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Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1941, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 10, 1941 " ' CENTRE LINE (Intended for Last Week) W have had some very heavy rains Saturday nigju and Sunday. The ground is wet enough now. Mr. Hartley Arnott and Mac Cud- more 'from St. Catharines spent the week end at Robt. Osborne's. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Trwin, Dorothy) and Bernice spent the week end with Mrs. Margaret Little. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davison and family and Mrs. Allan Davison visited with Toronto friends for a few days .last week and took in the exhibition. Mr. John Oaborne spent a couple of days at the exhibition the first of the week. Mr. Jack Hargrave, Gordon and -Glen alao spent a dav at the exhibi- tion last week. ) Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and Mrs. Florence Lyons visited with Meaford friends over the week end. Mr. Roy Langford occupied the pulpit here on Sunday and delivered a splendid address to the few that were out to hear him. We were sorry to hear of Mr. Chas. Hodgins' misfortune on Saturday evening when his stock truck took fire and burned near Victoria COP ners. Mr. Jack Haney received the sad news on Friday of the passing of his brother Robt. Haney in Toronto. "We extend sincere sympathy to Mr. Han- -y and other members of the family. The Wareham Red Cross society held 'their meeting in the church basement on Thursday afternoon and completed one quilt. The west group meets this week at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little. Miss Helen McCutcheon is holiday- ing in Toronto at present Mr. Claude Cunningham of Toronto spent a few days recentlv with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blakey and other friends. Glen Davison returned to Toronto with Claude for a few days visit and attended the exhibition. Mr. Bob Thompson of Hamilton spent the week end with old friends at Wareham. Miss Oliver is our teacher again this year. i EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker, Betty and Gayle, of Heathcote and son, Laverne, of Maltpn airport, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Miss Carmel Martin was home from Toronto over the week end. Mrs. Sloan of Flesherton and sis- ter, Mrs. Stoba, of Toronto were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Park and Margie. Mr. fSim Harrison of Springhill and Tpr. Dave Graham of Camp Borden were Sunday visitors with the Martin and Baker families". Tpr. Norman 1 Williams of Camp Borden was home over the week end. Miss Evelyn Campbell was home from Markdale over the week end. Mrs. Will Pinkerton spent a few days at Dundalk, the guest of Mrs. John Hargrave and Miss Hewitt She also spent a" few davs with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart, at Cuelph. Miss Millie MeMullen and sister, Mrs. Bert Graham, and daughter. Ruth, of Toronto spnt the week end at the formers' parental home. In company with Mrs. MeMullen and Mrs. Hammond, they attended the <5ibbons-Stuart nuptial at Meaford on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton visited recent- lv with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Beanie. at Brantford, where her sifter. Mrs. H. Daley, from the U. S. A. was also visiting. <- - ~ Miss Jean Caswell of Owen Sound. Miss Amy Smith of Kilsyth and Miss Arlene Taylor of Flesherton visited one day recently at the Martin home MAXWELL The regular meeting of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Ern Hawton on Thursday of this week and we are to have the pleasure of entertaining the Flesherton Branch for the afternoon, so all members are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wright visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ferris at Victoria Corners. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick on Sunday wwe: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkins and three sons of Bognor, Mrs. Wm. McTighe and son, Donald, of Torpnto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkinson and daughters, Jean and Irerve, of Heath- cote and Mr. John Wilkinson and son, James, of Portlaw. Mrs. Louis Kerton spent the past week visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Isobel Pallister is home from Toronto, where she has been working for the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross have been on a trip the past two weeks through the south-western part of Ontario. Mr. George Priestlev spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison have returned after a motor trip to north ern Ontario. TORONTO LINE NORTH Threshing is almost completed in this vicinity. Mrs. J. A. Lever is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Morgan, at Moorefield. Misses Helen Brown and Margaret Smith are attending high school and little Miss Marjorie Richardson has started to public school. Iff. Jas. Stewart of Flesherton has purchased the farm of Mr. Wm. Burnett, and will move thereon shortly. "We are 'sorry to lose the Burnett family from our line, as they are moving to Ceylon. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the week end at her home here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mervn McFadden (Marion Wickeris) who were married on Saturday. Miss Thelma Miller 's attending high school in Markdale. KIMBLRLEY The W. A. met at the home of the president, Miss M. Haines. The meeting opened by Scripture reading and short prayers by almost every- one present. A missionary reading was given by Miss Mary Stafford. "Tbknksgiving-," next meeting key word. School opened Tuesday of last week with Mr. C. Montgomery as principal and Miss M. Weller in the junior room. Mr. Montgomery comes from Ottawa and we welcome him to our midst. Mr. Elmer Ellis and family, Mr. R. Chard, and Mr. Russell Ellis and family each spent a day at the Ex, Mr. Joe Rawlings had a number of threshing contracts here during the week. The high wind on Saturday blew off a large quantity of apples. Mrs. Ed. Baker visited this week with her sister, Mrs. A. Ellis and Miss Mary Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. John Bunting were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Myles. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart of Burks Falls visited Sunday with the Ellis relatives, afte r attending the wedd- ing on Saturday of Miss Nathalie Stuart, Reg.N., at Meaford. The many friends of Mrs. H. Baker are pleased to know that she is pro gressing favorably, after her serious motor accident. A joint meeting of New England, Epping and Kimberley churches was held in Kimberley on Monday night, when a goodly number were present. | The night was wet and hindered some attending, but there was a very fine fellowship throughout. In all. 124 names have been handed to our pastor, Mr. Buchanan. Rev. Gilbert's sermon was "The Good, Great and Chief Shepherd." Send in vour Renewal Now SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN {Western Canada! GOING DATES DAILY SEPTEMBER 12 TO 26. 1941 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping ears, also available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, pins price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation ROUTES Tickets wood going via Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ifl., or Sault Ste. Maria, returning via same route and line only. Gener- ous optional routings. STOPOVERS will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or return trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conductor; also at Chicago, 111.. Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., and west, in accordance with tariffs of Unit ed States lines. Full oarticulars from any agent. .*. PORTLAW Mrs. Royden McDonald spent last week with her aunt Mrs. Cecil D. Mel drum. Mrs. Arthur Slater and babe have returned home from a holiday in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Boyce was in Toronto this week. Miss Mabel Blackburn has secured a position ,'n Toronto. Pte. Wildon Lougheed spent the week end at his home here. "Wildon is training at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Blackburn on Labor Dav. Mr. Wilburt FJbher, Mr. Norman Jackson and lady friends attended the C.N.E. on Thursda- last. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and daughter spent i few days at Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell and children visited the former's sister. Mrs. Wallace Fisher, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar spent Thursdar evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright in Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Blackburn, Saugeen Jet. PRICEV1LLE (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and George of Brighton, visited friends here and attended service at St. An- drew's Church. Mrs. M. Mclnnis of Toronto spent a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. C. A. McLean and other friends. Recent visitors at A. L. Hincks were; Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrow and family, Chatsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hooper and three daughters, Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. John Calder and son, Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Marilyn, Jean and Al- meda, Toronto, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Bill Hill, Fergus. Mr. Bob Warling of Moose Jaw, Saak. spent the past week visiting at Mr. Alex. Carson's. Other visitors at Mr. Alex Cap- son's were; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox , and Garnet, Stewart, Dick and Don- ald Carson, Harold Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carson and son Garry, Mrs. Annie Carson and Mr. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedlar and Havey, all of Toronto. Dickie Pedlar, who has been visiting there returned home w;th them, also Mrs. Carson. Mrs. D. G. McLean, Mrs. Aldcorn and Miss M. Adams also were guests there. Mr. and Mrs Allie McLean and | son Clare, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and familv took in the Exhibition- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McBride have moved to Toronto. Mr. Robt. Brodie, Toronto, spent a few days visiting his sister. Mrs. B. McKenzie. Eric and Kenneth Hincks spent a couple of days visiting their cousin, Gerald Tucker. Miss Mary Aldcorn returned to Regir.a after holidaying here. Mr. Jamie Sutherland of Toronto spent the week end here. Miss Monica 'Lambert of Elora spent the week end here. Misses Betty and Joyce Tucker spent a few days with friends at Top Cliff. Miss Marjorie Brown and friend of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. Neilburt McKenzie spent a couple of weeks training at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean and baby, Allister, and Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane and son of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. A. A. McLean. Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre of Mclntyre spent a few days with her mother. Mrs. T. N'ichol, brother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family, Mr. D. Hincks and Almeda visited last week with relatives at Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall spent a few days visiting at Fergus. Miss Marie McLachlan of Fererus and Mr. Murrav McMillan of Hamil- ton spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Whyte and family moved to Toronto last week. WANTED: Two more eggs per monh from every hen in 1942, Britain and Canada need more eggs than ever before and only efficient production will get them A hop- per of mash in every laying house is essential for maximum production. If a ^en is worth feeding, feed her well and she will pay you well. Keep your eggs clean and cool, and market them often for best results. CREAM With Canadians likely to consume a million more pounds of butter per month of 1941 than in 1940. and Britain needing more dairy products than ever. it means that every dairy cow in Canada should be fed for maximum production, as the number of milk cows cannot be rapidly increased to meet the grow- ing demand. Do your part and feed your cows well. Every method is being made to save gasoline, so W^en you come to town bring your cream with you and decrease the number of trucks plying yourjane. MEAT SERVICE You are invited to come and inspect our meat storage, and we feel sure that it will pay you to make use of it. Highest Market Prices, combined with Fast Efficient Service, make this place your logical MARKET for CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Shone 56 Angus Avi, Manager tIMM*' ****** PROTON STATION Week end visitors were: Mis Hil- da Sims and little Helen Sims, and Jack Haw at Bert Sims': Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wyville. Mrs. J. MeMul- len at Thos. Wyville's; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and Helen, Miss Gertrude Lyons, Mr. Wm. Lyons at Chas. Lyons'; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Backham. Toronto, at Russell Irwin's; Rev. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox, Toronto. at Rev. Frank Hobbs'. Postmaster and Mrs. Neil McCan- nell spent a day at the Exhibition. Mr. Robt. Bates. Mrs. Bertha Wauchope, Mr. Jack Neilson and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Wauchope's daughter, Mrs. Harold Thompson, at Dobbinton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hinskc of Cey- on called Friday on Postmaster N. McCannell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broughton. also Mrs. MeMullen and Miss Alice Wilson, of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lvons. Mr. Elwood Green spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Alex. Sherson. " Misses Naomi and Annabelle Jack son have gone to Toront. Annabelle will attend Toronto Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acheson attend ed the revival meetings on Sunday at '.'larksburg Gospel Tabernacle. Mr. Ernie Lyons is at present re- lieving C.P.R. foreman at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. Dever and Winnifred, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dresser and Mr. Thos. Carter of Weston spent Sunday with Dever brothers. AUCTION SALES Edwin Pedler. lots 24 and 26. Con 6, Osprey. 3 miles east of Maxwell on Collingwood Gravel, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., on Thursday, Sept. 11. Se bills for full particulars. Geo E. Duncan, auctioneer. Austin McKee. lot 164, Con. 1, S. W.. .Artemesia, will hold an auction sale of stock, implements, etc., on Tuesday, Sept. 16. watch for list in next week's issue. Geo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. Robert D. Purvis will hold an auc- tion sale at his farm one mile sotifh of Eugenia on County highway, on Friday. Sept. 12th. Watch tor list in next week-'s issue. Geo. Duncan, auctioneer. Some people are not satisfied to do nothing, even when they lave invr to do. SOUTH LINE (Artemesia) (Intended for Last Week) Sgmn. Don Meads of Camp Bor den spent the week end at his home. Dvr. John Woollard. Kitchener. spent the week end at the home of Don. McKinnon. Mrs. F. R. Oliver and niece. Mis? Vera Crutchley, spent Friday in Toronto. Miss Elmeda Underbill left Mon- day for Toronto, where she will stay 1 with her aunt, Mrs. Nealy. and at- tend Collegiate. Mr and Mrs. Bud Phillips of To ronto visited over the holidav with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huddy. Mr. Wm. Dingwall is assisting with the farm work at the hme of I Hon. F. R. Oliver. The following teachers left to commence duties: Mabel Parslow to Toronto, Susie McKinnon to Portlaw, Emma Oliver to Wareham. Christina McKinnon to S. S. No. 13. Proton. and Eleanor Mathe r to O.D.R. Mrs. Wm. Meads spent a few day? visiting her mother. Mrs. Robert Knox, Swinton Park, who is ill. Aircraftmen Farquhar McKinnon and Ivan Turner. Gait, visited over the week end with relatives here. Mrs. F. Baldwin and children of Niagara Falls spent the week visit- ing her mother and sister. Mrs. D. McDougal and Mrs. John M.;uls. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vatise and Lloyd visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family at Hampden. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gillies and Mr. E. McQuarrv of Corbe-tton visited recently w;th Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Mrs. E. Currie. Mrs. Ed. Bramston and children spent the week end visiting at the home of Geo. Huddy. Aircraftman Will Meads arrived home Saturday, where he will spend the next two weeks recovering from his recent operation. Miss Anna Cormie of Fergus visited over the week end with Misses Emma and Sadie Oliver. SPRINGHILL School reopened after the holidays with Miss J. Werry of Dundalk 'in charge. We welcome her to the community. Miss Ann Akins has gone to teach near Williamsford, Miss Ellen Park er to Berkeley. Audrey Brown to Orrville. Inez Brown back to Cherry Grove, and Bessie Beard to near Shelburne. Tpr. David Graham of Camp Bor den is spending tw weeks furlough with Mr. Jas. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Chuidt- Akins spent oart of last week in Toronto. Mrs. Ross Stevens was hostess to the Springhill Red Cross for their August meeting:, with ni<vt of the ladies in the district present. One onilt was completed nnd a considor- nble i mount of knitting done. The September woeting rn Thursday. Sent. ?5rli. \v'" h,< v. v-| at the home of Vr< K'^soM \\" Mr*. W!l' Ji'!'.-<."- m-:it B few days last week at the home of her son, Russell. Among others who at- tended the C.N.E. were: Mrs. Ward Harrison, Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina, Mr. Bill White, Elsie White and Mrs. G. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of To. ronto visited recently at the Akias homes. Mr. Wilfred Beat of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Mrs. Russell Allison of Markdale spent the week e|d with her daugh- ter, Mrs. F. .Eagles, and family. Miss Ruby Allison of Markdale was also a recent visitor with her sister. Mr. Alfred Harrison spent the past week in Toronto. Aircraftman Everett Parker of Hamilton and Miss Ellen Parker of Berkeley spent the week end at their t>a rental home. Miss Inez Broiwn of Markdale spent the week end with her mother. VANDELEUR The W. A. held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. George Shaw. The president, Mrs. George Buchanan, presided over the meeting and preparations for anniversary services here on Sunday. Sept. 14th, were discussed. Mrs. Buchanan gave an interesting paper on "Neighbor- liness." Miss Haze! Morrison con- ducted a contest and prizes were won by Mrs. John Morrison and Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson. A successful auction sale was held at the home of Mr. Andrew Barban on Fridav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw of Swinton Park and Mr. and $r*. Garnet Baker of Clarksburg visited with Mr. and Ms. Howard Graham. M-s. Lundy Johnston spent a few days in Toronto. The threshing machine haa been busy during the past weeks. Hundt'3 and Hutehinson'g machines are op- erating. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sewell and Car- man attended the Exhibition in To- ronto last week. Anniversary services will be held in Vandeleur church next Sunday, Sept. 14th, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m Rev. G. K. McMillan of Flesherton will occupy the pulpit at both serv- ices and Mr. Roy Langford will help with the singing. 8TH LINE OSPREY i. Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. W. Blaschke of Pres. ton were Labor Day visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Motfatt Misses Kay, Helen and Naomi Somers visited the past week with Mrs. H. Graham, Orton. Mrs. M. Murphy and family ac- companied by Mr. Wilfred Haley, visited the Martyr's Shrine at Mid- land on Sunday. Mr. Pat Connor of Glenelg spent the week end with his cousin. Mr. John Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. O'Brien, ac- companied bv Mr. Kraemar, of For- mosa, visited with friends here on Sunday. Their manv friends were glad to see them again. Mrs. J. Squire of Markdale visited for a f<w davs with her sister, Mrs. S R. Hawkins. MTJ. M. Murohy soent e week with her sister. Mrs. T. Connor, and family in Glenele. Miss Joan Crawford returned to Pre=ton on Monday to resume her studies. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS*. i Buy your beef and pork by the quarter or half. Properly Chilled, Cut and wrapped ready for your freezer box BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont PHONt ITW Canada First Lest We Forget! millMMIIIIIMINIMIM IMIIM Feed Prices For and after Monday, Aug. 4 3 C.W. Oats at mill $33.00 per ton ground Sample Barley at mill $32.00 per ton ground No. 1 Feed Screenings at mill $28.00 per ton ground Medium and Fine Chopping 9c pe bag Coarse and Rolled Sc per bag Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24\v or 24J SUPERIOR STORES Peaches LAST OF CRAWFORDS THIS WEEK See us while supply is good Tomatoes Are real good. Canning time is right now, before they are scarce. CAULIFLOWER PEPPERS SPICES PICKUXG ONIONS VINEGARS and JEM JARS for preserving them FRESH and CURED MEATS electric refrigerated C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 WE DELIVER -^ J _ . .

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