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Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1941, p. 4

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^Wednesday, October 29, 1941 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MM Western Milling Wheat AT 95c PER BUSHEL CAR OF BARLEY TO ARRIVE LAST OF NOVEMBER Flesherton Planing Phone 24w *******>* MM>I I II MM4*' PHt FLEShtKUN ADVANCE Collingwood St Wednesday of Circulation over 1.000. 'Priee in Canada 12.00 p*r jrwtr, when paid in advance Sl.&O; m tU 8. A. 12.50 per year, when paid in advance 92.00. F. J. 1 HI KS TON, EdiUr. 8TH LINE OSPREY Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs. Wm. Hanley has been renew- ing old acquaintances and friends in f leshertun. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous and family of Rock Mills, Mrs. John Porteous, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee and Miss Marjory Taylor of Eugenia were recent visitors with Mr. anc Mrs. Jos. Porteous. Mr. Jim Giblin of the R.C.A.F. is now stationed at Brandon, Man. where the best wishe* of his many friends accompany him. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Hanley attend -i the presentation for the latter'? Mother, Mr*. Geo. McMaater, oi Hatherton on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers and family visited relatives at Orange- ville and Orton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cameron and Kussell of Singhampton visited on Thursday last with Mr. snd Mrs. Jos. Porteous. Miss Patsy Stewart of Ceylon .spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. 'Chas. Hanley. We are sorry to report Mrs. S. R. Hawkins in Markdale hospital at present, suffering from a fractured hip sustained in a fall at her home *iere. All wish for her a speedy .recovery. mother, Mr. Wm. Aldcorn. Miss Eva Hooper visited the latter part of the week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Harrison. Earl McLean is back in the village after spending several months in Toronto. Mrs. Garfleld Whyte received word on Monday of the safe arrival in England of her son, Gunner Wesley Whyte, the latter part of September. K IMBLRLEY V.Mr. Russell Ellis moved the "dry house" from the mill property to the store property on Friday, Norman fiurritt and I. Ferguson having their jteams on the work. 1 The Baptist church held their an- tiiversary services on Sunday. Rev. Sinclair preached very fine sermons in the morning and afternoon, and gll enjoyed the ,<olos by Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Cecil Clugston. There was : good attendance at both services. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen at- 'tended a wedding reception of a cousin at Alliston the first of the week. Mrs. Buchanan and a number of Mission Hand members attended u meeting nt Meaford on Saturday Afternoon. Airs. Cook of Toronto spent a few days the guest of her friend, Mrs. Buchanan. PRiCEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur of Collingwood spent the week end with his brother, D. L. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDermid and family have moved to the Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson of To- ronto spent the week end with the former's parents, the latter-remain- ing for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family visited recently with friends at Walkerton. Mr. John L. McKinnon returned to Toronto Wednesday, after visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runciman and family, Mrs. Runciman and Mary of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hmcks and Mar- ilyn of Toronto were week end visit- ors at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mrs. Jack Davit and son, Paul, of Aurora spent last week with her mother, Mrs. F. McKinnon. Mrs. Dan Campbell, Mrs. Wright and Miss M. Simpson spent Thurs- day in Toronto, the latter two re- maining for the winter. Mr. Harry Morrow hsui come te town with his sister, Mrs. Duugali McDougall. Congratulations to Mr. Wilfred Frook and Miss Edna Harmon, Miss Bernice Carson and Gerald Mage* who were married last week. Mr. Archie McKeclinie has had the Hydro installed in his home. Mrs. Andrew McFarlane and littli daughter of Regin:i, Sask., accom panied by her brother, Mr. Eric Sharpe of Kitchener, visited recently with Mrs. E. Ritchie. Mrs. N. Brawlcy of Beeton has been spending u few weeks with her mother, sister and brother, at the home of W. G. Watson. Mrs. Ellen Whyte is visiting with her brother, W. Burnett, at Ceylon. Mrs. A. S. Muir, Mrs. E. Ritchie, Mrs. J. C. Harrison, Mis* Edith James and Rev. Bellsmith attended a W.M.S. rally at R:idjcros on "Wed- nesday of last week. On Friday night a large crowd gathered in the Institute Hall and presented Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frook with a shower of miscellan- eous gifts. The groom replied with a few well chosen words to the ad- dress read by Boh Whittnker. Music was supplied by local musicians and the evening WRR spent in dancing. The November meeting of the W. I. will be held Thursday, Nov. fith, at the home of Mrs. T. Carrie, with Mrs. Wm. Moody ns convenor All ladies are welcome. Winnifred and Ross McConkey of Toronto spent the week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McConkey. Donald, Neil and Tom Aldcorn spent the week end with their CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McDon- ald and Joan and Mrs. A. B. Mc- Donald of Toronto visited with Mrs. J. O. Patton on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Huston and son, Archie, of Oshawa are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam and Miss Janet Campbell spent Sunday at Hopeville with the latter's parents, and attended the funeral of Janet's aunt, Mrs. Jack Campbell. Mrs. Fred Marshall has been visit ing her daughter at Kirkland Lake. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns during the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alton, Miss Helen and Miss Olga Connell, Markdale, ( Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and family of Bala, Mrs. Thos. Wilcock of Re- gina, Sask., who will remain for some time, and Mr. Walter Scrace ol Toronto. Mr. Albert Arrowsmith, Niagara Falls, is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith. The Ladies' Aid meets at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sinclair Thursday after- noon at 2.30 p.m. Miss Margaret Leith of Dromore spent the week end with Miss Fran- ces Collinson. Melville Hunt and friend, Mr. F. Scattergood, of Gait spent the week end with his parents. Mr. Jas. Sinclair is erecting a slaughter house and also a piece to his barn. A number of the teachers attended the teachers' convention at Durham on Saturday. Rock Mills Baptist Church :ock Mills 1 p.m., Bible School. 3 p.m., Worship. Mr. Frank Keys of McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, will have charge of the service on Sunday. A hearty welcome awaits you. Local and Personal RAWLEIGH INTRODUCTORY SPECIALS The following articles are, or should be, used in every houxehold. The prire* H.H..I .-ii are POSITIVELY for 3 days only THURSDAY. FRIDAY H SATURDAY OCT.30, 31. NOV. 1 Telephone, write or call during the 3-day period and get your supply. This is jour chance to have money. All orders will be accepted at HUT prices only on th days mentioned Medicated Ointment 6 "/ , or internal and external use. Reg, price 60c Sale P'rice 49c eaeh Healing Salve oz,, for man or beast, for cracked toats, etc., reg. price fiOc, Sale Price 49c each Mustard Compound Invaluable where there are children; for colds, pneumonia, pleurisy, iv fi5, SaU Price 53c each \Vatrh for next woek'n .M..I Telephone r mail orders will be accepted on Thursday, Friday or Saturday for delivery Ihe fallowing week. Term*: C.O.D. S. I,. STAUKFKR, Rawleigh Denier Telephone 57 ! UISIIKHTO.N Miss Kate McMillan of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr. John Beatty of Owen Sound spent tha week end with his family. Mrs. B. Graham of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. J. Nuhn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thompson were in Durham over Sunday. Mr. Lavcrne Wood of Bronte spent the week end with his mother and sisters. i\lr . and Mrs. N'orman Scarrow and little son, Barry, spent the week end at Acton. Mr. Oscar McKee, Hamilton, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee. Miss Catherine McDonald of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 3 p.m. Roll call: a conundrum. Visitors welcome. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. The undersigned auctioner has re- ceived instructions from the estate of THE LATE WALTER J. MILNE to sell by public auction on LOT 21, CON. 18, OSPREY 3 miles north of Ferersham SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1941 The following goods and chattels: HORSES Grey Mare, 10 years old; Bay Mare, 7 years old; Black Horse, 13 years old; Bay Colt, 2 yrs. old; Bay Colt, 3 years old. CATTLE Durham Cow, 6 years; Hereford Cow, 3 years; Shorthorn Cow, 12 years: Due dates given at time of sale. SWINE, POULTRY 4 Chunks; 10 Bronze Turkeys; 26 Rock Hens. HAY, GRAIN, Etc. About 20 ton choice mixed hay; Hay Stack; 200 bu. Oats; 10 bu. Peas; 12 bags White Beans; 1 bu. Sweet Clover Seed; half bushel Seed Com. IMPLEMENTS Peter Hamilton Mower, 5 ft. cut; Dains Mower, 5 ft. cut; Set of 3-section Iron Harrows; Chatham Fanning Mill; McCormiA Hay Rake;3-Drum Steel Land Roller; M.-H. Seed Drill; Potato Plow; No. 21 Fleury Plow; Hay Rack; Interna- tional Wagon, new; 13-tooth Culti- vator; Turnip Seeder; Set Heavy Sleighs; Bean Thresher; Ford Sedan Car, 1927 model; Ford Touring Car, 1924 model; Truck Jack; Grindstone; 4 Steel Oil Drums; Number of Sap Buckets; Large quantity Carpenter's Tools; full line of Blacksmith's Tools including anvil, forge, tongs, etc.; Hay Fork Rope, sling and pulleys; 100 ft. Wire Cable, new; Bag Truck; Wire Stretcher; Robe; Anker Holth Cream Separator; Set Team Harness; Set Plow Harness; Forks, Chains, Shovels, 1001 small articles; new Force Pump; Stoneboat; Set 2000 Ib. National Scales; Block and Tackle; Buzz Saw; Cutter. WOOD A LUMBER Quantity of Lumber and Timbers; Quantity of Dressed Lumber; Quantity Hardwood Flooring; Quantity Fir Flooring. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Large Kitchen Table; Barrel Chum; 3 New Window Sash; Mason & Risen Piano; Phonograph and Records; Flour Bin; Super-toned Radio; White Sewing Machine; Wicker Ba>- - Carriage, and other household good!!. THE FARM, consisting of 100 acres, will also be offered for sale, subject to reserved bid. Terms re sah? of land made known time of sale. SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP TERMS: Cash. WM. F. McKAY. Auctioneer MAXWELL Mrs. Johnson of Dundalk is spend- ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs. E. Buckingham. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heron and Verna visited Sunday in Listowel. Mr. Fred Ross is visiting In Chel- tenham and Brampton this week. Mrs. Gertie Seeley spent last week visiting friends In Toronto. The W. I. completed two quilts in the church hall last week. Miss Kathleen Morrison spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pallister and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Winters at Heathcote on Sunday, On the sea of matrimony, it's friendship, courtship and battleship. It's not all clear sailing. Send in your Renewal Now Electrical Contractor FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL ELECTRIC WIRING Prompt service given enquiries Authorized dealer for WE8TINGHOUSE RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Dealer for BwgM A, B and C Batteries Austin H. Lyon CORBETTON. Ontario Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Hev. C. McNlchol. Pastor Tlio weekly cottage prayer meeting will bo held at the home of Harold Freethy, Rob Roy, on Friday even- ing, nt 8 p.m. FeverHham Sunda^ Services Olivet Appointment: Service 3 p.m. Flesherton United Church RIV. G. K. MCMILLAN, H.A., BJ>. M (mister 11.80 a.m. Worship, Flesherton 12.00 a.m. Sunday School, Fleshertn .W p.m. Sunday School, Ceyltn 2.3 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vsper Srvice, F1ehertoD Maxwell United Church RBV. MO. L. MERCER, B.I)., D.D. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Commnnum and Baptismal Services Note: The ordinance of the Lord'* Supper will be observed next Sunday in oonnctlon with the worship at all olvuwhes. Mombors of the congrega- tions, friends and visitors in the community who may wish to partic- ipate in thi Communion Service are invited to attend.. The SmTtimei* of naptiam will also be adtniniiterod to all those who .'sire to avail themselves of this M'tkrioiis rite. wishing t<\ pivM-nt i-hilili'cn for Kaptism (ire in- vited lo Kl Hie [-MS! >r klliiw Uy letter Prepare For Chilly Days Heaters and Ranges Buy now and avoid dis- appbfnitnfeni. Stove Pipes, Stove Boards, Stove Repairs procured for all makes: Caulk- ing Cement, Weatherstrip, Window Glass and Putty. Going Hunting? Let us supply your shot, shells and cartridges. Coleman Lanterns, Gloves, and Mitts, Axes, Thermos Bottles, Sheath, Pocket and Butcher Knives, Flash Lights. Fall Farm Hardware Cow Ties, Stall Irons, Tie Ropes, Stable Forks, Brooms and Shovels, Axes and Tools. Fill the sockets with WESTINGHOUSE MAZDA LAMPS Burn brighter - Last Longer F. W. DUNCAN Hardware, Anthracite and Alberta Coal, Cement FLESHERTON, Ontario \ . Our fighting men need the weapons of war need them at once. They must be provided. It is our responsibility. War Savings Certificates are within the reach of all. More regular purchases of War Savings Certificates means more war weapons for our forces. Push their sale wherever and whenever you can. Don't wish for a short war get busy and shorten it. Published by Flesherton War Savings Committee 72 DOUBLE Your Own Pledge to Reyularly!

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