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Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1941, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 15, 1941 .4) SWINTON PARK Thanksgiving visitors a t Mr. Hugh McMillan's were; Mr. a nd Mrs. Chant and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Don FcMil- lan and Miss Isabelle McMillan, To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Little and babe of Teeterville. Pte. Milton Flood of Camp Bord- en spent Sunday at the home of Mr Wes Flood. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Heard and Miss Agnes Heard of Peterboro, spent Thanksgiving a t the home of Mr. Ed. Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Copeland and ons of Meadowvale spent the week end at the Rnox and Hardy homes. Mrs. Palmer Phillips and son Bob- by of Toronto spent the holiday at Mr. Ed Haw's. Hon. F. R. Oliver will speak in the Orange Hall, Friday evening, under Auspices of the Hopeville W. I. Mr. Everett Martin of Port Elgin pent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressidder and family, also two soldiers of the R. A. F. spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. R. Hardy. Guests at Mr. J. Lane's over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lane and daughter of Georgetown. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Len Haines of Burlington spent Thanksgiving a t his home. Mrs. J. A. Lever of Flesherton is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Gordon McMullen. Mr and Mrs. Dave Genoe and daughter Dorothy accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson to Toronto on Tuesday. Dorothy has secured a position. Mr. J. H. Thompson spent a few days with friends at Acton. Master Bobby McMullen is visit- ing with his cousin, Vernon Fawcett at Yandeleur. Mr. Andrew Barban left Satnrday for the States. Mrs. Barban. is visit- ing her brothers Tom and Alvin Rae and will remain for awhile. A number from this line attended the sale of Harry Press on Friday near Duncan. MAXWELL The anniversary of the cwo church- es were well attended at the morn- ing service. In St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rv. M. F. Oldham of Clark- sburg was the gust speaker and the Feversham male quartette provided the special music which was a real pleasure to hear. In the evening, anniversary ser- vice was held in the United Church, with Rev. W. M. Bellsmith of Price- ville conducted the service. We had the pleasure of hearing Berton Morri- son, son of Mr. and Mrs, R. J.^Iorri son of Walkerton a* violinist for two solos which were much enjoyed by all. The choir also had an anthem and the male quartette. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bradner and two daughters of Walter's Falls vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. R'obt. Priestley and Jewel of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. I Holdsworth, also of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. acd Mrs. Andrew Morrison and children. Miss Kathleen Morrison of Toronto spent the week end with rel- atives here. Messrs. Ray and Jim Kerton of Falconbridge spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Alex Clark of Melville, Sask..j a former resident of Maxwell called! on old friends here this week. It is ! forty years since Mrs. Clark left here.j Miss Whewell of Toronto visited j her cousin. Mrs. Geo. Morrison over the week end. Miss Jean Ross spent the holiday at her parental home. Mr. Robert and Miss Ruth Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Munn and daught- er spent the week end with Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mercer at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick vis- ited on Monday with Mr. and Mr*. Earl Plummer. To be of service is a solid founda- tion for contentment in the world. It is reported that Rudolph Hess is on a hunger strike. That is quite all right as it will leave a little mors for some person who Joes want to eat. BEEF SPECIAL Buy your beef and pork by the quarter or half. Properly chilled, cut and wrapped ready for your freezer box BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLBSHERTON. Oat. :HoN Canada First Lest We Forget! MMIMHIIH HI ! M EUGENIA Rev. Dr. Mercer delivered an im- pressive "Thanksgiving" service or. Sunday morning. "Harvest" hymns were song. Visitors ove r the week end and holi- day with Mr. Jake Williams were; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehmen of Toron- to. Mr. a nd Mrs. Will Campbell of To- ronto spent Sunday and Monday a: their cottage here and visited rel- atives. Miss Evelyn Campbell has return- ed home from Markdale. where she spnt the past couple of months. The Misses Winaela and Carmei | Martin of Toronto spent the week | end and holiday at their parental home. Miss Millie McMullen and Mrs. VLrgie Graham and daughter of To- ronto visited over the week end with Mrs. M. MeMullen. returning to the city on Monday. Mrs. Ray Genot accompanied them back and will'- spend a few days in Toronto. The Misses Mary and Isabel Me- Kee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto.! visited over the week end and Mon- day at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and Gwen of London spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bellas of London were their guests on Sunday and Monday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ed Baker spent the week end with Collingwood friends. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto were week end visitors with the Park family. Aircraftman Argyle Martin, Wire- less Instructor at the Dunnville Fly- ing 1 school who is on a 14-day leave spent a few days in Owen Sound visiting relatives. Miss Marjorie Taylor, teacher. spent the week end and holiday at her home in Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Brant- ford spent the week end and holiday with relatives here. On Friday evening last, a party was held in the L. O. L. Hall in hon- our of the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns. During the course of the evening an address was read and the presentation of a floor lamp, end :j.ble and smoker's s:ani was m to them. Mr. and Mrs. Cairns made suitable reply, thanking their many friends for the lovely gifts and ;-- viting all to their home. EH-r. Elmer Hurd of the Supply Corps.. Camp Bonlen was a week end visitor with his aur.t, Mrs. R. Pars and his cousin Margie. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acceson ar.ii ' Mr. an<i Mrs. Sam Sherson accom- 1 panied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton to: Cheltenham to visit Mr. and Mrs. | Ren Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichol of St. Catharines, recent groom and bride, spent Thanksgiving holiday j with the formers parents, Mr. and) Mrs. Herb N'ichoL We hear thai other parts of On- tario have it quite dry, but we have rain, nearly every day. Yet the Bible says it rains on th just and unjust alike. LJLC. Jack Linton of Ottawa vis- ited his parents for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawes and Mary of Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon, Bobby and Billy, of Acton visited a'. the borne of Albert Stinson. Charles and Ted Moore and Geo. Christie of Toronto and Mr. Mrs. L. P. Killing and Gordon of Smith- rille visited at :he Moore'*. Inistioge anniversary services wert held on Sunday as usual, for the Thanksgiving service. We were pleased to welcome Rev. Mr. Howie of Owen Sound, a former minister on this circuit, in the morning. He was assisted by his brother from the West. His theme was ''How we should show our Thankfulness,'' and preached right at professing Christ- ians, giving us something to think about. In the afternoon Bev. Battle; of Dandalk spoke fro 3: the text -- "As God Speaks and ai Man Speaks" the contrast being well brought out. In the evening our student minister preached his last sermon, giving us a good reason, to be thankful for: "God, the Omnipotent Reigns." The choir, under tne leadership of Mrs. i Elmo Stevens, rendered the splendid music. >M Ml Ml CAREFUL WEIGHING V ACCURATE TESTING Thank You For a plentiful supply of good grd cream during the summer months, without which, we could not have maintained the consisently high quality of our product We trust you will care for your cream with the diligence durng the fall and winter months, and, if possible mainain production at, or near, the sum- mer peak, remembering always Our Country and Empire need guns AND BUTTER TOO . . . COLD STORAGE The stabling of cattle is near at hand. How about butchering one and placing it in Cold Storage? Our rates are reasonable. It will mean a big saving to you on your meat re- quirements for the winter. SYSTEMATIC GRADING SPEEDY SERVICE j Fiesherton Creamery & Produce Co. fihone 06 Angus Avis, Manager *** KIMBLRLEY * The pupils of the public schoo were delighted with the talk given bj Mr. Jimmy McKe<* on his recent ex perience as s n aircraft pilot in France and England. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. John \Vickens. when 2i ladies and a number of children were pres ent. Hans wene nad for the "pot hick" supper to W held <xi Nov. The next meeting is to b* held at the hme of Mrs. EL Mai-wood a th* roll call word is "Victory." Miss Mabel Fawcett of Eugenia is spending a week or two with Mrs Ira Harris. i Don Graham had the misfortune to To through a bridge north of Heath- cote with his truck loaded with lojrs W"e are gl&d to say that Pon him self was not hurt, but th truck is somewhat danujr<?\i. Mrs. Arc Wardman is spending this wet?k with her parent*. Mr. and Mrs D. L. Weber. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Cecif Saurulers spent the "Thankssivinjr'' holiday with Mr R. H. Stafford and friends. Mrs. E. Soul. Thornbury, visite<. her sister. Mrs. B. A. Carruthtjrs Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Stun Lawrvncv and the boys of Larder Lake wt-rt jr'.iests of Mrs. Jas. Lawrence on Suruiny. Rev. \V. Buchanan a'\i Frank went t>> Toronto on Saturday, bringing back with them Mr*. Buchanan's sis- ter. MIJS Colemar*. Miss Tho-iuis and Mr. Norman Buchanan for the day. Mr. Xorraan and Miss Thomp- son favoured our congregation with a beautiful duet at the evening ser- viw. Mr. Les McMullen met with a ser- ious accident on Saturday evening, while harnessing his team. One c*f them became frightened, kicking him several times on the legs ntl tramp- ing his foot. Although no bones were broken the other injuries arv painful. Pte. Jack Graham spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Graham, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips sp*nt Sunday with them. Mr. Dalton Ferguson went to Bur- Hndrton cw Monday where he is work- ins: for the hydro. Com* along you smart farmers with your mangolds and se if you can beat the record of Mr. Hartley Lawrence, who has o*ie i>n display weighing 19V pounds. Mr. Jos. Buchanan of Vandeleur is *he eut'st of Mr. ;d Mrs. Buchanan at ihe parsonage. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mr*. Albert Wilkinson jpent the week end holiday with KimberLey friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N'eweil were visitors at Shelburne Tuesday of last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russel over the week end and holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russel of Toronto aad Miss Bessie Russel of Toronto. Mrs. Ken Teeter and babe of Vandeleur. Mr. Fred Partridge of Toronto was a holiday visitor at his parental home. A number from here attended the presentation in the hall at Eugenia :n Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, vher. a good time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Coas. N'eweil spttt Friday evening wica Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver and daughters of Price- V Lilc Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and Roy of Gueiph visited with friend* in the neighbourhood ov<er the week end. Messrs. J. DutfU. . .. : i Jaaiie- 3oa of Durham were callers at th* mill one day last w.^ek. Thanksgiving Day was beaaofal and warm, and many lovers of sport were out enjoying hunt, while others were busy geeting th remain- der of their pocaties up. Mr. Thos. B*tis aad daughter Edith and Mabel spent the holiday ia Markdale. L. A. C. Arthur Newell fefao w- ceied his wings last week at Dua- ville and ia now home on last leave visited with his uncle, Mr. C. Xew- eE and Mrs. N'eweiL Arthur will leave for overseas very shortly. TT'< many friends here wish his a saf voyage and a safe return. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham. Ont. R*T. C. McViekoL Pastor Suufcjr Services: Sunday Schoal 19 -i. Moraine Service 11 a-m. Evening Service 7JU pjm. * <> A free people must INVEST in its own FREEDOM FROM THE WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE OTTAWA The people of Canada are the most fortunate in the world. Fortunate in the irreat sweep of space that is ours from ocean to ocean. Fortunate in ihe vast yield ami immense resources of our forests, tu-'.U ami mines. Fortunate, too, in our democratic insti- tutions. In a word, fortunate in our freedom. This freedom is threatened today as it has nevi-r been threatened before. The fall of the British Umpire would mean complete dislocation of our un- fettered way of life. Everyone wants this way of life defended this freedom sa*ed for our own future and for posterity. The response to every appeal for our defence has been masj- iiincent heartening to the whole Umpire alarming to Hitler. But the need for weapons of war grows ever more ursjent, as the >a/i threat spreads wider over the world. The help of every Canadian Li needed for Victory. In these days of war the though ties*. selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and mater- ials to be diverted to winning the war. The all-out effort, which Canada must make, demands this self-denial of each of us. Invest in War Savings Certificates the dollars you don't need to spend. Xfter \ ii'tory, they come back to >o with interest. Spend less NOVt so that >ou can spend more THK>, when labour and materials will be available for the things you need. There is no price too high for freedom. Four Simple Regular Methods of Saving MYftOU SAVINGS PlAM-f or solar* and wu/t> tarn- try. Th empt'iMff simpl) M.XIU a furroU Stf r'ifd/tv. turru u in tv his pa* I'/ru-f, ma kis </mpl deducts tk pletiffii atmtfuttl rrfularlv trvm kti WAI SAVINGS STAMPS - < "uWv imuaimene plan. $tump fi*Ufr$ IBOV 6e obtained /rixn Past C^J/u-, Hanks and mun rviuti outlets, lo ttamps will bar <N ,** Certificate, tuvrtH tJ at maturity. SANK PUOGf HAN - Cnfvnu>ftt /iir business men tign a War Saving* Bunk Pleiif* iutd five it to vow lk<f bmnk mill milk* montlkl-r jWuccu>a.< RURAL SAVINGS PlAN-f armors in reivt>< of payments trvm rv-apur-uiivi. crvtmfrifs, fiti'lorita, *(c^ can ituthtfrut dfiiuciHtru of onf dosired amount rvgularl* out of ntcA cAmja*. t (A Rural flodgf Card. SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY Every town and city in Canada will soon conduct a War Weapon* Drive. You will Sr ukcd to pat all you've (ot behind the campaign in your community, Canada must provide more planes, mor hip*, more unk.*, more gun*, more shells. If you are already buying War Savings ( VrutW: your pledge. If you are not. <rt your dollar* working for Vktory. SPEND IESS-TO BUY MOW WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Published br tn* War Savings ('onwnM*.

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