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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, November 5, 1941 THE FLESHER'SON ADVANCE Feversham Fair Winners (Continued from Faux- 4) Buttle; Luncheon set, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. McCauley; Tea cosy, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Porteous; Mats for hot plates, Mrs. McCauley; Pillow cases, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Champ; Hand towels, mill., Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Otte- well; Guest towels, Myrtle Campbell, Mrs. t'lmmp; Vanity set, Mrs. Me- Caulry. Myrtle Campbell; Boudoir pillow. Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; Pair curtains, Mrs. McCauley; Dress- er and stand cover, Mrs. McCauley, Myrtle Campbell; Quilt, pieced cot- ton, Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mrs. Magee; Quilt, applique, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. McCauley; Quilt, pieced and applique, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. McCauley; Quilt fancy quilted, Mrs. McCauley; Bed- spread, Mrs. Ottewell; Wool-filled comforter, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. B. Porteous; Woollen socks, coarse, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. A. Moore; Men's mitts, coarse, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Jamieson; Hooked rug mat, Mrs. B. Porteous, Edith Morrison; Mat, a. o. k., Mrs. Champ, Mrs. McCauley; Modern cro&s stitch, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Otte- well; Silhouette cross stitch, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ruttle; Bed jacket, Mrs. Champ; Ladies' knit pullover sweater Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Champ; Beret and scarf, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Ottewell; Wool cushion, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Fad- den; Afghan, Mrs. Magee, Mrs. Mc- Cauley; Baby bonnet sweater set, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ruttle; Child's play dress or rompers, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Champ; Child's sweater, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ruttle; Child's dress from old garment, Mrs. Fadden, Mrs. McCauley. Special By Cairns' store, Eu- genia, display of needlework by girl under 18, Dolly Ottewell, Elda Mor- rison; by Mrs. Howard McKee, Fev- ersham. hand-made apron by girl under 14, Gwen Fadden, Elda Mor- rison; by John Nuhn, Flesherton, col. knitting, Mrs. Champ. FLORAL EXHIBITS Begonias, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; Geranium, two single, Mr*. Ruttle, Edith Morrison; Geranium. two double, Mrs. Fadden; Tropical plant, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ottewell; Decorative plant, Mrs. Ruttle, Mabel Ross; 6 House plants EkliU) Morri- son, Mrs. Uuttlu; Asters, Mrs. Champ Mrs. McCauley; Dahlias, Mrs. Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Hanley; Sweet Peas, Edith Morrison: Table bouquet, Mrs. Ctiamp, Mrs. <MCauley; Coll. cut flowers, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Champ; Hanging basket, Mabel Ross, Mrs. McCauley; Foliage plant, Edith Mor- rison, Mabel Rose. CHILDREN'S WORK Coll. vegetables, Elda Morrison, Jack Fadden; Apron, hand made, Elda Morrison; Mending garment, Bernice Hollingshead; Dresser scarf, Gwen Fadden, Elda Morrison; Light biscuits, Bernice Hollingshead; Light cake, Bernice Hollingsihead; Butter tarts, Gwen Fadden, Bernice Holl- ingshead; Apple pie, Gwen Fadden, Bernice Hollingshead; Candy, Bernice Hollingshead, Ruth McDonald; coll. weeds, Jack Fadden, Stanley Teeter. GENERAL SPECIALS By J. W. Hanna, walking race for men, C. Moore- Ladies, E. Morrison. B" G. W. Ross, public school boy or girl selling most gate tickets to the Fair: Geo. Fenwick, S. S. No. 9, 2nd, Carl Hawton, S. S. No. 7. (Note; Public school prize list will be published next week.) PROTON STATION Mr. Ernie Lyons is relieving fore- man at Ceylon at present. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirkwood and daughter spent Sunday at the home of Chas. Lyons. Miss Zella Lyons has gone to Toronto. Mr. R. T. Bates is on our sick list at present. We hope he will soon be recovered. Mr. Donald Kerr spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Green and sons, El- wood and Alex., of Cedarville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sherson. Mr. Arthur McConnell was home over the week end. Bert Sims and Alex. Hergott have gone north on the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reddick spent part of l>t week with their son at Riverview. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. Ed. Stinson on the death of his father at Dundalk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snow and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Toronto vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me Arthur of Detroit visited with Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker and family,' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snow, accom- 1 panied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, I went to Markdale hospital to see ' Mrs. Baker's sister, Mrs. Russell Jackson, who underwent an operation for goitre. We are glad to report she is making satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Acheson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pat- terson, Maple Grove. Mr. Robt. Rutledge of Holland Centre is relieving foreman here at present. Mrs. T. D. Crawford of Markdale is spending a few days with Dever brothers. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton, Peggy and Douglas to East Linton to visit Mrs. Linton's mother, Mrs. T Fsnwick. The Batchelor outfit is cementing stables far Elvin Moore this week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. ^*. ^JtW jjK*. j^W VJW^JiU. ^^V j^fc. ^y*. .^ftfc. j^tfc. .Jifc. j^fc. jftfc. .^y.*. j&*. J&A.J&* LADIES' WINTER COATS SPECIAL SHOWING THIS WEEK ! MOSTLY INDIVIDUAL MODELS. PRICED BELOW USUAL FOR THIS GREAT SALE Collection of mostly one of a kind; newest 1941 styles; handsome fur trims, in- cluding Silver Fox, Jap Mink, Squirrel, Persian Lamb, Opposum and many other beautiful furs. Splendid quality woo'lens all chamois lined to waist. Colors of black, blue, green, teal, etc.; sizes to fit you and prices to fit your purse. Come in and inspect this fine group of Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Prices are advancing See them to-day. REMNANTS REMNANTS Ladies ! Here is where you get won- derful va'ue. A big table just packed with remnants of every description. Silks, cottons, woollens, all marked at less than half regular price. Useful ends of different materials, that couM be made into dozens of different gar- ments. He here early for best choice, as they will not be here long at the prices for which we are selling them. Hargains galore, act quickly ! LADIES', MISSES' and CHIDREN'S UNDERWEAR Vests Bloomers Drawers If you want to save, be sure to see this table of underwear. Some s'iglit ly counter soiled, but will not affect the wearing qualities, and when you can save 50 per cent on your invest- ment, it's worth while, isn't it? So come along and pick out your winter underwear for yourself and your girls, and just pay ha'f what you expected to pay. Remember, the quantity is 'imitcd, so be here early for best choice LADIES' FINE DRESS SHOES Sizes 3 to g $1.48 pair What a sale! Right at the start of the fall season. A final clearance of discontinued styles bring yon these fine dress shoes at a fraction of their real value. In this lot you will find: ties, straps and pumps, medium and dress hoe's; all si/.es in the lot, but not all sixes in each line. When you can buy a good pair of shoes today for $1.48, you must know that somebody is losing money. Don't let this oppor- tunity slip by. Values in the lot up to $2.95, Awav they go, pair $1.48 Ernie Stinson. Fred Bannon decided he'd like to try a hitch-hike stunt to Toronto, so going to the road he hailed the first car that came along, which took him to within two doors of his destina- tion. No fun in that kind of hitch hiking. We heard of another who tried it from Toronto up. He took the bus to Brampton, where it turned off to No. 6. He missed the train by a couple of blocks, so he took a ride in a car for a couple of miles, then a truck to Orangeville, a couple of other cars for short distances, walked six or seven miles before getting an- other lift. At least there was var- iety in that hitch hike. Mr. T. J. Stinson, brother of Mr. Albert Stinson, and father of Mr. Ed. Stinson, passed away Saturday at his home in Dundalk. Mr. Stinson was born and lived in this neighbor- hood until a few few years ago, when he moved to Dundalk. Mr. Carman Werry of Dundalk is to visit Inistioge Sunday School on Nov. 9th. We hope for a good at- tendance on that date. SWINTOJS PARK Mr. Kenneth Ferguson of Toronto spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tresidder and family of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Harrison and Eileen, also Mr. and Mrs. John Cor- bett and Elna, spent Sunday at Mansfield. Mr. Howard Watson and Andrew Mitchell of Veutry left for the north for the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bunzuck of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of H. Watson. Miss Jessie McMillan returned to Toronto last week, after spending some time at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell, ac- companied by Mr. Frank Meridith. pent Sunday with friends at Cor- betton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox visited with friends in Mt. Forest Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hardy and daugh- ter, Shirley, spent last week end at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane spent a week's holiday in Toronto and attend- ed the wedding reception for their nephew, Mr. Win. Lane, and bride. Mrs. Hamilton Irwin of Owen Sound will spend the next two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Howard Watson, while Mr. Watson is on the deer hunt. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. A. Pallister had all their family with them on Sunday: Guy, Vern and Tom of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Winters and fam- ily of Heathcote, Isabel of Clarks- burg and Mr. Lawrence, Heathcote. Visitors with Mrs. Sara Guy and Jean on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Guy of Midland, Mr. and Mrg. 3 f W. Yearley of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doonen and Mr. Landman of Elmvale. Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty and family of FleSherton visited with Mr and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick Sunday. Mr. Fred Ross was home for the week end. Fred is working in an airplane factory in Toronto. Mr. Robert Mercer and boy friend spent the week end at the parsonage. prayer. The grandmothers then took part in the program. Collection amounted to $2.82. The meeting closed with a hymn. The next meeting will b held at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on Wed., NOT. 19. Roll call "Heaven.'* Lunch committee; sandwich, Mrs. H. Patton, Mrs. A. Blackburn; cake, Mrs. Alex. English, Mrs. Dick Clark. Rock Mills Ladies' Aid The ladies met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hanley on 'Wed., Oct. 29th. with eight meiribers and three visit- ors present. The missionary par' opened by sinking "Down in Th^- Valley" and Mrs. Atkinson led in prayer. Missionary money was paid and after singing "Take My Life and Let it Be," Mrs. Akitt closed with LOW RAIL FARES FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY FARE & ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Between mil points in C: -.ada and to certain destinations in the i United States GO: Monday, NOT. 10 and until 2 p.m. Tuesday, NOT. 11, 1941 RFTTURN: Leave destination op t midnight Wednesda T , NOT. 12, 1941 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - 25c Full information from any agent Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Brass bed, spring and mattrees. Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. 23c2 FOR SALE Red Durham cow, 7 yean old, due in January. Hugh Fenwick, Maxwell. 22p2 SPECIAL NOTES We are now sole sel'ing agents for the famous 5 Crown Brand Flour. This is your old favorite flour and you know what to expect when you buy 5 Crown this week, as a special intro- duction we offer the famous 5 Crown Hreiid Flour for 98 Ibs. $2.69 BRAN SHORTS $1.35 cwt. $1.40 owt. STOCK UP AT THESE PRICES F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont THE FRIENDLY STORE CENTRE LINE Rain, rain, rain! We are nearly flooded out. It is so wet that very little outside work can be done. Our local sports left for the north- ern hunting grounds Saturday a.m. Mr. John Orfborne returned home from Clarksburg last week, where he was picking apples for tha past five weeks. Miss Gertrude Little returned to her home from Meaford last week. Mr. Lloyd Little of Toronto spjnt Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Russell White returned to her home at Saugeen Jet. last week, after spending a few days at the home of her parents, following an operation for removal of her tonsils. Her mother, Mrs. G. Little, accom- panied her home for a couple of days. Mr. Rolbt. Osborne and John arc assisting Mr. John l^id.garow cut wood on the 12th Line. Mr. Mac Cudmore of Toronto spent the week end with his wife and little son here. Born On Friday, Oct. 24, to Mr and Mrs. Edwin Little of Meaford, a daughter. A very impressive service was held nt Mt. Zion on Sunday afternoon when the two little daughters of Mr and Mr. Ellwood Stevens were baptized and the Communion held. Mrs. W. H. Little is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Edwin, and family at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Buckton, Dor- een and Mrs. Mac Cudmore visited friends in Owen Sound at the week end. The West Group of Wareham Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Ar- nott Menzies Thursday and finished piecing another quilt. The next mooting will be at tho home of Mrs. Win. McCutcheion. Miss Oliver and pupils held a Hallowe'en social Friday night, when quite n number of comic costume? wore in ovidonce, for which prizes were given. A merry timo wus sp.'nt by nil present We extend mir sympathy to Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson in her recent ber- eavement and also to Mrs. Archie Fishor of Dundalk in the sudden passing of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Batcholor attended the funeral of Mr. Rat<-hp!- or's grandmother at Owen Seuad Sunday. FOR SALE Girl's ski suit and ski 'boots, 12 to 13 size, good as new algo electric washer. Phone 67, FleshertoH. 23c2 RAWLEffiGH SUB-DEALER For the convenience of Portlaw shop- pers Fred Taylor carries Rawleigh products. FOR SALE Two wheel trailer, good as new, fair tires. Lawson White. 2H miles south of Flesher- ton, R. R. 3, Proton Station. 22p2 CAME ASTRAY To my premises 2-year-old cattle beast; owner will prove property and pay expenses. Elford Waters, Priceville. WANTED Good prices paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. Jas. R. Sinolair, Ceylon. WANTED Aged, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Eagles, phone 41rX. Flesh, rtra. FOR SALE Barred Rock pullets. April hatch, ready to lay, also 1900 gravity washer. Mrs. W. Beaton Ceylon, phone 22 r 32. 22p2 FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 5-room house in Flesherton, hard- wood floor* throughout, bathroom, furnace, soft ar ' hurd water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 165, Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, Barn, out buildings and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FOR SALE Young pigs ready to go. Jas. Hopps. R. R. 8,, Flesh- erton (Portlaw). 23pl LOST About Oct. 20, 1941, two year old black heifer. J. Stoth- rt, Pricerille. 23p3 FOR SALE pigs ready to wean. Emersen Grey, R. R. 2, Proton, or phone Dundalk 41 r 11. 22p2 FOR SALE Dark roan Shorthorn bull, 10 mos. old, eligible for reg- istration, bred from T.B. and blood- tested stock. Rop Piper, Ceylon. FOR SALE 7 year old heavy horse, heavy mare colt, rising 3; light colt, rising 4; yearling heavy colt D. McTavish & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE Number young pigs 8 weeks old; two good cowa, fresh- en in Nov. and Jan. Geo. Moore, Proton Station R. R. 3. 22p2 FEEDS Livingston Brand. All kinds, especially hog feed. Price $32.00 delivered. Clifford Mc- Master, Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 tt7, Con. 2, N. D. K., Arta- mt'sia, containing 100 acres more or less, <rod wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Rt>asonabl price. Possession at once. -Mr*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art*- mesia, containing 100 acres, on whic* is situated a bank barn 45x66. alao a large driving shed. This property must be seld to wind up estate. ThoM nterestet 4 communicate with Joh Oliver or W. R. Meads. Priceville, Ex Tutors for the estate. 47c BUSINESS CAR JS AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET See me abort your auction Mile. All sale* conducted on butae** ptte- ciples. Phne me at Ftvvrsaam 4rlt or make arrangremetfts at TW Flesherton Advance office. FOR SERVICE- Yorkshire hog. Fcr . Turner. Eugenia. 23p" FOR SALE 6 Oxfoi ') >wn bre: ing ewes, several Oxford Down ram lambs, one 4-yewr-old Oxford ram; corn cutting box, hand pow- er; 2 cutters; set single driving harness; set light sleighs, good as new; 8 chunks about 76 Ibs. each. R. Allen & Son. R. R. 3 Flesher- ton, phone 46 r 21. 22p2 FARM FOR SALE 100 acres more or less, Lots 152- "53, 2 N.E., Artemesia, 65 acres un- der cultivation, remainder pasture and bush, well watered, new barn, frame-house. Reasonable price; suit- able terms. Immediate possession for fall plowing. ?.!::. Cliv. r-.- '. r. (" .;:;. V. FARM FOR SALK OR RENT 50 acre farm in Flesherton, with good buildings, cement garage for ear. swgar house and arch, and spring creek in pasture. Permission to do fall ploughing this fall. Will let o shares to right party r sell on good twms. Als 60 acres of wood- ed pasture well watered and twenty or wore acre* of tillable land. Apply to Mrs. S. E. Fisher, Box 5K!, Flesnerton. WM. LICENSED AFC il NEER for the Cou- . : f Grey I have t ikan up residence in Flesherton and am now in a position to accept auction sales. Farm and stock sales our specialty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged for at The Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE. ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office Hour* _ AfUrnoona. 1.30 t* *. Ermlnft. 7 t* 8.M. Sunday* and Thursday afternoons fey appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodgs No. 883, A.F & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall* Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; Seo- retary, C. J. Bellamy.

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