Wednesday, May 20, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE CHICK STARTER $3.35 ewt. 17% PIG STARTER $2.45 cwt. 21% PIG STARTER $2.55 cwt. Shell LIVE STOCK SPRAY $1.75 gal. Bring you own container $1.50 pal. BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS IN STOCK Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24w Flesherton, Ont. SPRINGTIME IS Clean Up-Paint Up Time j j A FEW SUGGESTIONS x PAINTS, VARNISHES, ENAMELS BROOMS, BRUSHES, MURESCO MOPS, POLISHES, FLOOR WAX FLOOR CLEANER, WAXING BRUSHES PAINT, OIL and TURPENTINE PLOW SHARES, CULTIVATOR POINTS HAME STRAPS, BUCKLES, SNAPS COLLAR PADS, CURREY COMBS TOOLS, HAND SAWS, WRENCHES POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS, JAR FOUNTS, FEED TROUGHS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON ***MIII i !>*< MM <* I tt* Mllllll DIED STEWART Donald Stewart of Ceylon, in his> 84th year in Markdale hospital on Tuesday evening, May 19. Funeral Friday, May 22nd, from residence of Mr. J. S. McDemiid, Ceylon, service i.i the Preslbyterian Church, Priceville, at 2.30 p.m. Hitler isn't so cocky as he used to be and Mussolini has gone silent. They have almost finished their course. VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEK-END FARES Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in United States FARE and ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets good going Noon Friday, May 22, until 2 pm., Monday, May 25 RETURN LIMIT to leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday May 26, 1942. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - 25c Full particulars from any agent CANADIAN PACIFIC SPRING ROUND TRIP FARES WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES May 22 to 31, 1942 RETURN LIMIT; 45 DAYS TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES _^__ Tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly higher pass- age fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES Tickets good going and returning via same Canadian routes and lines. STOPOVEUS will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or return trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conductor. Full particulars from any agent. r flwtffoa CUPBOARD QUISLING! *>*- * - ' "Cupboard Quislings" ! Is that too hard a name for people who selfishly lay in unnecessary stocks of clothes or ood, or other goods for fear of shortages? No ! The name is not too hard, even though it may be earned through thoughtlessness. For in reality they are doing, in a petty, mean way, what the Quis- ling does in the open. Anyone who buys more than is necessary for current needs It breaking His country's law for personal advantage. ! betraying his loyal neighbours and those who are not so well off as he . Is, in effect, depriving our fighting men of the munitions and supplies they must have to defend us, Is hindering our war effort and helping our enemies. Loyal citizens avoid putting unnecessary and abnormal strains on our factories. In time of war, loyal citizens do not spend one dollar more on civilian goods than is absolutely necessary for current needs. The law provides for fines up to $5,000 and imprison- ment up to two years for hoarding ; and hoarding is just another word for unnecessary selfish buying. In cases where it is advisable for you to buy In advance of your immediate requirements Buch OB your next season's coal supply you will be encouraged to do BO by direct statement from responsible officials. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy of St. Thomas spent the week end in town. Mrs. Geo. Blackburn is visiting her son, Hartley, at Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McArthur of Durham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting of Coll- ingwood visited on Saturday with his parents, Mrt and Mrs. W. Kaitting. Aircraftman Mack. Duncan of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home in town. Mrs. Elmer 'Warling of Toronto spent the past few days with her mother, Mrs. Mark Stewart. Mrs. H. Down has not been in the best of health for the past week and on Monday was taken to the Colling- wood hospital. Misses Kathleen and Ollie Mc- Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McAxthur and daughter of Toronto spent the week end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, John McDonald. Rev. Frank B. Keyes and Mrs. Keyes of Hamilton moved to town on Friday and have taken up residence in the Baptist parsonage. Rev. Keyes is pastor of the local Baptist circuit. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD OTTAWA. CANADA H3W. J CEYLON Sergt.-Major Gordon Mik of Peta- wawa spent the week end with his wife and family here. Mr. Ohas. of Toronto is holidaying at his home. Tpr: Lloyd Archibald spent several days with his mother and grand- mother before going to the Niagara camp. Mrs. Geo. Snell and Isaac spent Sunday in Hamilton with Mr. Snell. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting her brother, Mr. Geo. McKenzie. "Ye are sorry to report Mr. Donald Stewart ill in Markdale hospital. Mr. Grant Muir spent a couple of days in Durham last week. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Marshall on May 28th, at 2.3O p.m. Mrs. J. Sinclair will tak the devotional reading. M. McWilliam will give a talk on Scotch customs. Lunch: cake, Mrs. McMillan; sandwiches, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Hunt. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Matson and Miss Mary Hagen of Toronto si errt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall visit- ed the former's brother at Roderick over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Griffen and Miss Cartharine Cairns of Toronto spent Mother's Day with Mrs. C. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cairns. Mr. . Bert iKerr, Caledon, was a recent visitor with Mr. Isaac Snell. Mrs. A. S. Muir has returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. The many friends of the late Miss Millie Cook sympathize with the re- latives in her sudden death. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Hill and family of Markdale were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead the first of the week. NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD COST OF LIVING BONUS The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for April 1, 1942, of 115.9 [adjusted index 115] has not risen by one whole point or more over the index number for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 [adjusted index 114.6]. Accordingly, the National War Labour Board, pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 12 of Order in Council P. C. 8253, determines and announces, for the period May 15, 1942, to August 15, 1942, subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a War Labour Board for authori- zation of payment of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the provisions of the Order, that: () There hall be no change in the mount or percentage of cost of living bonuses presently being paid; (b) An employer who has not been paying cost of living bonuses may not begin to pay such bonuses. * By Order of the National War Labour Board, HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour and Chairman Ottawa, Canada, May 12, 1942 Small Ad. Column FOR ,3ALE-^Non-barb Barky. G. ., A. g. 5, Markdale. 49c2 NOTICE Car of cement just ar- rived. F. G. Karstedt, Fleshertom. FOR SALE Kiln of fresh lime, FOR SALE 1931 model A DeLuxe ready by May 25. Earl Fenwick, coach. Chas. G. Robson, R. R. 1, Eugenia, phone Feversham 23r43. Markdale. 51p2 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. John Sowanlock, R. R. 3 Proton Sta. PORTLAW Little June MeKoe of Toronto is spending nwhile with her aunt, Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Mrs. Arthur 'Wilson visited a few days in Toronto witih her siater, Mrs. Kenneth McKee, who has been a pa- tient in an hospital there. Aircraftman Joe Pedlar of the R. CA.F. and boy friend spent the week end with the Meldrum family. Miss Mnry Sheardown of Toronto visited Mrs. Roy Lyons, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Dun- dalk and Miss Elva Russell of Ware, ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mrs. A. Lyons of Wareham visited Sunday with her son, Boy. and Mrs. Lyons and attended church at Mount Zion. The Fourth Line Red Cross Branch met at the home of Mrs. Jas. Pedlar on Thursday, when another quilt was completed. The lucky ticket was drawn on an afghan, made by Miss McKinnon and the pupils of Portlaw school. LitHo June McKee drew the ticket and Mr. Albert Blackburn was the lucky winner. The next meeting is to 'ie held at the home of Mrs. R. Fisiher. Another little boy arrived at the homo of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Shiers. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton, Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, Elda aud Mnrjorip, also Sadie McKoe, spent a day in Coll- ingwood recently. FOR SALE Load young calves and pigs to arrive Sat., May 23. Gor- don Stuart, Flesherton. 51cl FOR SALE Good cooking range also chesterfield in good condition. Mrs. Robt. Whitehead, Flesher- ton. 51p2 WANTED Horses and cows fit fsr mink feed. John J. Meads, Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE Misses' E iirmer coat size 14, can be seen at Toe Ad- vance office. FOR SALE 01 RENT Two lots in Eugenia, ictkaonabla Archie Mc- Kechnie, P .ceville phone 49rl3. PROPERTY FOR SALE Garden oi pasture loM in Flesherton. Mrs. J. A. Heard. Flesherton. 48p2 WANTED Women or girls as cook laundress or housekeeper for sum- mer camp. Write Box 208 Meaford. FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf, 10 months old. Jos. D. Whyte, Priceville R.R. 3. 50p2 WANTED Reliable girl or woman for general housework. Apply to Ma-s. Lyness Myles, Thornbury, Ont., phone 16. 51c2 Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Full settlement (maximum prices) paid grower immediately on receipt and grading t-f clip. Obtain sacks and twine from GEORGE FISHER, MAXWELL or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada WANTED Country girl to help with housework, no heavy work, good home, good wages, evenings free. Mrs. S. W. Gazley, Milton, Ont HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r8. FOR SALE 3 good used cveam sep- arators, good condition; several used cook stoves; Bcatty electric and hand washing ...achines. W. E. Betts, Flesherton, phone 46J. FOR SALE Potatoes: Early War- bas, Chippewas, Dooleys, .also cert- ified No. 1 and No. 2 Katahdins. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. 1, Ceylon, or telephone Flesherbcn 49rl4. 50c2 FOR SALE Second hand range in good condition; good Anchor-Holth separator; also new Renfrew sep- arator, stainless steel discs. Russell Hill, Markdale, phone 50v3 STRAYED From my premises, five yearling cattle: 2 Hereford colored steers, 1 red and 1 roan heifer and Hi'lstein steer. Kindly notify at once Oliver Tumor, Eugenia. HOUSE FOR SALE or RENT In Flesherton, 7 roomed house, stable and garage; hard and soft water, (food garden lot. Apply to Mrs. A. C. McDonald, 172 Church Street, Weston, Ont 48c8 FOR SALE Yoring purebred Scotch Shorthorn bulls, registered and tatooed, herd T-B tested. Howard I. Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, or phone Markdale 59r2. 50p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 140 acres, lots 35 and N. Half 38, Con. 9, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation, about 20 acres bush, bal- ance good pasture, well watered, good buildings. Apply to Charle* Hopper, Eugenia, R. R. 1. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Thoa interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our spec.. '.- ty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at Th* Vdvance office. WALTER gBELBT See about you awtUa sal*. AM sales oadtKtod on ciples. Phne me at or make arrancenMnta at Ftaherton Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phones 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham Ht. Office hours; afternoons 2 to 4.80. Wednesday and Saturday evening* 7.30 to 10 p.m. No office hours on Sunday. Urince Arthur Lodge No. 383, AJP, & A.M., meets in the Fraternal HalX Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M.; J. S. McDrmid; Sec- retary: C. J. Bellamy.