoh the game or leave the table and walk about the room? 3. In which hand should the fork be held when conveying food to the mouth, and the knife is not re- quired? 4. When a man is accompany- ing a woman who does not smoke and he knows that she does not object to hte smoking, is it neces- sary for him to ask permission each time he wishes to smoke? 5. When a person has finished eating, isn't it helpful if he will stack the empty dishes? ANSWERS 1. No. Such demonstrations should be reserved for their priv- acy. It shows very poor taste for them to display their love in pu4>- lic, and provokes unkind comments and criticism among their asso- ciates. 2. It is poor manners to leave the table during the progress of the game, and is much nicer to show an Interest in the manner in which your partner is playing the hand. 3. The right hand. 4. Not at all; If he has already ask- ed permission once or twice, it would be somewhat monotonous to keep repeating the request. 5. He may consider it helpful, but it is certainly not good form to do so. The dishes should remain as they are until the waiter remove* them. 'Flying Scotsman" Maintains Schedule Eighty years ago, in June, 1862, the first "Flying Scotsman" pulled from No. 10 platform King's Cross, London, at 10 o'clock A.M. and, with but one or two exceptions, this aristocrat am- ong trains has left the same plat- form at the same time every day since then, says the Canadian National Magazine. The story of the "Flying Scots- man" is railway history indeed it is more, it is the railway history of five reigns. Since its first run every thing worth while in rail- way practice has been bestowed upon it. The original train of about six small coaches has grown through the years to the magnifi- cent pre-war fourteen or sixteen coach luxury hotel on wheels that transformed the journey to Scot- land into a most pleasant adven- ture. WHY YOU'LL HAVE BAKING SUCCESS WITH CALUMET ICALUMfll * "'OUHI CII' BAKING POWDER dayt, no woman can *- afford to risk cake failures. To make sure their cakes are always gloriously light and tender with what cake experts call "velvety- crumb" so niuny women are using Calumet Double-Acting Baking Powder. DOUBLE-ACTION SAFEGUARDS SUCCESS With Calmnct, two separate leaven- ing actions protect your cake from start to finish. The first action takes place when you add liquid to the dry ingredients. Thousands of tiny bubbles go surging through the batter making it light and fluffy. A second leavening action takes place in the oven. Released by heat, (houHands more tiny bubbles slowly lift your cake high and hold it there. They inuke fining even and t>tcudy and assure a rake thut'tt soft as fincat velvet. TRIPLE KONOMY TOO < '.ilnm.-i i> a thrifty biking powder brciute it |ivs 10 much for to lltlle. 1 It coil* vnry liuln In bny. 2 Mot recipes rail for only 1 tmipoon of Culumet to rich cup of flour. 3 Id il.inl'li-,11 ii,.ii I* timed and Imlnnred to asuuro thn mi ui in bnking protection nnd perfection. fOR SURER RESULTS IN BAKING BUY CALUMST FROM YOUR GROCER TODAY LIB DOUBLE- ACTtNCr- BAKINC POWB London Taxi Army In First Tryout Home guardsmen in scores of taxicabs sped out of London to Epping Forest before dawn Oct. 4 and successfully fought off an "at- tack" on a convoy of trvcks It was the first tryout of the taxicab army organized by Lon- don's Home Guards, and the dili- gent, part-time soldiers acted with .You GIRLS WHO SUFFER* If you suffer monthly cramps, back- 4Ciie, distress of "Irregularities," nervousness due to functional monthly disturbances try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Tablet., (with added Iron). Made ftpecially for women. They also help build up red blood. Made In Canada. the greatest energy. Military umpires ruled that the car-borne troops succeeded in re- pelling a parachute attack on the motor convoy. The idea was an adaptation of the French trans- port of troops from Paris to the Marne River in 1914. A few hours later the taxis and their drivers were bade at their accustomed stands. BETTER RECORDS are REQUIRED to meet today's Merchandizing problems. Payroll Records are NECESSARY Worry and expense preparing Government Returns can be eliminated by using a RAMSAY SYSTEM Designed to fit your needs, and your purse From J6.75 to $70.00. Write for Details RAMSAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 200 Bay St. - Toronto - Deft, 31 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ACCORDIO.YS WANTED ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid for piano accordions, twelve to hun- dred and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Miuleal InMtrunient Department _ Torotilo _ AGEXTS WASTED WANTED NOW! tXJCAL AGENTS In country and town spare time. We operate a six hundred acre nursery stock the best In fruit and ornamental trees. shrubs, roses. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Tr/rnnio. lll!\\\IM. II4IOK AND OUTFIT ARTISTS AND ART STCDENTS Here is the book that you have been looking for. SIMPLIFIED DRAWING by Charles Carlson. A complete drawing course in Illustration with over 1,000 drawings, only $2.00 post- paid. OR SIMPLJF1ED DRAWING and outfit Including:, drawing board, drawing pad, pencils, ruler, eraser, water colour paints and charcoal for $4.00 postpaid. Artists' Supply Company. 16 dould St., Toronto. ASTROLOGY ASTUUUKJY: AMAZING TRIAL rending. Send birthdate and dime. "Delmarr", Box 29. Cres- icnt. IU'. _ \l in Mi i HI 1,1 > I'SED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIKES. Sec ua first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 204V Vonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- r.inl... Tvli-phnno I1Y. -181. _ II Mil dill KS POULTIIYKEEPERS PLAN FOR big thing* for 1943. Order your Itrny Chli-ks for November-Bec- ember delivery now and make uro of getting what you want when you want them. Hatch just off. Hruy Hatchery, 130 John St. N. Hamilton. Ont. _ HOOKS ll\ MAM. SKNI> FOR Grit CAREFULLY compiled list of book*, of the best fiction and non-fiction by world famous authors, at low prices. The De Luxe Libraries, 71 ijiii'i'ii St. \\ '.. SUPERFLUOUS HAII I:\IIN i:\Titv ( \MI iv .SI-AUK TIMI: AN YON H CAN SELL GOODWILL Christmas 1'rirds in betuitiful Kift boxes at 33 cents to $1.00 per box. You make up to half of selling prlrf. Send for price list anil free Personal Album of ex- quisite designs, some with mill- tiiry crests at 18 for a dollar ami up. <>r aend $2.00 for six sample LIOXCH containing 90 fold- em. Goodwill. Suite 717. 60 Front West, ToniiHo. _ FAIIM KOH SAI.I-: FOH SALE -ONK HUM.KKn AND ninety acres, twelve miles from Guelph on Hamilton highway. close to Church and school. Beau- tiful stone house, large tmrn. modern pig pen, lien house and Hhevp pen. all hydro equipped. Trout stream and small hike; would nmke Ideal country estate. I* Juchlinci'k. liiirber Avenue. Uuelph. i MOI roil vAi.t: 250 ACUKS. NU'lOLY SlTl'ATKP. one of >>i, best farms in Guelph township. In pink of condition. plenty water, excellent gravel. This farm hns never been rented. Would make ideal dairy farm. .1. Mi-Anln.-li. Huelpli, Ont. 4. FAIIM Ittiril'MKVT Sl'1'VlAI.S WHILE THEY LAST Melotte Cream Separators, new nml rebuilt; MeU'tte. Magnet and Premier Seimmtor Parts; rebuilt Full ami Semi- IMe.sel K':I;IM,S 18-22 H.I', liliii-kstone, 20-23 II. P. IVut/.. 20 1 1.1'. Marshall. 211-23 H.I'. Fiilrliiinku; Punip.s anil Wat- er Systems; t'oal and Wood Stoves, rebuilt Let* Mills, Grind- crs. Farm Hammer Mills. Lister Gasoline Knigiiu'N: nno only new Super 102 MM^sey-llarrls Tractor; ono only New Idea Manure Sprt-ailri . OIK- inly practically new 5' Mowi" Machine: iVmeni Mixer: Turnip I'ulper; Hay Ita'ut and r.iii.l. i Lister Diesel I'.n- glue niul Marshall Engine Paris; new Washing Machines; Paint Special Greys anil blow us nt $1.2,'i per milluh. S. ,\. LiMer, Stewart Sir. -I'!. Toronto _ wvvrKU WAITING CLIENTS FOR FAIIM anil small nrroar.r in all par's of Ontario: Ktiarnnlccil snle l:i a few ilays It price right. Reiiloti Realty. iil'1 Ml Plrasnnt ltd. i "is > \ i.i ll TOvVNNHII' 15 miles from Toronto 16U acre-;. 2 Houses :iml 2" t'.'U'ns. $1U, 000,00. Must M'll In cli'KC esrtte. Public Tnixtee, ().-.:;iMiilr Hall. Tornnlo. _ I-'OOT HAI.M UAUMKUKA I'MtiT IJAl.M desires ufleilHlvo oil.-r Instiinlly. 4&c buttle. oilnwn itKint l>enman I'rim Sl.ire, On.'iwn. u VIIII>III:SM;V<. M iititii. I.EAII.N ll.Vlltl UKSSI.Vi THE Ut>\i. >ilson niethnil lnrm in ,u.. n on reiiuesi reKai'ilni-i c.'-isscs. iioh.irt- son's Ita'ulisTMiiK Acntiem. 1.17 Aventir Ki<l\i!. "1'oiunto. Alter others (ailed, we hare mme- ceeded In removing mfelr, ' ff~- mum nib, tke most fiiltliora rase* of Huperflous hair, ever see* la> Toronto. NOT ELECTROLYSIS but a safe, nen, scleatlfle ruMko* full? guaranteed permaaeat (to ... Write or call DERMAT CLINIC (7th Vear la Toronto) VODKC St. (Opp. jr*rthwa7*B) Free Consultation HORSES FOR SALH FOR SALE PERCHEROM 8TAI- lions. Captlvator Jr., Brant Cap- tlvator, Brilliant B. and Napoleon to close estate. C. Bawtlnhelmer, Route 6. St. Thomas. Ont. HEALTH REMEDY HEALTH. VIGOR AND VITAL1TT Is worth more than dollars. Wo- man 78 crippled several year* with Arthritis now enjoys health and happiness, thanks Qod for Lang's Mineral Remedy. Writ* for this woman's own statement. Thousands found same genuine relief from Rheumatism. Stomach troubles. Kidneys, Nerves. Coli- tis, Piles. Eczema. Female ail- ments, Rundown, etc., from using this nature product. Acts on blood stream, used over fifty years. Free Information, Lang's Mineral Remedies. 94S Uobsoo Street, Vancouver. _ MARE FOR -\1.K FOR SALE MARE. FIVE YEARS old, reliable, single, weight 1100. Earl Fisher. Wooilvllle, Ontario. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT EVERY SUFFKR- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dlxon's Remedy. Munro's i"-.i.. Store, SIS Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. _ REGULAR 75c BOX NOW 2 FOR $1.00 (OCTOBER O S L Y) C. HUDSON Spear. Sussex, N.B. says "Appetite Increased, slept better. found them a good tonic for run down condition." Send for 2 boies to- day. Orford R. Morlssey, 637 Main St.. Saint John. N.I!. _ MITX WANTED FIFTEEN MEN FOH TANNERY labour, one Third floss fireman nnd two Fourth Class firemen. Apply Employment & Selective Service Office, 131 Sixth Street N'pw Toronto. Ont. _ UYEIMi A CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NKtiDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information We are triad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Work! Limited. 79< \ ong Street To- ronto _ 01.0 KICK HKWIIVKN *KW RUGS. NEW HUGS MADE FROM old. Uomin'on RUK WenrlnR t'om. pnny. 964 <;n..-.-i St IV.. Toronto. \Vrl1p for oookl,< _ I'ATKNTS FKTHEKSTONHAUGII Jk l.'OMPANf Patent Solicitors Established 18SIU; 14 Kin.B u , , Toronto. Bodklet or lurormation on if 'ATEXTS * TH MAHKS EGKKTON It. fASK. ItEGISTKRKI) United states. Canadian, liritijh Patent Attorncv. l.ooklet icratia. Established over forty years, (t I'alsam Avenue. Toronto. PKUNOVU. ! Q"H'K UK LIEF FROM EOaKM \ anil other skin diseases with "No. &". It works wonders. Stops Itch promptly, heals skin quick- ly. Kllk's Medicino IV.. Bo JI. Pert. If.. S iskatiion. Sask. i'i:uso\Ai. OPERATIONS AND I 1.1. N K t) S avoided. Why not enjoy life* In- quire. No obligation. .st-,m,. . nppre.-lated. Nature l^vws. Box ."7J. Hr.-iiulnn. Ma n. _ I'OI I.'I'HV \VA!\"I'KII POULTUY \\ANTEH -TmGHKST market prices. \Vrlte for price list. M p Mali. SI Jnrvi* St.. Toronto. DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I'hr Hi .1 Hula, or llnll HAVE YOUR SNAPS I' -;.,,.,.,.,) b]i Mull Any or 3 > ;,i.-.u: Him p>rrevi:> ii>'\ . ini'.'ii :iml prinU'rt for only sic Snpu-nie ijnnliiy nr J rust service IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE SililKHi I l\irunto inii I >: vi'it HIGHLY l;i:rnMM|.:.M>i;i) ... KV- cry sufferer of Uheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Plxon's Rsmadjr, Munro's Priuv Store. : Vj liUili. Ottawa. I'K.stpnIJ tl.OI). SIHUCI'IIAM) GKKiiG SilOKTHANh ~ SYSTKU of I'hainpioiiN. Taught in lendiMK schools, i.rem: Publishlnir IV- l-'uiy. Toi .nt... o-ifirlo. r'42

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