'ednesday, September 30, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ** CREAM Big Demand for Butter There is an exceptionally big demand for butter at the present, so special care should be given milch cows during this time of y c ar, in order to keep up production. We suggest :- Stabling during the cool nights. More grain feeding. This will undoubtedly pay you well. POULTRY Because of the scarcity of meats, poultry is much in demand. It is to your advantage to get your poultry in shape, and market as soon as possible. Thus, while you are receiving good prices now, you are also helping to maintain good prices late in the fall. We are in the market to hand?? large quantities of both live and dre-se-d n -.*'' . Get in touch with us. Flesherton Creamer' & Produce Co. EUGENIA Anniversary services in the church here next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rally Duy was observed in the church here on Sunday afternoon, when the Sunday School and churcfc held a joint service. Those attending Flesherton High School from here are: Joyce Genoe, Marge Martin, Art Proctor, Mar- garet McMillan and Marie Phillips. Work has commenced on the new pipe line. About 35 men are en- gaged on the project. Mr. Roy McMillan has returned to Deseronto. Mrs. Mandor of Orillia was a vis- itor the past couple of weeks with her brother, Mr. Norval Betta. Mr. Thos. Gilliland was able to leave the Markdale hospital a few I Local and Personal Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager ; IIMMMMM*' >+>*f *>******+* It! PRICEVI1.LE Rally Day was fittingly observed Sunday in St. Andrew's Church Grant Sayers and Betty Hincks each gave readings and the choir contrib- uted two anthems. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McMillan of Toronto spent the week end here. Mrs. Harry Pedlar and boys of To- ronto spent the week end with her parents. Miss Jean Sims, Fergus, spout the week end at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Hooper are spending two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Murray Nichol, at Ottawa. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor and Andrey of Brussels were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sims and other friends. Mr| Rumball assisted Mr. Cox at anniversary service at Salem Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family and others from here attend- ed the service Sunday. Miss Betty Tucker started last week to Flesherton High School. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Watson (nee Elizabeth Brown) on the arrival of a little daughter in Durham hospital on Wed., Sept. 23. We are sorry to report Mrs. Kate McArthur is ill and her daughter, Mrs. Geo McLellan, is seriously ill at Niagara Falls. Her sister, Mrs. Campbell, is still with her. Mrs. Earl McLeod, who has been with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm. McLeod, South Line, who is bedfast, intends to return to Oshawa this week. Mrs. McLeod's condition re- mains much the same Her son, Earl, of Oshawa visited her. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and family spent the week end at Georgetown. Pte. Archie Sturrock returns this week to Nova Scotia, after holiday- ing with his parents and brothers. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon at- tended the marriage of Ken Hyland in Toronto on Saturday. .Doris Hun- non accompanied them to commence her duties on Monday morning with the Neighborhood Works' Assoc. Maud Acheaon visited at Berkeley and assisted the Berkeley United CJhurch choir at their anniversary services on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Stinson visited her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Stinson. The ground was covered Monday morning with snow, which is the Squaw Winter. We hope our Indian summer does not follow oo quickly. Next Sunday, October 4, Inistioge is- holding Sacrament services and reception of the pupils from the com- munica/nts' class, which Mr. Kelly has been conducting this summer. We are hoping to have Prof. Leslie, a former student, with us. dirty ttove pipes ***** DIRT V fQO/PMENT It can and it will happen here perhaps in your very home! If you allow fouled stove pipes, flues or. chim- neys you are courting with such disaster. Do you know that practically every farm house tire is the result of faulty heat inn equipment or chimneys? An ounce, of prevention NOW nviy head off irreparahle loss this winter. Clean out your stove pipes ami replace any poor ones, (.'lean out your chimneys and make any necessary repairs. Clean out your stoves and furnace tidy up the cellar. AYiv <|uicl<en a fire with coal oil or gasoline. Never lif,'ht a fire in a hot water heating system or in a stove with a water front // there is any chance of the water pipes hetnij frosen or rltiiiueii it way cause a fatal explosion. Make every ineiiilier of your household a lire warden. Never lie fore has the need for lire prevention he-en so urgent. Remember that buildings are now next to intpottibn to replace that your loss is the Nation's loss now. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY TH* FOLLOWING COMPANIES: Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Walkerton, Out. Germania ' armers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Ayton, Ont. Mrs. K. G. McMillan arrived home last Friday from a Toronto hospital. Aircraftman Joe Pedlar of Tor~nt<< was a visitor in tc-wn Satiirliy. Ptc. Huph Bibby of Niagara v.-is- home for a couple of days last week Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the past wsek with her mother, Mrs. T. Lever, Toronto Line. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald and children of Chats-worth spent Sunday with Mrs. W. E. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson and son, and Mrs. Lawrence visited at Mt. Forest on Sunday. days ago and is now Convalescing ^ ^ ^ A. *.u .. u ... ,, n.f Viio n !. . . Mr I .hflfl r at the home of his niece, Mrs. Chas. Newell, at Rock Mills. We hope that he will soon be as well as usual again. Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. V. Graham and daughter, Ruth, of Toronto were also visitors with .. f" .'...'.. M. Jamieson and Mr. and Airs. I. Smith of Flesherton and Mrs. Mueller of New York were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Tpr. Douglas Cairns was home from Camp Borden over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hollis and family and Mr. Gerald Tournie of Windsor were callers on Mrs. R. Park and Margie one day recently. Miss Carmel Martin and Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent the week end at their res/pective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park and Roy of Flesherton and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toronto were Sun- day visitors with the former's mother and sister here. Misses Mary and Isabelle MeKpc and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto spent the week end nt the MoKee home. Miss Muriel Carruthers of Weaton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Park. Leading Ahvraftman Argyle Mar- tin of Dunnville wns a visitors at his home here for a couple of days. His friend, Mr. Jim Harrison, ol Flesherton visited with him at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John MacPonald and little daughter, Donnlda, of Cod- rington were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald for a few dnys recently. Miss Lucy McDonald of Arthur also spent the week end at the McDonald home. Messrs. II. Lever and A. Humph- rey of Flesherton were callers re- cently at the Martin home. Mrs. Ray Genoe underwent an op- eration in Markdale hospital last week for goitre. We are pleased to learn she is progressing as well as can be expected. Mr. Chaa. Park was home from Owen Sound over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and family of Nottawa are moving to the village to the residence purch- ased from Mrs. Larflre. Mr. Boyce has erected a neat barn on the pro- perty. We welcome them to the village. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late Dr. Joseph Philip Ottewell, late of the Village of Flesherton, County of Grey, who died on the 5t.h day of September, 11)42, are rqutred to forward their claims duly ;>) roved, i:, the vm.ei signed -xec-i.or .f Hi? estate, on or before Monday, the otri rny of (V.c.ler, 104.?. AN I' M'.UTHER tn' notice that after such mentioned date the exe < :- u'or will proceed to distribute the assets of t'\.; osi-.a-.e ,\m n;;c tlii? ;iii i 'os entitl (i thereto, hnvi-isr re- gard only to such claims as he will then have notice. Dated at Flesherton this 14th day of September, 1942. OHAS. F. OTTEWELL, Executor Box 43, Fleaherton AUCTION SALE 60 Purebred Rams and 250 Ewea, purebred and Commercial will be held at Chesley Fair Grounds Thurs., Oct. 1, 1942 at- 1 p.m. All popular hiveda of rama and ewea will he offered, GKEY-BHITCR SHEEP BREEDERS' CLUB G. R. Geer, Sec. C. Fleming, Pres. T. Stewart Cooper, Sec. A., Toronto, was a visitor in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. <J. C. McDonald of Islington visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. They left that night for Kitchener. Mrs. Wes Armstrong: and son, Toronto on Saturday CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. attending the wedding of the form- ers nephew, Mr. Ken Hyland, Cpl. Norman Stoddart of the R.C. A.F., Toronto, spent a week's fur- lough with his wife and family and returned on Saturday. Mesdames J. O. Dargavel and H. A. McCauley -were on Manitoulin Island last week judging domestic science and ladies' work at fairs at Manitowaning and Providence Bay. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher wer: Mrs. Lewis Brothwell, Smith's Falls; Miss Ethel Rusk, Miss Lorraine Currie and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackburn of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson (nee Helen Richardson) of Toronto called on friends Saturday afternoon on their return from a honeymoon trip to Munkoka. Mrs. J. F. Marsh of Toronto spent the past two weeks with Mrs. W. E. Morgan. Mr. Marsh and daughter, Gladys, came up on Sunday, and Mrs. Marsh returned with them. Mr. Joey Williams, Mrs. Crowe and daughter of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. Crowe's husband was wounded .t Dieppe and is now in a hospital in 1 England. Mr. Walter Russell, who has been employed by the Acme Farmers' Dairy at Sydenham, returned home last week and left for Guelph Mon- , day morning to continue a course at the Ontario Agricultural College. i The \V. I. will meet at the home! of Mrs. John McDonald on Wed. j Ootoher 7th, at 2.30 p.m.; roll call to' he answered by naming something we are thankful for. Members will please hand in their knitting. Miss Alice Armstronjr arrived back on Thursday from spending the sum- mer on a mission field at Arvlee, Sask. She enters Queen's Univer- sity this week for her final year in theology. Mr. Alex. Aberdein moved his household effects to Lucknow Mon- day, where he and his family will reside.. Alex, has a position in a war production plant at Lucknow and was formerly with D. MeTavish & Sons. MILTON HUTCHINSON will sell by public auction at KIMHERLEY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 the following, namely: HORSES Brown Work Horse, r>ay Mare; Yearling Colt; Brown Drivng Horse, 4 years old (will work on anything . CATTLE Hereford Cow, reg., 7 years old, heifer calf at foot; Here- ford Cow, reg., 5 years old, bull calf 5 months at foot; Hereford Bull, reg., 1 year old; Hereford Steer, 2 years old ; Roan Heifer, 1 year} Red Heif ei 1 year; Black Heifer, .1 year;; Black Steer, 1 year; 2 Hereford Heifeis, 1 year; Red Heifer, 1 year; 3 Spring Calves. PIGS, SHEEP Brood Sow, sup- posed in pig; 6 Chunks of Pigs; 9 Breeding Ewes; Ewe Lamb. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Deerin Binder, 6 foot; Cultivator; Democrat; Old Cultivator; 2 Box Stoves; Steel Tire Buggy; Wagon and Hay Rack; Number of Horse Collars; Number f Sap Buckets and Spiles; Quantity of Alfalfa Hay; Numerous 1 other articles Positively everything must be sold. SALE AT 1 O.OLOCK P.M. TERMS:- All sums of $10.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 6 mos. credit will be given by furnishing aipiproved joint notes, satisfactory to the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Flesherton, bearing: interest at 6%. GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC ROBT. FISHER will sell by public auction in FLESHERTON THURSDAY, OCTOBER S the following, namely: Empire Range, good as newj good Kitchen Cabinet, Electric Stove, good as new; number of Stove Pipes; good Extension Table with, 3 or 4 boards; Centre Table; Dining Room Suite, buffet and 6 chairs.; 2 Large Rockers; Bedroom Suite, complete; Iron Bed- stead with spring and mattress; Kitchen Table, with 6 chairs; Small Pantry Table; Antique Rocking Chair; Day Couch with spring and mattress; Kitchen Couch; Good Ray- mond Sewing Machine; 8-Day Kitch- en Clock; 2 Mounted Deer Heads; good Congoleum Rug 9x12; Kitchen Linoleum Rug 9x12; Pair Tapestry Curtains 4x12, with pole; 5 Oilcloth Mats; Bedroom Oil cloth 6x12; Bed- room Rug 9x12; number of other Rugs; Electric Bedroom Lamp; Cole- man Lamp; Electric Table Lamp; Kitchen Cupboard; Wash Tub and 2 good Wringers; quantity of fruit sealers; quantity of Dishes and Glass Ware; 2 Roast Pans; quantity of Knive* and Forks; Pot, Pans, Pails, Kitchen Utensils and numerous other articles; good Ironing Board; Quilts, Blankets, Linen; good Wheelbarrow. Positively no reserve. SALE AT 1.30 P.M. TERMS: Cash. W. KAirnNG, Auctioneer. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Portable radio. Mrs. Bibby, Flesherton. 18p2 FOR SALE Kiln of fesh lime read-, by Sept. 21. Earl Fenwick, Eugen- ia, phone Feversham 23r43. 16c2 FOR SALE Mixed hog -hop 15% proteim. soy bean, <>'-, barley and oil cake. P. Hemphill, Ceylon. FOR SALE Used bedroom suite, 6 pieces in good condition. Bennett & Richards, Flesherton. WANTED Horses and cows fr for mink feed. John J. Meads Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE Kitchen stove, in good shape and 2 heaters, coal or wood. W. Hamilton. Flesherton. 17p2 MAN WANTED For fall plowing. C. Akins, R.R.3, Proton Sta. 18p2' FOR SALE Purebred Durham bull, 3 years old, also 13 good breeding ewes. .las. Allen. Flesherton. I FOR SALE Quantity of furnace and stove wood. Wm. Walker, phone 43r3, Flesherton. WANTED High school girls to board or room. Mrs. Wm. J. Mc- Millan, Flesherton. 16c2 FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Down ram lambs, can be registered. C. Akins, R.R. 3, Proton Sta. J8p2 LOST Near Maxwell, wallet with registration card, driver's permit; reward. Gordon Davidson, R. R 1, Eugenia. 16c2 STRAYED From my premises on or about Sept. llth, Yorkshire sow. Finder please" notify Ed. Ferirs, R. R. 3, Flusherton. 16p2 STRAYED From my premises on Friday, Aug. 28, Tamworth hog five weeks old. Lawson Whitehead, Ceylon. I6p3 FOR SALE- Quantity of 16 in. and 18 in. hardwood; also registered Shorthorn bull, 4 years old. _ Fred Kussell, phone 30r4 Markdale. STRAYED Black and white hound. Anyone knowing his whereabouts please notify Jim McMullen, Fev- ersham, phone 10rl8. 18c3 STRAYED From premiss known as Meggitt farm, on or about Aug. j 10, Hereford yearling heifer, de- horned. Finder please notify The | Advance office. 17p3 , Attention FIELD PEAS WANTED. Don't Sacrifice. Mail samples, stating quantity. Maili.ig bags suplied. Write W. H. HURST, Barrie, Out. AUCTIONEER DUNCAN'S AUCTION SALE LIST Friday, October 2, Erneit Gram- , Maxwell. Saturday, Oct. 8, Milton Hutchin- son, Kimberley. Monday, Oct. 5, Stuart Porter, Dundalk. Tuesday, Oct. 6th, J. C. Elilott, Riverview. Wednesday, October 7th, Dunn Lee, Markdale. Friday, October 9bh, Ed. Graham, Clarkafburg. Saturday, October 10th, Estate of A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Monday, October 12th, Thos. Mc- Pherson, Dundalk. Wednesday, October 28th, D. Mc- Korhnip, Bentinck. Wednesday, October 14th, Jl ra Blcakeley, Osprey. NOTICE Hunting, trapping and trespassing on part lot 33 and 1- t 34, cons. 11 and 12, Artemesia Township, strictly prohibited. Bert Magee, Eugenia. FOR SALE Kitchen burTet, table and chairs, ivory and red. Mrs. A. E. Goessel, Flesherton. WANTED Horses and co w It for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton. Station, R.R. 3, phone 4lr3. FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, year old Stanley Magee, phone 74r*. Flesherton. 18cg FOR SALE Enamel range, like new. ideal for farm kitchen. Mrs. John Cooke, phone 30J Flesherton. FOR SALE Durham bull calf, 10> months old. Wilfred Lever, R. R. 2, Flesherton. 18p2 FOR SALE House and property in Flesherton, large lot and stable. J. O. Dargavel, Flesherton. ITcfr FOR SALE Reconditioned piano* and organs, also pianos and orgaaa tuned and repaired; satisfaction assured. J. C. Blackstone, 515-8tb Street (A) East, Owen Sound phone 672. 15c8 FARM FOR SALE Lots 16-17, 2 N.D.R., ArtemeSia, 100 acres, barn 60x45, newly roofed*, also house; creek at back of farm. Mrs. R. Stewart, Flesherton, Ont, NOTICE Huathif, Fishing- or Trespassing on I A 24, Con. 7 Artemesia, strictly forbidden. Tres- pauera will be prosecuted. R Jones, Fleaherton. IBpS FOR SERVICE Yorkshire regist- ered Hog, advanced registration breeding, dam scored 96; fee $1.50 Ellwood Steveni, FUsherton, R. R. No. 8. Ilp4 STRAYED From lot M, con. 1, Artemesia, 2 yearling heifers, one red and one roan. Anyone know- ing whereabouts please notify C McDermid, R. R. 8, Flesherton, phone JRrSi. 14e3 FARM FOR RENT One hundred acres with good buildings am) water, lots 73 and 74 in Arte- meaia Tewnshlp (west end of Centre Line). Apply to Mrs. J. Saidiland, Dundalk, Ot. FARM FOR SALE Lota 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on whic* is situated a bank barn 45x65, also a large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47* BUSINESS CAR >? AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER fer the County of Grey Farm and stock sale* our spe - ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at The Vdvance office. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office hour*; aftornoMM 2 to Wednesday and * S*tw4a to 10 p jn. No office hove on Sunday. fl 4 \ -* i) j 1 * I/