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Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday. October 29. 1941 THE FLESHERTJON ADVANCE HALLOWE'EN FLESHERTON SOFTBALL PRESENTATION DANCE IN THE FRATERNAL HALL FLESHERTON ON Fri., Oct. 30 Music supplied by Lloyd Kibbler and his dance Band HOX. FARQUHAR OLIVER WILL MAKE THE PRESENTATION OF THE HOLLAND LEAGUE SOFTBALL TROPHY, WON BY THE FLESHERTON CLUB AD: 50c Lunch Supplied THOMPSON FETCH The marriage took place Saturday at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan Houden, Humberside Ave., Toronto, of Helen May Fetch, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fetch, to E. Edward (Ted) Thompson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. 'E. H. Thompson, Toronto. Rev. J. Clifton Mackay, Victpria Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony; Miss Eva Fetch, cousin of the bride, played the wedding march. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore midnight blue crepe, with matching turban and finger tip veil. Her flowers were pink roses and white baby 'mums, and she wore pearls, the gift of the groom. Miss Irene Fetch was her sister's brides- maid in mustard crepe with brown accessories and carried yellow and bronze 'mums. Ronald LeLievcr was best man. At the reception Mrs. Fetch received, wearing wine crepe, matching hat and was assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Thompson, in American Beauty rose crepe with black accessories. The couple left later for a trip east and on their re turn they will reside on Admiral Rd., Toronto. MAGF.E CARSON The marriage of Bi-rnice Loraine Carson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carson, "riceville, bo Gerald Magee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee of Eugenia, took plaer on Saturday, Oct. 26th, at the manse. Priceville. Rev. Dr. Campbell offic- iated at the ceremony. Mr. Donald Carson, brother of the bride, and Miss Hazel Magee, sister of the groom, were the only attend- ants. The bride looked charming in a gown of powder blue and carried a bouquet of 'mums. The bridesmaid I looked pretty in a copen blue frock. ' Following the ceremony the bride and J groom Inft on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and other points. LITTLEJOHNS RUSSELL LADIES' WINTER COATS SPECIAL SHOWING THIS WEEK ! MOSTLY INDIVIDUAL MODELS. PRICED BELOW USUAL FOR THIS GREAT SALE Collection of mostly one of a kind; newest 1941 styles; handsome fur trims, in- eluding Silver Fox, Jap Mink, Squirrel, Persian Lamb, Opposum and many other beautiful furs. Splendid quality woo'lens all chamois lined to waist. Colors of black, blue, green, teal, etc.; sires to fit you and prices to fit your purse. Come in and inspect this fine group of Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Prices are advancing See them to-day. REMNANTS REMNANTS Ladies ! Here is where you get won- derful va'ue. A big table just packed with remnants of every description. Silks, cottons, woollens, all marked at less than half regular price. Useful ends of different materials, that cou'cl be made into dozens of different gar- ments. Be here early for best choice, as they will not be here long at the prices for which we are selling them. Bargains galore, act quickly ! LADIES', MISSES' and CHIDREN'S UNDERWEAR incut, it's worth while, isn't it? So come along and pick out your winter underwear for yourself and your girls, and just pay ha'f what you expected to pay. Remember, the quantity is 'united, so be here early for best choice Vest* Bloomers Drawers If you want to save, be sure to see this table of underwear. Some s'ight- ly counter soiled, but will not affect the wearing qualities, and when you can save 50 per cent on your invest LADIES' FINE DRESS SHOES Sizes 3 to 8 $1.48 pair What a sale! Riglit at the start <>f the fall season. A final clearance of discontinued styles bring you thesA.- fine dress shoes at a fraction c!" their real value. In this lot you will liiul: ties, straps and pumps, medium ami dress bee's; all sizes in the lot, but not all sixes in each line. When you can buy a good pair of shoes today for $1.4S, you must know that somebody is losing money. Don't let this oppor- tunity slip by. Values in the lot up to $2.o. Awav they go, pair $1.48 SPECIAL NOTES We arc now sole scl'ing agents for the famous 5 Crown Mrand Flour. This is your old favorite flour and you > BRAN $1.30 cwt. know what to expect when you buy 5 Crown this week, as a special intro- duction we offer the famous 5 Crown Bread Flour for 9,X i| )S- $2.69 SHORTS $1.35 cwt. STOCK UP AT TIIKSK PRICES F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. THE FRIENDLY STORE* A pretty wedding of interest took place on Saturday, Dct. 26th, 1941, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Russell, Rock Mills, when Anna Jlenc Russell was united in marriage to Wesley George Robert Littlejohns, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Little- Johns of Orange Valley. Rev. Keith McMillan of Flesherton was the offic- iating minister. At 3.30 p.m. the bride entered the living room on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march played by the groom's cousin, Miss Vera Mitchell of Toronto. The bride took her place under an arch ol evergreens, decorated with pink and white streamers and 'mums and cent- ered with a white bell, banked with baskets of pretty autumn flowers. The bride looked lovely in a streit- lenjrth dress of crater blue crepe with a corsage of pink Johanna Hill roses with white bouvardia, and wore a tlaintv gold locket, the eift of the groom. The bridesmaid was Miss Eleanor Russell, sister of the bride, who wore a dress of light rose crepe with corsage of roses and maid- en hair fern. The groom's gifts to the bridesmaid and to the pianist were gold compacts. Mr. Clifford Littlejohns, brother of the groom was best man. The bride's mother received in a dress of Queen's blue crepe and cor- sage of Ophelia roses, assisted by the groom's mother, wearing a navy blue reddingcote, with white trimmings and corsage of Sweetheart roses and maiden hair fern. The home was decorated with pink and white streamers and white btlls. ' Miss Ruth Rusesll, sister of the ' bride, wearing a street-length dress I of forest green crepe with corsage of Talisman roses, invited the fifty ' guests at 6 o'clock to the tables, which were decorated with pink and white streamers and yellow 'mums and tall pink and white tapers, which burned during the supper hour. The bride's table was centred with a three story wedding cake. During a course of the wedding supper a toast was proposed to the bride and groom by Rev. ,McMillan, and in a few chosen words the groom responded to the toast. The assistants, with Mrs. George Stewart, as supervisor, were: Miss Bessie Russell, Mrs. Ken Teeter. Miss Gladys McFadden and Mrs. Willis Coburn. The happy couple left on a trip through Northern Ontario and other points, the bride travelling in a har- vest wbie coat with squirrel trim hat to match, and black accessories. On their return they will reside in Flesherton. SMITH IVERS On Saturday, Oct. 25th, Miss Doris Ivers, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ivers, 22 Mystic Ave., Scar- borough, became the bride of Delbert L. Smith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith of Flesherton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. K. Douglas Whatmough in St. Nicholas Anglican church, Birchcliffe. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and wore a gown of chenille embroidered white satin on Princess lines, with full-length veil, falling from a hnlo of white satin and carried a cascade of red roses and white 'mums. Mrs. Whittnker, sister of the bride, was mntron-of-honor, in bouffant style dress of turquoise blur taffeta, with halo hat to match, and carried pink roses and white 'mums. The bridesmaids were Miss Evelyn Crates and Miss Beatrice Stevens, in bouffant style dresses of romance pink taffeta with halo huts to match and carried bouquets of supreme red roses and white "mums. Mr. Sherman A. Piper of Flesherton was best man. The ushers were Mr. Laurk Smith and Mr. Victor Whittaker. The wedding music was played by Mr. Orville Cornish. The reception was held at the Hircheliffe Club, Mrs. Ivors receiving in a dress of harvest wine crepe with corsage of roses and white 'mums assisted by the groom's mother, wearing a skyline blue crepe dress with corsage of roses and "white 'mums. Later the young c.iunl- K-ft 0-1 ; motor tour ti Oir '< r !' t iv. 11- r;- the bride w . a MUCK ensemble, with accessories to match and short grey fur jacket. On their return they will reside in Peterborough. The best reflections come from thinking instead of looking Into mirrors. FOR SALE "Lighter Day" range good heater and cooker. F. H W. Hickling. Flesherton. PAPER KNIFE SOUVENIRS FROM PIECES OF BOMBS Thousands of miles from the wai zone, people are now slitting their letters open with paper knives made from bits of bombs rained by the Nazis on London, in the blitz. The larger pieces are melted down and used again by industry, 'but small fragments have been shaped into blades, leaving i he handle in the rough of the original splinter. The paper knives are from six inches to two feet long and quantities of these souvenirs have already been shipped to the Dominions and U.S.A. FOR SALE 8 pigs ready to wean. Emerson Grey, R. R. 2, Proton, or phone Dundalk 41 r 11. 22p2 FOR SALE 7 year old heavy horse, heavy mare colt, rising 3; light colt, rising 4; yearling heavy colt D. McTavish & Sons, Flesherton. LOW RAIL FARES FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY FARE & ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Between all points in Canada mnd to certain destinations In the United States GO: Monday, Nov. 10 and until 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1941 RETURN; Leave destination up to- midnight Wednesday, NOT. 12, 1941 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - 25c Full information from any agent Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Red Durham cow, 7| years old, due in January. Hugh Fcnwick, Maxwell. 22p2 FOR SALE Good work horse, 7 years old, about 1500 Ibs., cheap. A. Harrison, R. R. 3, Proton. RAWLEKJH SUB-DEALER Foi the convenience of Portlaw shop- pers Fred Taylor carries Rawleigh products. FOR SALE Number young pigs 8 weeks old; two good cows, fresh- en in Nov. and Jan. Geo. Moore, Proton Station R. R. 3. 22pg FOR SALE Two wheel trailer, good as ew, fair tires. Lawson White, 2V4 miles south of Flesher- ton, R. R. 3, Proton Station. 22p2 CAME ASTRAY To my premises 2-year-old cattle beast; owner will prove property and pay expenses. Elford Waters, Priceville. WANTED Good pricet paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. WANTED Aged, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Eagles, phone 41r3, Flesh, erton. FOR SALE Barred Rock pullets, April hatch, ready to lay. also 1900 gravity washer. Mrs. W. Beaton Ceylon, phone 22 r 32. 22p2 FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 5-room house in Flesherton, hard- wood floors throughout, bathroom, furnace, soft ar ' hfcrd water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. FOR SALE Number of Oxford breeding ewes, 3 Oxford rams, one year old at $12 each, Oxford ram 3 years old $18, 5 good pigs seven weeks old at $5 each. Gordon Stuart, Flesherton, phone 26. FARM FOR SALE Lot. 184 - 165, Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, out buildings and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. FOR SALE 11 room brick house in Flesherton, suitable for apart- ments or tourist home, new hot water furnace and electric pump for water system. Apply to Mrs. E. C. Murray, 60 Manor Rd. E., Toronto. 21c2 FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 8t r 4. FEEDS Livingston Brand. All kinds, especially hog feed. Price $32.00 delivered. Clifford Mc- Master, Maxwell. FOR SALE Brood Mare; 3 year old; 2-year-old filly; yearling geld- ing; cheap work horse. Lewis Kerton. Maxwell. 21p2 FOR SALE Several young Short- horn bulls; pair Clyde colts, two years old past; Oxford Down ram lambs. H. I. Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, phone 59 r 2. FOR SALE Leather couch, brass bed, wooden bed, Vietrola with 50 records, book case, back a nd warm- ing closet for range. Alex. Mc- Eachnie, Flesherton. FOR SALE Several registered and T. B. tested Aberdein Angus bulls, 6 and 7 months old. These are a real buy for anyone wanting to improve their herd. Herb Corbett, Proton Sta., phone Dundalk 44r21. FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 17, Con. 2, N. D. R., Art*, mesia, containing 100 acrea more or less, good wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mr*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art*- mesia, containing 100 acres, on whicb is situated a bank barn 45x55, also a large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Joha Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47 FARM F6R SALE Lot 168, Concession 8, Towaskiy of Artemesia. Land is all in rood state of culivation. Possession jir- en to suit buyer; ill health reaaea for selling. For farther particu- lars apply to Geo. R. Blackburn, R. R. 3, Flesherton, Ontario. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WALTER 9EBLET See me about your auction sale. AB sales condu*td on boaineae pi4n- ciples. Phone ma at Fvrsaam 4rl or make arrangement* at Flesherton Advance office. FOR SALE 5 Oxfo: i Ujwn bro. ' ing ewes, several Oxford Down ram lambs, one 4-year-old Oxford ram; corn cutting box, hand pow- er; 2 cutters; set single driving harness; set light sleighs, Rood as new; 8 chunks about 75 Ibs. each. R. Allen & Son, R. R. 3 Flesht-r- bon, phone 45 r 21. 22p2 FARM FOR SALE 100 acres more or less, Lots 152- "53. 2 N.E., Artemesia, 65 acres un- der cultivation, remainder pasture and bush, well watered, new barn, frame house. Reasonable price; auit- a'blo terms. Immediate possession for fall plowing. Mr-. C?:-:. !I'.:.:t.T. Clark.sinmr. WM. KA1T \G MCENSED >V IkiNEER for thp Cov ... , : f Grey I have taken up residence in Flesherbon and am now in a position to accept auction sales. Farm and stock sales our specialty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged for at The Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColU ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. FARM FOR SALE OR. RENT 50 acre farm in Flesherton, with good buildings, cement garage for car. sugar house and areh, and spring creek In pasture. Permission to do full ploughing this fall. Will let on shares to right party or sell on good terms. Also 60 acres of wood- ed pasture well watered and twenty or more acres of tillable land. Apply to Mrs. S. E. Fisher, Box M, Fleshertcm. D!>. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Hours _ Afternoon*. l.SO to Evening*, 7 to Sundays and Thursday afternoon* by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. MS, . & A.M., im--is in the Fraternal HU. Flesherton, the second Friday in month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary, C. J. Bellamy.

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