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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1941, p. 6

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CHAMPION PLOWMEN WIN TRIP rj< I : IJ Gold Medalist Elmer Armstrong Silver Medalist Marshall Deans The Salada Tea Championship Class at the International Plowing Match recently held near Peterborough brought together leading plowmen from all over Ontario. Competition was keen. Winners of trips were Elmer Armstrong of St. Pauls and Marshall Deans of Paris. If restrictions do not forbid. Salada will give them a Transcontinental Tour to points of agricul- tural interest In the United States and Canada. The next twelve winners ta the event received prizes from $25.00 to $5.00. HAVE YOU HEARD? An old lady living In Uit country h*d a son In the Navy. On one t her rare visits to a neighboring town she saw a sailor. Trembling with excitement she asked him If he knew her boy. Sh* told him .-.. name. "Well, what ship Is be In'.'" asked the sailor. "What ship?" exclaimed the old lady. "Are there two?" "Now, children, can anyone give me definition of a niche, uch s a niche In a church?" Little Jackie: "Well, It's Just like an Itch In any other place but you can't scntch It there." "Absent-minded, Isn't he?" "Extremely so. The other night when he got home he knew there w*a something he wanted to do, tat he couldn't remember what it was until he had sat up over aa hour trying to think." "And, did he flnal'.y remem- ber It?" "Yes, he discovered that ft* wanted to go to bed early." Prize for the best (or worst) pun of 1941 to date should ge te The Scotsmen, which, com meriting on the newe that grace has been listed ae an excellent food, chimes In : "Green grew the rations O." A doctor and a dentist shared th services of a typist and both fell in love with her. The dentist was called away on business so he seat for the typist, and Bald, "I'm going to '<* away for ten days. You'll find a little present in your room." She went In, and found ten apples. "I wrote to the paper to find out how long cows should be milked." "And they said?" "Just like short cows." "Your poor husband's still In bed, then?" "Yes, he's really quite all right, but when the doctor came glx weeks ago he said Fred mustn't get up on any account until hs said he could ami we think the doctor must have gone in the army." Teacher "Nama three col- lective nouns." Tommy "Fly-paper waste- paper, and vacuum cleaner." FILLERS Most of the motor liusses in Brazil will be Diescl-nowered. PRESIDENT FREDERICK C. CLARE Elected president and general manager of Clare Mros. A Co., Limited, Preston, at a recent meeting of the directors. He suc- ceeds his brother, (he late John Stuart Clare. Other officers are T. H. Simpson, K.C., of Hamilton, vice-president; Milim Todd of Gait, secretary-treasurer. When's A Mushroom Not A Mushroom? Rain at th.ii time of the year makes the mushroom* grow also the toadstools. But expert* warn that while one the mushroom may be a tasty dish, the other the toadstool is the cause of stomach aches, violent illness, even death. How to tell them apart is th problem. To parsons who go mushroom hunting, Inspector W. H. Brump- ton of Windsor Police, who know* hu mushrooms, lays down on* hard and fast and safe rule: "If in doubt, throw 'em out." I .' much better not to tak a chance," says Inspector Brump- ton. "Of course mushroom* are pretty good to eat, but If yon aren't absolutely certain what It is you have picked, you'll find It safer to discard It A toadstool may taste all right, but it often hu terrible after effect*." Another rule the inspector haa is cJiis: "If they're pale and won't peel they're not mushrooms." "I judge them by the color f the underneath part*," h* say*. "If they are pink or black under- neath, then I figure they are safe." Cars From Canada Arrive In India India now is receiving motor car* and trucks from Canadian factories, Sir Sanmukham Chatty, head of an Indian purchasing mis- sion to this continent, said on hi* arrival in Montreal from New York en route to Ottawa. "We are interested in a whole range of supplies and we want to see in what respects Canada can supplement the production of American factories to which we have given orders," Sir Shan- mukham, accompannicd by a large staff, told reporters. How Con I? BY ANNE ASHLEY By Ann* Ashley Q. How can I clean unw leather gloves? A. Clean with a flannel cloth that has been soaked in milk, squeezed nearly dry, and then rubbed on a bar of soap. Q. How ran I clean gold-decor- aU-d china so as to protect the (fold? A. Wash in lukewarm water containing .soap flakes in moder- ation. Never rub soap directly on tile gold, as it will dull the gold and eventually raine it to rub off. Q. How can I test the purity of butter? A. I'ut H little of the butter in a spoon und hold over the gas flnn-.o. If it dissolves without sputtering, it is pure. However, if it contains some other sub- stance, it will sputter. Q. How can I remove colored candle tallow stains from table" linen? A. Place a blotter over nnd blotter under the stain. Prese with hot iron. Repeat this pro- i-oBS, shifting the blotter eacb time, until the Ullow disappear. Q. How can I clean a griddle that has become crusted? A. Place it over a very hot fire and cover thickly with salt. Af- ter the salt has turned brown, the crust and salt will brush off together, leaving the griddle like new. After washing the griddle, grease well and heat before put- ting away. No Invasion Now Of Western Front British Government Has N Intention of Inviting Anoth- er Dunkirk Lord Moyne- said In the House of Lords recently that it would he "madness" for Britain to attempt to open a second front In the West to aid Russia and described > "folly" any move which would de- nude England of an army to resist Invasion. Speaking for the Government after widespread demands for a lecond front, Moyne said Britain lacked tanks and artillery for an attempted invasion of the contin- ent. He said the Government, de- epite amateur strategists, soap box orators, and campaigns in th press, had no Intention of Inviting another Dunkirk. Would Suit Hitler "1 cannot imagine anything which would suit Hitler's move better than if we adopted the Chin- ese method of committing suicide on your enemy's doorstep," > aid. He made the Government's posi- tion clear after demands for an In- vasion had been made by Lord Strabolgl, who "deplored" that when the greatest opportunity of all time had presented Itself Brit- ain was unable to strike in the west, because of lack of equipment. Strabolgl claimed that Germany had only 25 second-rate division* in all of Western Europe, and that they had less than 100 tanks to support them. But Moyne persisted In the Government's refusal to aid Russia by Invading the continent In a manoeuvre designed to draw German troops out of Russia. Not Enough Equipment Moyne implied that equipment, especially tanks, now in British hands was not sufficient to make the opening of a front In the west possible. He said that a Western Front operation would severely strain British shipping and would denude Britain of an army needed to repel possible German Invasion. "It would be madness for us to Improvise an expedition of that kind", Moyne said. "You cannot land a well equipped army with- out a va.ii amount of shipping. It would be folly to denude this coun- try of an army we will need la case of Invasion. "You cannot land a force with merely rifles and bayonets to face all the artillery and tank* available ! FYance." I.O.D.E. Helps British Victims Hundreds of New Garments nd Blankets Sent to Britain During the months of June, July and August alone, approximately thirty-seven tons of new clothing and new bedding, valued at $92.- 107.33, were shipped to Great Bri- tain by the Imperial Order Daugh- ters of th Empire, according to Mrs. W. R. Walton, Jr., vice-con- venor of the National War Service Committee of the I.O.D.E. Hundreds of new garment* and blankets Included in the above were collected through Imperial Oil ser- vice stations across Canada in car- tons placed there by the I.O.U.B. The added co-operation of the Provincial Automotive Transport Associations, whose trucking com- panies gave their services gratis, In dellvwtng these cartons to the various Provincial I.O.D.K head- quarters, aided materially the I.O.D.E. effort which has provided grout quantities of new clothing tor British bombed victims as well as Ions of selected reading material for Canada's lighting forces. In Ontario alone full carious wero picked up from Imperial Oil servic stations in 82 towns and Cities and hauled by members of Ilia Automotive Transport Associa- tion of Ontario to the I.O.D.K. lioad- u.i urtors at Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Walton states thai the need for new clothing and bedding for (lie llritlsh bomhed victims and tor books for the troops is urgent and that donors may still lonve Ihejr contributimiH at Imperial Oil ser- vice stations In towns and cities throuKluiut Canmla wluvre there are I.O.D.K. Chapters. What About The Old Folks? When they're not so active anymore and spells of constipation annoy them with dizziness, heartburn, headaches, or torturing gas pains, get ADLERIKA. We have many letters from thankful users who are far past middle-age. Your druggist has ADLERIKA. -AGE WOMEN (. HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restleaa. NERVOUS suffer hot flashes, dizziness caused by this period In a woman's life try Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially tor women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. Canadian Firemen Will Go To Britain War Services Minister Thorsoa announced officially the appoint- ment of Fire Chief Donald A. Boulden of Winnipeg as officer commanding: the Canadian Fir Fighters' Corps which is to b sent to the United Kingdom. Mr. Bouden will go to Ottawa immediately to organize the corps. Through the Department of National War Services a call will be sent out for 400 fire and this number will be progres- sively increased. The firefighters will be moved in groups to Britain so there will be as little delay as possible in putting the force on active ser- vice. The men will go overseas as ft civilian force and will be in- tegrated with the British fire fighting services. The corps will be organized on semi-military lines. Other of- ficers all to be experienced fire fighters will be appointed after Chief Boulden takes over. Sure of Weather Flying Over Ocean A Royal Air Force officer said recoutlr In a broadcast tliat wea- ther experts have killed the bogey of Atlantic flying. Appearing on a program on which "interesting people" are In twviewed the office-r said of the weather predictions: "They will tell you with cer- tainty the srrt of weather you will meet right the way across and any sudden change will be wirelessed to you." Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE By Roberta !. 1. If the father of the bride gives her away, which arm should he offer her when proceeding up the church aisle? 2. Can porter service be secur- ed at any time in a hotel, and 'what is the customary tip? 3. Ij it a woman's place to take the hat and coat of a man friend who has called to see her hus- band? 4. What type of entertainment may the hostess plan for her guests after an informal dinner? 5. Is it good form to speak of one's employer as "the boss?" 6. In a wedding procession do the ushers precede the brides- maids down the aisle? ANSWERS 1. His right arm. 2. Yes, a porter can be secured to do all kinds of carrying. The tip is ex- pected and depends upon what service the porter has done. 3. No; this is the duty of her hus- band. 4. This depends upon the congeniality of the group. The hostess may plan to have her guests dance, play bridge, or go on to the theatre or the movies. 5. No. Say, "Mr. Johnson." 6. Yes. GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO India Has Army Of 1,000,000 Men Move Into Caucasus Seen If Red Army Loses India's army of nearly 1,000,000 men, growing at the rate of 60,000 recruits a month, stands ready for a precipitate move into the Cau- casus in case of an imminent Ger- man threat to that rich oil area. After a time in India one begins to appreciate the latent power of the British Empire, slow to gather momentum but now approaching high gear. The Northwest Frontier provides natural protection with its great range of mountains, arid deserts, and high plateaus stretching chain- like from China to the Persian Gulf. That wild and Inhospitable mountain country virtually Is without roads and any hostilities In the current situation would leave the aggressor operating far from hi* own basea, whereas the Indian Army and Air Force would func- tion from their own nearby. The bases are linked by a net- work of excellent British roads and are supported by huge pools of foodstuffs and raw materials vital to a rapidly-expanding war In- dustry. The natural routes Into India from the north by way of Baln- ohistan are over fierce deserts reachable best from Iran, from Afghanistan by way of Khyber Pass, or from -tral Russia. At the summit of Khyber Pass th Landl Kotal fort forms a tough batlon. That spearhead of the Khyber defense is reached by a broad gauge railway built espec- ially to give a maximum of pro- tection from enemy air and artil- lery fire. An excellent motor road ha been blasted from the mountain sides to enaible rapid communlca- tlo- ; i the famous outpost. Men Can Enlist Much Easier Now Medical Requirements Are Lower Many Likely to Try Again U. S. V - Knits 600 Sox Mrs. Ruse Laird, proprietor of & beauty salon at 786 Fifth Ave., New York, has knitted more than 300 pairs of seaboot stoc' ! ngs for Bundles for Britain, according to .in announcement issued by that o-ganization. According to Bundles for Brltaiu, Mrs. Laird turns out two pairs of these stockings each week. They are knee-length and are used by British seamen. Easing of medical requirement* for recruits for Canada's active army will permit re-exaininatiua of men who have previously been rejected, interpretation ol oriie.e issued from Ottawa reveals. Whereas formerly there was oni/ one category of A, it has now been divided into Al and A2. Men clash- ed as A2 are eligible for atl branches of the army with the ex- ception of front linn infantry. The orders state that those ro- jected under old standards for de- fective vision, radical mastoid, or dry perforation of ear drum are encouraged to presen; themselves for re-examination. Men of either A category must be able to "see to shoot or drive, undergo severe strain and Hav only minor, non-progressive Jla- bllitleg." Applicants to make Bl category must be able to march five mile and withstand "considerable exer- tion." Recruits down to Cl category are liable fur service overseas. Those of Cl and lower can serve In Can- ada only. What's In A Name Or Three? At a wedding in Edinburgh, Scotland, the groom received * telegram bearing the surnames of three fellow railway workers ao that it read: "Congratulations. Hope, Mutch, Luck." MALARTIC MINING AREA Free Map and Information on Request A. E. DAWSON & CO., 347 BAY ST. - TORONTO Soothing , oooliac Mentholatum kbringi quick I relief or money iback. AUo for I chafing. cut.H and bruiees. Jars and tubes. 30c. A* MENTHOIATUM ''< COMPORT r ., .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. u.r VTN \\A.\TUU AKUUMAT1C MKTKIt FOR AUTO- ntobile, truck, tractor, bus and murine engines. Mora power! Stops rurbon ! 23 % more mileage. An mail Tor quick information! Ay en is. wrile for territory, DepL 9, Uo\ ItiJ, Vancouver, Canada. MAKE MORE MONEY SKI. I. KlUTISH CANADIAN * 'hri.Timus Cards wilh name Im- printed, ulso llnxfd Assortments. l>'mu.-L available In value, work- manship and prii'i-. 1UU'.> profit bonus for curly ordiis. Your frk'iula will waul these rurds. Ex- piM'lence unnecessary. Write to- day for dutailH. Samples on ap- proval. Hritish Canadian, Room II. -I Kinn West. Toronto. Il.tltY t HICKS nun: vor'VK SI/.KD UP THE nmrkfls. and have chicks coining along to help you cash In on them. U'e'Vt 1 mixed chirks, und pullets, dayold, and up to 2 vvi-eks. Immediate or Inter de- liver;.. Wiilt; for list. Hray Hatch- fry. 131) John St. ,\., Hamilton. Owl II. < . ritOIMOIlTY nurnsii cni.i.MiiiA is HKCIOIV- IIIK many KaHtern settlers. For farm lamif or city property, writ* 11. A. Koberts Ltd., Vancouver, I! C IMTKNTS FKTUKKSTONHAIHJH & COMPANY ivuciit Solicitors, Established ISllii- 14 King- Went, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- i ' ' II til II IT* WANTED I.IVK DOMESTIC luliliiis. Any Quantity, price lOc per pound You pay expreae. Llghtfoot, St. Lawrence Mnrkt. Toronto. CAIIS. NKW AND USKU MOl'XT I'l.EAHANT MUTOUS LTD.. Toronto's oldest Chrysler. Plym- outh dealers; three location. 1 ), 63!i Ml. Pleasant Koad. H040 YonKe si., lu.'iU Danforth Avenue. Our 1'Sid Cars make ua many frlendi < im;ori< vi tons PMII.I.IPS SCIKNTII'-IC CKNKUA1. Ili-.ilth SciviiT. Write for piirtlc- ul-ii.-, I- yiii'< n K., Toronto. i i i < i itn MOTORS i I'll >AI K KA.UM Ul'TY ELECTRIC MOTORS. hundreds to choose from. Jone* & Moore Electric Company Llmlt- ed. ^!Mi Adelaide West, Toronto. FAKM KOIl SALIC HUNDRED ACRES. HUiHWAY 24, close to Ospringe. Ctood building*. Hydro, pressure cold-hot water system, bathroom, good soil, bush, never failing spring, 45 miles from Toronto. Three thousand, 2U mortgage, Thirty-five Hun- dred cash. Uox 493, Adelaide i'.O. Toronto. FARM l.AXUS FAKMS TO RENT IN EVEKY PART of Saskatchewan. Writ* John Armstrong, inspector, Bon grjil, Regina, Sask. \\ Vll I. WANTKD DOD(.iE IS - VOLT UEN- ralors. Pay i'i. Shipping Point. State Model. Chas. Warner, Mat- look. Man. _ i on SAI.I: 116 ACRKS. HUiHWAY 86; GOOD barn. 52-80; good house, good water, other outbuildings, two miles east of Montroue. Fred UberiK. West Montrose. J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE, CAF- Itol Theatre Building, St. Thomai. Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. _ _____ 2 i 111:1: r:\i.uti.r.\ir.vr-. WITH EACH ROLL OF FILM DE- loped or 1U reprints all tor X&o. Photographic Laboratories, P.O. Box 545, Sherbrooke, Due. FOR .141.1-: REUUIl.T 10-XO McCOHMICK-DEEH- IDB Tractor. Same guarantee as new. International Harvester Dealer, J. H. McCaw, Karrle, On{. MAKK MONKY UO WAYS TO MAKE MONEY. Booklet of 120 pages, size I x |. Price 11.00. Mike lgnah. 441 Manltnha Ave.. Winnipeg, Man. ISSUE 45 '41 Ul.llH U DON'T WAIT i-.v 1:1: , ar of Rheumatic fains or h o|u 1 d try Dixon's Hemedy. Munro's Drug Stun-. 335 Biffin. Ottawa. Postpaid ll.UU. _^ MKX WAXTBU Ib' YOU AUK UXUvlNG FOK -\ real money-maker (or high daily income, investigate our Plan. Everyone a prospect for our 200 guaranteed product*. Uepeut bumii - assured. Uuod commis- sion. Stuady work (or light man. Write today. JPamllex, 470 St. Clement. Montreal. Ml >lt Al. AJSK YOliK DEALER KOK UENNli* guaranteed guitars, or write A. Dennis & Company, 3S1 Nairn Avenue. Winnipeg. OKKBH TO l.\vt:.vrous AN OFFER TO EVERY. INVKN'lUR i.nt of inventions and (ull Infor- mation sent free. The Kamsay Co, Registered, Patent Attorneys. 271 Hank Street. Ottawa. Canada inn i M x IK M i i i 111:11- H 1 li H L, V KKCUMMK.NUED -- Every aufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon's Remedy. Munro's Prus Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Foat- pald $t.ul). WOMKJf WANXUU WANTK1): WOMEN TO UO HOMK sewing- Host pay. t'os>.ag paid ou all work. Sent anywhere. Bantex Specialty Co., Box ST. Chase. H.C. Play Safe! Send Your Films To Imperial For btler result* and Ixater t- vi' . f or 8 exposure films :;;... re- prlnli X for 25c: both with fret en- largement. Photographic Xraa* Cards made from your own ne^ativea i i attractive styles folder tyne with mounted picture 12 for |1.S|| flat type with embossed margttL li for WO. No orders *f or u thai Ix. Imperial rhi.> .-rM,- Station J, Toronto.

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