THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 29, 1941 ROCK MILLS We had our first snow fall Monday night, when it almost whitened the ground. Th wet weather has delayed the sawing at the mill and several days have been lost owing to the heavy rainc and the yard becoming soft. Mr. Fred Partridge of Toronto pent the week end at his parental home. Mrs. Robt. McMullen is spending couple of weeks with her daughter, lira. A. Fawcett, and family at Vandeleur. Mir. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge were called to Guelpi on Friday ow- ing to the illness of their daughter, Edna, who underwent an operation. Mrs. Partridge remained with her. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell of Toronto visited over the week end with Mrs. J. A. Foster and Sadie. The Red Crow will meet this Thursday afternoon in the church basement at i o'clock p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesh- erton visited over Sunday with his brother, Laurie, and family. A British general advised Canad- ian soldiers to marry in England. There is one man who need not ex- pect to receive any Christmas cards from Canadian girls. According to traffic officers, Toron- to's traffic toll this year u the black- est in history. It ia not a record upon which the Queen City can par- ticularly pride itself. Freight Prices ARE AGAIN BEING PAID BY THE ^ GOVERNMENTS ON COARSE GRAINS We are glad to be of service to the community in thi regard and will accept any orders, the same as last year. With the approach of the winter season CONCENTRATES of all kinds will be fed to supplement minerals lacking in grain. We have full line of these Concentrates, including CO-OP. FEEDS SUR GAIN FEEDS BLATCHFORD'S FEEDS SUN RAY FEEDS MASTER FEEDS See us for your requirements. 0. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario BEEF SPECIAL Buy your beef and pork by the quarter or half. Properly chilled, cut and wrapped i ready for your freezer box BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON. Ont. PHONli 47V ; Canada First Lest We Forget! +++*+++++* c r 1 Dave Gas To conserve gasoline is one of the slogans to-day and in order to do our part we are cutting down our route cream collection to once a week. So that the quality of your cream may not suffer, we are urging all cream producers to bring all the cream they can when making a trip to town. May we also ask you to bring all your turplus cream cans or give them to the trucker, and there- by conserve metal for war purpose* POULTRY __We M paying Highest Possible Market Prices for live and drwaed poultry. Get in touch with us before you sell. Commencing in November, Saturday will be the only open night in the week. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. e w6 +M*****H>M Angus Avis, Manager +*+* VICTORIA CORNERS We are sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Talbot in Orangeville hospital, where she underwent an operation last week and is doing as well as can be expected. The weather man certainly goes by extremes in thse parts. It was very dry last summer and now it rains nearly every day. The ditches, fields and Saugeen River are as high as they are in the spring rain and thawing season. Mr. Kelly of Emmanuel College is supplying on the Inistioge circuit foi the last two Sundays, and possibly will finish Mr. Jackson's time. PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Edith Hall and Donna visited the former's sister, Mrs. R. Linton. George Moore and his mother, Mrs. Chaa. jMoore. and (Maude Acheson visited last week end in Toronto, where the Chaa. Moore family had a reunion, along with a few other friends. Mrs. Jas. Linton and Mrs. Ernie Stewart accompanied them to Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Spiers in Toronto Wednesday. Mr. Jack Spiers and his mother, and Kay Bannon and three nurse friends, who are training in Toronto General, visited at Milton Bannon's. Mrs. Spiers remained. The ladies of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Elmo Stevens Thurs- day afternoon, the roll call being answered by one thing for which we are thankful. The sixteen memers gave varied reasons for much thanks- giving, especially this year. It was children's day, there being nine pre- sent, also three visitors. The pro- gram committee, Mrs. Russell Pat- terson and Mrs. Chas. Moore, pre- sented one of thanksgiving. Mrs. Copelnd led in prayer and Mrs. R. Patterson read the Scripture lesson, which was follo|ved with a reading by Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. "A Prayer for the Kitchen/' by Mrs. Walter Acheson, from one of Nellie McClung's stories, telling how a min- ister got inspiration for his Thanks- giving sermon through a letter from one of the boys overseas; Mrs. Jas. Batchelor "What Money Cannot Buy"; Mrs. Oscar Patterson told of the origin of Thanksgiving, not a physical feast, tmt one intended as spiritual; Viola Richardson. poem "Life's Rest"; Mrs. Herb Nichol, a poem "Where do you live: Grumble Corner or Thanksgiving Street?" The topic was of a missionary nature a paper on our early Indians by Mrs. Chas. Moore, which was written by her mother some time ago, as she passed to her reward some 12 years ago. The business consisted of try- ing to make plans to make our church more comfortable this winter A plan is under way for a bazaar of Christmas gifts. PROTON STATION (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. McN'alty spent Monday in Toronto. Mrs. Dune. MeNTichol, who has spent a time with her father. Mr. Chas. Lyons, here, who has been ill, has returned to her home in New Toronto. Rev. Gordon and Mrs. Prosser of Chesley were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. We are sorry to report that Mr. Thos. Wyville has been suffering from an attack of quinsy, and Mr. Alex. Sherson suffering from infec- tion in hi? right hand. Mr. Kelly of Emmanuel College. Toronto, occupied the pulpit in the United Chureh here Sunday night. Miss Ruth Slierson spent Wednes- day in Toronto. Mr. Bert Hopps of Sudiwry is vis- iting a few days with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hc^pps. Mr. Robt. Sheardown spent the week end at his parental home here. Mrs. Laurie Pedlar and Mrs. Harry Fisher accompanied Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Blackburn to Owen Sound last week, where Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn visited their aunt, Mrs. M. J. Wright and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. McKerroll. They also called on Mrs. Selina Mc- Kee at Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and daughter, Hazel, of Sheiburae spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar. Mr. and Mre. Wallace Fuher at- tended the Littlejohns and Russell wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Londry and Patsy of Duncan jpent Thursday with Mrs. Londry's sister, Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee and Sadie over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hum- phries and two children of Peter- boro, Mr. Russell, Garfleld and Vel- ma Buchanan of Norwood, Mrs. Wm. Russell of Wareham, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc&e and children of Toronto. We are glad to report that Mrs. Wes Plantt is improving from her recent illness. Little Doreen Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher, has been ill the past week. We hope Doreen will be better soon and able to return to school. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson in the passing of her father, Mr. Breadner, of Heathcote. Messrs. Robert and Harry Fisher visited *t the home of Mr. Frank Herwston, Nottawa. last week. Mrs. Russell White, who under- went an operation for the removal of her tonsils in the Orangeville hos- pital, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Little, Centre Line. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton spent a day in Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher and fam- ily of Ceylon visited with Robert Fisher and family on Sunday. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR No. 3 Harrow Plow; am prepared o do any quantity of plowing at $1.50 per awe for gtabble and $2.00 per acre on sod. WAJNE WEBER, phona *rll . Kimberley. Ont NOTICE The Board of Health of the Town- ship of Artemesia ha planned to administer Diphtheria Toxoid to all Public School children who attend schools situated in Artemesia Town- ship, as well M pre-school a*re child- ren. There wiN b* no cost to tne parents. Teachers of each school will b* notified in sufficient time to instruct all parent? to hare their children at the school at the date arranged to (five the Toxoid. The Department of Health, as well a the Local Roard of Health, are desirous thnt r.irent* avail them- selves of this opportunity. GEO. CAIRN'S. C!\irnr\n of T,oc;il DR. ,T. K. MILNE, M.O.H. VANDELEUR The W. I. October meeting was held in the school with a good attendance. While some were engaged com- pleting a quilt for the Red Cross, others were piecing together blocks. The program was provided by our teacher, Miss Dawn, and the pupils. Miss Margaret Dawn spent the week end with Miss Oliver at Price- ville. Mrs. Kirktown spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. R. Sewell. and family. Mr. Richard Sewell is having the barn shingled and the Fitzsimmons home is undergoing repairs and hav- :ng imitation brick cover the exterior. Miss Margaret Dawn attended the teachers' convention at Durham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and M. Ruth visited friends at Swinton Park and Hopeville. ^ Members of Vandeleur United Church congregation was well re- presented at the anniversary services at Annesley United church, Mark- dale on Sunday. Mr. Jack Bo land of Weston spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland. Messrs. Geo. Rest and Gordon and Fred Irwin. Flesherton, and W. R Graham of Markdale assisted H. I. Qraham in the Tim-vesting of his apple crop. This is the 5th year in succession that Mr. Best has picked for Mr. Graham. Flying Instructor K night and Mrs. Knight of- Guelph. formerly of B.C.. spent a fo\v days with the la tier's uncle and aunt, Mr. Andy Fawcett and Mrs. HuU-hinson. Mr. Geo. Kelso and family are hav- ing a new exterior of imitation brick on their store and residne. Mr. Jas. Harbottlo had his house done over a short tine ago. It greatly adds to the appearance. The Girls' Club met at the home of Mrs. F. Hutchinson on Oct. 14. LADY BANK Grand autumn weather with very little frost, but rain and mor rain, but Monday evening the ground was covered with light snow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Talbot of Flesh- erton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Grahm ami family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson and Donald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Js. Sayers, downline Colling- wood township. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sample of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Semple and little daughetr of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wellwood of Islington spent a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sample. Mr. and Mr*. Pc'-cy and Roydon snont Sunday with Mr. ami Mr-;. Harold Faweetf nt Kimbrr 1 British War Victims* Fund During this week and next, canvassers will call on the residents oi Artemesia Township and vicinity, sol- iciting subscriptions of CASH and PRODUCE for donation to the British War Victims' Fund. Produce of the following nature will be especially welcomed, as it can readily be converted to cash. EGGS FOWL CREAM WOOD GRAIN POTATOES PIGS LAMBS CALVES, etc. A grim winter faces our friends in the British Isles. .Their lives and homes are in danger here we live in safety. They will be in need of many of the necess- aries and comforts of life here we have them in abundance. Let us never forget our good fortune and be generous. Subscriptions of cash may be given or forwarded to any of the undermentioned R. B. Heard H. \V. Kernahan G. A. McTavish The committee in charge is arranging a dance in the Fraternal Hall. Flesher^ton, on the night of Nov. 11. in support of the above fund. You are cordially invited. EUGENIA We extend our sympathy to Mrs. A. Cameron and relatives in their sad bereavement caued by the death of her beloved mother, Mrs. M. G. Orr. Born In Markdale hospital oo Thursday, Oct. 23rd. 1941, to Mr. nd Mrs. Rajiald Parson, the gift of a son. Congratulations. Mr. Jim Harrison of Toronto was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker on Sunday. Mrs. Virgie Graham and daughter. Ruth, and Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. M. McMullen. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr*. Gorald Masree (nee Bernice Carson) and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Littlejohns (nee lolene Russell) whose marriag- es took place Saturday, Oct. 26. Misses Mary and Isobel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the McKee home. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Magee. Mr. John Williams and Mr. H. Tudor and daughters attendd the Littlejohns- Russell nuptial on Saturday at Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and children attended the wedding of Mrs. Smith's sister, Miss W^nnifred McMullen on Saturday in Toronto, and also the wedding of Mr. Smith's brother. Delbert. which took place on the same evening in the city. Mi.x- Joyce Genoe visited over the week end with MIM Lois Williams, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paris and little daughter, Mary Lou, of Hamil- ton were recent visitors at the Proc- tor home. Mrs. Ray Genoe spent a few days in Toronto and while there purchased a piano for her home. Mr. Ben Camitjien has disposed of his driving horse to Mr. Clark Teed of Duncan. Guards hve been placed at the Hydro dam here. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Hill and family of Collingwood am moving into the house which Mrs. Calvin Bovte had purchased from Mrs. Large. Mr. Hill is one of th guards at the dam. Mr. Stanley Campbell visited the first of the week in Toronto. United States navy has seized & German radio station on the coast of Greenland. Probably Uncle Sam didn't like the kind of programs the Nazi station was putting on the air. The food situation in Italy has be- corwe so desperate that even spa- ghetti is being rationed. Heavens! They may be saying in Italy that Canadians are living on windfallen apples. Special Values in Overcoats \\ e arc otYcring splendid values in Overcoats hist M\Y - values that cannot be duplicated at to-day's market value. The styles are absolutely rijjht ami include a variety of seasonable colors. Priced from .. $16.50 to $21.00 Full ran^e of sixes. Complete assortment of Men's and Boys' Wind Breakers Odd Trousers, Heavy Breeches Wool Sweaters and Pullovers Al} reasonably priced. NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN DINNER SETTS JusJ received. N*w shapes and new designs 97-Piece Setts $25.30 96-Piece Setts $25.90 67-Piece Setts $21.50 F. H. W. Hicklmg General Merchant FLESHERTON