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Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, December 3, 1941 THE FLESHERTJON ADVANCE Local and Personal Miss Hazel McKillop left the first of the week to take a position at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. McTavish and son, Stewart, of Onhawu spent Sun- day in town. Mr. and Mrs. "Ken Kaitting of Teeswater spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. Mr. Lome Paul of North Bay spent a few days last week visiting his aunt, Mrs. R. Bentham. Anyhow, gardeners will get a short rest before the next seed catalogues appear. Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Kernahan and Miss Doreen Hagan of Toronto spent the week end in town. Misses Kate McMillan and Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the week end at their parental homes. Snow fences have been erected along the 'provincial highway, in pre- paration for the winter storms. Pte. Herb Smilie of the R.t'.O.C., Toronto, Mrs. Smilie and son, David, are guests at the parsonage for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett and Norrna of Burlington and Mr. John Gibson and Marguerite of Durham were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazard. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and family have moved to town and are ccupying the Stewart residence on Collingwood street. Mr. Fawcett will resume his mail duties between Cey- lon and Flesherton. A glance at the calendar reveals that the Christmas vacation period for those attending school is going to be a prolonged one. The holidays commence on the last Friday before Christmas, Dec. 19th, and continue until January 4th. "While Easter is a long way off, it is interesting to know that holidays then will be April 3rd to 12th. EUGENIA Rev. Dr. Mercer delivered a very impressive sermon on Sunday, taking his text from the Sermon on the Mount, stressing that our Christ- ian character should be as perman- ent as the house built upon the rock, and, not like the one built upon the sand. *" ~ The Y.P.U. met Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mra. E. Proctor, with 15 in attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. Cairns, conducted the de- votional and business periods and rendered a solo "Building for Jesus.*' Mrs. Cecil Magee, citizenship con- venor, took for her discussion topic "Judging the Nations." Jean Proc- tor read the scripture lesson and J)uiv,ti<y Falconer g|ave a "The Ties That Bind." It was de- cided to have a social evening on Dec. 10th, in the church basement. Lunch will ibe served. Proceeds will go to missions work. Mr. Bert Magee spent a day last week in Toronto. Mr. Roy McMillan was home over the week end. Mrs. Allan Cameron and Miss Doris Magee of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Mis.- Lillian Magee has returned to her position in Toronto. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the formers' home. Miss Marjorie Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Toronto were week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and family. Miss Taylor spent the week end at her home at Palmerston. The schol is closed for a week, due to the fact that some of the children may be contracting whooping cough. The teacher and pupils are prepar- ing for a Christmas concert te be held shortly. 8TH LINE OSPREY It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of two of the older residents of this community in the persons of Miss Mary Hale and Mr. Wm. Bemrose. Miss Hale died in Markdale on Thursday last, and was buried' from the home of her brother, Fred, here to Feversham, where service was held in the Pres- byterian church on Saturday. Mr. Bemrose pa&ed away in St. Mich- ael's hospital, Toronto, on {Friday and the remains were brought to the home of his brother, Thomas, on the gravel, Interment took place Mon- day morning In the R. C. cemetery at Stayner. Our sympathy is ex- tended to the sorrowing relatives. Mrs. Joe Porteous spent the week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Toronto was u recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. F. Hale. Mrs. Joe Squire of Markdale spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke of Owen Sound and Mr. Bill Burke of the R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, spent the week end with their parents here. Mrs. Albert Bell of Outlook, Sask., is visiting relatives in this part. Misses Elizabeth and Adeline Murphy left last week for Toronto, where they have accepted positions. Mrs. Dave Ring of Mclntyre Is caring f or Mrs. Hawkins, whom, we are pleased to report, is making fav- orable progress. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart and daughter and Mr. Alex. McDonald and son, Ross, of Toronto were visit- ors last week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mrs. McDonald, who had spent the week with her par- ents, returned with them. Miss Jeanette McLeod was home from Toronto for the week end. Mr. Bill Cairns apent the past week in Toronto. Miss Agnes Macphail and Miss Lottie Whittaker of Toronto were in town on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Jaynes of Toronto spent the week end here. Mrs. Roy Piper, Mrs. Harry Piper I and Mr. Milf ord Piper were in To- ronto on Sunday. Mr. Will Stewart of Toronto is visiting his brother, Mr. John Stew- art, and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wyville of Toronto- visited Sunday with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chii- lett and were accompanied home by Mrs. Archie MoMullen, who hae been on an extended visit with friends here. Mrs. Melville Hogarth was in To- ronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilcock, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wilcock, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and family for the past week, returned to Buffalo on MAXWELL The Y.P.S. held their regular an- nual meeting at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Seeley on Tuesday evening of last week, with about 20 in at- F " day ' L _ .. tendance. As this was the election Miss Catherine Stewart Reg N, of of officers, Dr. Mercer was in the Owen Sound spent a^couple ofjiays chair, and the following were elected; President, Jas. Poole; Vice-President, Mabel Ross; Secretary, Arleen Ben- sou; Treasurer, Mrs. Mel Sled. The program followed, with a quizi con- ducted by Dr. Mercer. A duet by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Poole, a reading by Miss McGibbon, a solo by Loreen Pedlar, a reading! 'by iMable Ross and a reading by Geo. Handy, brought a very enjoyable evening to a close. Mr. Chas. Fenwick of Toronto called on his brother over the week end. Mrs. Andrew Pallister spent a couple of days last week with her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Winters, at Heath >te. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. ~><**^^^ THIS IS STOVE WEEK AT HILL'S WE CARRY THE BIGGEST INDIVIDUAL STOCK OF STOVES IN GREY COUNTY, and as you know, Stove* are hard to get, owing to Government War Regulations, cutting down manufacturers' production, so if you are interested in the purchase of a Stove, you can save a lot of money by visiting our Stove De- partment. Prices no higher than last year and much below regular. If it is a COOK STOVE HEATER FURNACETTE This is Blanket Week You will be surprised at the values offering in this Department. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 72x84, On vSalc, pair $2.35 11|4 Ibex Blankets, On Sale, pair $2.49 70x80, On Sale, pair $2.19 WOOL BLANKET PRICES Finest Quality Mosslield, pair $11.95 r.rehorn, pair $9.75 and $10.75 GROCERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS BUY ORANGES THIS WEEK On Sale Special 16, 25, 30 and 35 cents dozen Fancy Quality Grapes Ib. 1 lc Peas, lartfe tin lOc Corn, fiolden Rantani 2 for 25c Flou Specials Bm-a-sak, 98 Ib. hajj Keynote, 98 Ib. last week with her mother, Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. J. P. Stewart is in To- ronto for a few days. Mr. Walter Scrace of Toronto was a visitor at the home of Mr. George Cairns on Thursday. Mr. Earl McLeod and little daugh- ter, Marion, of Oshawa visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. P Muir. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. anc Mrs. Geo. Cairns were: Mr. Robt Weir, Mrs. Geo. Weir and Mr. A Milne, all of Colling-wood, and Mr and Mrs. F. D. Cairns of Eugenia. Mrs. A. S. Muir left Monday for Toronto. Pte. W. Knox spent a few days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. J. Knox. Mrs. Fred Marshall is visiting her son, Clarence, at Smiths Falls. Mrs. Thos. Irwin has been visiting relatives in Markdale. The 'Women's Institute will mee* at the home of Mrs. John McWilliam on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. The articles being shipped to the Salva- tion Army will be n display and the draw will be made on the blankets. In place of the exchange of Christ- mas gifts, each person is asked to contribute 15 cents -to the funds. Lunch: cake, Mrs. McWilliam; sand- wiches, Mrs. Knox. AUCTION SALE Stock, Implements, Furniture, Etc. BRITISH WAR VICTIMS' FUND The following statement shows the proceeds of receipts relative to the recent drive for funds for the Toron- to Evening Telegram's British War Victims' Fund: Cash subscriptions $1181.00 Sale of produce 124.20 Mrs. Richard's tea-bridge .... 60.26 Mrs. McCauley's tea-bridge .. 33.76 Dance, Bingo, Lunch 82.89 ladio 47.5C Concert, re Telegram pictures 47.67 $1627.26 ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. George H. Cairns announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Anna Bessie, to Mr. Walter H. Scrace, on of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scrace of Toronto, the wedding to take place the middle of December. Send in your Renewal Now FINE KIMBERLET PLAY A three-act play "Don't Darken My Door Again," was presented by the Kimberley Y.P.A. in the Com- munity Hall, Kimberley, on Friday evening last, and was greatly enjoy- ed by all who attended. The halJ was filled to overflowing and the director and members of the cast were very mush enaouraged by sunn an attendance. The members of the cast were: Mr. S. Dofoson,, Miss Mary Weller, Mr. Leslie McMullen, Miss Neola Dobson, Mr. R. E. Stafford, Mrs. Jos. Gibson, Mrs. Leslie Mc- Mullen, and Mrs. L. Morwood. The proceeds of the concert amounted to $52.00. Mr. H. S. Montgomery, the direc- tor of the play, wishes to sincerely thank all those who assisted in any way to the make the concert the success it was. Side stepping only gets you farther away from where you hoped you were going. Small Ad. Column WANTED Fresh cow, at once. J. Thistlethwaite, Flssherton. 26c2 FOR SALE Two year old steer. Duncan Williams, Eugenia. 26c2 FOR SALE Small cook stove. J. Brackenbury, Flesherton. FOR SALE Quantity good feed oats. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. No. 1, Ceylon, phone 49 r 14. 27c2 FOR SALE A "Happy Thought" range. Apply to Mrs. Robt. W. Clark, Flesherton. 26c2 WANTED Goose feathers 76c Ib and up, Duck feathers 55c a Ib. and up. S. Goldman, Dundalk. 25p2 FOR SALK 5 Chunks of pigs, about 100 libs., also set single har- ness H. Richardson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Barred Rock Pullets, ready to lay. Alex. McEachnie, FlesherUn. ' 26p2 WANTED Some cattle to feed for the winter. E. C. Pedlar. Sing- hampton, phone Feversham Ir22 FOR SALB Good organ, suitable for school, $5.00. Mrs. Gordon MoMullen, Duncan, Ont. 25p2 $2.39 $2.39 Tomatoes, choice .................. 2 for 25c Raisins ............................ 2 Ibs. for 25c Good Humor PulYcd Wheat, pk. .. 05c DECEMBER 7th IS MARKDALE'S BG POULTRY DAY. YOU WILL FIND THIS THE BEST MARKET IN GREY COUNTY. CHOICE QUALITY OF POULTRY IS WANTED AND THE PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU. F. T Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. THE FRIENDLY STORE WALTER POOLE will sell iby public auction on Lot 4, Con. 10, Osprey WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1941 when *he following will be offered: HORSES Black Mare, rising 7, Percheron; Black Percheron Gelding, rising 3; Black Percheron Colt, rising 2; Buckskin Percheron Mare, 5 years; Black Mare, aged. CATTLE Spotted Cow, 7, due about Feb. 1; Red Cow, 5, due April; Red Cow, 6, due April; Spotted Heifer 4 years, due in June; Jersey Cow milking, supposed in calf; 2 Heifers rising 2, due about June; 3 Steers ris- ing 2; Red Steer, rising 3; 3 spring calves. SHEEP, PIGS, Etc. 10 Chunks of Pins; Brood Sow, supposed in pig 10 Sheep and 1 Ram; 85 White Rock Pullets. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. M.-H. 7 foot Binder, in good condition; M.-H Mower, 6 foot, No. 16; M.1H. Culti vator, 13-tooth, with seed box; Set o: Sleighs; 2 Wagons; Set 12-bull Har rows; Hay Rack; Cockshutt Plow No. 21, single furrow; Riding Plow, Ontario, foot lift, 12 in. bottom; 18 Sap Buckets and Sfpilea; Scuffler; Cutter, nearly new, with doors; Steel Barrel; Doubletrees; Number Grain Bags; 2,000 Ib. Scales; 5,000 Singles; Iron Sap Kettle; Potash Kettle; Set of Team Harness; Set Single Harn- ess; Set Plow Harness; Melotte Cream Separator; Pails, Pans, Forks, Shovels, and numerous other articles. Quantity Good Hay and Straw; Quan- tity Oats and Barley; Quality of Potatoes. FURNITURE McClary Range, like new; Queen Heater; Extension Table; High Cupboard; 2 Rocking Chaira;Buffet; Philco Radio, new; 2 Small Tables; Washing Machine, with wringer and tub stand; Sewirvr Ma?h- ine; Good Dm'' n "="* P- ' v] ...r Bin; Spring C .:;' ; i - !..-.:.;:i G.i* Lamp; Organ; Baby Cot & Mattress. No rtactve, as the owner is giving up farming. SALE AT t.OO P.M. SHARP TERMS Hay. Grain, Straw and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes satisfactory to the Bank of To- ronto, Ffverahnm, bearing interest at 6 per cent. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Sideboard, large size, solid ash, plate glass mirror, good as new Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Eu- genia, phone Feversham 5r2t. WANTED Good prices paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. WANTED Aged, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Eagles, phone 41r8, Flesh, erton. FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 5-room house in Fleeherton, hard- wood floors throughout,, bathroom, furnace, soft ar ' hird water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 165, Qon. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, out building? and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. PIANOS Pianos and organs for sale,' choice selections; pianos tun- ed and repaired. Satisfaction as- sured. Write J. C. 1 -ckstone, 6^' 8th St. A. East, Ph M 672, Ov;, Sound. 25p3 FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- pry to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 52 r 4. FOR SALE 3 2-year-old steers. Stanley Magee. R. R. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALE 8-Octave Organ and round extension table. Apply to Mrs. Dungey, Fltsherton. 26c2 FOR SALE 1 Ton chain hoist, endless steel chain. Robert J. Spears, Feversham. 26cfl FOR SERVICE Reg. Yorkshire hog, Terms: $1.00. Walter Wilson, Eugenia, R.R. 1. 26p3 FOR ,SALE 8-piece Dining Room suite, good condition. Priced for quick sale. Bennett A Richards, Fletherton. 2c3 LOGS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for logs and standing timber. Dundalk Saw Mills, phone No. 3, Dundalk. 26p6 FOR SALE High grade wheat at $24.90 per ton; Buckwheat $23.90 per ton; Ontario Oats 40c and 45c per bu. Terms: cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 27p2 FOR SALE Two young boars, ready for service, Yorkshire and Tamworth, pure-bred. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell P.O., phone Fever- sham 4 r 2. VI FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 17, Con. 2, N. D. R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres more or less, good wells, creek at back ot farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mr*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., An*, mesia, containing 100 acres, on whicft is situated a bank barn 45x66, also a. large driving shed. This propert) must be sold to wind up estate. Those interesteo" communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex ecutors for the estate. 47e BUSINESS CAR JS AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELEY See me about your auction Mile. AB sales conducted on bualnew prta- ciples. Phone me at Fevercham or make arrangements at Flesherton Advance office. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acre farm in Flesherton, with good buildings, cement garage for car. sugar house and arch, and spring creek In pasture. Permission to do fall ploughing this fall. Will let o shares to right party or sell on (T ( ....l ^n'-^is i A1~A *0 ~~ -; rf XV^O;!' f"' risture well WBMred r.Ti twr'.t^ or more acres of tillable land. Apply to Mrs. S. E. Fisher, Box 93, Fleshertom. FARM FOR SALE Farm, about 166 acres more or less, with dwelling house and good buildings, about 8 miles north of Feversham. For sale conditions ap- ply Elmore C. Carr, Solicitor for Walter J. Milne Eestate, Thorobttr- WM. K AIT" ING I.'CENSEB AT\' II XEER for the Cor .-f Grey I have . .ikwi up residence' in Flesherton and am now in a position t accept auction sales. Farm and stock sales our specialty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dats arranged for at The Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY 8UR6EON Graduate of 0tario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Boon Afternoons. 1.M to 4, Evenings. 7 te 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoons r appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. M8, A.P. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary, C. J. Bellmmy.

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