Atlantic Ocean Norneu, Jan. 14 . 15 Indian Arrow, Feb. 4 \ e* ^ . ^sf <M- L. Steed, Feb. 2 OfcL. ^Francis E. Pgwell, Jan. 27 ^fe China Arrow, Feb. 5 u Gil, Feb. 3 ^Rochetter, Jon. 30 Mday.Jon.19 Allan Jackson, Jan. 1 1 City e* % Vtnore, /on. 24 / Arianra, -/ Bermuda-bound Canadian liner Lady Hawkini sunk Jan. 19; 245 lives (art CHtrelto, Jan. 19 In month of raiding off U. 8. coasts, German U-boats have sunk tin It vessels spotted on map, damaged another, and sunk 15 in tht north Atlantic off Canada Nearly 450 lives have lost In tht U S. coast sinkings which took a toll of 113,143 tons of shipping, including 10 oil tankers. MODERN ETIQUETTE 1. What is a common courtesy IB which many people are particu- larly careless? t. Should salt and pepper shaken match each other? I. la it all right to have nick- Barnes printed on personal calling arda? 4. When is the double card for nan and wife in good use? 6. What is the proper way to eat fruit at the table? 0. Is it all right for a guest who wins a bridge prize, to open H and display it to the other guests? Answers 1. The courtesy of thanking lor slight favors. It is almost im- possible to be too liberal with this expression. Thank your father, your mother, your broth- ers and sisters. Thank the wait- ress who serves you, the sales- woman who displays her wares, the elevator boy, the stranger for any information, the doctor, the lawyer. 2. Yes, if the small in- dividual shakers are used they must match each other. 3. No. 4. It is sent with wedding pres- ent*, with flowers to a funeral, with gifts to high school or col- lege graduates, or with any other fift that comes from both. It is, of course, usud also for formal visits. 5. Hold the fruit in your hand and peel it with the knife, or if ft is juicy fruit, such as a peach, you may hold it on the fork. 6. Yes. What Science Is Doing WEATHER 'SIGNS' Quito a good many of the old- fashioned "signs" have good scien- tific warrant, even though others lack solid foundations, says Sci- ence Service. Back of the old jingle, "Red in the night, sailors' delight; red in the morning, sailors take warn- ing," is the truth that bright sun- sets usually come during periods of settled weather, while a red- dened sun (at any time of day) indicates the presence of moisture- laden particles in the air, that may later precipitate rain or snow. Even at sunset, a bleary, reddened an (as distinguished from red- tinted clouds) may warn of a itonn to come. A rising column of smoke from a chimney is another fairly re- liable "sign" of fair or clearing weather. It means that the air is dry, whereas smoke that goes up and then comes down again shows that the air is heavy with moisture which the smoke par- ticles gather unto themselves until they are so heavy that they sink. A ring around the moon, or to be academically precise, a halo, is another fairly dependable wea- ther "sign." So is a fuzzy or blurry appearance of moon or stars. These appearunces arc due to the interception of light by thin clouds running ahead of an approaching general storm area. There is, however, no truth whatever in the belief that the crescent moon "holds" rain if its horns are pointed upward, "pours' rain if they point downward. Those phenomena are purely as- tronomical, and have nothing to do with conditions on earth. The same holds true for the position of the "bowl" of the "Creat Dip- j per" as seen early in the evening, j Convert Sea Water Into Drinking Water The most fascinating piece of equipment to be installed in three new trans-Atlantic flying boats being built for American Export Airlines is a still for converting sea water into drinking water, says Business Wools. These stills are to be standard equipment in the planes' collapsible lifeboats. The still operates on solidified fuel in cans, each one of which will burn for two hours, time enough to distill a quart of water. The condenser is a flexible tube which is thrown overboard so that sea walcr cools the steam and thus converts it into drinking water. The fuel can be used for cooking, too, and the water container be- comes a pressure cooKer. To be able to carry the ingenious de- | vice, American Export Airlines I had to take out a regular New York State distiller's licence. Evidently Got 'Em! The New York Times says that priati; advices received from con- tinental Europe recounted a quip that is truing the rounds as a com- mentary on the German with- drawal in Russia. According to this "gag," Goer- ing ?ave Marshal Petain, French chief of state, 24 hours to hand over the plans of retreat used by Napoleon. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kete, anu Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Branu Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto CHAFED from any tout*, C u t , Burnt ^___ itflUt. Aih- !*'' Poor, Sor* Muicltt, *., UM fatt-octing, ioojhing, iwt-WTtll- lr>9 rmdy. Kp a tin handy for mrgncl*t. HEALING SALVE Have You Heard? In New York, an Italian was be- ing examined in court after apply- ing for citizenship. He answered correctly questions as to the name of the President and the capital of the United States. Then came this: "Could you become president of the United States?" "No," was the reply. "Why not?" persisted the offi- cial. "You pleasa excuse," begged the Italian. "I very busy right now sella de peanuts." My young nephew Rol- and'* father ha* bought a cow, and when 1 taw Roland couple of day* ago, I taid: "Does your cow five much milk?" "She doesn't give it," he told me. "You've got to tort of take it away from her." The irate parent stormed up and down the room before the nervous-looking young man. "What!" he shouted. "You have the nerve to come to my office to ask for my daughter's band? I might as well tell you that you could have saved your- self the journey." The suitor sighed wearily. "Well, that's all right," he aid. "You see, I had another message to deliver in the same building." "What a debtor?" "A man who owe* money.'' "And what i* a creditor?" "A man who think* he'* going to get it back." Jones had gone to the cinema, but the inane chatter of two women seated immediately in front of him at last became more than he could stand. He tapped one of the women on the shoulder and said: "Pardon me, madam, but I can't hear." The woman snorted. "You'ru not supposed to this is a private conversation," she snapped. Raatu*: "Boy, whut would yo do if'n you had all de money in de world right now ?" Mo*e: "Well, *uh, Ah rec .on Ah'd pay it on mah debt* fur'* it'd go." Inquisitive Person (questioning a member of the parachute treopsi : "It must bu exciting to be a parachute juniper. N'o doubt you've had some terrible experi- ences." Parachutist: "Yeah, terrible! Why, once I came down where there was a sisrn 'Keep Off the Grass'." Little Girl: "I know *ome- tliing 1 won't tell." Bachelor: "Never mind, child. You'll get over that when you're a little older." Haulers of Wood has become so scarce in the Inishlands in Dwyer Hill and Marl borough Townships of Cark'ion County that women now are engaged in hauling wood from the bush. Returning to their homes to do their chores, many return to the bush in the eve- ning fiir H -iM-ond load. Southing, cooling Mentholatum brings quick relief or money back. Alao for chafing, cuts and bruiaee. Jars and tubes, ;Wc. At RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it >ou ale Uuuuieu willi itcnlug yiiBjj ui i tetai uurmietis. do uot delay treatment and run the risk of letting tb.ii condition btuome chronic. Any itching ur soreness or painful pass- age of stool Is natures warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. Foi this puipuse get a package of Hern-Koul from any druggist and us* as directed. This formula which is used Internally Is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid In healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Kold is pleasant to use. Is highly recommended and It seems ih height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at *uch a small oost. It you try Hem-Kold and are not ontirely pleased with the results, your druggist will itladl.v return our money Relieves MONTHLY < FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer pain of irregular periods with cranky nervousness due to monthly functional disturb- ances should find Lydln S. Plll'n- bam't Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added Iron) very effective to relluve such distress. Plnkham'a Tab- let* made esveniallv tor women help build up resistance against such annoylnK symptoms. Follow label directions. Mnria In Canada. British . U.S. War Council Is Formed An eight-man combined cbiafs- of-staff board has been establish- ed in the United Nations war capi- tal at Washington to direct all British-American joint action by land, sea and air and on factory assembly lines. In its announcement of the move the war department said the new iji.ii. ii "amounts to a com- bined command post for the con- duct of all joint operations of the two governments in the war." Besides directing military op- erations it will have jurisdiction over production and distribution of war supplies. It will work in collaboration with representatives of the other United Nations. On broad strategical questions it will make joint recommenda- tions to <.Lc heads of the Axneri- can and British government*. It is empowered to act without de- lay on immediate matters relating to current operations. Formation of a new munition* assignment board was also an- nounced. Headed by Harry Hop- kins, it will decide where weapons will be most useful to carry oat United Nations strategy. Othar members are land, air and Ma officers of the two government*. Tiny Six-year-old Norwegian Patriot Today, as Norwegians believe they see the day of regained free- dom and independence drawing nearer, many of them, whose sta- tus may have appeared at time* to be doubtful, welcome and, in fact, seek arrest by the Ger- mans. Such arrest, it is believed, will be rather certain evidence that one has been on the "right" side when the time for settling accounts arrives. But the little boy in Bergen was hardly moti- vated by any such thought. Children of the city had been ordered to attend a Hitler youth exhibition. Instead of going in they marched past the door sing- ing the national anthem and shouting "Long Live the King!" All were arrested except a tiny six-year-old who had been over- looked. The little chap darted up to a policeman and shouted: "Long Live the Ki.ig!" I want to be Treated, too!" Saccharine, which is 300 times s sweet us sugar, was discovered accidentally by an American scien- tist in 1878. Aches and Pains of RHEUMATISM . . . . .. any drujjjjiiil if one bottla uf Ku-ila dues uol : !n.w >uu Hie uuick. easy way to yet relief (rum the cruel, itubburu aches and puma of rheu- matism. Ku-.M i mum |il>-.i.-c >ou ur muney bark. One bottle will con- vince you. .^taiflm&flHEIl? , SOUTHERN ONTARI HOW CAN I? Q. How can 1 keep brown sugar from getting lumpy? A. Keep the brown sugar in an open jar or canister in the re- frigerator, and it will become and remain soft and free from lumps. Q. How can I keep my hand* smooth and white? A. Use regularly a solution consisting of equal parts of gly- cerin and lemon juice, well mixed; a few drops of alcohol and a little rosewater can be added for a slight perfume. Q. How can I make use of left-over egg yolks? A. Very often the housewife finds that she has egg yolks loft for which there is no immediate use. By boiling them hard, the yolks will keep, and they can be grated over a salad, creamed sal- mon, or baked flah. Q. How can I prevent that eloudy look in glasses that have contained milk? A. Rinse glasses that have been us<i for milk In old water before washing in hot watar. Heat dries the milk into the glass, giving it a cloudy appearance. Q. How should chamois glove*) be washed? A. Make a strong suds *f whit* castile soap. Dissolve 1 teaapeonful of borax in 4-pint hot water and add this to 1 quart of the suds. When cold, put gloves on hands and wash gently in the same manner as washing the hands. Rinse in the same way. When dry, rub between the hands to soften. Jewels Make Tanks The powerful motors of mas- sive tanks and light military re- connaissance trucks owe their watch-fine but sturdy operating mechanisms to the action of dia- mond-dust finished pistons, con- Kactijvg: rods and main bearinifs. ITCH STOPPED IH *T 4////V or Mont/ Back r quick reiief from itching rsfirnii. puupk*, atb- ri* liKjt, mralc*, * il ir". r*bc* and other extern**!* ou*d kin trouble*, o UM-M-UII* . ooutiof. Mm. Mptic. liquid I). U. U. I'rcachpuoa. Gruoek**, umlrM S .n i<- imUtion And qtticUy ttop*tmeti* itching. 3!xMh*Hiultle(M-T( it, vtnunvr beck. Ask U*U f-c UOJ.LU'RESCKIl'TION. "The Fifth Column And Hitler's Tricks" Fifth columnists are potentially more menacing than airplanes and tank*., said Robert Coffin, noted Belgian lawyer and writer, when addressing members of L'Allianc* Francaise at the Chateau Laurier not long ago. Speaking on the topic, "Th Fifth Column and Hitler's Tricks," Mr. Coffin, who fled from Bel- gium just before its capitulation, told his audience of some of the dramatic events which led to the fall of his native country. H* related how fifth columnists had established secret ramification! in his country and had been transmitting secret information to toe enemy long before Germany decided to invade Belgium. Tha Germans were in possession of plans of the main fortification line and of every airport to such an extent that resistance to in- vaaion could not hold out any length of time. SOLDIERS, RUB OUT TIRED ACHJf act* fatter on coughs and cclm. Gives you more for your money. Bui .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. COVHTMf BIG ROCK "PAY DAY" CHICKS ai.i..u murt* pitMii, Deuaudtj Uley *. t Jitter tUuiifcKi. u; e soia ou a 1UU% satisfaction suamulee, Rock*. lieil.s. iJetfliuJ us. Hybrid*. at* haleiicil or sexed. MX week old pullets. Write (or prices anu free cukndur. Big Huck farm, Mill* Km IK*. Out.. Bux C. Satiafaction ia a certainly). UAUV CHICKS SIX BHliKILS, i 'HICKS. CAJVONS, growing I'ullets. Descriptive ca- talogue, Munkton Poultry Karm. Monkton, Ontario. n>ri,TK VK. !:!: riou>, UUUS AUK IN the front Hue. Britain calls for food aa well aa munitions. Catch up by ordering Bray chicks brood- ed to order save time, worry, (pace. Most breeds, hybride. March Turkeys. Dray Hatchery, ISO John N.. Hamilton. Ont. KGUS 12c PEK DOZEN HIUHJCK this year at thin data, Feb. Ifth. Orad "A" large egg* ar* \it per doMn higher than they were Feb. 16th last year and are likely to continue higher throughout the aeasQti. What doea tins iig- nlfy? It means that poultry men will make more money. Play *af*. Tweddle chicks are the kind you can depend on. We have been lervlng the public for 18 yeara. Send for free catalogue, alao turkeys and older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. ___ CANS FOR SALH 400 CANS, HO1J3 FIVE VMKH1 an gallon..;, suitable for maple Sip, syrup, or honey. Red Spot ut Co.. 26 J:u-vis Street. Toronto. Bl'TCIIKHS IOUI II' FOR SALE U 8 A G E STL'FPERS. MfilAT Srlndera, one third H.P. and Coffee Grinders, on* quarter .P. Write McLeach, A * P Food 8tore, 135 Laughton Avenue, onto. BAKERY I HI li'Mi .1 BAKSRJS 1 OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment aJ- waya on hand. Terms aj-ranged. CorrMpondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 101 Bathurat St, Toronto. OARS i -r 11 AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd.. Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 182 Mt Pleasant Road 1040 7onge 9t and 16GO Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make ua many frlenda. Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- i vied uaed oars. Ml... "II KL..V1' JTAKM iuy-ACRE, OS P KIN UK. Highway Nu. '. tjood building* and soil, city conveniences. Munz, 17& (jlbii ituud, Toronto. K HOI i OH MALE FOR SALE 1SJ HKAI) OF STUCK. farm equipment, sufficient grain. SOU acre ritrin; Ideal location for mixed farming, I26.IK) an acre, 114.000 i-.-i. h. For further particu- lars write John Davidson. Two Creeks, Man. _ I ' \IMIs I "II PRO1JLCTI Vi: HLNUKKD. DUJ>'- frin County, modern kitcheu, gravity piped spring water, bank Darn, river crosses corner pasture rove. Five Thousand. Box 188, Grand Valley, Ontario. _ KAJUM I HI I I'M h VI KhJBKUAHV SPECIALS 1 have a few remaining bargains in Me- lotte Cream Separators, demon- strator and rebuilt models % used Grinders. 6" Kleury Bnginea, 22 and 38 H.: 1 ., Marshall and Deut> Kuglnes; Lister Surf Portable Milking Machines; Myers Pumps and Water System*; (Jaaollne JSngines; a few Lister Tine and Link Harrows; used Basins at bargain prices: Melotta, Magnet and Premier Separator Parts In stock; Letz Mills and Parts and other used euulpment. Save money. now while these bargains last. Writ* me today. S. A. Lister. Stewart Street, To- ronto. HA1RUKKKMNU SCHOOL LK-AKN HA1UDKKSS1MO THE HUH- rtson metboct. Information on re- quest regarding classes. Robert- ion's HaJrdressing Academy, 187 Aveuuu Road, Toronto. UKFttK 10 l.\ V li.NTOH.H AM OFKKH TO EVER* INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Kamsay Cc Registered, Patent Attorneys, 87i Batik Street. Ottawa. Canada. ~~~~~ PATKNTS FBTHERSTONHAUGH & COM PAN V Patent Solicitors, Established UtO; 14 &lng Wet, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest t'KKSONAL. ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ. Wonderful book sent free. Meglddo Mission, Rochester. New York. bINNUk J. N. IJNUSA*. LAW OKKICK, CAP- Itol Theatre Bulling. Si. Tbomaa Ontario. Spuci.ii I >i>rimei>i r> farmers coMurtuiim ISSUE 9 IT'S EXCELLliNT. KH.YL KL'SI'I.TS alter kiliint; l.'i.\un Keuuiiy Rheumatic Pnui.-. and Muni. is Urug :i>n-. oo.' _Otta . MKfllA.MC* \V A.-.TK1J AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS \\.\NT- ed Goud pu; and \vorkui- < dltiun. steady work. Uive i:ill details and, experience first , ,<r. 8KLLKNS & UOTZENROU. Kurd Dealers, 74 J,>hn ,<t. N, r h, ilim- llton, Ontario. .\LUM.\U COL KM; COURSE FOR WOMEN ATTKNIJ- ants. Verdun Prutestatit Hn.'pniil give* a year's training tor in.'iual attendant;'. Kediiirements two years high school and applicants must bo 21 years. Immediate . .u - ancles. Apply t<j Diruetoi uf NursuiK. I'.o. Lio.x titiJI. .\U.n: -al. MLMCAL CTIU.% NOW iS THE TIME TO STUOY music Ht home. Spu:iully prep. nod courses on all InstrumuntK. White Studios of Music, ^5 Ulcn'uKa Avenue. Toronto. r. \MI.I I - i "U - 11 : Klvi, CL.KAN WOODEN, JJ.uu each, f.u.b. Toronto. S. liarner & Sons, 400U Liumlas St. West, To- ronto. ItHKt.MATIC I'AI>* PEOPL.K \KK TALK.1NU ABOUT the good result!) from taking Dlxon's Kennedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritlp. Munro's l>rug Store, 335 KlRin. (Htana. WAVl'KI) ACHIKVI-: VDfR AMBITION WITH a Famllex Agency. Many womon now making splendid incomes supplying the ramlltaa In thoir territory over 2UO easily s. .11 home necessities. Large n orders ascertained by Famllex Guarantee. \Ve tell you how to Obtain fie best results. For de- tails and catalogue FREE; Write to Miss G. St. GeorKi:. 570 St ( lenient Str.'et. Montreal. WOMKX WAXTKI) WANTKD: WOMEN TO PO HOMW sewing. Best pay. Postage paid on all work. Sent anywhere. Bontex Specialty Co, Box E7. Chase. B.I ' FOR QUALITY SERVICE AM >AI|H|. AI MOM I'll! Kll'l l(l\l. 6 or i exp, 11:111.-.. developed ana nnntuu. ui s reprints. He. Uoth HUH rrec enlargement. I M. -i it'll run rn SKIIVICB st.jn.jii J. Toronto.