Wednesday, April 15, 1942 THE FLESHER'PON ADVANCE , Gun production in Britain during the last recorded quarter showed an almost perpendicular rise "like the flight of a anti-aircraft shell.' 1 In September the output of anti- British Gun Production Soars tank guns of the later trypes show- 1 nance factory in the North otf Eng- ed an increase of nearly 700 per I land, where guns of numerous cali- cent, compared with September 1940. bres are tured out in great This picture shows medium naval , quantities, guns on final inspection at an Ord- ' 8TH LINE OSPREY Easter has come and gone! After the first Easter our Divine Lord re- mained on earth for forty days. Let u* ask Him, in all sincerity, while He i very close to us these days, to restore peace. -~ _ Mr. Jim Hale met with an accident last week wkile working in the bush , wj.Mii he ct his foot with an axe. The wound required three stitches. He is able te be around again, Mr. Vernon Somers of Guelph spent the wetk end at his parental home. Messrs. Walter and Geo. Saigeon of Hanover were callers on our line on Easter. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ditson of Nottawa to our vicinity They are occupying the farm lately vacated by Mr. Walter Saigeon. Mr. 'Will Somers of Fern Glen, ac- companied by Messrs. Dalton and Orr Marshall, spent the holidays with the former's parents here. Mr. Garnet Magee held a very successful sale of farm stock and implements at his home here Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Magee intend moving from our line to enjoy a well-earned rest. Their son, Gerald, is continuing operations on the farm. Our last regular Farm Forum meeting was held March 30th at the home of Mr. D. Stephens. A large crowd gathered and did justice to a "pancake supper," the maple syrup for which was provided by Mr. Stephens and was of Al quality, as also were the pancakes. A somewhat lengthy but homorous program kept those attending into the wee sma.' hours reaching home. A vote of thanks was tendered the secretary, Mr. Kendal Hawkins, who has been untiring in his efforts on behalf of the Forum. Those present were un- animous in reporting the broadcasts and meetings of much benefit to all concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson were welcome visitors, and the former acted as chairman. A meeting, sponsored by the Grey County Federation of Agriculture, was held in Feversham on Friday, April 3rd, when the benefits of a Hog Producers' Association were presented but, as is so often the case, the farmers were too busy with their "hands" to give their "heads" a chance, and the result was a very small attendance. Mr. Albert Bell of Wiseton, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale last week. At Easter girls like to do their talking through their hfttos. Card of Thanks Mrs. W. J. Blackburn and family wish to express their gratitude to their neighbors and other friends for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during the illness of their husiband and father and in their bereavement. Local and Pi jrsonal I Wild life is increasing in Jasper Park," says a news item. Obviously time for the police to step in. Card of Thanks Mrs. Angus Sutherland and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy, extended by friends and neighbors during the recent illness and death of her hus- band and their father. SEND IN THE NEWS But What is news? Well, it's news if an accident happens, if somebody is seriously ill, a birth, a marriage a death, a visitor from another com- munity, or a visit to another com- munity, an unusual occurance of any kind, a public entertainment all that is news. But if Bill Jones calls on Sally Smith that is his business and has no news value at present, at least. If you havp an item of local interest in your community do not he backward about sending or phon- ing it in to The Advance. Pte. Don McMillan of Toronto spent the week end at his home, Dvr. Grant Nobbes of Halifax vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter' Mrs. C. Doupe spent a couple of days last week at Shelburne. Mrs. P. Jackson of Hamilton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harold Fawcett. Mrs. Wm. Smith and two children 6f Brampton spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Pte. Earl Johnson ,of IBrantford spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Miss Dorothy Ottewell visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell. Mr. Frank Taylor of town has purchased the John Wright property which he will occupy shortly. Mr. Maurice Russell spent Easter week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Best, Victoria Corners. Mr. Fred Thompson left last week to report for military training at the Brantford Basic Training Centre. Mr. Hugh Bibby left on Thursday last to commence his military train- ing at the Brantford Basic Train- ing Centre. Mrs. F. G. Eibach of Detroit, Mich., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ida Alexander, and other friends. _.., "~ Mrs. McGeoch has been in Mark- dale hospital for several weeks and at present her condition is causing alarm to her friends. Mrs. Emerson Thompson and two children of Toronto are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan. Mrs. C. J. Crossely and son, John, of Toronto spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. Miss Laura Boyd was also home from To- ronto for the Easter vacation. Mr. A. E. Bell left on Saturday for his home at Wiseton, Sask., after spending the past month in tdwn and with relatives near Fi'versham. The W.M.S. of St. John's United Church will hold their Thankoffering meeting in the basement of the church on Friday, April 17th. Mrs. S. E. Annis of Markdale will be the guest speaker. Pte. Carl Teeter, R.C.A.S.C., is at his home here on furlough. Carl has been in Eastern Canada for a couple of months and was on draft for overseas twice, but is still in Canada. A smart girl can go as far on a finger wave as a smart hitch-hiker on a thumb wave, comments the Toronto Star. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Speaking of war gardens, Hitler has a fertile cut in the Balkans. Even if your life is an open book there are times when you should turn over a new leaf. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE 11 Young pigs, 8 to mos. old. Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Meads Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE 300 bush, seed oat? "Grainery Filler." Jas. Pedlar, Flesherton R. R. 1. 44c2 FOR SALE Piano case organ, 7- octave, suitable for home, school $10. Mrs. T. Sled, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cartier and Alaska oats, grown from registered seed also a few Vanguard. Allan A McLeaTi, Priceville, phone 49r3. p HIDES WAN7LL - Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. FOR GALE Banner seed oats; also good mare, 8 years old, sound. ' Geo. Boyd, Flesherton. 46p2 GIRL WANTED Girl wanted for light housework. Mrs. H. A. McCauley, Flesherton. 46c2 FOR SALE Limited quantity of No. 1 rape seed; also early var- iety Warba potatoes. J. P. Coll- inson, Ceylon, phone 21r3. FOR SALE Sows with young pig and a variety of jnoning sows due ia May and June C. Monaghan, Maxwell, phone Feveir-ham 4rl8. FOR SALE or RENT In Flasher- ton, frame house, six rooms, hard and soft water, garage, large lot. Apply to Geo. Johnson, Proton Station, R. R. 3. 45c4 LOST Club bag on Highway 10,; on Sunday, April 5, between Dun- dalk and Flesherton. Finder leave at The Advance office, reward. NOTICE Will the person who took axe from my bush a few weeks ago please returs the same. Chris. Thomson, Fleskertcn. 45 FOR RENT Lot 15, Con. 2, N.D. R., Artemesia, water crossing land. For full particulars write L.A.C. S. E. Little, No. 8, S-P.T.S,. R.C.A.F., Moneton, N.B. 45p3 SEEDS Field Seeds timothy, al- falfa, red clover, mammoth clover white blossom, yellow blossom; onions: Dutch setts, multipliers; garden seeds. F. G. Karstedt Flesherton. 44c3 W UNIFORM You can help the man in uniform, merely by saving regularly. Because when you save you increase the flow of labour and material from civilian to war production. And when you lend accumulated savings to the country in War Savings Certificates and war loans, you help Canada supply to our fighting men the arms and equipment they need. Seize this patriotic opportunity! Pull your full weight! Start saving NOW I CENTRE LINE The past three days have been quite wintry, with a real fall of snow, about 8 inches having fallen since Friday morning. T his Tues- day is lovely and warm and the snow has almost disappeared. Mr. Garfleld Lyons and Harvey Jamieson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell White at Saugeen Jet. one day the past week. Tpr. Victor Osborne was home on leave from Niagara, where he is on guard, on Thursday and Friday last. Mrs. Dave Jamieson of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davison and Mrs. Amanda Lyons. Mr. Elmo Stevens has rented the farm lately vacated by Mr. Gilbert Little. Mrs. Florence Lyons and Jean spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee, near Eugenia. Mrs. Lyons accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Magee to Toronto for a couple of days. Mr. Arthur Nicholls has returned home from Toronto, where he spent most of the winter. We are sorry to report Mrs. Arnott Menzies under the doctor's care at present. Master Harvey Jamitson has re- turned home to Toronto, after a very enjoyable holiday with friends here. School re-opened Monday with the children nil rushing to be there on time, as the school has operated on the old time until now. FURNITURE FOR SALE Brass and wooden bed, each complete with spring and mattress, small dressing table, chairs, extension table and other articles. Mrs. C. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. 44cl NOTICE Pianos and organs tun- ed an 1 repaired; satisfaction guar- anteed; also good selection of reconditioned pianos for sale, prices reasonable. J. C. Black- stone, '15 8th St. A. East, Owen Sound, phone 672. 46p4 FOR SALE Sorrel Belgian mare, rising, 11; black Percheron horse, rising 9, in good condition an sound, weighing over .1,000 Ibs. Would take good mare rising 3. Sam Grummitt, R. R. 3, Flesher- ton, phone Feversham Ilrl3. 4fic FOR SALE - - Cockshutt fertilizer drill, 13-disc, in gwod condition: M.-H. Cultivator 13-tooth; good land roller, like new; goed work horse rising 6; good work mare, 10 years old; 2-tooth 4-section harrows, practically new. W. E. Betts, Flesherton. 46c2 KAWLEIGH'S Have you paid your subscription? If not , we wk'iild appreciate reciving a remittance. As to blitzing cities from the air, Germany begins to Ruhr the day she started it. We mu?'t dispense with the cuff on the ankle to irive Adolph a slap on the wrist. The W. T. Rawleigh Co. have not- ified all dealers in Canada that cid- ers for Fly Spray, Cattle Spray ami Disinfectant shall be out of the fac- tory by June 1st. As you know, the government has forbidden the use of cans. Steelbarrels are also unob- tainable. After present stocks are sold out there is likely to, be no more. If you are a user and wish to get your supply, order right away. Do not put it off a day. Your Rawleigh dealer cannot be blamed if there ia none for you, unless yooi order now. Remember, if you wait until the flies come, you may be too late. This is wartime and the needs of the army come first. If you will give me your order now, I will guarantee delivery. If I do not get your order, I will not stock up for you. You must decide right away if you are going to use spray! And if you are, how many gallons you will need. Then phone or write to your Rawleigh Dealer at once. Make sure of yours! 1 Gal. cans Cattle Spray $2.00 1 Gal cans Fly Spray $2.25 Vi Gal. can Disinfectant $1.25 3100 Families in three townships expert the Rawleigh dealer to supply their needs, so please realize that this is your warning, that war has started to affect you. S. T,. STAUFFER 57w Flesherton STRAYED From Hatherton, 3rd Line, Osprey, three year old cow, black and white (small spotted) has horns, small bit cut off ends, just freshened. Anyone knowing whereabouts of cow please phone Wm. Crockford, Dundalk, or writ* J. H. Walker, Dundalk, R.R. 8. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 140 acres, lots 35 and N. Half 36. Con. 9, Artemesia, 80 acres tenter cultivation, about 20 aores bush, bal- ance good pasture, well watered, good buildings. Apply to Charlet Hopper, Eugenia, R. R. 1, . ; FOR SALE Cockshutt disc drill, Cockshutt single plow, single fur- row riding plow, McCormick cult- ivator 13-tooth, buggy, neck yoke, set new short sling rofpes, heavy team harness, single harness, quantity 2 inch plank and 2x4 scantling, 4 young Yorkshire -ows due to farrow in May. Richard Allen & Son, Flesherton, telephone 45r21. 46c2 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED FOR ESTABLISHED WATKINS ROUTE. Seairy customers. Must be honest and reliable, have car or the means of getting o'ne. No capital or experience required. No restrictions with Watkins due to millions invest- or! in raw materials to protect deal- ers and customers. Write. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-1, Montreal. One. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1 S.D.R., Arte- nesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also "nrge driving shed. This property -nust be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with -tJohn Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ^cutors for the estate. 4f BUSINESS CAR )? AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our speci-1- ty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at The Vdvance office. WALTER SEELET See me about your auction Mil*, sales conducted on bacinew ciplea. Phone me at Feverekam or make arrangement* at Flesherton Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Hours Afternoons, 1.30 to 4. Evenings, 7 to 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoons y appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 883. AJ , & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Halk, Flesherton, the second Friday in eacb month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; Sec- retary: C. J. Bellamy.