* a .1 \ >> v a War Ministers Inspect New Railway Munitions Plant A BIG WAR PLANT, the existence of which had been unknown! to the general public, was given national recognition when three 1 members of the Federal Cabinet officially inspected the National! Railways Munitions shops at Montreal, operated by the Canadian! National Railways. The Ministers were Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister ofl Munitions and Supplies; Hon. Angus Macdonald, Minister of Naval I Services; and Hon. \V. P. Mulock, Postmaster General They were! welcomed to the plant by R. C. Vaughan, President of the Canadian! National Railways. Upper left Mr. Howe watches Miss Josephine! Skull, instructor of women workers, operating a turret lathe. Centre I Finished guns assembled for government inspection. Right Mr. | Macdonald examines the breech of one of the finished guns. Have You Heard? Puffing and blowing, the young man just managed to jump into a carriage as the train left the sta- tion. The middle-aged man in th orner eyed him with scorn. "When I was your age, my lad,"' ha said, "I could run half mile, catch a train by the skin of my teeth, and yet be as fresh as a daisy." "Yes," gasped the young fel- low, "but I missed this one at the last station." He was telling her hi* fa- mily hUtory. "My grandfather wa a poor, hard-working clockmaker. When ha died he left hi* estate which con- futed of two hundred clock*, to my father." "How ill t'jrrstillg," lid aid. "It must have been real fun winding up hi* ettate." A teacher sent this note to the" mother of an unruly pupil: "Dear Mrs. Jones, I regret very much to inform you that your son, Robert, idles away his time, It disobedient, quarrelsome, and disturbs other students who are trying to work. He needs a good thrashing and I strongly urge that you give him one." This was the reply she received: "Dear Miss Smith Lick him yourself. I ain't mad at him. They were having their fir*t quarrel. "I'm disappointed" laid the husband. "When we> were first married I thought you were an angel." "Yes," retorted hi* wife. "I suppose that's why you never bought me any clotnes." "Didn't you hear the siren?" asked the A.R.P. warden advising an old countryman to take cover. With enemy planes droning over- head, the man was still strolling about the streets, "Yes, I heard 'un," said the old man, "but that hain't nothing to do with me. I lives at," giv- ing the name of his village, five miles away. Brown: "My wife went to ee the doctor last week, and he told her to take plenty of xercite." Smith: "And i* the doing It?" Brown: "Well, if jumping at conclusion* and running up bills can be called exer- cise, *h is." The class was studying magne- tism. "Robert," asked the master, "how many natural magnets are there?" "Two, sir," was the . surprising answer. "And will you please name them*?" "Blondes and brunettes." Grass collected from the road- aide provided a Kent, Englan-d, butcher with five tons of winter food for his stock. AWAY GO CORNS Removed by Crew Corn Salvo MTMMCflON Oft MONfY BACK The tm appliution of Crus Corn Salve qnickljr remove* ..(cut Shottly, you remove painful com, ctllou:* or ingrown toc*nail. No cucriaaj, <x bulping i'j.1 Safe, simple lo utc. Get Creu Com Stive at uy drug touoiec, today, idd <u>joy juirwteed relier, tin, UJM. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it proper to guess at a name if one has not heard it dis- tinctly d urine an introduction? 2. What does an invalid do If she wishes to return calls that have been made upon her? 3. Should cantaloupe bs eaten with a spoon? 4. Is it proper for a man to sandwich himself between two women when walking- with them on the street? 5. Is it good form to leave some food on the plate wkea finishing a meal? 6. Are postscripts to letters U good taste? z ANSWERS 1. No; it is much better to ask and be correct, rather than to guess and have to be corrected. The proper thing to say would be : "I'm very gorry, but I did not hear your name correctly," or "Did Mr. Johnson call you Miss Ferris? I'm sorry, but I did not hear very well." 2. She may make her calls i>/ proxy. In other words she may send a daughter or close friend in her place. This, of course, Is not expected of her, but it is a nice geature on har part. 3. No; the fork should be used. 4. No. The man always takes the curb aide of the pavement; whether h is walking with one woman or with several. 5. No, it is not at all necessary. 6. No. These should be avoid- ed as much as possible, as they are merely afterthoughts and in- dicate a slipshod manner in the composition of your letters. One should take pains to include ev- erything he wishes to say in the body of the letter. HOW CAN I? Nazi Subs Carry Two Bomber Planes , Rudolph Hasbrook, a member of the London auxiliary fire force, says the Germans now have sub- marines equipped with two bomb- ing planes each which would make possible air raids as far inland as Chicago. Addressing civilian defence leaders in Chi- cago, Hasbrook said the Naiis could bring the subs to the sur- face at night, assemble their bombers, fly out to bomb their objectives and return to their submarine bases. The bomber* are stored in the submarine's hold he said. Eyelet Brass Enough brass to make cartridge cases for a million artillery shell* a year, states Science Service, will be saved by using substitutes for brass in shoe eyelets. Mount MoKinley, National Park in Alaska, embraces 3,300 square, mile . DISLIKE WASHING DIRTY HANDKERCHIEFS? Hr'a freedom from your moat unpleasant tank. . . Instead of w.HhliiK dirty handkerchiefs, Qlbnoa'a Tissues ar 10 cheap you simply dMtroy them uurma and all! Order TRIAL OFFBR NOW. TISSUES lOc I.HISO.VH IISM i<:s. S ( lou.lon t>r., T..ri>i.lo. Out. ' , Enclosed flml lOo for generous , I trial offer of 190 tlaaue* In din- ' penaer box. 1 Nam* ' I Addreas I Q. How can I prevent water that has been spilled on hardwood floors from spotting? A. Rub with a cloth dipp-d in turpentine, using a regular motion. Then dry with another clean cloth. Q. How can I prevent a rug from slipping? A. A remedy suggested for a lipping rug is to take three pre- serving jar rubbers, sew them to- gether, and attach to the under- side corner of the rug. Of course this must be done to each corner. Q. How can I bleach clothe* when laundering thorn? A. Add a teaspoon of turpen- tine to the water when washing white clothes. It aids materially the bleaching process. Q. How can I prevent tarnish on silverware ? A. A few pieces of camphor dropped into the silverware drawer will prevent the silverware from tarnishing. Q. How can I clean old coins? A. Apply powdered whiting with a damp cloth. If the coin is placed in a raw white potato and allowed to remain for about twelve hours, the original lustre will be restored. Teacheri "Robert, five me a *entonc which include* the word 'faacinate.' Robert (af- ter deep thought)) "My fa- ther ha* a waiitcoat with 10 button* on, but he ean only fatten eight.'* Send More Eggs To Great Britain The 1942 Catalogue, issued by the Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Ltd., Fergus, Ontario, should help to speed up production. It is a beautifully illustrated booklet showing photographs of all the famous Tweddle breeds and hy- brid crosses. Send for this catalogue now. It is free for the asking. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It >ou ai troubled with Helling pilea or reulkl Boreneos, do out delay treatment and run tbe rink of letting thla condition become chronic. Any ItchliiK or soreness or painful pass- age of atool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at ouce. Foi thl* purpose (jet a package of Hem-Hold from any druggist mid use a* directed. Thl* formula which Is used Internally Is a email, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching and soreness and aid In healing the aore tender spots. Hem-Kola la pleasant to uae, la highly recommended and It aeemj the height or folly for any one to rlak a painful aud chronic pile condition when such a floe remedy may b* had at such a amall coat It you uy Hem-ttula uud are not entirely pleased with the results your druggist will gladly return your money. ^ Relieves MONTHLY ^ FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer pniu of Irregular periods witli craukv nervousness due to monthly functional disturb- ancesshould Ilnd Lydla E. Pliik- ham's Veyn-UitMe Compound Tablets (with nddcrt Iron) wry effective to relieve such distress. Pinkham's Tab- lets inudc especially /or women help build up resMMkM against sucn annoying symptoms. Follow label Directions. Made in Canada. What Science Is Doing RANDOM ITEMS Random items from the annual meeting of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Sci- ence: Fish in the rivers of the Great Plains country tasf_e through their fins all except the tail fin. Their best-tasting taste buds are scat- tered around on (he others, Dr. George A. Moore of Oklahoma A. and M. College has found. You weigh less standing on a chair than on the floor and Dr. Dayton H. Clewell of Dallas can tell you just how much. It's De- cause the body is that much farther from {he centre of the earth. Dr. ClewelFs gadget is a gravimeter, used in petroleum prospecting. The spectroscopic eye can de- tect invisible gases rising in min- ute, telltale quantities over area* where there may be oil deposits. Some oil companies are using the> spectroscope now. If you want to keep your own teeth for a long, long time move to Deaf Smith County, Texas. The average there is about one decayed, missing or filled tooth per child, compared to 5, 10 or ven more, elMwhere. Lots of unshine, foods high in phosphorus content, calcium in the soil, just the right amount of fluroine In the water. Quoting Dr. Edward Taylor, director of the dental division of the state department of health: "The people themselves typl- eal western Americans live a free, open life, comparatively ex- empt from nervous tension, grow- ing and consuming a groat vari- ety of foods for their tables." Railroads Seen As Great War Machines That Canada was marked by destiny to become the connecting link between the two great Anglo- Saxon democracies, the United States and the- British Common- wealth of Nations, was the key- note of an addreas delivered by Major F. L. C. Bond, D.S.O., president of the American Rail- way Engineering Association, at til* 43rd annual meeting of the aMociation, which opened In Chi- cago last week. In his addre** to the airactors, Major Bond, who is vice-president and general manager, Central Region, Canadian National Rail- ways, pointed out that the rail- roads are the greatest war ma- Picoba IT DOa TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE! GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO chine on the continent and the originating end of the vital line* of communication which reach around the world in both direc- tions from North America. Major Bond said that the or- ganization served "as a reservoir from which to draw qualified per- sonnel for advisory technical committees to perform some spe- cial service on short notice." He stated that recently one commit- tee had been formed to consider a temporary revision of specifica- tions for track material, at the instance of the War Production Board. Another committee is en- gaged on an emergency study of ways and means to reduce rubber consumption A third was aaked to arrive at a prompt conclusion as to the effect upon the restric- tions of soda ash in the treatment of water for use in locomotive boilers, as all these materiala, steel, rubber and soda ash, must be conserved for war purpose*. "These are a few illustration! of what must be expected In con- stantly increasing me*ure," Major Bond concluded. Birds On Wing Built For Speed Ground for "Tall Tales" Say a Alice Boyd in Our Dumb Animals Hunters teU "tall tales' about the speed at the duck that got away, and there la ground tor their stories. Canrasbacks and teal are known to fly at 10 to H mile* an hour. A pheasant's best speed has been ascertained te be 40 miles an hour, while a partridge travels about X miles an hour. Birds of prey, such as eagles sad hawks, have great flying speed, but not for sustained flights over long distances. They are able e> sweep down upon their rtotlma with sudden bursts of speed, which In the case of the duck hawk, ome of the world's fastest birds, baa been timed at 160 and ISO miles an hour. The eagle has been estimat- ed as swooping at the rato of ;-!* miles, though it does not fly straightaway at that speed. As a result of the muiiy races held among liomiug pigeons, it has been proved that their bosl speed is not mare than a uiiU a minute. Pigeons can r!s almost vertically and attain their maximum speed quickly. The humming bird hus real pick- up. High speed cameras have shown that It flies from a standing start at 45 miles au hour, which means that Its wings vibrate at the rate of 55-75 beats a second. Perhaps the fastest fliers of ail the birds are, as their uuint vug- gecta, the swifts. So streamlined are those birds that even their nostrils point backward. An Asiatic species has been estimated to fly at the rate of posibly 220 miles an hour. Birds are built tor speed and their breast muscles are 100 times more powerful, relatively, thaa those of a man. Prophecy Accurate The Daily Sketch of London re- calls that Germany's Himlenburg once said Russia was so vast she would swallow the largest army. Parachutes mildew unless they/ are packed In refrigerated rtor- age. for common ordinary tore khrost S S a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... II niv CHICKS ttX BREEDS, CHICKS. CAPONS, S 'owing PuUeta. Deicrlptlv* ca- logue. Monition Poultry Farm, Monkton. Ontario. BAHY CHICKS s TO 11 CENTS, u free chicks, our choice with every 100 pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered In March. Uoddard Chick Uatcheriea, Britannia Height*, Ontario. IIKAV CHICK!* THEKli'S SELDOM I3KEN BETTER market* for poultrykeepera than right now. and for acme time to come. Take advantage of them. Wide range breeds and hybrids such as Bray B.R., Leghorn, N.H. x B.R., N.H. x U8., Cockerela. Capon*, Started chicks. 130 John N., Ham- ilton, Ont lll(ICl,M'ii.M>|.j.>i u CLUB ARE YOU IAJNESOMET JOIN OUR Correspondence Club. Civilians or boys in American and Canadian forces. Send 26 cents for names. Box 394. Station H. Montreal. HAKKHV BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery. also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 10S Bathurat St.. Toronto. y. -------- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IIO.OO TO $60.00 WEEKLY COM- mlssions will be earned by some wideawake salesman Introducing brand new Government required Record to every small bualneaa man In your county. Write quickly for particulars. Five dollar de- posit brlnga saleable )7.50 unit, with sample kit, and secures ex- clusive county sales rights on quota buala. APEX, 314 Brock Bldg., Toronto. BOOKS AMD MAGAZINES BOOKS, MAGAZINES, FROM 5c UP. One of the largest assortment* In Canada. Technical, Trades, Military. Aviation, Detective, Love, Romance, Business, Unusual. Mag- In Professions, Medical, Marriage, etc. Rush for free Illustrated catalogue Canadian Book Com- pany. 84 Victoria Street, Toronto. FARMERS TOU CAN MAKE CONSIDERABLE handling one of the finest lines of Insecticides. Electric Fence Con- trollers, Paints, Fire Bxtlngulsh- era. etc. Write WARCO GREASB A OIL LIMITED, TORONTO. FOR 1AL.U ONE DAISY CHURN, ONB KMIT- ted Bed Spread, i small Inoubat- or* 50 egg* each; one knitting machine. Alao embroidery work done, made to order. Mr*. M. Selfert. It.R. 1, Fordwlch. Ontario. FOR SALE 6 H.P. FA1RJBAWKB- Morse Engine, alao rebuilt 10-10 , McCormlck-Deerlng Tractor. Ne guarantee. J. H. McCaw, I. H. C. Dealer, Barrle. BLACK TWO-YEAR-OLD PBRCH- eron stallion. Calyp* Laet, high quality horse. D. R. McLean, Port Stanley, Ontario. _ KM VK'.I.MIOTN I FREE ENLARGEMENTS WITH each roll of film* developed or ten reprint* all for .26 and .01 mall In stamps. Photographic La- boratories P.O. Box 646, 8her- brooke, Que. HOUSE FOR 9AL.K BEAUTIFUL 3 UEDROOM IJRICJC. (clear). Sell or exchange, small Improved acreage, Essex. Kent county, 1620 Arthur, VVIndior, On- tarlo. _ .^_^____ IIAIRDHKSSING SCHOOL CARS USED A.\U MEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd.. Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations. 631! M'. Pleasant Koad 2040 Yonge St and i '.MI Dan forth Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cara. FILMS DByBLOPBO 25,' IJOLUS UKVKLOl'KU AND primed, plus 0110 5x7 onlttri^e- mcnt of torst picture. Precision I'hntii Uuild. 108 Fulton Avenue, Toronto. LKAK.N H..\IUI>UI';.SSIM: mii KOB- ertson method. Information on re- quest regarding cloasea. Robert- son's Uairdresalng Academy, lit Avenue Road, Toronto. HONEY WANTED FOR QUICK RETURNS AND BBBT prices communicate with Joieph A Uozoii, 411 Confederation Blclg., Montreal. <>!<. I, n ro INYUNTOKS AN OFFKK i'O EVEKi IN V EN TOM Ltat of mventlona and full infor- mation sent free. The Kamsay Cii Registered, Patent Attorneys, ITS Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada, MEDICAL DON'T WAIT EVERY SUFFBR- er of Rheumatic Palna or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. I'ATISNT!) FETHKHWTONHAtJUH & COMi'AN V Puteut Solicitors. Eatiiblleheo 1SSO; 14 Klim A',:. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. 8 HIO ! M \ IK.I M I % I-N SEND US YOUR FILMS OR TEN reprlnta and you will receive not only one or two free enlargement but all your photos will be en- larged double size for only 40 (plus .lift mall) stamps accepted. Postal I'holo, P.O. Box 622, Sher- brookc, (Jue. LICUAL J. N I. IN U&A *. LAW OFFICE, (JAP- Itol Then tie building. St. Thomas. Ontario special Department for fuiim-is uul (actions, ISSUE 13 '42 TAMPS MALAYA. PHUJPPINBS. HOMO Kong, other warring oountrle* ! the Pacific. British Colonle*. to. In packet of 61 different, lOo wiia approval*. Worldwide, 219X Nas- sau. Oihawa. Ont. v. 'tsi 10 STOCK BI-l-Llti, PLANTS. SURUBH ANB Bvargreeua. Numeroua varieties and oolora; sensational uew Intro* ductioua. Write for deacrlptltre catalogue. James Seed Company. LlndHny. Ontario. IlllKl M.Vl'lC PAINM HIGHLY REC-OMMENDED T- ary aufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dlxon'} Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store, IN Elgin, Ottawa. Poatpai d >1.00. IIAW KLIIJ* WAMTICU MINK. FOX. MLSKKAT. \VKASMl, Rabbit, Skunk. Ship Goods Par eel Post. Highest Hricea Pall Payment by return mall. Refer- ence: Canadian Bank Commerce. Phllltpa Square. Abe Uerlnger, 3C8 St. Paul Weat. Montreal. l'k\ l-lilli l CHICK* IT LOOKS NOW AS THOUUH everyone who ever hoard of the name of "Tweddle" has written for my 1942 catalogue. But we have lota mure of them and thejr are free for the asking. Hlght now we are hatching between sovoitty-flve to eighty thoimand chick* per week. We huve a hatch every day but Saturday. We hare 19 purebrecde, 9 hybrid croaaee and four breeds of turkeya. It will pay you to receive our free catalogue. Twnddle L'hiek Hatch- eriea Limited. Korgus, Ontario. Till CKN FOR x \ |,| TWO 1U37 INDIANA-WHITE, TWO ton Trucks, carry 5 tons, dual wheels, all good ten-ply tires. Twelve foot stake bodloa with racks, completely overhauled ready for the road. Six hundred dollar* each, easy terms or make offer. MEli-oso BD54. 11!>7 Uloor. Toronto. STAMPS BOUGHT AND SOLD STAMP COLLECTING IS WAIU time relaxation- 50 different New- foundland and Canada only lie. 300 finely mixed Newfoundland and Canada, only 25c. Free price- lists of Canadian Stamp* an4 Worldwide packets. Old accumu- lations purchnst-d. York Stamps 'ompitny. Toronto 9. vic(;KT\iu,i:s WAMTKU ~~ CARROTS. HKETS, ONIONS, TUB- nips and Potntoes large or small qunii tities. Highest prices paid. gplR to or write Mutual Urowers Market Limited, Federal Dealers License No. \093 and W.P.T.BL License 36128. 41 Church Street Toronto. FOR QUALITY" SERVICE AND SATISFACTION TRY IMPERIAL 6 or 8 exposure films, developed and printed, or 8 reprints, 26c. Money refunded if not satisfied 1MPKRIAI, ru.iiu SKI Station J, Toronto. i