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Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1941, p. 8

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* * Wednesday, November 12, 1941 THE FLESHERTJON ADVANCE -. EUGENIA At the Sunday morning service, Nov. 9th, Rev. Dr. Mercer delivered an impressive message suitable for "Remembrance Day." He based his sermon on a text from Judges: "The battle overtook them; they were men of valor." Mr. Ernie Proctor left for the north on the annual hunting excur- sion. Mr. Bates Fawcett is also in the north with a hunting party. We wish them each success in securing: an antlcrod beauty. Miss Marjorle Taylor spent the week end and the first of the week at her home at Palmerston, returning Tuesday evening 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Lawlor and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawlor visited at Guelph Sunday with L.A.C. Arthur Lawlor, wife and babe. Arthur is stationed at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter, Isabel, of Weston were Sunday visitors with the Cairns families. Mr. Victor Campbell is home from Deseronto recuperating after an at- tack of blood poisoning in his hand. Miss Beth Nixon is visiting with Mrs. Wilson and the MacMillan family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith have Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes Municipality of the Township of Artemesia Province of Ontario BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Ree-ve under the seal of the Corporation of the Township of Artemesia. to me directed, having the date of the llth day of August, 194 i f commanding me to levy upon and ell the land mentioned In the following list for arrears of taxes with ecu due thereon, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears of taxes ano costs are sooner paid 1 shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much .thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and coats, at the Council Chamber in the Village of Fleehenor on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1941, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Ay lands not sold on the above date will be sold at the adjourned tax sale at the same place and hour on Monday, the 22nd day of December, 1941. AND NOTICE IS AI^O HEREBY GIVEN that It is the intention of the Municipality of the Township of Artemesia to purchase such lands which fall to bring the full amount of arrears and costs. ALEX. CAMERON, Treasurer, Municipality of Artemesia To be published In The Ontario Gazette, September 6th, 1941 (one Insertion only) Assessed Owner Lot Concession Arrears 1 N.E.T.S.R. $129.21 moved to apartments in Mrs. John Nuhn's residence, Flesherton. Our 'best wishes go with them to their new home. Miss Ha Magee of Toronto is vis- iting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McDonald (nee Evelyn Turner) and little son, who have moved reccntlv from Sud- bury to Duntroon, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Turner. Mrs. Harold Turner and babe have returned home from Flesherton. Mrs. Ranald Parson and babe have also returned home from Markdale. Wedding bells are again ringing. Don't you hear them in the distance. On Tuesday evening of last week a party was held in the L.O.L. hall in honor of the nowly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee. During the course of the evening a presentation of a beautiful silver tea service and an end table was mado/to^them by Wesley Jamieson and Btjx!e Hanley, on behalf of the community. An ad- dress in poetic form was read to them by Mrs. Chas. Martin. Gerald made a suitable reply on behalf of himself and wife, thanking all heartily for the lovely gifts. local and Personal Roderick MoKenzie Estate 133 Henry Williams Estate 30 13N.D.R. Anne- J. Wright Estate 163 3 N.E.T.S.R. John Kennedy pt 150 3 S.W.T.S.R. rb. Douelass 131 3 S.W.T.S.R. Jehn Dow 35 & 36 1 N.D.R. Thoa. Gilliland 1 to 6 1 Napoleon N. Thog. Gilliland 1 to 6 5 Raglan S. 159.75 61.33 54.27 56.79 6.2S 31.68 25.60 Costs Total $6.45 $135.66 7.05 166.80 65.93 58.82 61.28 8.33 33.34 4.60 4.55 4.50 3.06 1.66 1.50 27.10 Electrical Contractor FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL ELECTRIC WIRING Prompt service given enquiries Authorized dealer for WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Dealer for Burgess A, B and C Batteries Austin H. Lyons CORBETTON, Ontario BUY RUBBERS at HILL'S THIS WEEK and SAVE WE CARRY BY FAR THE BIGGEST STOCK OF RUBBERS CARRIED IN GREY COUNTY, AND ALL THE BEST MAKES ARE REPRESENTED IN THIS BIG STOCK, SUCH AS MINERS, GUTTA PERCHA, COLUMBUS, DOMINION AND BULL DOG BRANDS, AND OUR PRICES IN MANY LINES SELLING BELOW THE MARKET MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS One of Our Big Specials This week you can buy extra heavy quality, all sizes for $1.89, $2, $2.29, $2.95 and $3.50 Men's 6-Eyelet Gum Rubbers All sizes; better lines are hlucher cut $1.35, $1.59, $1.89, $2.19, $2.65 Men's One-Buckle Overshoes Heavy and fine (juality are repre- sented, picked at $1.19 ancl up Men's Form Fit Rubber Boots Four and five eyelet, snug' and warm vacuum pressure cured, crepe soles. Priced at 12-in. $4.25; 15-in. $4.45 Catalogue prices much higher. Ladies' Romettej, In two dome. You will like these stylish Romettes, all sizes in stock. Priced at, per pair $1.00 and $1.19 Ladies', Misses', Children's Rubber boots, knee height, as well as half length. Priced .... $1.29, $1.59 Misses' $1.35 Children's $1.19 Men's 4-Buckle Overshoes In heavy and fine Jersey quality. Priced at ...................... $2.39 and $2.95 Men's Leather Top, Heavy Rubbers 12 and 15 inch, sizes 6 to 12. Priced 12-in. $3.79; 15-in. $4.25; 12-in. $4.45 15-inch $4.95 Misses Zipper Overshoes Jersey cloth, woo cloth, all siz- 6 to 11 ............................................ $2.65 Men's All-Rubber Overshoes Mrs. W. Boyd spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. Ivan Shaw jof Tara spent Sat- urday with his uncle, F. J. Thurston. Mr. Mac Duncan of Gait was home over the week end. Miss Annie Howard spent the week end in town. Master Earle Thurston spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Arthur McDonald is spending i a couple of weeks at Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander of Collingwood spent Sunday with the I former's mother, Mrs. R. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Field of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jog. Field. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin of Zurich spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beattie. . Pte. Delmar McClean of the Forest- ers, Camp Debert, N.S., visited in town on Monday while on furlough. Messrs. G. B. Welton and F. W. Duncan left on Saturday for a week of deer hunting at Boakview. Mrs. (Rev.) K. G. McMillan at- tended a Girls' Work Conference in Owen Sound on Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Rotrt. Smith have ! moved from Eugenia and taken up I residence in Mrs. Nuhn's apartment. Miss Carrie Kernahan of Graven- hurst is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. J. Kernahan. Mr. Reg. Irish of Toronto visited his grandmother, Mrs. F. Irish, over tha week end. Mr. Hugh Davidson ef Toronto visited his cousins, Mr. and Mr.v W Kaitting, on Saturday. Mr. Hugh Bibby has returned to his home after working with Curran & Briggs during the summer Goderich and Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marshall (nee Gertie Davis) of Shelburne visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knitting. Trooper Eric Henderson and his friend, Trooper Bob Bigelow, of Camp Borden spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. R. H. Henderson. The postponed meeting of the W.I will be held at the home of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt on Friday of this week at 2.30 p.m. Roll call: a conundrum. Visitors welcome. Mrs. N. H. Durrant of Mitchell and Miss Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. W. H. Thurston, who quietly observed her 82nd birthday on Saturday. A heavy snow storm Friday night and continued snow over the week laid a carpet of snow for wek end travel. The ground is perfectlv sat- urated with water at the present time, and the rivers are as high as in the spring freshet. Members of "B- Company, G. and S. Foresters, attended Divine service in Christ Church, Markdale, on Sun- day morning, when Rev. Pherrill gave a splendid "Remembrance Day" sermon The Foresters were joined by members of the Markdale Legion. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Her. C. McNichol. Pastor Feversham Sunda v Services A special speaker from the Ontario Temperance Federation will preach at the Gospel Workers' church at 11 o clock Sunday morning. Olivet Appointment: Service 3 p.m. One-buckle, priced at Two-buckle, priced at $1.95 $2.45 OF INTEREST TO FARMERS GROCERY SPECIALS California Grapes ...................... lOc Ib. Soda Biscuits .................. 2 Ibs. for 25c Peas, large tin .................................. lOc Tomatoes, large tin ........................ 12c es, 6 to 11 ...................................... $2.65 Raisins .............................. 2 Ibs. for 25c Bran ...................................... $1.35 cwt. Shorts .................................. $1.40 cwt. 5 Crown Flour ............ $2.69 for 98 Ibs. Vim teed, sugared, sweetened, extra special $1.00 cwt.; Wheat No. 2 Nor- thern with half barley $26.50 per ton. These prices for this week only Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN, B.A., BJ>. Minister 11.00 a.m. Worship, Flesherton 12.00 a.m. Sunday School, Flesherton 3.00 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesherton Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, B.D., DJX Minister 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. I TELEPHONE TIPS FROM A FIGHTER PILOT A fighter pilot must keep 48 basic factor* in mind. These are technical flying nurt- tera, apart from battle tactics. And he must also remember other things for instance how to talk on his aircraft telephone; he ilwy< ipealu clearly and concisely. With telephone lines carrying in extra heavy load directly concerned with Canada's war effort, you can help tele- phone workers ir-.intain good service by adopting fighter pilot telephone technique. When your telephone ringi, answer promptly, and don I waste time by saying "hello" instead give your name imme- diately. Speak distinctly, directly into the mouthpiece, and he sure to replace the receiver on the hook when you have finished jour conversation. Your co-operation > .. c^niei will help us to fftt provide fast, ac- curate telephone service for nation at war. Small Ad. Column FOR SERVICE Yorkshire hog. Fee fl. O. Turner, Eugenia. 23p3 LOST About Oct. 20, 1941, two year old black heifer. J. Stoth- art, Priceville. 23p8 FOR SALE Dark roan Shorthon bull, 10 mos. old, eligible for reg- istration, bred from T.B. and blood- tested stock. Rop Piper, Ceylon. WANTED Some cattle to feed for the winter. E. C. Pedlar. Sing- hampten, phone Feversham tr22 FOR SALE Girl's ski suit and ski boots, 12 to 13 size, good as new also electric washer. . Phone 67, Flesherton. 23c2 WANTED Good prices paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. Jas. It. Sinclair, Ceylon. WANTED Aged, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Eagles, phone 41r8, Flesh, erton. SELL OR EXCHANGE Woodcraft heater, almost new, for used Que- bec cook stove in good condition. Mrs. R. McNabb, telephone 61w, Flesherton. 24pl FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 5-room house in Flesherton, hard- wood floors throughout, bathroom, furnace, soft nr ' htrd water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Rock Mills Baptist Church Koek Mills 2 p.m., Bible School. 3 p.m.. Worship. Mr. Frank Keys of McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, will have charge of the service on Sunday, A hearty * Icnine nwiitt you. THE FRIENDLY STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomsen, B.A. Minister Evening Service at 7.80. The ban on new buildings will have the effect of increasing the value of nresent structures, so we can all get rich sellin" our homes to each other. FARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 165, Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, on ..;.'. .lings an'' well. For partiou s apply : Mrs. Susan Doupe, Troton, Ont. FEEDS Livingston Brand. All kinds, especially hog feed. Price $38.00 delivered. Clifford Me- Master, Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE Lota 16 17, Cen. 2, N. D. X., Art*- mosia, containing 100 acre* more of leas, ceod wells, creak at back el farm, good clay learn. ReasenaMe priee. Possession at one*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Cen. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn -15x66. also * large driving shed. This property must be seld to wind up estate. Tfaoee interested communicate with Joh Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville. Ex. ecutors for the estate. 47e BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WALTER SEKLET See me about your auction sale. Al sales conducted on bwhMM prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversham 4rli or make arrangements at The Flesherton Advance office. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FARM pOR SALE 100 acres more or less, Lots 152 '53, 2 N.E., Artemesia, 65 acres un- der cultivation, remainder pasture and bush, well watered, new barn, frame house. Reasonable price; suit- able terms. Immediate possession for fall plowing. Mrs. Hunt-r, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acre farm in Fleshsrton, with good buildings, cement garage for car. sugar house and arch, and spring creek in pasture. Permission to do fall ploughing this fan 1 . Will let on shares to tight party or sell on good terms. Ahe 60 acves of wood- ed pasture well watered and twenty or more acres of tillable land. Apply to Mr. S. E. Fisher, Box S3, Flesherton. WM. I.'CENSED ATVli MEER for the Cor rf Grey I have taken up residence to Flesherton and am now in a position to accept auction sales. Farm and stock sales our specialty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged for at Th Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate ef Ontario Veterinary ColK ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR J. E. MILNE Office Durham 8t Office Hours _ Afternoon*. 140 to 4. Evenings, 7 to Sundays and Thursday afternoon* appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, A J & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary, C. J. Bellamy. I V f ' * 7 f

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