THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wcdacsudv, Seplciiibcr 17, 1941 ORANGE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison and son of Walters Falls spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook of Zion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill visited on Sunday at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns vis- ited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Colin MeArthur, 10th of Glenelg, Mrs. McArthur having just passed tway. One of our grand old ladies, Mrs. Hargrave ST., celebrated her 81st irirthday last Friday. Mrs. Hargrave fs very active, with all her farm dtities. May she have many more yeara with health and strength. Mr. Clifford Littlejohns spent Sun- day at Chatsworth with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hogg. SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada GOING DATES DAILY SEPTEMBRR 12 TO 26, 1941 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist. Parlor and Standard sleeping cars, also available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping ear accommodation ROUTES Tickets ood going via Port Arthur, Out.. Chicagro, Dl, or Sault Ste. Marie, returning vis same route and line only. Gener- ous optional routings. :STOPOVERS will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or return trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conductor; also at Chicago, 111.. Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., and west, in accordance with tariffs of Unit ed States lines. Full particulars from any agent. A number from here attended the j shower in Flesherton Friday night, n honor of the newly fweda, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill. May they have many years of happiness. Pte. Robt. Hunble, who for many years has spent part time in this neighborhood, has donned the uni- form, and spent the week end with friendfr here. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill spent a few days in Toronto attending the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Montgomery of Toronto visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hargrave and Mrs. Hargrave Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and, child- ren spent the week end at Nashville and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alcox and Leslie, Mr. Leonard Alcox and Mrs. Byron Hill took in the fall fair at Durham last Friday. Mrs. McFadden and Gladys mtten ded the funeral of the late Mr. Rit- chie, in Durham last Friday. Mrs. McFadden and Gladys attend ed the funeral of the late Mr. Ritchie in Durham recently. On Tuesday evening a surprise party was arranged in the Orange Valley hall for Gnr. Harvey Hill, who was home on leave from Nova Scotia. At about 11 p.m. Harvey was seated in the hall and an address read by Miss Loucka and the presentation of a pen and pencil set and purse of motley was made. Harvey replied in a few well chosen words his appre- ciation. The evening 1 was spent in dancing. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McFadden, who were married last Saturday. May Ihey have many years of happiness together. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LittlejVhns and Clifford attended a wedding in To ronto recently, the groom being a nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogx and Douglas were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns. Mr. Chas. Gilchrist attended the camp meetings at Clarksburg Sunday. Our school re-opened on Tuesday with Miss M. Stocks of Dundalk as teacher fr the coming year. Send in vour Renewal Now . We pre- scribe insur- ance by ana- lyzing what you need and by sell- ing you only what you need H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. REPRESENTING EUGENIA Mrs. Butler and son, Will, of To* ronto were visitors with Mrs. Park and Miss Margie on Sunday, while enroute to visit the former's sister at Shallow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sample and children have moved to Mr. Robt. Haney's residence, formerly the Paul home. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved relatives of the late Mrs. John Braniff (nee Ada Williams) whose deatji occurred last week at her home in Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman and son, Pte. Hedley Lehman, also Nurse Pat Mullin of Toronto, were Greek end visitors with Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. Ross Lehman is recuperating after a serious operation and his nurse accompanied him. Nurse Mullin was formerly a nurse of the Dionne Quintuplets. A.C. Argyle Martin, who graduat- ed from the No. 1 Wireless School at Montreal on Friday last and received his "sparks,"' spent the week end at his parental home. He had to report at N. 1 Command at Toronto on Monday for posting elsewhere. He passed his examinations with honors, standing third in order of merit. He did exceedingly well, owing to lost time through illness. Callers at the Martin home during the week end were; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, sons George and Joey, and daughter, Mrs. T. Crowe and Hilda and Harold Williams of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family of Maxwell and Mr. Jim Harrison of Flesherton. Mrs. Francis Genoe is visiting friends in Toronto and Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiliama and family of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. John Williams and Charlie. Miss Irene Martin of Islington spent the week end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gorley. We are pleased to report Mr. Robt. Smith recovering' from his illness. Misses Winneta and Carmel Mar- tin were home from Toronto over the week end. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the MeKee home. Those attending Flesherton high school from here are: Jean and Arthur Proctor, Dorothy and Douglas Falconer, Margaret McMillan and Marie Phillips. Writing telccted ritlci in Automobile, Fire, Plate Claw, Burglary, PnMie Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. ! i ' >t*MM II Cream Cans Much of the material for cream cans conies from England, where it is needed for war pur- poses and is scarce. The manufacturers of cans are now making munitions., with the result that cans are almost unobtainable. We request that you kindly co-operate and do your share in war- time efficiency, by sending ALL cream cans back to the Creameries, so that all the rusty ones may be re-tinned in the slacker season approaching. Thank you. Of course you know that by delivering your cream you are getting a cent per pound butter-fat over truck prke, try this out on your next trip to town and be convinced that this is your Best Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry, THE YEAR ROUND. WE STILL HAVE SOME AVAILABLE SPACE FOR MEAT STORAGE FOR RENT Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. hone 06 Angus Avis, Manager ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. J. Murta of Toronto are holidaying for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts and family. Miss Bessie Russell of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home here. Mr. Fred Betts of New Toronto spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts, and also spent a few days at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and Mrs. Crowe and daughter of Toronto were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge. Mrs. Murta Sr. and son, Frank, of Toronto motored here and spent Sun- Jay at the home of Mr. v rank Betts. returning to Toronto the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Patterson and Mr. Bill Patterson of of Varney and Miss Emily Whitmore of Durham spent Friday evening \xrith friends here and attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill. Mr. Stewart Foster of Trenton Ai r Port visited with his father, J. A. Foster, and sister. Sadie. CEYLON Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell honored them at their home on Tuesday evening and presented them with an electric floor lamp. The presentation was made by Mrs. Will Gibson, with Mrs. A. C. Muir reading the address. Mrs. Udell expressed her appreciation and thanks of herself and her hu*har.ti. Mr. Udell has secured work in To- ronto and Mrs. Udell and Jackie were leaving Wednesday morning to join him. Dancing was enjoyed previous to the presentation and lunch wa? served by the visitors. The best wishes of their friends follow them. 'While home on leave from St. Thomas, Aircraftman Dick Stewart was honored at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, when friends on the West Backline and Ceylon school section presented him with a wrist watch and pen and pencil sett. An address of apprecia tion for the sacrifice he was making and best wishes for his aafe return, was read by Miss Frances Collinson, while Bill Irwin and Eddie Genoe made the presentation. Dick respond, ed in his usual happy manner. Cards and dancing were enjoyed by those present. Anniversary services will be ..eld in Ceylon church on September J8th, when Rev. J. A. Irwin of Holland Centre will take charge. Monday evening a supper will be held in the former Pattison store, followed by a program in the school. A good at- tendance fs anticipated. Miss Elma Mitchell, Mrs. Leake and Mr. Alex. Leake of Williamsford visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell. Miss Frances Collinson was home from Markdale for the week end. Miss Jean Marshall of Toronto visited at her home here the end of the week. Eddie and Laurie Genoe were in Hamilton the first of the week. The Ladies' Aidjneets at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) McMillan, Flesherton, on Thursday afternoon. Sept 24th, when the ladies of Flesherton church will supply the program. Social committee cake, Mrs A. C. Muir, Mrs. J. Sinclair and Mrs. Beatty; sandwich, Mrs. Dave Adams and Mrs. John MeWilliam. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton of Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell on Sunday. Harvey Arcnibald of Primrose spent the Veek end at his home. Mr. Fred Mathewson of Toronto was a week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Will Mathewson. Dr. Ken Ross of Detroit, William Ross of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDermid of Priceville were visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam HcDermid. CENTRE LINE Aircraftman Leslie Pitt of Mark, dale, who is, home from Newfound' land on furlough, called on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Os- borne, on Sunday. Mr. John Osborne. Miss Dorothy Grummett, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Os- borne, Mrs. Mac Cudmore and Ken, neth visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple, near Duncan. Mt Zion W. A. met at the home of Mrs. L. Sheardown on Tuesday, when plans were made for the chick- en pie supper which they are holding early in October. Mt. Zion congregation was pleased to have their minister, Dr. Mercer, back with them on Sunday after a month's holidays. Anniversary ser- vices will be held here next Sunday afternoon and evening. The Centre Line West Group of the Wareham Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Lyons on Thursday last and completed another quilt, which makes 1? for this group. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Osborne. APPLES FOR SALE South's Store Ueathcote Arab Legion Guards British Airfield in Iraq An R.A.F. station on the Iraq- , Patrol of the Arab Legion is respons. Transjordan frontier is sten being | ifole for the maintenance of order in gnarded by the famous Arab legion 1 the deserts, and has become more of the Amir of Transjordan. j than ever important from the point Led by British officers, the Desert ! of Empire security. Truth is stranger than fiction. A | Quebec Chronicle Telegraph sum* story reaches us now about the far it up tersely thus: "Too many anto- mer who used to get up every morning last winter and make a fire in his nightshirt. ists spend half of Sunday driving: away and the other half driving back." S WIN TON PARK Mr. Wm. Watson of Detroit spent the past week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of Dro- more visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Neil Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCannell of Dromore spem; Monday evening at the home of Mr. W. Knox. Mrs. John Aldcorn held a very sue cessful sale of her household effects on Saturday and will now make her home with her daughter. Master John Martin entertained his school chums at a birthday party on Saturday in honor of his sixth birthday. Mrs. J. L. Ferguson is spending a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Duncan, at Bethel. A very successful quilting was held at the home of Mrs. R. Hardy for the Red Cross, when, four quilts were completed. A dainty lunch was served and a splendid collection was taken for the Red Cross. Sept. 28th is anniversary at St. Andrew's, with services at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Rev. Dr. Brown of Dundalk will take the services. The Ladies' Aid and W..M.S. meet on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Knox. Wedding: bells are rimgHng very loudly in the Park. Mr. Wes Flood of Fergus spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brunzuck of Owen Sound spent the week end at the home of Howard Watson. Mr. Robt. Knox is still very ser- iously iii. Mrs. Will Meads of the O.D.R. spent the past few days with her mother. GEO. DUNCAN'S SALE LIST W. H. Patterson, Ceylon, Sept. 17. Red Cross, Dundalk (McAlister & Duncan. Sept. 20. H. Lawrence. Durham, Sept. 23. Dan Gulyas, Proton, Sept. 26. Stewart Wiltshire, Proton. Sept. 26 Mrs. Dave Montgomery. Grand Valley, Sept. ). Jas. Underbill, Priceville, Sept. 30. Wm. McDermid, Orangevillo. Oct. 1 Rv'x Lawrence, Allan Park, Oct. 2. Geo. Kii7.yx, Hum-din, Oct. 3. Henry I,i>\\ titi.v-: Hnttvn Hill. .Oct. < 1 a McCutrheon. Waroham. Eat Good Beef for Better Health BEEF is the Best Health Builder you can eat ' Now that the colder weather is approaching, build your strength up by eating GOOD BEEF. We can supply you with the Best BAILEY S 1 We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. PHONE 47W Canada First Lest We Forget! **4**+* M 1 1 1 1 1 I >4**>*'+*+**4++< *+*++++*++>* Feed Prices For and after Monday, Aug. 4 3 C.W. Oats at mill $33.00 per ton ground Sample Barley at mill $32.00 per ton ground No. 1 Feed Screenings at mill $28.00 per ton ground Medium and Fine Chopping 9c pe bag Coarse and Rolled 8c per bag Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24\v or 24J SUPERIOR STORES Grapes This is the height of the season for GRAPES. Our supply is of the freshest and the best of quality. Tomatoes Are real good. Canning time is right now, before they are scarce. CAULIFLOWER PEPPERS SPICES PICKLING ONIONS VINEGARS and JEM JARS for preserving; them FRESH and CURED MEATS electric refrigerated C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 WE DELIVER