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Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1941, p. 1

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i VOL. 61; NO. 30 FLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, *941 W. H. Thurston & Son, Props. * .- ._ The Advance Extends Greetings to its many readers i and wishes them a Merry Christmas PR1CEVILLE Merry Christmas to the Editor, Staff and Readers. Mr. Percy Jackson of Colling<wood was a visitor Tuesday at the home of D. L. McArthur. Mrs. T. Nichol accompanied him home, after spend- ing a couple of weeks in Collingwood. Mr. Angus McVicar had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable Jersey cow last week. 'While drinking at the river from a hole through the ice she fell in. With assistance she was rescued but she died later from ex- posure. Messrs. Don and Dick Carson of Toronto visited on Sunday at their parental home. Mr. Carson accom- panied them to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence and family of Durham visited last week at the home of Henry Tucker. School is over for the term and the teachers and pupils are enjoying big long holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean are intending Fergus. to spend Christmas at St. John's Si'S. Concert The annual entertainment of St. John's United Church Sunday School, assisted by the public school pupils, was held on Friday evening, when the church auditorium was well filled. A Christmas tree was de- nuded of its presents by Santa Claus (Alex. Henderson) and every child received a gift. The supper in con- nection with the concert was not held this year. The various numbers on the program were well gifen. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Morrison an- nounce the engagement of their youngest son, Murray, to Miss Dor- othy Briggs of Toronto, the wedding to take place in Toronto on Decem- ber 27th, at 4 o'clock. A crisis in winter has one thing in its favor: it's easier to keep cool. Future Events EUGENIA DANCE DEC. 25 A dance will be held in the L.O.L. hall, Eugenia on Dee. 25th, under auspices of the L.O.L. Good music, lunch served. Admission: rdults 25c. children lOc. Entertained Council At the conclusion of the December session of the Osprey Township Council, Reeve and Mrs. Sayers were hosts at their home, to the members of the Council, officials and theii wives, where a sumptuous supper was awaiting them, which was thor- oughly enjoyed by all. A toast was made to the King, and was respond- ed to by Dr. Lindsay, in a well chos- en address. A toast to the ladies was responded to by Mr. Francis, Mr. Stephens and Mrs. Hawton, giv- ing short addresses. The singing of the National Anthem brought this delightful gathering to a close. A goodly number of friends anU neigh- bora gathered and card playing and dancing was enjoyed. OSPREY COUNCIL Funeral of Mrs. G. Mitchell The funeral of the lte Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, who passed away on Sun- day, Dec. 14th, was held from her late residence on Wednesday after- noon of last week. Rev. G. K. Mc- Millan of St. John's United Church. her pastor, conducted the service and spoke words of comfort to the suddenly bereft family. He also conducted the interment service in the Flesherton Mortuary chapel. The pallbearers were: Messrs. C. S. McTavish and G. A. McTavish of Flesherton, Frank Bunt and 0. Clipperton of Toronto, G. Goldabor- oug-h of St. Catharines and Wm. Southgate of Goderich. There were many tokens of sympa- thy from many friends, among them being a spray from her neighbors. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. Wm. Southgate of Goderich. Mrs. Cecil Legrgatt, Miss Florence Bunt, Mr. Frank Bunt and Mrs. Martin, all of Toronto, Mrs. G. C. McDonald of Islington, Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke of Feversham. The members of the family were all home for the funeral except Major Kendall Mitchell, who is with the United States Air Corps at Bowman Field, Kentucky. Car of Barley CARLOAD OF BARLEY TO AR- RIVE ABOUT JAN. 1, 1942, AND WULL DE UNLOADED AT THE STATION. O. & A. CO-OPERATIVE Phone 70 Flesherton, Ont. OF OUR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN /f!i s & Maddocki planned funerals are complete to the latt detail. No additional charges. Price* within your means. Beautiful chapel and diplay room open for roar inspection. The Osprey Municipal Council met in final session for the year on Mon- da. Dec. 15th, with all the members present. The final session, while possibly not the most important meeting of the year, yet usually proves out to be the busiest one of all, in getting all accounts rounded up and paid, so as to leave a clear sheet for the in- coming council, as far as possible. By-laws Nos. 12 and 13 were pass- ed, authorizing payments of all the school monies. County rates, tele phone and Hydro rates, also setting the salary of the municipal auditor t flOO pr year. Gneral accounts ordered paid were: H. Belts, refund over assess- ment; Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. Mil- ler $43.78; J. Izard, relief $10; L. Hambly, relief $5; C. Crosby, refund over assessment $2; F. Hollingshead, refund over assessment $3.04; A. Morrison, refund, over assessment $2 Treas. Grey County, indigent hospital accounts $92.75; J. Crawford, rent of office and Hydro account $70; M Sayers, A. Buie, C. Sprott, C. N. Long, expenses to Toronto $5 each, car hire $10; C. N. Long, serices as relief officer $50; M. Sayers, salary as Reeve $75; F. Hale, salary Dep.- Reeve, $65; A. Buk, J. McCutcheon, C. Sprott as councillors $65 each; M. Sayers, Dr. R. W. Lindsay and F. Hale as members of Board of Health $15 each; C. N. Long, as Secretary of Board of Health $20; Dr. R. W. Lindsay, M.O-H. $125, and admin- istering toxoid treatments $125; H. C. Francis, marking and returning 1941 Tax Roll $15; C. N. Long, issu- ing tax notices $18; Whillier & Co., stationery, supplies $23.UJ, 1940 ac- count $40.98; Dept. of Health, insul- in $1.88; Treas. Village of Flestoer- ton and Dundalk. Division Court ex- penses $6.78; Treas. Twp. Colling- wood, Division Court expenses $14.- 22; C. C. Middlebro', legal advice $10; Herald Printing Co.. account $15.10; W. Hargrae, G. H. Burk, W. Kendall and W. Hannon. as attendance offic- ers $5 each; E. Buckingham, as weed inspector $10; Osiprey Municipal Tel- ephone, office phone and tolls $39.60; Mrs. M. Brown, refund, over assess- ment $2; Maxwell, Singhampton and Badjeros libraries, grants of $10.00 each; Treas. Grey County, balance for snow plowing $25; G. Mclntyre, as sheep valuer $3; J. W. Robinson, account E. Miller $9.95; E. Robinson, postage $6. General road accounts ordered paid were: E. Robinson, postage $6; C. Magee, wire fence bonus $1- H. Fcnwick, bridge timber $15; J. Sayers, bridge timber $88.50; J. Lougheed, wire fence bonus $2-12; G. bridge timber $76; W. Reid, posts $9; Roofers' Supply Co.. snow fence $327..'!2: J. W. Robinson, bridge timber, lumber and posts $324.80; M. Armour, wire fence bonus 06.40; G. Bby & Son, account $8.47; L. Duck- ett. wrie fence bonus $23; J. W. Rob- inson, account 70c; K. Hawkins, wire fence bonus $8.96: A. Grummett, tile $4!>; II. Grummett. weeds $1.60; Her- High School Report FALL TERM GRADE 13 R. Sutherland 64.6, L. Pedlar 64.6, R. Fenwick 57.1, I. Brown 54.3, E. Russell 53.3, E. Plester 47, P. Warling 46.9, J. Proctor 46.6, V. Wilson 40.3. GRADE 12 Florence O'Neill 84, Jean Duncan 79, Ruth Whyte 76.7, Robert O'Dell 74, Jean Loacks 71, Agnes MacMillan 69, Marion Collin- son 66.9, Wm. Stephen 66.4, Emerson Meads 65. Gordon Nichol 62, Mary McMullen 57.7, Janet Campbell 57.6, Marjorie Thistlethwaite 56, Emerson Beaton 54.3, Jean McTavish 5.3.6. GRADE 11 Lois Wood 78, Ena Adams 73, Donald Cameron 71.7, Isabel Karstedt 66, John McMillan 64, John McConkey 63, Earle Thurs- ton 60.4, Grace Parker 59.6, Dorothy Falconer 59, Fred Bannon 57, Arleae Taylor 56.3, Carman Loucks 53.7, Willis Sayers 53.6, Margaret McMill- an 48.3, Angus MeVicar 47, Joseph McWilliam 46.7, Ethel Taylor 44, Edna Marshall 37.5. GRADE 10 Genevieve Milne 78.7, Eunice Allen 75.1, Muriel Smith 75, Jane Karstedt 74.7, Frances Buchan- an 71.4. Margaret Turney 65.5, Jean McCracken 63.4, Marjorie Bracken- bury 62.4. Jean McMullen 60.7, Vern- on Atkinson 53.5, Sara McMillan 50, Kenneth Henry 49, Donald Mc- Millan 4S.2. GRADE 9 Evelyn MeTavish 76.88, Marie Phillips 73.38, Mary Baoiks 66.88. Douglas Falconer 65.5. Margaret Smith 64, Mari Meads 62.75, Gordon Miller 62.75. Bernice Johnson 61.38, Dorothy Plester 60.75. Robert Avis 59.75. Edward Banks 59.13, Helen Brown 55. Burton Rus- sell 53.38. Velma Sewell 51. Sg, Keith Goessd 4(9.75, Delbert Fleeter 45, Marge Martin, no report, Mary Scilley, no report. Fowl Day Attracts New Library Books Man; sellers of Fowl Flesherton annual fowl marketing day was an unqualified success on Wednesday of last week, when more fowl than ever was marketed that day. It was estimated that ten tons of poultry was sold to buyers, both local and those from outside points, and the prices received were higher than those received on the general market. Turkeys brought from 32 to 36 cents, depending on grade. Geese, with a top of 25, Chickens 24 cents, with a top of 25. while very few ducks were offered at 25 'a cents. Mr. W. R. Meads of the O.D. R. received the prize for the largest load of turkeys, 25. W. E. Loucks took first for dressed pair and Meads second, while the latter took the prize for best individual lot, with Loucks second. Chas. McDermid had the largest load of chickens. 89. and also the largest load of poultry rais- ed and sold by one individual, with Mr. Wallace McCormick of Priceville second with one less. Herb Betts was first with the highest amount of money paid for cream with Chas. McDermid second. Mrs. Hy. Tucker BLACK CRAIG aid Printing advts. $2.75; A. Taylor, trucking gravel $28; G. Otte- well, account $;!.50; B. Deacon, truck- ing fill $1872.00; G. Murray, cutting brush $5S; A. Mullen, gravi-1 $142.40: J. T. McKenzie, telephone $6: pay roll No. 12, $518.20. Council adjourned. FUNERAL CHAPEL - Central Location 124 AVENUE RD. Tel. Kingsdale 4344 VICTORIA CORNERS PUPILS RAISE $41.68 FOR WAR FUND The pupils of S. S. No. 4, Arteme- sia, have something of a record for assistance to the Telegram British War Vi-otims' Fund. They have held bazaar recently and most of the money raised was from articles sold and made by the pupils. Altogether $41 .68 was raised for the Fund. Miss Lucy McDonald of Flesherton is the teacher of this school, which has only eight scholars in attendance, so their record is that much more re- markable. Lighted Christmas trees at the chancel steps adorned St. Luke's Anglican Church at Burlington on Wednesday last for the wedding of Miss Dorothy Louise Craig. Buv- ., and Mr. Harold Carberry Black of Flesherton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Craig and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Black of Malton. The church was lighted with small coal oil lamps and candles and decorated with Christmas evergreens. Red and white carna- tions graced the altar. The ceremony was conducted at 7 o'clock by the rector. Rev. G. W. Tebbs. Mr. Mur- ray Hall presided at the organ and the soloist was Roy Chapman. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a fuchsia rose crepe gown, made on princess lines with floor-length skirt, draped bodice and long sleeves. She wore a single strand of pearls. Her tiny hat wa? of matching crepe and tulle veiling with flowers. She carried a noseiray of Johanna Hill roses and budlea. The attendants were two sisters. Miss Lucille Craig, maide of honor, in a gown of gold crepe with small matching hat and the bridesmaid. Margaret Craig, wearing a of Ceylon marketed the largest num- , Service) ber of eggs, with C rence Alcox of I Markdale second. Other winners were: Best pair of chickens. Mrs. A. Stewart of Ceylon, | Roy Fenwick of Maxwell, W. R. Graham of Markdale and George Swanton. Best lot of five. Wesley Smith. W. R. Graham, R. Geese: largest load, Wm. McCor- mick of Prieeville; best pair. The following new books have been placed on the shelves of the Flesh- erton Public Library: Adult Fiction "The Voyage" by Morgan; "Medi- cal Centre' by Baldwin; "Week End Wodehouse" "By Way of th Silver- thorns" by Hill; "Fort in the Jungle" by Wren; "Sword of Islam" by Sa*- atini; "Found Treasure" by Hill; "Out of the Storm" by Hill; "Out- laws of Eden" by Kyne; "Evil Under the Sun' 1 by Christie: ''Sons of the Others" by Gibbs; "The Don Flowi Home to the Sea" by Sholokhov; "The Drum Goss Dead' 1 by Aldrich. Bi*graph? and Literatue "Strictly Personal" by Maugham; "The Men Around Churchill" by Kraus; "Reading I've Liked" by Fade-man. Current Affairs "1 Saw it Happen in Norway" by Hambro; "Nine Days Under (Dun- kirk)" by Masefieltl; "A Thousand Shall Fall (Battle of France) '' by Habe: "Berlin Diary" by Shirer (C. B.S. Correspondent); "Balance Sheet of the Future" by Bevin (England's Minister of Labor); "Total Espion- age" by Riess (German Secret Nichol of Ceylom, Mrs. L. Brown- ridge of Maxwell; best lot of 5. Lloyd Talbot. Mrs. M. Douglas of Feversham. Ducks: Best paar. Mrs. L. Brownridge of Maxwell. James Brownridge of Maxwell. Bert Por- toeus of Maxwell. Juvenile "A Tangled Webb" by Montgom- j ery; "A Girl of the Limberlost" by j G. S. Porter; "Freckles" by G. S. | Porter; "Robin Hood" by DeFoe; j 'Elizabeth, England's Modern Queen'' by Spencer; "Mid Flight" by Sher- ' '' man; "His Little Black Waistcoat to China" by Kiddell-Munroe; "Mac- Gregor, The Little Black Scottie" by D. K. L'Hommedieu. MISS MARY STEWART GIVEN GIFTS ON DEPARTURE A delightful afternoon was spent at the Flesherton Friday, at which High School Miss Mary R. dress of Elizabeth blue, with hat of matching shade. Both carried nose- gays of pale pink carnations. Pre- mier hoses and budlea. Mr. Clarence Black, twin of the bridegroom, was the groomsman. A reception followed at Th Es'ta- minet for sixty guests. Mrs. Norman Craig received with the bridal party wearing a smart black crep gown with draped vestee of pale blue and small black flower-trimmed hat. She wore a corsage of Briarcliffe rses. Later the bride and groom left on a short motor trip, the bride wearing] a black boucle suit with Hrapr-H black felt hat and silver fox furs. They will reside in Flesherton. The bride is a graduate of St. Joseph's hospital Hamilton, and the groom is a member of the Ontario Provincial Police. Stewart was presented with a brief case anrf book shelf by the pupils of the school. The address was read by Jean McTavish and the presenta- tion made by Jean Proclor and Mar- garet McMillan. Miss Stewart has been on the staff for the past tw< and a half years and take? a posi- tion on the Kenora teaching staff after the Christmas vacation. Th pupils exchanged (rifts and many amusing incidents were enjoyed when they discovered the contents .>f their parcels. Dancing was en- joyed, to music by Elma Hamilton and several of the students. WM. CAMPBELL MISSING Mr. W. D. Campbell of Toronto re- ceived a cable on Sunday informing him that his son. William, is missing. Bill was an observer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the last letter received by his parents was from Palestine, but it is presumed that he has b*>en in the operations in Libya. In Memoriam MYERS In loving remembrance of my dear father. J. Geo. Myers, who passed away Dec. 28th. 1940. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of hi? days. Sincere and true in his heart and mind. Beautiful memories he left behind. Ever remembered by his son. W. E. Myers. In Memoriam WHITE In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah White, who passed away three years ago Christ- mas Day. When days are dark and friends are few. Dear Mother, how we think of you; Friends are friends if they are true, We lost our best friend when we lost you. -The Family. Saturday and Sunday the temper- ature hovered around the zero mark and Monday night rain was falling and the =now wns disappearing. CHRISTMAS MEETING OF ST. JOHN'S UNITED W.M.S. The W.M.S. of St. John's United Church met for their Christmas meeting on December ISth. with Mrs. W. Henry in the chair, and the pres- ident. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. presiding at the piano. The meeting opened with "Silent Night" sung by mem- ber? of the choir in the basement of the church. Quiet music was played as the choir entered their pews. Then the program, as outlined in the November Missionary Monthly, was given. The scripture reading "The Christmas Story." was taken by Mrs. J. McMillan. The C.G.I.T accompanied by Mis? Jean Duncan at the piano, sang the Polish and Canadian Carols. The Junior Mis- sion Band sang the German Carol "Away in a Manger.'' accomoaniei by Miss Jean McTavish. A Canad- ian Indian Carol " Twas in the Moon of Winter Time." was rendered very beautifully by Mrs. A. Down. Mrs. A. Henderson and Mrs. Beatty. Candles of friendship were lit in hon- or of other nationalities and creeds within our own i^ntes by Mrs. E. Henry. Mrs. J. Heard, Miss D. Arm- strong. Mrs. E. Fisher. Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. W. Armstrong. The meet- ing closed by sinsring "Lords of the Lands,'' the National Anthem and the benediction. In Memoriam MYERS In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, who rassed away Doc. 33. 1928. and Pec. 28. 1940. They are gone, but not forgotten. and, as dawns another year, our lonely hours of thinking Thought? of them :re always near. Ever remembered by their son. Sheldon, and niece, Addie.

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