THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 13, 1942 TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for the painting el three class rooms in Flesherton High School. Specifications may be from the Principal at the school. Tenders to close June 1st, 1942, and addressed to Roy W. Piper, Secre- tary, Ceylon. Tenders wanted for delivery of 60 tons of steam coal, in the bin, in Flesherton High School, the first week coal. in July. Specify grades of Tenders to close at 8 p.m. on May 20, 1942, addressed and marked tender to Roy W. Piper, Ceylon. Tenders wanted for supplies for Flesherton High School paper tow- els, soaps, floor oil, etc. Specifica- tions may be had from the Principal at the school. Tenders to close at 8 p.m. on May 20, 1942, addressed and marked tender to Roy W. Piper, Ceylon. ' Two cans of Flo-glaze Interior Gloss paint for the walls and ceilings. One can of Flo-glaze enamel for cupboards and trim. One large and one small brush. A little turpentine and a few hours of application. Result: A bright, attractive kitchen, sanitary and washable. Serves: Entire family. Costs: Surprisingly little, for average-sized kitchen. It's easy to have a kitchen you'll be proud to show your friends and happy to work in. Ask to see the beautiful pastel shades available in Flo-glaze Interior Gloss Paint made especially for decorating kitchens and bathrooms. Your choice at (ho* loTely pastel shades:, Ivory, B*ff. SM- VfUr Grttn. r- tifb: B.'mr. Djit Grty, Jto Vbiu. Interior Gloss Paint D. McKILLOP ESTATE FLESHERTOX - ONTARIO Support, the. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stafford spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and daughter of Dundalk were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Long. Miss Verna Hudson and Pte. Lloyd Hudson and Mr. Joe Tate of Toronto were callers on Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Scott and the Misses Lavina and Louise Black of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Black. L.A.C. Bill Burke of Brantford spent the week end at his parental home here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Selina Barber had the misfortune to fall and break a bone in her wrist. We hope she will soon be fully re- covered. Mrs. Jimmy Armstrong, Mildred and Carl of Collingwood were Sun- day callers on Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell and Albert. Mrs. Ottewell returned to Collipg-wood to spend a few days with Mrs. Armstrong:. Miss Kathleen Hawton of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Era. Hawtcn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyton of Col- lingwood visited with Mrs. Alvin Sammons and family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rozzel Conn and little Dorothy of Toronto visited with relatives here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuav and Gerald spent Sunday with friends in Dundalk. ROCK MILLS The heavy frosts have been hard on the blossoms and clover has been somewhat damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Best of Spring- hill visited pn Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Russell. We extend sympathy to the Part- ridge family in their bereavement, by the death of their wife and mother. Mr. Arthur Betts of Toronto spenx the week end at his home and enjoved a few hours of "shing. Mrs. Jim Russell has returned to her home from Toronto, where she was taking treatments for several weeks. We are pleased to report she is feeling much improved in health, and we trust she will continue to gain strength. Mother's Day service was held in the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon with an appropriate service for this special occasion. Many attended the service in honor of Mother. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn and Yvonne of Toronto were visitors on Mother's Day with Mr. J. A. Foster and Sadie. Mrs. Aldcorn remained for a few days Mrs. F. Field s^ent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Atkinson and Mr. Thos. Whitemore of Durham called on friends here on Saturdav. (Intended for Last Week) The rains have done much good and are producing very rapid erowth. Fields of alfalfa look premising for a good yield this year. The wheat iUU^tin.. j *^-*x*. a j vmmm A.UC UCtlt Miss Verna Hill and friend of ' also look ? ?oc ! d ' a . nd blossoms are out and places of year's programes meeting. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow spent a few days at the home of Mr. Fraser, Vencry. Hazel Copeland is at East Union for a few days. At the Y-P.S. at Walter Acheson's On Monday evening, Doris Bannon and Mr. Kelley, oar rtudent minister, held a discussion on Russian eon- I ditions. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blakey of To- ronto are home for the summer assisting Mr. Dave Blakey and are living hi the Wilkinson home on the Wareham line. ., What matter how beautiful the mansion if (rood sense is not used to maintain real beauty and worth? Markdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie SewelL ^ We are sorry to hear that Miss N'orma Heitman is ill at present, but we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sammons and family of Collinjrwood spent the week end with Mr. Levi Sammons. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLean, who have spent mcst of their life here, havp moved to Collinjwood. They will be missed by mani- friends. NOTICE On Thursday afternoon at 2.30 ! o'clock the diphtheria toxoid will be administered to the pupils and pre- school age children of Flesherton Public School Section. This include? all children over six months of aee and those pupils who have attended school thfe school year. Children not accompanied by parents must present consent slips from parents The Local Board of Health, as well as the Provincial Department of Health, are very desirous that every child receives this protection. J. E. MTLXE. M.O.n. Brighten the Home WE HAVE NEVER SHOWN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF WALL PAPER AS WE HAVE THIS SEASON. FOR ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. BIG RANGE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE AT I2 l / 2 c AND UP. SEE OUR NEW "SUNWORTMY" WALLPAPERS AT ISc AND UP. *> FLOOR COVERINGS See our wonderful display of Lin- oleum. Clean cut, bright designs that you can put in any room in the house. This is a good quality Prtinted Lin- oleum; comes in 4-yard width, at a Special Price, per yard $4.40 Buy now. as these lines are getting scarce. Also Linoleum Rugs in a good range of patterns. DRAPERY You will find a well assorted stock of Monk's Cloth, Silk Brocade, Repp, Homespun and Chintz. They all make a very attractive side drape, at very special prices. FELTOL RUGS In attractive designs that will add a pleasant touch to your room; all sizes in stock. Buy now nd save. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR See our new Spring Coats, Tailored Suits, separate Skirts and Blouses. Beautiful new Dresses in the very newest styles. MILLINERY Featuring Hats for Women New I'Vt - in all the nice Spring shades Bright Spring straws in all the new stvles. Grocery Department Specials Bran, per cwt, bag . Shorts, pr ewt. bag .- ............... ------------ ..... $IM Feed of all kinds at special prices. Peas, 20 oz. tin, per tin ............ ----- . ----------- lOe Tomatoes, large tin, per tin ............. ---- , lOe Fancy Biscuits, per Ib .................... ........ ..... 19e Puffed Wheat (Good Humor), per pkg ......... S Brine Us Your Wool We have been licensed by the Canadian Gov- ernment Wool Board to act as agents. You can bring your wool to us, you will get th weight and duplicate certificate. We will advance you 36c Ib.. as soon as it is weighed up, and the balance of the final payment will be made to you direct from the Government Wool Board. The following; prices that you will receive as st by the Wool Board are as follows: Grade fine and H blood ............. 28c Southdown _..-.... ... ....... ...... Sic Military style - ................. ... -------- ~ SOc Felting style ......... - ................. - 83c Ordinary style short staple .......... .. SOc Kejecu or Defective Wool: Grey and Black ............ ... ......... ------ Z4c Chaffy and Burry ................... ......... 21c Cot ted Fleece ........................ ---- 26c Wool Tag* ..... ...... ........ ....... -. ------ - 07c The above list of prices are what is to be paid to the grower. Any wool tied with binder twine is subject to a penalty of Ic Ib. deduction. from the above prise, so bring along your wool. We are glad to be able to offer you the above service under present arrangement. You will receive prompt returns, which means that you will have received all yoor money in not more than 30 days "I* The above informatkm, we hope, will be value to you. of F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd MARKDALE, Ontario alreadv in this district, which is the earliest in years. We understand that Mr. J. A. Foster, who has been foreman for the Durham Furniture Co. here for the past twelve years, has resigned to take effect ohe last of May. Mrs. Walter RusseE, who under- went an operation in a Toronto hos- pital, has recovered sufficiently to have been brought to her home on Saturday, where she is recuperating. Mrs. Wilfred Best of Toronto ac- companied her mother hc-me and spent the week en ' Seeding operations have been de- layed, owing to the heavy rains. CEYLON (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Melville Hogarth amj Miss Catharine Stewart, R.N., of Owen Sound spent a few days last week in Toronto. Misses laobel and Janet Cameron of Fergus spent the week end at their home. Mr. Chas. Boyce suffered a severe hand injury and has been spending a few days with his brothers. He returned to Gait the first of the week. Mr. J. C. Fletcher ef Toronto and Mr. Cecil Eldridge of Gait visited over the week end ;. the htmes of I. B. Whit taker and J. K, M.cLeod, Sincere sympathy is extended che widow, family^ and relatives of the late ClareiU: 6 Stafford, who was bur- ied in Fleshertcn on ^I U! Mr. Grant Muir attended ;Y- ii4^- uatioa exercises of the Bible . o Je^e held at Varsity Arena, Toronto, last Thursday. Mrs. Jack Gibson and babe of Newmarket were callers on Mrs. J Gibson a nd Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson on Saturday. Miss Jean Coilinsun of Owen Sound spent the week end at her home. The Women's Institute met at Che home of Mrs. Geo. Snell Friday, May 1st, being opened in the usual man- ner with the Vic-President. Mrs. J. R. ^Sinclair, presiding. Following! tae general business, the secretary gave a resume f the year's work. Fifteen members were enrolled and money was voted bo the Ceylon School Board for beautifying schooJ grounds. Most activity centred ar- ound Red Cross work. Money was voted T-.-A. Red Cross, cigarettes and socks sent to boys enlisted, Red Cross box sent Salvation Army and assistance given with a second." Mrs. Sinclair presided &>r the election of officers which resulted as follows- President, Mrs, D. Adams; 1st Vice- Pres.. Mrs. Sinclair: 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. McDermid; Sec.-Treas.. Mrs. Collinson; Dist., Dir., Mrs. McDer- mid; Auditors. Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mrs. J. McWilliam; Program Com.. Mesdamee Adams. Sinclair. McDennid. Collinson a iid McWilliam. PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jamieson of Toronto visited a few days with the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Jamieson, and Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs. Lewis Sheardown of Toronto spent a couple of days wiKh her Third Line friends. \Ve are sorry to report little Wal- ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Shier, very ill with pleuro-pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. R-sesll White of Saugeen Jet. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harr Fisther ami D. A. Mr. Stanley Taylor from near To- rvnto visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, over the week end. The pupils of S. S. No. 8 held Arbor Day on Friday. When their work was finished 22 pupils took part in a baseball (tame. Miss Mc- Kinnon, their teacher, gave them all a generous trvat when the game was over. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Bannon mot- ored to Kingston last week ami their daughter, Doris, returned with them from Queen's University, when? she has completed her course. Mrs. Herb Corbett. Mrs. Dave Red- diok. Mrs. Milton Barvnon and Mrs. Chas. Moore, program committee for the Proton W. I., mot at the home of Mrs. Ed. Stinsoa to arrange the >*MMtMMMIMMMMMMMMMIMMMIMMMMM Butter and Eggs Commencing Wednesday, May 6th* the Cream- ery will be open Wednesday and Saturday even- ings throughout the summer months. We aim to give you the best possible Creamery service. Try to bring your cream early and avoid the rush. The egg production now is heavy. Help us give quicker service by tagging all egg crates and other containers. Our trucks are now making their regular twice a week pick-up service. If you are unable to deliver vour cream- kindly phone us and our truck will call- COLD STORAGE T^ those you have not yet tried our meat stor- age lockers, we would advise you to ask the man who has- He will praise it highly. It is a great convenience and saving. Our rates are very reasonable. Creamery open Saturday nights Flesherton Creamer' & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Maybe you think your small change cannot help.** that "total war" means "somebody else." Maybe you're one of the thousands of house wire* who haven't yet started to put even 501 a week into War Saving* Stamps just a neutral . . . There aren't any neutrals in this war! You're a help or a hindrance to victory. You can't get out of it. If you spend thoughtlessly you'll deny our fighting force* the arms they need and imperil your own future. If you and 2,000,000 otber housewives in Canada put only 50e a week into War Saving! Stamps, it means $1,000,000 a week to help win the war. Which ide are vuu on ? toy War favkv* Stamp, tram bwfct, pMt National War Finance Committee.