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Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1942, p. 1

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'VOL. 62; NO. 21 FLESHERTON, OXT, WBDXESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1942 \V. H. Tburttoo & on, Publishers COMMENCEMENT NOTHING MAI TEKS NOW ?'JT Hon. F. R. Oliver Anspices of Vktory Loan Committee and FleshertOB Hish School HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, October 23rd, 8 p.m. Flesherton Over The Top In Third Victory Loan Drive Far the third time in three Victory Loan campaigns, Fteaherton ias again jcc^. ;^* dr=: m'-isacipa^:. go over die top ia the Thir I . . . _ .:. drive. . . ^t attainment waa _..._.. . ktti Wednesday cooa, wrsec :c was zounc :oa; i . had rsuied $21.^c~. ...... _ . >. ila^> : ,... dM the .... too nigh, bu~ . spondee nooly ano Fie^iertoz again lends Grey Cou;... .. .-.' townSi. .. beer . .r aired ana many peopie I I contact--: :vo:i"<rc. c.n;j of J. A. R.. .- A. McTav- :<ii, _.... - _ -isicvi to >io so. Osprey town- ship v- .-- ? pr\>irress..-.g satis- :... : >' ur. :=: . . . ~.-n oi H. \V. kernahan and C. N. L.. _ -. .i ..-..-. also, will be o\r : M '- y -: ~ weeks a re ov^r A pat the entire Fiei.'.crtcr.. .'. aad Osprey Distru- "7 25c Burned To Death APPLE BLOSSOMS PICKED S , IX FLESHEKTOV OCT. K* JflS, pple trees in Flechertoa are attempting a secoad clap '-his 2^ ar< doe to the open faH. Mr. Jos. Dun- can brought in two sail snubs of ar. apple tree on which were * cosber of large apple blossoms aad apples just forming. ThT=*< flowers were picked oo Sunday. Octuoer lien. L**: week some npe strawberries I . :--.:.-:- . : ..-'. - ?: ' rcw/iLship a family was fortunate enough to hare a raspberry - from which was pick. f ripe raspberries. I* hat v- ., ... -:z fall g to hare an open . 50 Years of Service Suitably Recognized Observes . BORN McCAXNELL At Mrs. Xuhn's Nursing Home. Flesherton. on Sat- urday, Oct. 17th, 19-ti. to L.A.C. Arthur McCannell and Mrs. McCan- nell (nee Naomi Jackson) of Proton Station, the gift of a daughter. Sandra Ruth (daddy overseas). RUSSELL Mr. and Mr*. Laurie Russel. (tu'; Mary Bejnrose) Toron- to, wish to announce the birth of their son, I\>uglas Laurie, at the Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday. October 15th. Another new party is to be form- ed in Quebec. We seem to remember a childhood story about someone who had a party to which nobbdy came. DIED THOMPSON At Toronto on Saturday. October 17th, 1*12, Laura Lome O'Brien, beloved wife of Wm. J. Thompson of Newmarket, and :v.ot'.;f. of Fivd. R.C_\.F.; Gordon Lome Scots, and Dorothy. Toronto. Funeral held Tuesday. Oct. itnh, with service in Trinity United Church. Xe.vniarket, at 2.30 pan., interment in Newmarket Cemetery. Many a tired business man who claims his baby kept him up all night isn't telling a lie. Toronto grocer has been fined $400 for raising prices. He probably hit the ceiling after the ceiling hit him. Wallpaper \Ye have just received our shipment of UM3 pat- terns. Large range to choose from. 10'\- discount allowed on all other papers in stock. FALL CLEAN-UP SUGGESTIONS Floor Coverings. Bliiuls. Mattresses. Floor Wax. Furniture Polish, etc. RADIOS. \Ve still have a limited supply of Electric and Ratten- Setts. USED FURNITURE. 6-piece Bedroom Suite. walnut finish: v>-piece Studio Suite, steel construc- tion, spring-filled, blue clover cloth covering: Wash Stands, etc. BENNETT & RICHARDS Home Furnishers phone 78 Flesherton 60% OF OUR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN Splendid Report of Rock Mills Workers The annual meeting of the Rock Mills War Workers was held at Akitfs cabin on Thursday with elev- en ladies present. A letter was read from Col Mrs. Peacock of the Salva- tion Army. Toronto, tharkin^ the group for a recect shipment. I ~.e annual reports showed total expert- tures of lUMi with the total re- ceipts $12*J>0. leaving a balance on hand of fcXVii'. Good shipped to the Salvaiiou Army from Oct. 14th. 1*41. to Oct.. li42. were as fallows: 1 ,;u:'.:*. knitted aftrhan donated ?y R.-vrX. Mills school children. 24 girls' dress- es, 4 ladies' house dresses. 1 man's ororcoat, 1 suit coat and vest. ladies' coat, 6 pair* boys' pyjamas, 1 child's tarn. 1 child's slip, i eirls' pullovers. 4 pairs boys pants' 2 c blouses. 5 boys' pu'.lovers. 2 pairs of child's bloomers. '1 pair ladies' bloom- ers. 1 ladies' skirt. 1 layette of 32 pieces. 1 layette of 19 pieces. 1 lay- ette of 27 pieces. Knitted garments sent in to the Fleshenon A Arteraesia Red Cross during the same period were: 6 turtle neck sweaters. 2 sleeveless swvaters. ' 33 pairs service socks. 3 pairs Ion? I seamen's s\vk*. S pairs mitts. 6 scarves. Thf election of officers for the coming year was held, resuJtimr as follows: Pres. -Mrs, Richard Clark. Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Sam Phillips. Ass:. S*c.-Treas. ^Irs. N. Croft. Yarn and Sewing Convenor Mrs. W. Akitt. The Rock Mills War Workers ack- nowledge with thanks the receip: of a complete layette of 32 pieces fr- :-. Mrs. Sam Hawkins. $th Une. Osprvy. Jo'-r. Hopkir.s. a.r<rd !- years. WAS found burre-.i :o ,:<:a:h ir. ar. building in Westov. :o-c.: rwo companions. Robt. Campbell. l~. i-d Kesr.eth Rhodes. 16. all of Wes- tor.. early Saturday morning IAS:. The fire is of a mystc"- -- r _-.-. a the building was padlock^-. :': . - ie. It is :hcu-.:r.: tr.-\: e:::r . was made throt^rh a window. Hop- kins and Camobe.I were on : backs on the floor when the W c s". n fire brigade arrived ar . .. - near a wiadw. _ .: > tbooght the >v_ - . --.t-red. The late Jack Hopkins was a s.-r of Mr. Delbert Hopkins, formerly tt FJeshertoo. who survives. :^><ethe with four brothers. Delben of M:. Dennis. WilLani a=d Or-al .: West- on. and Alex of Kingston, ar.d one sister. Mrs. Ray Richards ton Park. He attended public and high school in FWshertor. and ::. three years ago to Westor.. where he was employed with the Na-.ior.Ai SteeJ Car Con-v . A ?lea ; - - in St. 1st - ".' evening, vrj-.c-. >[rs. . T - ' . . was presented -v::h a s.u&s:j. .1 zi-;::^y .z - . r _; years :' - - .t -is MgVBist :' . -i 50 years a- org arches. Mrs. BLac-i : - -:-.. . . - 'I *r*lc* The a.iir*s was read by 3fr. Geo. Cs - . :he "i.T.ey 'ras made by Mrs. W--- M.vre. >[rs. Blaokburr. rvcl re very gracious niarner and rev- some eve-.:< thai n.a: ,xx -ors. Rev. W. H. was pra spoke very h c-'.y Mrs. Rise'* -er wxTk ar.xi recaile-d his . : .- : - . ':. -.he la:e Jcs Bkickborn. Rev. W. MoCl.-- - on the work of the Bible Societj showed rr . - the ] sent war s A short _- I was rrt* i rt-ad-r.i: by Mrs. W. I. H. .. sok iy MUs Gentv.ev-- M several dl ' - - ". C : " T . Mils _ - \ ..i!Vc run-,b<r '.v;^ - - His 90th Birthday Mr. James Beet of Victoria Cen- ^brated h Mth birthday anni- versary on Saturday iaaug ai hi* home. His nephew and wife, itr. aad Mrs. Cha.5. Best, entertained in his honor to dinner, the guests beog. i^ster. Mrs- Aiex. Stewart, of Owea Seamd, aa.d tiree ftanghar*. Baa, Ol. I B -i. his brother, J. T. Be*-. .: S-i-g-rr. jt_ and was Eari and R.:v ar | " irf Best Mr; Sist was i son of Mr. and Mrs. Gee. &e- .j.d eotee from Ireland. He was borm ia .--"_ : .r farm - brother, ..- - .-. Sjjgvea. For I the 7 . "".tr oai resided s> '-ay. jast : ; . ; .-. varied career and early SB fife _ : hauid on the T- " - Railway aad . - RESERVE AKM\ WILL A. TEND J. BENNETT ME.MOK1.VL SEK\ K V Heavy Advertising Again this week T'-v A.ivince is flooded with advertising, mainly for the Third Victory Loan now ::-. pro- icivss. and we arv forced to with- hold some correspendonce. S..- n-.uch was held over las; week that we could not print all. so we are forcxv. to cancel all budgets entirely the names of Thanks(pivin(ir visitors. We wish you to read all adver. -. ments. and especially those ir. tht interests of the Victory Loan, be- cause "nothing matters but victory-" A n-.esi'.-rtal strv . .. -e heki at - - - r-.-;tei L" - memory of Sergt. John B<- ^ .. .: ^ vv . . . .is a ;r meaKr I :' -e Grey ar.d S:rr:c--e Forwter*, . >:cxi with the Batt.i las: fall t>.e K.C_\. F.. graduating as an \:~ vj^aaer Hr been ;a EngliirK: :vrc T. The Members of "B" I attend in a body ar.d w -.'.' me^>t at the armories t 2 p.m. A!' ^lenttvrs are urged to attend to ray the.r last respects to a for .:: .- Newly Weds Honored (By Ceylon Reporter^ A larvrv crowd of frieixls an\i neighbors frvun Arteniesia and Glen- elg Townships, numbering in the hundretis. met at the hall in Glenefcr Centre on Friday night to h.wt.-r Mr. ami Mrs. J. McArthur (nee Jar-.'; C*n>er\<n> who were recently mar- ried. The many beautiful aini useful gifts were tokens of the high esteem in which the young couple are held. I'HuKing was enjoytxl during Ae evening, and a host of good wishes are exteJxKxl to Mr. atni Mrs. Mo- Arthur on their matrimonial voyage. rUHERAl CKftMl DOXT GOSSIP It may be tnxe that on*-half of the work! does not know how to* othei half liw, but it is true that tht-re are some people in every community who think they know al! about the ret of the people, private and puNic history. etc.. and then *ll they know is gener- ally bad anil so bad that the people they broaoK-ast it to riew the glib gos- sip* ever after with suspicion. If you cannot say sonu-thing nice about a person cultivato silence which is gold- en and eloquent. Th<> scandal mon- gor i? feared sn\i h*te\l even by those favour**! \v*:h the latest titbits of local scandal. Stirling News-Argus. Barn Burned Fire destroyed the larye bam on the farm of Harold Richardson, one mile north of Fiesherto:-.. :r.:s Weii- nesday morning about 7.30. Mr. Richardson had been around the yard but npt in the barn ten minutes be- fotv the tire was discovered and was in the house when the reflection ol the f'.ames was seen from the house. By that time the barn was a mass of flames and he had barely time to lead two cows to safety that wvrv tied in the stable and resc-e a set of harness, when the flames trok- th rough from the floor above. The barn was filled with ha and straw and a couple thousand bushels of crx n were a total loss. The hav and -rai". exi.'wt $\>me wheat, wore ow::- ed by Mr. portion HunvJt. who sutfer- e*l a total loss, as he did not carry insurance. Mr. Richardson had a small am -ur,; of insurarx-v on the barn, not enough to cover the loss. The barn was 35 feet by fvt. The or.'.y explanation for rhe nr>- is laid to sivntaneous c\wtbustion. as therv Ml s oen any person around t v .<? barn in the morniwr. K\ VNGEUST1C SKRMCKS TO UK HKLD AT FKVKKSHAM Revival day. Oct. 25:h. w-.;! > -. - Gospel Workers' Church. Feversham. with Rev. Xornnar. H. STrev: of N .icara Fa!is. Or.:.. a< and Mrs. vKev. > W. E. Picks.' r Toronto a ivspel sinevr. Two Swn- i.:ay sen.-;cts >. ~eld 11 ajn. and > ?.m.: week night services t-xcept- ing Satv.rviay. a: S p.m. Cor--. ; enjoy these meetings. C. McN pastor. _ rod from the narrow - - :-ir pnMBl ?. He also b- | : : T.-ronso - _ _ ' : I 9 .' r .k --:r.Ocr x years. Ke served as a -..-.- Township years AII . s t rv.d o-.e ret- vs. Mr. Best bushels --rj - jusii-.v*- - : ill. Mr B;s: is - rilth. a" _ - - a ster. eye or. thir..:- - -rai. His ^ -- sevvral yoar? aco. ^u: they .elebrated redding . r*.r. :r. February, '..x'-l. His raa Crecrv-t. ..--.i daag'.-i.r iV.'a iMrs. Car'. A:kir.s,-r.'> -tied a ft-.* yo.irs AJT^\ On* Thomas ^.M" Saugeen J-t-.v I -r.e sister. Mrs. Alex. ~ :" ^-k--. Sound. ar <t / !*- Coog -.ITS on reaching such ..ce art extended by his ._ .. i, : - ;>,,.. y; t -i i. strict c w-.t'r the friends of his own oeighborhox-vi. There are plenty of hidden taxes tfent viays. Sut things are yv: harder and harder for the taxpayer. A Chines* commander who was re- ported dead has turned up in the rt of tht Chekiang buttle. Lot's hope he lives up to hi* obituaries. SOLU YOINC. Bl LLS Mr. Howard Graham so'.d a fine pair ->f your.y Sr .: n MaDl re- cently. Orse> took second prise in the junior class a: the Grey County Shorthon: bcveders' annual fall show ar.d sale at Chatsworth. which was so'.s- to Mr. Rob:. E<anon$;ose of Kentble. The other was sv'.d to Mr. Harv-AJ Kars:ed; of Frxwille. Mr. Graham a'.so svV. sevvra! of his Ox- ford Down ram lambs. Howard af- firms that it pays to advertise. iering skirts and hosiely. we have had a very short summer. Many a beach ronuneo that started n the s.i. nl* will wind up on tke A modern girl rosy know the rope* but they *tv not the kind you hang the wash out on. VHVKKTISING IN NFWSl'. It would be going too far to say that a business which avh'ertises in the newspapers is bourxi to sucvtW ami is safeguar<ie<i againts failure. but figures do show that the busi- ' ness which does not use newspttper adverttsmg is more likely to be a failure than a succ\>ss-. The news- paper* haw an appeal which cannot I be equa'.fed by any other medium. ' for they aro read iul studied in th* I home, and th t > advertising column? I are as eagerly scanned as arv those j dovot\l to news. Guelph Mercury, i It's great to keep your chin up. but often it's much N.'ter to kvop your hands u;v A Tnmin hotel *. ' und to havy stores of tea on hand sufficient for nine year*. Pessimists! Enlist in the R-C.A.F. at DURHAM Men! Hni.'n' Take advantage of this convenient op- portunity to appb to this splendid Service. Young men are nwded for both Aircrew and Ground duties. Young women are nevded IIH>, tor special trades. Interviews will be velc>ml h> .in R.I". V.K. Revruitinj .">fficer from 1 p.m. to S P.* IH'KHVM VKMOI'RIKS. Tuesday. October Tth. IVntf of .(i>\ education, marriage and children's ages, if applicable, are required. Serve Your Country In The ROYAL AIR NADIAN RCE i

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