I .. V &tattncje. V VOL. 61; NO. 20 FLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1941 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Propa. + KING VISITS TROOPS IN TRAINING H. M. King George VI maintains the closest touch with th develop ments. new techniques, and changing tactics of the British services. His Majesty is seen here with staff offic- ers watching troop manoeuvers in ar East England Command. "Long after Naziism is dead and stamped out of the world, Spring will dress the earth with her flowers and Summer will warm it with her sun- shine and beauty and goodness will survive." GREY, BRUCE RANK HIGH IN HOG BONUS In the grading of hogs, Ontario lead the way by exceeding any other province. Since the Ontario govern- ment subsidy went into tfftct in May last, the province has paid to the farmer in Ontario a total of J243.362.50. Over two-thirds of all the hogs marketed have earned the subsidy. While Simcoe county leads all others, Grey and Bmce counties are well up in the list. Hop- marketed totalled 23,987 in Grey and 20.822 in Bruce, of which 88.09 and 89.16 per respectively, have been approved for the subsidy. rey coanty farmers have received $15,573 in the way of bonuses. In Bruce, the payments have amounted to $13,783. This is a record of which the far mers of this area may well be proud. It shows that they are most careful in the marketing of their hogs and that the grade is high. A swarm of bees which during the summer took refuge in the office of the Seaforth fair grounds, delayed the opening of the show for more than hour. Future Events FLESHERTON FOWL SUPPER Reserve Thurs., Oct. 30, for the roast fowl supper in Flesherton United Church. Watch for further announcement. OPTICAL For your convenience D. Campbell the optometrist, will be at the Mun- shaw House next Tuesday, 21st, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a good time to change your reading glasses. Can duplicate any broken lense. AUCTION SALES Mrs. Rofet. Smith, Lot 35, Con. 10, Artemesia, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on Saturday, Oct. 18th, commencing at 1:30 p.m. Walter Seeley, Auctioneer. Jos. E. MeCutcheon will hold an auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, furniture, etc., on Lots 17-18, Con. l, N.D.R., Osprey, on Saturday, Oct. 18th, at 1 p.m., when an exten, sive list is announced. See bills. - Geo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. SCRUB HUNT Everything is going along nicely for the scrub hunt to be held on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 30th. Many have voiced their intention of joining in the fun, and their names will ap- pear in next week's paper. Mr. Burton E. Field, Toronto, on his yearly Thanksgiving trip for rabbits to this locality left a "booby'' prize in at the B-A Station, to be given to the captain of the losing side at the fowl supper in the United church the same evening. We are wondering what it is? Mr. James Dargaved has inform- ed us that he will be on hand, as he wishes to get practised up ir the hunt up north on which he leaves the next day, if he doesn't eat too much goose at the supper. Mark Wilson is going along with Jim to help carry the rabbits Jim is supposed to have in one of his fox pens. We also hear that Steve Sutton is going along in order to preserve the game and keep order, and to see that there is no illegal exchange of shotguns. We still have no prize for the win- ner, but there is plenty of time yet, and if there is any firm or argani- zation wishing to give a prize, pleas* leave same with Harold Best, at the B-A Service Station. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. Ivers of Toronto wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Doris, to Mr. Delbert L. Smith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith of Flesh- erton. The marriage will take place in Toronto on October 25th in St Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512 King' ston Rd. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Jossie Winnifred McMullen, second youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary Mc- Mullen and the late David McMuJlen of Feversham, to Frederick Clinton Wilson, eldest son of Mrs. Louis Wil- son and the late Mr. F. Wilson, Indian Grove, Toronto. The mar- riage will take place the latter part of October. An old timer is a person who can recall when the only man wearing a white jacket was the barber. BATES & HADDOCKS FUNERAL CHAPEL D/OTED for beautiful tenicet at fit o d e r at * coil. Every funeral complete no addi- tional charge*. Inspection in- vited. 60% OF OIR FUNERALS COST LESS THAN '20022 CENTRAL LOCATION-124 AVENUE ROAD Telephone Klngsdale 4344 BIG BEAR SHOT IN OSPREY TOWNSHIP A thieving:, 375-pound bear, with such a keen liking for honey that it left a trail of smashed apairies through out the Osprey area, was kil- led Tuesday while in the act of loot- ing Albert* Heron's beehives near Maxwell. It was one of the biggest bruins ever killed in the district. Lance Brownridge and James Hawes, residents of Osprey Town- ship, put an end to the bear with three shots. Residents estimate more than $500 damage has been caused by the bear. Hunters vowed to even the score, and the nightly parties lay in wait for the bear's coming, but not until Tuesday night was any one able to get a sight of the animal long enough to fire a shot. "It was a good thing we got on the job early," said Brownridge later. Monday night we went to Heron's at about 8 o'clock and the bear had been and gone. So Tues- day night we went there just before dusk and a short time later we saw the bear come through a gap in the fence and head for the apairy. We were albout fifteen yards away and 1 fired the first shot just as the bear was in the act of knocking over a hive. Jim fired the second shot and I let go with a third." The bruin was seven feet two inches in length and was hung on a derrick in Mr. Heron's yard, a short distance from the bee yard. It was taken M cold storage at Dundalk, where it can be seen for a time. Hundreds of visitors were at the farm this Wednesday, many of them having their first glimpse of a bear. The men were taking their life in their hands by 'being so close to bruin, as if it had only been wounded in tfie dusk, there might have had a grfmmer ending. However. Mr. Brownridge had a 44-60 rifk lowned to him for the occasion by Mr. Wm. Scutt, who had ussd it foi many years hunting deer in the north country, and one slug would have been enough for the culprit. Idea "Municipal Doctor" Discussed At Meetings The "Municipal Doctor'' system of medical care was discussed at five meetings in the Township of Osprey during the past week, when large crowds attended and considerable in- terest was manifest in the discus- sions. Local doctors from Orange- ville to Markdale were in attendance and gave their opinion, some of it being adverse. Hon. Geo. Hoadley was the guest speaker and gave advice as to the course to pursue in order to have the system tried in Osprey township, a system that has worked well in other provinces. Resolutions were passed, requesting the Ontario government to pass leg- islatioin permitting the trial in the Township of Osprey and a vote of the people will be taken to see whether or not they are in favor of such a system, as the cost would have to be borne by the taxpayers. Many await with Interest the out- come of this agitation, which has been in effect for about two years. MARRIED BAKER - FIELD At Eglinton Avenue United Church, Toronto, on Friday, Oct. 10th, Ethel May, sec- ond daughter of Mr. Wm. Field anri the late Mrs. Field of Toronto. t<- Mr. George Baker of Toronto. Rev. W. J. Johnston offjciated. The youmr left on a honeymoon in Haliburto and on. their return will reside a'. 220 Rumsey Rd., Toronto. A PUBLISHER'S BLESSING O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due. Sends in his money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly Sends us the amount Wherewith to straighten the account BORN GENOE At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Monday. October. 13th, 1941. to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Genoe (nee Margaret Fisher) a daughter. Master Jimmie Armstrong: had the misfortune to break his arm when he fell from a tree while playing. New RAWLEIGH dealer. S. J. Stauffer, Flesherton. South-Grey Field Meet Held In Flesherton Dundalk girls and Hanover boys dominated the South Grey Interscho lastic track and field meet held on Thursday, October 9, at Flesherton Dundalk carried home the girls' sil- ver cup with 24 points and Hanover amassed 35 points to win the silver cup for boys, being given a close run by Dundalk. Eight schools compet ed, namely; Hanover, Dundalk, Shel- burne, Feversham, Durham, Mark- dale, Chatsworth and Flesherton. Isla Sorrtberger of the Feversham Continuation School was junior girl.s' champion. Senior Girte Hop, step and jump P. Claridge. Dundalk; D. Eastman, Durham; P. Dankert, Hanover. Distance, 27 ft. 3 in. Catch ball J. Mclntyre and R. Stafford, Dundalk; H. Renwick and J. Aitchison, Durham; M. McLean and D. Wakefield, Shelburne; 27 throws. 100-pard dash L. Bailey, Dundalk; D. Eastman, Durham; M. L. Smith. Hanover. Time, 13 ^ sec. Softball throw M. Peppier, Han over; M. McLean, Shefcurne; Betty Down, Markdale. Distance, 144 ft. 6. in. High jump M. McMillan, Flesh- erton; J. Aitchison, Durham; L. Love, Dundalk. Height, 3 ft. llin. Running broad jump D. Eastman. Durham; E. McCallum, Chatsworth; M. McMillan, Flesherton. Distance. 13ft. 6H in. Shuttle relay 1, Durham (D. East- man, J. Elvidge, H. Renwick, S. Con- nolly); 2, Hanover (P. Dankert, N". Breugeman, M. L. Smith, M. Crowe); 3, Dundalk (J. Bailey, L. Bailey, P. Claridge, L. Duff). Junior Girls Ball throw G. Montjromery, Dun- dalk; D. Besley, Shelburne; B. Allen. Hanover. Distance, 131 ft. 9 in. High jump J. McConnell. Dundalk; J. Fell, Hanover; J. Loucks, Flesher- ton. Height, 3 ft. llin. Three-legged race J. Loucks and R. Whyte, Flesherton; E. Moody and J. Edwards, Dundalk; M. Zinn and B. Butchatt, Shelfourne. Time, 8Hs sec. Hop, step and jump M. Wilson, Dundalk. J. McEwen, Chatsworth; R. Whyte, Flesherton. Distance, 28 ft. 10 in. 75 yards I. Sornberger. Fever- sham; M. Zinn, Shelburne; J. Me Ewen, Chatsworth. Catch ball E. Cross and J. Schaus- Durham; M. Connell and E. Wilty. Markdale; D. BeUey and t.Burn- side. Shelburne. 42 throws. Standing broad jump I. Sornberg- er, Feversham; C. Gillespie. Dnndalk; J. McEwen, Chatsworth. Distance, 6 ft. llin. Shuttle relay 1, Durham. R. Wat- son, E. Ewen, L. Kerr. M. Sweeney; 2. Hanover, D. Kramp. P. Huehn, D Strachan. J. Fell; 3. Shelburne, M. Zinn, D. Besley. R. Cronnbie, L. Mc- Ghee. Senior Boys High jump H. Cross, Hanover; C. Seymour, Durham; J. Kennedy, Dun- dalk. 5 ft. 4 in. 100-yard dash G. Lahn, Hanover: C. Livermore, Dundalk; D. Ray, Dur- ham. 11*4 sees. Running broad jump K. Liver- more, Dundalk; J. Pickering. Han- over; \V. Stephen. Flesherton. 19 ft. 3 in. 880 yards M. Brown. Han-wr; L. Waters, Dundalk; A. Aljoe, Durham 220 yards K. Livermore. Dun dalk; J. Pickering, Hanover; A. Al- joc. Durham. '25 l i sees. Pole vault K. Livermore, Dun- dalk; J. Pickering, Hanover; M. Banks, Shelburne, 9 ft. Shot put J. Kennedy, Dundalk; C. Seymour, Durham; J. Patterson. Markdale. 31 ft. 2 in. Hop. step and jump J. Kennedy. Dundalk; G. Knapp. Hanover: M. Banks, Shelburne. 37 ft. 6 in. Discus throw R. Dolmer, Dun- dalk; 3. Durham. Junior Boys 100-yard dash Salten. Hanover: K. McEwen, Chatsworth; A. Kinsley, Shelburne. HVt seconds. Running broad jump S. Allen. Hanover; K. McEwen. Chatsworth, J. Pedlar, Feversham. 18 ft. 9 in. High jump P. Thompson, Mark- dale; E. Clark, Durham; K. McEwm. Chatsworth. 4 ft. 7 in. 880- K. Lahn, Hanover; L. Vasey, Durham; R. Edwards, Markdale. Hop. step and jump D. McMillan, Flesherton; K. Soper, Dundalk; P. Knechte-1, Hanover. 32 ft. 3 in. 220 yards S. Allen, Hanover; D. McMillan, Flesherton; E. Clark, Dur- ham. 26 2-5 seconds. Pole vault R. Bailey. Hanover; J. McConkey, Flesherton; D. Duncan. Dundalk. 7 ft. 10 1 * in. 8 Ib. shot put K. Soper. Dundalk; J. Pedlar, Feversham; R. Sandlos. Hanover. 30 ft. 11 in. j Relay race 1, Hanover; 2, Dur ham; 3, Dundalk. Mrs. T. Pallister Dies J Mrs. Thomas Pallister passed away on Sunday, October 12, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hill, of Orange Valley. The deceased who was 84 years of age, had not been ni very robust health for some years, yet had been about as usual until a few days previous to her death. Her sudden passing came as a great shock to her family and immediate friends. The late Mrs. Palliste'r prior to her marriage was Elizabeth Lawler, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lawlor of Joliette, Quebec, who later moved to Artemesia Township near Maxwell. She was twice mar- ried. In Quebec to George Small, who passed away some years later, leaving three children, Reta, now Mrs. W. Hill; Eva. Mrs. W. A Beatty of Swift Current, and George whose address is not at present known. Following her husband's death, with her small children she came to her parents at Maxwell, where later she married Thomas Pallister. They farmed for some years in Orange Valley and later near Berk- eley, where Mr. Pallister passed away in 1915. There are two sons by this marriage Harry now of To- ronto, and Ted of Montreal. The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon with service at the house conducted by her pastor. Rev C. 0. Pherrill. Members of Christ Church choir were present and gave leadership in the singing of the best k>ved hymns. The pallbearers were the deceased's two sons, Harry and Ted Pallister. her son-in-bw. Mr. Hill, and his sons. Jack and George Hill, and Clare Foster. FAWCETT GRANT A quiet wedding was solmnized or. Tuesday. Oct. 14th, in St. GeorgeV Anglican Church, Clarksburg, when Mary Edythe. oldest daughter of Mrs. Wm. Jas. Fawcett of Duncan, became the bride of Robert James, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grant of New Lowell. Rev. Maurice Oldham officiated. The young couple were attended by the bride's sister Mabel Margaret and George Clark, also of Duncan. The bride wore street length mishion blue with navy accessories. Her bridesmaid wore Queen's blur and navy accessories. The bride'- mother wore navy ind matching ac cessories. A buffet lunch was served. Or their return the young couple will reside in New Lowell. Additional Local Items Mr. Laverne Wood of Bronte was home for Thanksgiving. Miss Queenie Kaittinjr of Ower Sound holidayed in town. Rabbit hunters from out of town had splendid luck in this district over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Menzies o London and Mr. Ken Kaitting of Baden were Thanksgiving visitor? with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wood of Brant- ford a ml Mrs. W. Tangye of Calgary. Alta., are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Albect Sloan. Mi.? Ilene Sloan, of Chatham. Mr. am: Mrs. A. Peck and Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan of Toronto spent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Walkei Sloan. )( The "Hawley" hunting: party from Toronto, who stayed at the B-A los cabins, reported a very gooil Thanksgiving hunt, returning home to Toronto Monday evening with 2-) rabbits and 5 partridge. )(Mr. Wm. Kaitting has decided to again taJte up auctioneering, which he conducted so successfully for so many years and has his card in The Advance. He is now residing in Flesherton. The annual Thankoffering meeting of St. John's W.M.S. will be held on Monday, Oct. 20th. at 3 p.m. Rev. J. C. Cochrane. D.D., Supt. of Mis- sions in Northern Ontario, will be the guest speaker. A full attendance of ladies is requested. Last week we mentioned that "25 s people attended a shower and presen- tation for Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McFadden, when it should have read 250. This young couple were well deserving of the honor as they have been very generous with their music at all social functions. Local and Personal Pte. Laurie Smith visited with hl family in town over the week end. Mr. Clive Dolan of Toronto holilay- ed with his family in town. Mr. Roy Langford and family moved last Friday to Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fowler and daughter, Katherine, spent the week end with Mr. a nd Mrs. O. W. Phillips. Mrs. A. A. Storm of Peterboro vis- ited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Laurie Smith over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Goheen and two children spent the week end and holi- day at St. Thomay. Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Anderson of Port Elgin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson over Sunday. Aircraftman E. I. Holley and Mrs. Holley of Dunnville spent the week end in town. Mr. Delbert Smith spent the week end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Karstedt of Indianapolis, Ind., are visiting the former's brother, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and two children of Toronto spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. V. Snyder and child- ren of Waterloo spent the week end with her father, Mr. W. J. Caswell. Mrs. Alex. Henderson left Tues- day to spend a couple of weeks with her sister at Ottawa. Misses Kate McMillan and Laura Boyd of Toronto were home for the holiday week end. Mr. Walter Russell of the O.A.C., Guelph, holidayed at hi* hoe on the east backline. Mrs. W. G. McBride and son, Wal- ter, of Toronto were in town on Saturday. Miss Wilma Williams of Fever- sham spent the holidays with her cousin, Eleanor Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and Mr. Wilfred Best of Toronto holiday- ed at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Field and Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Spence and son, John, of Toronto were holidaying in town. Miss Doreen Adams and Master Bruce Adams of Toronto spent the week end at the home of D. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald and little daughter of Toronto were the euests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Tayloi over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ivers and daughtei Doris, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Graham of Clarksburg received a cable from their son, Sergt. Pilot Harold Gra- ham informing them of his safe arrival in Great Britain on Oct. 13. A baptismal service was held at St. John's United Church on Sunday morning when Marjory Jean, littl* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. McDon- ald of Toronto received the rites of baptism. Mr. Burton E. Field of Toronto, an ardent sportsman, has donated the booby prize for the scrub hunt to b held by local sportsmen on the after- noon of October 30th. Many thanks, Burt. \ Mr. VV. J. Caswell recently had a pleasant trip to Port Severn and visited the school which he attended 71 years ago. He had not been back to the scenes of his youth since that time. Major \V. Turney was home from loronto over the week end, where he underwent an operation in Chris- tie Street hospital on his arm and where he is receiving treatment at present. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart were; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigo and Misses Betty and Mary Kay of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stewart and son of St. Paul?. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Markdale.