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Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1941, p. 7

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* 4 I SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 20 - UNION WITH CHRIST John 14: SO; 16 : 1-10; 17 : 21-23; Rom. : t. 10; Cor. 6 : 15-20; 2 Cor. 6: 17; Gal. X : 20; Eph. 2 : 20-22; S : 17-19: 4 : 16, 16; 6 : 29, 30; Phil, t : 9; 4 : 13; Col. 2 : 6, 7. PRINTED TEXT. John 15 : 1-10. GOLDEN TEXT. Abide in me, and In you. John 16 : 4. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. All the words quoted from the Gospel of John were spok- en on Thursday evening of Passion Week, April 6, A.O. 80. The Epistle of Paul to the Romans was written about A.D.; Second Corinthians. the year following; Galatlans. 68 A.D.; and the Epistle to the Eph- eslan*, Phllipplang, and Colossians, M A .D Place. The words spoke*, by our Lord were uttered in Jerusalem. The Epistles to the Romans and the Galatlans were written from the City of Corinth, First Corin- thians from the City of Ephesus, Second Corinthians, probably, from the City of Phlllppi; Bphesians, PhillppUnii, and Coloseians, were written while Paul wag In prison In Rome. 1. "I am the true vine, and my Father is the busbandman." Of sourse, the vine referred to here to the grape-vine, so common throughout Palestine. What is the vine? The vine U the root, the lain item, the branches, the ten- frlla, the leaves, the fruit the whole of It The vine is every- thing. Jesus said "I am the vine; ye are the branches"; that U ye are parts of Myself, united to me IB a onion so close and definite, that I am Incomplete apart from rou. as you are Incomplete apart from He. One Purpose Only I. "Every branh in me that eareth not fruit, he taketh It away; and every branch that bear- tth trait, he cleanseth it, that it nay bear more fruit." The grape- vine to for one particular purpose, to bear fruit. If it does not bear fruit. It to of no value. Branches that jo not serve this purpose must fee removed, for the simple reason that they take strength from other feranohes which are attempting to produce fruit, strength which in them would be wasted. The old elf-UIe Is always sending out its hoots, and we can have no mercy en them; but If we deal with the more superficial sins on the sur- face of our life, as we get older we realize their deeper appeals, and to the end of .ife shall be aore and more aware of their sin- totar power. The quick sensitive- seas of age must not be ignored. It Bay he as strong a shoot in the eld forest sapling as the manifest- ations of passion in earlier life. Old men, for instance, may be leal- 001 of young ones, and quick to take offence if there are symptom: of their being put aside. I. "Already ye are clean because of the word which I have spokeu onto you." The Word is God's pruning knife. God bad discovered and condemned all there was ui self; they were now emptied and cleansed, ready for tbe Incoming of the Holy Spirit. 4. "Abide iu me, and 1 in you. AJ the branch cannot bear fruit of Itself, except it abide in the vine; so neither can ye, except ye abide la me." The vine abides in the branch through its life-giving sap, and the branch abides in the vine by its organic growth. There is a mutual in-beiug. The more we en- deavor to abide In Christ the more are we sure that He abides in us. b. "I am tbe vine, ye are the branches: He that abldeth in me, and I In him, the same beareth much fruit; for apart from me ye can do nothing." If we are abid- ing in Jesus, let us begin to work. Let us first seek to Influence those around us in daily life. When you look at the branch, you see at once the likeness to the Vine. We must live to be like Jesus. With The Wicked (. "If a inau abide not in me, be to cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and they gather them. and cast them into the fire, anJ they are burned." The soul grows sere and Bhrivelle that is cast forth from Christ; it pines away under the scorching Influence ot the world and alienation from tii* truth. What about those who are "cast Into the fire and burned ?" Does It not mean that they will have their place with the incorrig- ibly wicked at last? Prayer 7. "If ye abide in me. and nay words abide in you, ask whatso- ever ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; and so shall ye be my disciples." Why speak of prayer at this point? Prayer is tbe branches desiring and demanding the life of the vine to order that they may bear fruit according to the nature and pur- pose of the vine. Commandments t. "Kveu as the Father hath loved me, 1 also have loved you: abide ye to my low." The cor..i>a risen Is consoling; snowing i.Jth t.:o met that He loved them, and the re- "BATTLE STATIONS" ABOARD THE U.S.S. REUBEN JAMES "Battle stations," manning and directing the guns of the U.S.S. Reuben James, as pictured directly above, may have been the last act of duty of the to rpedoed destroyer's seven officers. Early reports by the Navy Department left their fate uncertain, as none of the 44 erew members known to have been rescued waa an officer. markable degree to which he loved them. All relations and conditions ef dlsclpleship are reduced to love. 10. "If ye keep my command- ments, ye shall abide in my love; even as 1 have kept my. Father's commandments, and abide In his lore." God's commandments have to do with the life He commands as to live, with the conduct of our daily experience. To disobey the commandments of our Lord la to put ourselves in such a position of heart, mind and soul, that the life of Christ does not freely flow ucto us. 150,000,000 Back Allies In Africa General Charles de Gaulle, Free French leader, told the Royal Af- rican Society that "150,000,000 Africans are united in a single wish the des'-e for vltcory." "None of the great continents offers such complete unanimity ot opinion from this point of view, " he said. Did You Know That Transportation costs and stor- age space for bottled soft drinks can be cut in half by redesigning: bottles to fit closely In vertical racks. A tomato-potato hybrid U a re- cent novelty exhibited in Russia. The world's largest resources) of clay for china are in Devon and Cornwall, England. A. A. Projector A Wicked Device Brief Berlin radio reports about Russia using "fiendish rocket guns" are believed by ex- perts to be based on this amazing development: the British are known to have devised and are apparently having the Russians txy out unique combinations of twelve nine-barrel "projectors." These will simultaneously send 108 rocket-like projectiles into the sky, reputedly as high as 20,- 000 feet. When each projectile reaches a predetermined height, it ejects a long cable attached to a parachute. The cables are capable of destroying or severely damaging any plane that hits them. In one salvo the combina- tion weapon is said to blanket a con* 1,200 feet long, 300 fet wide, snd 300 feet deep. Newsweek. Six Months of War Costs $498,519,624 Canada's war expenditures dur- ing te first half of the present fis- cal year were more than double those ot the same period in 1940-41, tt i* shown in the monthly repor; of the Comptroller of the Treasury. From April 1 to Sept. 30 this year, the war cost the Dominion government $498,519,624 compared with $238,810,242 in the first six months of the previous fiscal per lod, the report shows. THIS CURIOUS WORLD V. William Ferguson ARIZ.. SCIENTISTS HAVE POUND GAS 'N THE ATMOSPWEJ5E. (MOT ALL WNGF7SHERS EAT f=-/St-J.S SOME L.IVE ON SNAKES, LIZARDS AND INSECT'S. COPS. MiS BV SL* SERVICE. INC- J-tJ MOTHER NATURE tries hard to cover ugly scars, and in the tropics this is accomplished very quickly. Fallen trees speedily turn to toil, aided by the action of plant roots. A floating log turns into a veritable flower box. and oftentimes It is the beginning of a floating Island, where birds may nest among the rank foliage NEXT: What Is the rat population of the United States? Large Families The Password On* Place In World Where Large Fsmily Is Not Hsndl- cip You may be rolling in money . . . able to buy dozens of fine blouses . . . but you can't even rent t ga- rage in Mary Ridge, St. Louis, llo., unless you are raising large family. This exclusive suburban settle- ment is attracting widespread in- trt>tt in tun day of mass housing problems, apartment dwellings, and cramped evidences as one place where the head of a big fam- ily doesn't meet with Uie rebuff. "Sorry, but you've too many anil- dren, the neighbors won't like it." Here 111* answer is: "Come right In, you're what we're looking for. People who don't have children don't live here." Mary Kldg* U Uie successful outcome of an idea that germin- ated early in the business career of Charles F. Vatterott. Jr. "Ac a real estate man and lum- ber dealer for 20 years," ha said, "I am aware of the fact that u many subdivisions parents with many children are not welcome and I'TO tensed tbe need for some- thing like this. "In developing 20 subdivisions and building more than 2,000 homes I've seen large families dis- criminated against time and time again. I've had to turn down big families who wanted to buy or rm because 1 knew the neighbors would object. So 1 made up my mind that some day i would de- velop a subdivision devoted ex- clusively to big families." Mr. Vatterott who is the oldest ol 11 children and the father of Jght, launched the project in April. 1S40, and today the last of 100 planned houses are rapidly neariug completion. The finished homes are 80 per cent occupied, many having been sold before they were built. President of U.S. Speaks About Nazis The practice of executing scores of innocent hostages in re- prisal for isolated attacks on Germans in countries temporar- ily under the Xazi heel revolts world already inured to suf- fsring and brutality. Civilized peoples long: ago adopted th basic principle that no man should b punished for the deed of an- other. Unable to apprehend the per- sons involved in these attacks the Nazis characteristically slaughter BO or 100 innocent persons. Those who would "collaborate" with Hitler or try to appease him can- not ignore this ghastly warning. The Nazis might ha\e learned from the lust war the impossi- bility of breaking men's spirit by terrorism. Instead they develop their "Lebensraum' 1 and "new order'' by depths of fr.ghtfulness which even they have never ap- proached before. These are the acts of desper- ate men who know in their hearts that they cannot win. Frightful- ness can never bring peace to Europe. It only sous the seeds of hatred which will one day bring fearful retribution. President Koosevelt. RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE: Here is Benny Goodman and hie tamed clarinet; the melodic notes from which Lmve been heard with all the treat Symphonies on the continent; the hot note* from which nave led the country's great- est Swing Band to consistent lead- ership in the Held of distinctly modom musio. You're Invited to hear King Benny's favorite num- ber* starred in the Saturday Swine Session tour to five on CKOC and his concert performances on your favorite network, when they are announced. Keuney, Woodhouse & Hawkins entertain the troops on the C. B. C. network each week; and locally much is being done to provide sim- ilar entertainment In centres where members of the forces are stationed. Each Thursday night at 8.30 D.S.T.. CKOC goes to the Army Trades School in Hamilton, and broadcasts a half hour of en- tertammeut being provided for the boy* there. Bong style* are nearly always 'listening' styles. Baritone Barry Wood, heard frequently on top- notch, network shows, Is nearly al- ways present in your local 'juke- box', and a favorite recorded sing- er from your radio station. Barry Wood is popular, talented, person- able! A Star of to-day deoliued to be a greater star of tomorrow! Radio homes across Canada seem to be going for 'Share the Wealtn'. Saturday nignts at 8.30 D.S.T.. CKOC and the C. B. C. uetwora) 'Oscar', the money alarm clock has] probably the beet known tlngls) of any 'alarmer" used today; and when his value ticks to the tun* of six or seven hundred dollarsv there's excitement aplenty in (tore. Handled by Bert Pearl and, Hugh Bartlett, both of the Happy, Gang, Share the Wealth is smooth- ly and smartly paced quiz enter* tain men t. Some sort of lesson to other folks is the fame which has betn won by Alec Templeton, Art Ta turn and John Hepler, pianists!, Templeton's memory is prodigious Hepler is said to have memoriz- ed 3,053 musical items ill ten years. All three piaB'sU, of course, a: blind! THIS 'N THAT: Ljuniy Hose, CBS singing our. has chanted over lU.UW) melod>e in three years' continuous broad- casting. "Memoirs ol Dr. Lambert", CKOC Fridays ai 7 p.m. U.S.T., still main- tain a high standard of dramatis presentation! Clifton Faddiinan, noted M. C. of Information Please, is slated tor anoUier aud equally important ra- dio job soon! The Happy Gang's Blue Plate Special Fun Book is quite the book. The Gang are giving It away on daily show two o'clock D.S.T, CKOC and CBC National Network. OUR RADIO LOG TOHOATO iTATlO.XS CFUU MiUk. i 111. 74Olt .ui (UWk. CBV 1010k i .-. NBTWOKK3 WEAK N.H.C. Red OttOk WJX vn. i . Bill* 770k WAUC (C.B.D.) 8HOU WOR M. u.s.i nek C..\ ui.t.\ MTAT10 Mi- Owen 3d. nook CKOU Hamilton llSUk CHML. Hamilton INMk CKT1I St. Cntn. '! Montreal OFCU North UHJ CFCU Chatham 30k O P'l. London 1970k CJ > Stratford 124Ok < I it. Klngaton 14tMlk CJIC Sault -*. M. 14UOk iJ :.ik 8UOk Kirkund U \Vuterloo MunircMl Tlmuiiiu ' .Ml.llil BrHnlford Wlndor \\ limhinii CJHL CKCH CKAC 6KCO CHUB CsUO CKl'C CKXW CKHX L.S. IVKHH Uiilluiu WUAJtt Ito. Ui-.n-r WLW .,. .!,.,.. WUV SfTbroei-mdy K.JJKA riimllllriili WUIIM lluffalu liaffalu Mill- , I,, IJetrull .".. 141MJU .:'!. W III -N WKiin WJH 147l)k 7UUk ::-"'. Mill,. :.rui. I UlUk HMIk 70Uk -in.. HI-IPK u.;nk 5,-.k 1. -.^1 1 1. 70<Jk tiSU 1 llni:i. i u..-.nn U..*,Mn Il.7."ull 11. Ml in lT.7:im ' I AH HA.V n \ H\UU w <;KA ,,^ .,,,-- i.ii^i.iiiii Spjnu >ll.ll II ituiu Hulu KUXBiU *fh-urcllv ir>.:tiui 17.M1II 'I. |S||| i "i.iiiii llMHIm l.'.l'-ai MCAU I'bilu. 1.-..J7HI WHLL Uumon iri.l.'ra \\i ll\ \. lurk ::-:im 15th CENTURY SAILOR HORIZONTAL 1 Genoese navi- gator, Chris- topher . 8 His father was a or maker of fabric. 12 To thrash. 13 Amphitheater centers. 19 Inward. 16 Sounds of bells. 18 Want 19 Lace. 31 Compositions for two. 23 Norse mytha. 25 Senior (abbr.) 27 Gibbon. 28 Tennis stroke. 29 Ounce (abbr.) 30 Companions. IS Porch. 94 To leave out. 33 Precept. 37 Doctor (abbr.) 38 Form of moisture. 40 Rocky pinnacle. Answer to Previous Puzzle 10 Contends. 11 Being. 41 Sound of inquiry. 43 Roosted. 45 Half an em. 48 Forward. 47 To ftich. 49 Brother. 51 Measure. 52 Christmas times. 55 Bone. 56 To plant. 57 Pliable glove leather. 59 Curse. 61 A Spanish queen financed his trip with her . 62 He made a westward to reach India. VERTICAL 2 Indian. 3 Earth. 4 Hoofed quadrupeds. 5 Soul. 6 Footed vases. 7 to view. 8 To walk like a duck. 9 Electric term. :e He is credited with the of America. 17 Chair. 19 Tree. 20 His voyages were or dangerous. 22 Weight allowance. 24 Male bee. 26 Gypsy. 29 Uneven. 31 Middle. 32 Simpleton. 33 Lacquer. 36 Fish eggs. 39 Gust. 42 Home. 44 Adorns. 46 Leather strap. 48 To puff. 50 Stir. 53 Female sheep. 54 Triangular shield. 58 Avenue (abbr.) 59 Beside. 60 Lava. POP The Needle Just Bobs Up and Down By J. MILLAR WATT I CANY THREAD THIS "ORDINARY" NEEDLE ! MAS IT GOT A BLINKING eve-? vts! TWAT!S YYH\' . CAN'T THR&AD

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